Sunday, September 29, 2013

COMMENTS - 2013/09/29

DATES: 2013/09/22 – 2013/09/29
ANALYST: Domingo Trassens

Dear Friends:

I would like to share with you a series of comments posted by myself in the WSJ Journal Community and PBS through Twitter during the last seven days about the top news of the week.

The comments are organized in the following sections:
- United States
- Europe
- The World (Asia, Africa, Middle East…)
- Latin America
- Education
- Economy, Business, Technology.

September 29, 2013



My Comment: In this shutdown, the entire country is involved and the subject is Obamacare.
Some Republican lawmakers put on the table the concerns of the People, but the Democrat lawmakers don't want to listen to the People. (2013/09/29) 6 Recommendations

My Comment: You say: “Let ObamaCare Collapse”, but the people have fears because any expensive healthcare program plays with the health and the money of the people. (2013/09/28) 1 Recommendation

My Comment: The press remarks that the 15-minute call between Barack Obama and Hasan Rouhani is "historic".

In the life of countries there are historic events that are good and others that are bad.

Till now it is too early to know if this strange friendship will produce positive results from the American side. Mr. Rouhani refused a handshake with Obama in New York but after that he talked by phone.

Probably he didn’t have the authorization of the Supreme Leader to take a photo with the American President in New York or perhaps he had the order to talk by phone through a censorship system.

Meanwhile, all these actions are a good “propaganda” for Iranian President Hasan Rouhani: “A call with the Great Satan!”

We have to hope that Secretary of State John Kerry will not offer more than we receive from the Iranian side. Good diplomacy is the art to deal exactly what we have to deal.

PBS – ANALYSIS: Sept. 27, 2013: Shields and Ponnuru Discuss Government Spending Showdown

My Comment: You continue considering Ted Cruz as a “devil”, however, we need lawmakers who talk for the people in Congress.

During the last few years we saw that “government” and “real life” are two different “universes”. The politicians only see their problems but they don’t pay attention in the problems of the normal citizens.

At least till now, Ted Cruz looks like a “conservative” with feelings for the people. Of course, he is running against the Establishment and his attitude is shaking the institutions, but what is more important: the government or the people?  (By TWITTER) (2013/09/28) 1 Recommendation

My Comment: I agree that the IRS case demands a deep purge. All the officials in charge of the operation have to go to jail. (2013/09/27) 1 Recommendation

PBS - ANALYSIS: Sept. 26, 2013: Weekend Deadline Looming, What's Going on Behind the Scenes of the Budget Fight?

Subject: Lawmakers on both sides of the budget fight have come out to wage a public war of words and sway opinion, but what's going on behind the scenes?

My Comment: About the shutting down the government, I like the comment of Ron Bonjean when he says: “Republicans want to negotiate with the president over avoiding all of this. They want to talk about reducing spending, they want to talk about delaying Obamacare, and the President is saying he won’t negotiate. And the Republicans, that is very surprising considering that the president is saying he will negotiate with Syria, will negotiate with Putin, Vladimir Putin, and his secretary of state will be talking to Iran.”

It is not the first time that President Obama doesn’t want to negotiate about internal political issues with the Republicans. From the other side, he changed his mind because President Putin took the lead in the case of the Syrian chemical weapons, but before he canceled Moscow’s conference programmed next to the G-20 meeting.

President Obama only negotiates when his public figure is damaged for events that are not under his control. (2013/09/27) 2 Recommendations

My Comment: Also in the case that Ted Cruz cannot stop the ObamaCare, his “push” is the awakening of a new kind of lawmaker who will change the way to make politics in the country.

Definitively, we need politicians who understand the fear of the people and act with resolution… (2013/09/24) 8 Recommendations

My Comment answering to another Journal Community member: XXX: I feel that you don’t like Ted Cruz, but at least he has guts to say that a lot of people have fears to say: “Obamacare is increasing the costs of our medicine.”

Some weeks ago, IBM informed that it will cut the special healthcare plans for the retirees due to the increase of the medical costs.

We need a new kind of politician who goes ahead when the Establishment doesn't move.

