Sunday, January 31, 2021

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on January 31, 2021 - Republicans and President Biden talk about COVID's money

#WR: Do you know that Republicans talk with President Biden about COVID’s money? @WSJ wrote: “Ten GOP Senators Push Biden for Smaller Covid-19 Relief Package." My opinion: We must fix the #COVID crisis, but without throwing money out the window.  (#Biden: $1.9 T. #GOP: $600 B)


From me, it is necessary to go away from the COVID crisis, but it is not reasonable expend something that is not necessary. During the last few years, the United States walked from crisis to crisis and the country has big debts with its own citizens. 


SOURCES: The Wall Street Journal

Saturday, January 30, 2021

WSJ BLOG COMMENTS - January 30, 2021


12,236 COMMENTS 7,031 LIKES