Friday, May 8, 2020

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on May 8, 2020 -- Smiles and tears on Liberation Day

#WR: May 8, 2020: Today is 75 years that officially World War II ended with the defeat of the Nazi regime. For some people is day of "Victory", for others is #Liberation Day. No only Russians or Polish suffered the war. Also the own Germans lived its horror and destruction. #WWII 

Till now, we know a little about the horrors of the World War II and the consequences of this human massacre that happened 75 years ago.

Everybody talks about the Nazi Regime and of its leader, Adolf Hitler. But only few observers rethink about the destruction and the crimes that troops from both side made during the war and after the conflict ended. The humiliation of the human race killing elders, children and raping women have not rational explanation.

This day is day of short smiles and ephemeral happiness and more tears and new pains. After the total devastation of a lot of cities and countries immediately the Cold War started with the division the Russians made of the world, to maintain per decades an extensive territory of Europe under their horror and misery. 

Several days ago, Deutsche Welle showed an interesting documentary through Internet where history researchers explain how the Russians  hidden to the western allies the real document of the suicide of Hitler with the intention to maintain under their boots the named "East Germany" and an extensive series of countries that integrated the named "Iron Curtain".

In summary, Hitler killed himself in his own bunker in Berlin, but other devils continued per decades humiliating a lot of innocent people and generate more hate and division across Europe and the rest of the world.

SOURCES: My tweet : 
#WR: May 8, 2020: Today is 75 years that officially World War II ended with the defeat of the Nazi regime. For some people is day of "Victory", for others is #Liberation Day. No only Russians or Polish suffered the war. Also the own Germans lived its horror and destruction. #WWII
And @dwnews documentary movies plus previous personal research studying about the German History in the German School for foreign citizens in Wiesbaden, Hessen, Germany,.

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