The United States was built for men and women with courage. (2013/09/25) 1 Recommendation



My Comment: Everybody knows that Italy is the “dolce vita” with Silvio Berlusconi as a “master director” behind the scene.
The government of Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta was weak since his first day running the country. (2013/09/29)

My Comment: France continues its campaign against American technology companies. Now it is looking for the way to charge more money as heavy punishment against Google.

They want to build a “Wall” between Europe and America with the pretext they are protecting French industry. (By the way, today the majority of French technology companies are not significant in the world context.) (2013/09/28) 2 Recommendations

My Comment: It looks like the government of France has nothing more important than to fight against the business companies and entrepreneurs who have success.

We saw when Mr. Hollande became French President, all the problems that his government created to people of the media and the business environment with high incomes.

In the moment that the economy doesn’t run well, it is suicidal to interfere in the normal operation of business companies that run well and attract million of customers per year.

The socialist governments and unions have to care for the social issues without suffocating the genuine sources of income of the countries. (2013/09/24) 1 Recommendation


THE WORLD (Asia, Africa, Middle East…)

My Comment: The Pakistanis can do what they want, but we have to delete this country from the list of “partner” and stop any financial assistance... Often we help the wrong people. (2013/09/26) 

My Comment: The majority of the news that comes from Syria reflects the strong influence of Islamist extremists on the side of the rebels.

If the Western countries continue helping these people, we are “feeding” the enemy.

At the end of this tragedy, they will behead us like cows in the slaughterhouse. (2013/09/25) 1 Recommendation

My Comment: Perhaps this earthquake destroys some of the “caves” of the Taliban militants. (2013/09/24) 3 Recommendations

My Comment: The reports from Nairobi are really bad. 62 people were killed in 4 days, but according to the news, till now the security forces continue battling against militants with hostages.

Today all the countries must have to form command groups of police forces able to confront terrorists or criminals with hostages in efficient and fast operations. (2013/09/24) 3 Recommendations

My Comment: Nairobi became the new bloody spot on the road map of the Muslim extremists.

According to the story, the attackers to the Nairobi mall asked about the religion of the hostages: “…If you are Muslim you are on the safe side, but if you are Hindu or Christian you will be killed.”

The Muslims continue pointing against Christians as the target of their hatred and religious fanaticism.

From the other side, like in Algeria last January and Mumbai in 2011, the Kenyan security forces didn’t show capacity to fight efficiently against terrorist groups. (Till now three days of panic and death for the hostages...) (2013/09/23) 2 Recommendations

My Comment: Warning! The “Holy War” of Muslims against Christians is spreading across the world with some resemblance to the religious wars of the Middle Ages.

During decades, in Sudan and other African countries the Christian minorities suffered frequent attacks.

Several years ago, a sectarian group of Muslims burned Catholic churches in Iraq and a lot of Christians left the country.

In Egypt, since Mubarak’s fall, the persecution against Christians became something normal. According to different sources, members of the Muslim Brotherhood were involved in the recent attacks to churches in Cairo and other cities.

Now, the news from Pakistan shows how sectarian groups of Muslims are spilling the blood of Christians in another country of South Asia.

The religious fanaticism and intolerance are signs of social decadence and determinant factors of economic stagnation.



My Comment: The speech of Ms. Dilma Rousseff shows a level of arrogance that doesn’t plug in the current circumstances.

Is she a politician with impeccable background? Probably, she forgot when she went to jail (1970-1972) for terrorist activities as part of Marxist urban guerrilla groups.

From the other side, nearly every month since Ms. Rousseff is the Brazilian leader we read news about corruption and other non-clean political behaviors.

If Brazil have problems with the United States, the correct way is to discuss these problems directly, but never to use the UN forum as the “barricade” by a leftist combatant. (2013/09/25) 2 Recommendations



My Comment: We don’t need to go to the zoo or the jungle to learn about altruism looking for monkey behavior.

We find a lot of cases of altruism across the human world, but normally we don’t pay attention to the good actions of our neighbor. (2013/09/29) 1 Recommendation

My Comment: The author of this story begins with this statement: “I had a teacher once who called his students “idiots” when they screwed up.”
Personally, I think we have to differentiate between tough attitude and insult. The term “idiots” is not a good word to use in a classroom when somebody makes mistakes. Frequently it is used as an insult.

A tough teacher can get good results without insulting his/her students. During my studies from the primary school to the university I had tough teachers who helped me a lot in my education with their hard attitude but nobody insulted me. (2013/09/29) 0 Recommendations



My Comment: Since last year, BlackBerry is a ship navigating without direction through a sea of uncertainty.

The new CEO made a series of mistakes in a short time. With this mismanagement, it is obvious that BlackBerry has losses. (2013/09/27) 0 Recommendations

My Comment: I met John Thompson personally in a press conference when Symantec started its international campaign to extend its business everywhere long time ago. The short dialogue with him gave me a very good feeling
I think Mr. Thompson can help a lot to change the Microsoft’s image due to his strong experience in the technology industry and its independent way of thinking. But I don’t believe that he will want to take an executive position in this software company because the Microsoft CEO position is a very hot seat in this moment.

However, if John Thompson accepts the challenge, he could be a top independent leader like Lou Gerstner, when this external executive assumed as IBM CEO in 1993. (2013/09/27) 1 Recommendation

My Comment: Till now Apple is lucky because it continues selling millions of new phones, but if it doesn’t change its strategy, one day the “fat cows” will end.

The iPhone’s father has to use all its experience to develop cheaper devices for the popular markets, like the car makers that have vehicles for all economic levels of customers. (2013/09/23)

My Comment: BlackBerry has not a lot to offer to investors who dream of future gold mines. (2013/09/23)



1) External Sources: Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and PBS NewsHour

2) Own Sources: My own research for previous publishing projects: TTT of Comlab Corp, Spanish English Club online.


Sunday, September 22, 2013

COMMENTS - 2013/09/22

DATES: 2013/09/16 – 2013/09/22
ANALYST: Domingo Trassens

Dear Friends:

During the last few days, the political environment was very active in the national and international levels.

In the United States, some Republican lawmakers lead by Senator Ted Cruz began a strong campaign to stop the start of the Obamacare on 2014.

In the international sphere, the German federal elections generated a lot of expectations due to the important role of this country in the European Union and euro-zone.

Pope Francis talked again about the role of the Catholic Church in the society and a new spirit of respect for gays and people who defend the abortion.

Now I would like to share with you a series of comments posted by myself in the WSJ Journal Community and PBS through Twitter during the last seven days about the top news of the week.

The comments are organized in the following sections:
- United States
- Europe
- The World (Asia, Africa, Middle East…)
- Latin America
- Religion
- Immigration
- Education
- Economy, Business, Technology.

September 22, 2013



PBS - ANALYSIS - AIR DATE: Sept. 20, 2013: Brooks and Dionne Discuss Conflict in the GOP, Confronting Gun Violence

Subject: New York Times columnist David Brooks and Washington Post columnist E.J. Dionne discuss the week's top political news, including prospects of a government shutdown, conflict and leadership within the Republican Party and other subjects.

My Comment: Your target in the last two sessions was Senator Ted Cruz. You are putting him in the list of the lawmakers who are not lawmakers.

Did not you think that probably Ted is right?

Ted has in his paternal blood the “rebellion” against injustice, oppression and the Establishment. His father is a Cuban who fought against the two Cuban dictators: Batista and Castro.

About the current situation, Ted knows about the disappointment of a lot of people from the entire American universe against Obamacare. Some Republican lawmakers don't want to be marked by the White House as anti-American. Ted doesn’t care.

We can agree or disagree with Senator Ted Cruz, but we have to agree that the Republican Party needs a strong shake to return to the lead.

The nation needs Republicans and Democrats with hot blood in their veins. Perhaps the action from Ted will wake up the Republicans who are tamed by the current political regime.

We have to observe and see… (By TWITTER) (2013/09/22) 1 Recommendation

My Comment: Always somebody who is in charge misses the warnings… (2013/09/19) 1 Recommendation

My Comment: About your comments related to Barack Obama’s modus operandi, my observation is President Obama is a politician who believes that he is the owner of the truth. He doesn’t want to work together with the opposition to find common points for mutual agreements.
In a democracy, the president has to work with the opposition even when others are wrong. (2013/019/19) 1 Recommendation

My Comment: In the politics, we always have to act cautiously when an enemy comes to us as a tame lamb. Before any statement, we have to observe if it is not a wolf disguised as a lamb.

I agree that the release of 11 political prisoners and activist is not enough to show important political changes (2013/09/19) 2 Recommendations

My Comment: Frequently during the last few years we saw this “tug of war” between Republicans and Democrats. (2013/09/18) 2 Recommendations

PBS - ANALYSIS    AIR DATE: Sept. 14, 2013 - Will the Syrian Chemical Weapons Deal Work?

Subject: Anthony Cordesman of the Center for Strategic and International Studies talked about the deal between the US and Russia on Syria's chemical weapons and what effect the removal of such weapons may have on the Syrian civil war.
My Comment: Anthony Cordersman shows a very interesting picture of the uncertain future of Syria.

The agreement between U.S. and Russia about the destruction of the chemical weapons is till now only on “paper”. Its implementation is very difficult and it will not resolve the more serious problems of the country. (By TWITTER) (2013/09/15)

My Comment: Through the Benghazi case, we learned that Susan Rice is not the right person to unwrap "explosive" packages. (2013/09/15) 1 Recommendation

My Comment: The statement: “The Fed needs a chairman who is politically independent” is good, but in practice nobody is “politically independent”. (2013/09/16) 3 Recommendations

My Comment: With certainty, Lawrence Summers wants to avoid the possibility of be included in the losers list on the voting. It would be a bad antecedent in his personal curriculum.

One less fight for the FED's seat in a moment when is very difficult to earn “glories”. 
(2013/09/16) 1 Recommendation



My Comment: Angela Merkel built her current foundation through her strong political career. 2013/09/22)

My Comment: The leaders of FDP knew they were going down, but they did make nothing to reverse the fall. Really, they deserve this defeat. (2013/09/22)

My Comment: In the Greek political "zoo" we can find all the specimens, including killers. (2013/09/21)

My Comment: FDP (Free Democratic Party) is one of German smaller parties in trouble.

In recent regional and local elections, FDP lost representation and its future in the federal parliament is at risk.

Its current leaders are not charismatic and its political platform is not in the mainstream now.

FDP is a pro-business party that promotes the free market economy and individual liberty. (2013/09/21)

My Comment: During the eight years of government, Angela Merkel surpassed very difficult tests and gained the respect of her rivals at home and across the EU.

However, if she wins the new election, her new term will be not easy because the business community and the normal people expect new initiatives in different areas of the government.

First at all she has to build a new stable alliance to continue in power during 4 more years. FDP, the current junior partner of CDU/CSU, doesn’t look with fresh ideas to assume new government responsibilities. (2013/09/19)

My Comment: Peer Steinbrück is a very controversial politician. He believes that God gave him a special gift for hard criticism against everybody.

Here we have only two samples:

1) In February 2013, according to Reuters, Italian President Giorgio Napolitano cancelled a dinner with him because he described the former Italian premier Silvio Berlusconi and comic-turned-politician Beppe Grillo as "clowns".

2) Before, in December 2008, when he was finance minister for Angela Merkel , he ridiculed the U.K. policies because he disagreed with some financial initiatives of the government of United Kingdom. (Sources: BBC).

Both cases created political frictions with foreign countries.

Frequently he has not had friendly expressions with different members of the German political community. For example, one time he tried to mock Wolfgang Schäuble, current German Finance Minister in a Parliament session.

In brief, Peer Steinbrück has no diplomatic manners to express opinions about others.

Additionally, he makes his good living through expensive fees for his speeches to bankers and business people, something that is not the best way of acting as a socialist leader. And he expects to increase his salary if he is elected chancellor. 2013/09/20) 0 Recommendations

My Comment: The French initiative to push for new Europe-wide regulations and tax rules on U.S. Internet companies is a way to build a new “Wall”, in this case between America and Europe.

France is wrong because it is looking for the isolation of Europe in a moment that the companies of this continent are losing the brilliance of other times. (2013/09/19) 6 Recommendations

Subject: Analysis of the German political environment before the federal elections of September 22.

My Comment: In the general elections of Germany, the two real options are Angela Merkel and Peer Steinbrück.

The Greens and FDP are losing ground because their current leaders are not charismatic enough to generate adherence of new voters.

Die Linke has only the support of a segment of left voters.

The other parties are not significant in the general elections.

Peer Steinbrück (SPD) doesn’t want to be the No. 2 of Angela Merkel (CDU). For this reason, it is very difficult to build a coalition between both parties.

From the other side, Mr. Steinbrück doesn’t want to make an agreement with Die Linke.

The alternative is that Peer Steinbrück moves to the side and gives his “seat” to Sigmar Gabriel, the current chairman of SPD who is more flexible to build alliances.

The option of the current elections is AfD (Alternative für Deutschland), a newest German party, but it has the ambition to produce a political earthquake in this country.

AfD was founded on April 14, 2013 by a professor of macroeconomics at the University of Hamburg – Bernd Lucke – with a group of intellectuals who are against the euro or at least they want that Germany leaves the euro zone.

Since the Greece crisis, a lot of Germans are complaining against the most corrupt European countries that want to live with support of the disciplined countries.

However, AfD didn’t have enough “propaganda” during the current campaign to come to all the Germans who disagree with the euro zone. It is probable that a lot of voters don’t know about its platform and the alternative that Bernd Lucke and his partners suggest.

The classic newspapers didn’t talk about this new alternative and in small towns and a farm nearby nobody goes to the Internet to learn about the political options for voting and the platforms of the new parties. (Till now a lot of elders and people over 50s don’t have a clue how to turn on a personal computer, but every day at 6 am they start reading the local newspaper.)

By the way, some months ago, Germany had local elections in some cities. I remember a voting list of an important city. This list included a lot of parties, but when I read about the results, the majority of the small parties didn’t have more than 1 or 2 votes; the 90% of votes was shared between SPD and CDU.

About the AfD, it is important to remark that it needs 5 percent of the votes (as minimum) to earn representation in German parliament. (2013/09/17) 

My Comment: The victory of Horst Seehofer (CSU) in Bavaria was unquestionable, but the political geography of the federal election of September 22 is very different. (2013/09/16) 1 Recommendation



My Comment: It is good that the new Iranian president is changing the attitude of his country with the West, but we know that behind him there are other clergymen who think very different.

The question is: Why Mr. Rouhani is in a hurry to talk? Please, step by step… (2013/09/22) 1 Recommendation

My Comment: The report that comes from China about the trial and sentence of Bo Xilai is very short and it doesn’t give elements for a deep analysis.

We only can read: “A Chinese court sentenced Bo Xilai to life in prison on Sunday after finding the once powerful Communist Party insider guilty on charges of bribery, embezzlement and abuse of power.”

We know about the corrupt behavior of Bo Xilai. The international press also talked a lot about the scandal related to the murder of a British businessman.

However, this heavy sentence “life in prison” looks also like a political purge. Probably in the future we will learn more about all the details behind the scene. (2013/09/22)

My Comment answering to another Journal Community member : XXX: You are right “… corruption causes bankruptcies like in the west and not growing prosperity like in China.”

Corruption is one of the bigger sicknesses of the economic world that unbalance the normal growing of countries for the benefit of a group of individuals without ethical principles. It generates a cruel poverty worse than the natural poverty of people who always lived in the middle of nothing. (2013/09/22) 3 Recommendations

My Comment: Today no place in the world is 100% safe. For the terrorism there aren't frontiers. (2013/09/21) 1 Recommendation

My Comment: When we visit the luxury international hotels of Cairo and the tourist resources of the Red Sea, we imagine Egypt is a country with good economic level. But we don’t need to drive long distance from the capital to realize that poverty sprouts from everywhere. Driving from Cairo downtown to the Pyramids of Giza we find hundreds of houses that reflect the painful lives of a lot of Egyptians.

Also the poverty was one of the factors of series of massive protests from the moment that President Mubarak left the power.

People with hunger are good as “fuel” to spread riots. They can be used by Islamic extremists and other groups to propagate political commotions. (2013/09/18)

My Comment: The last events showed that President Putin always finds ()(the)a way to protect President al-Assad.

And Mr. Putin is in a good position now. He is not at risk. If the Syrian regime doesn’t follow some of the conditions of the agreement about chemical weapons, the Russian President will find a way to stop again the western intervention. (2013/09/17) 1 Recommendation



My Comment: In other times, Acapulco was the paradise of the American tourism. Now, all is mud. (2013/09/21)



PBS - REPORT    AIR DATE: Sept. 20, 2013: In Egypt, Coptic Christians Become Target for Attack in Times of National Stress – Part 1

My Comment: According to this story, the Muslim Brotherhood was involved in the recent rampage against Christian churches.

The irony is that one year ago, President Obama congratulated former President Morsi, member of the Muslim Brotherhood when he assumed the Egyptian government. In that moment a lot of people believed the Muslim Brotherhood wanted to drive Egypt in respect of the human rights and freedom of worship. (By TWITTER) (2013/09/21) 4 Recommendations

PBS - REPORT    AIR DATE: Sept. 20, 2013: In Egypt, Coptic Christians Become Target for Attack in Times of National Stress – Part 2

My Answer to another member that says that the burning of churches is immoral: These acts of violence are really criminal and they have to be punished.

The Muslims also were burning Christian churches in Iraq during the last few years. (By TWITTER) (2013/09/21) 5 Recommendations

My Comment: The new focus of Pope Francis is a positive signal from the top leader of an institution that during centuries was condemning everybody who didn’t say “Amen”.

The Catholic Church has to bring “mercy” to everybody without discrimination. (2013/09/19) 1 Recommendation



My Comment: America is a nation built for immigrants, however till now the discrimination persists because the children of immigrants don't feel in their own skin the difficulties that their parents lived when they arrived to these lands. (2013/09/22) 1 Recommendation



PBS -REPORT    AIR DATE: Sept. 9, 2013 - Opening the Door for Low-Income Students to Overcome 'Aristocracy' of Higher Ed – Part 1

Comment from another member: “Embedded in this story are a set of values regarding education that should be challenged and debated. First, it treats education at community college and vocational career trajectory as by definition inferior to the experiences to be had at an expensive, selective university. Second, it ignores the many excellent public universities, especially the land-grant schools…”

My Comment:  XXX: Your observation is great. This story ignores public universities because it is subliminal (hidden) advertising to the "opening" of expensive and selective universities through LEDA.

PBS -REPORT    AIR DATE: Sept. 9, 2013 - Opening the Door for Low-Income Students to Overcome 'Aristocracy' of Higher Ed – Part 2

Comment from another member: Bravo! Well said. Public colleges serve the entire country and provide tremendous value and life changing opportunities for the students they serve.
Elite colleges serve the elite. The students they accept are either so well prepared or so well connected that they would be successful even if they learned nothing in their four years at college.

My Comment: XXX: I agree “elite colleges serve the elite” but not necessarily do they help to develop the country in the right way. (By TWITTER) (2013/09/15)

My Comment: The news says that in Mexico “teachers can no longer sell their jobs or give them to a family member.”

What kind of teacher could buy a “teacher position” without the right credentials to teach?

It is incredible that till now this “dirty business” was possible in Mexico. But how many other more similar corrupt “transactions” are possible in that country?

We hope the new education-reform legislation starts a firm war against corruption.
(2013/09/16) 0 Recommendations



My Comment: When corporations and business customers invest in technology, they are buying more than some devices and/or software packages. They are buying technology solutions that imply technical support, consulting and a technology platform for their business operations.

In the current situation, BlackBerry cannot really offer a safe partnership and a strong business compromise to its customers because as a technology provider it looks unstable. (2013/09/22) 4 Recommendations

My Comment: The introduction of the new iPhone in this moment is the big Apple test of the Post-Steve-Jobs’ era. (2013/09/21)

My Comment: Sad end of an innovative company that made History in the mobile phone industry. (2013/09/18) 2 Recommendations

My Comment: Normally, the cities that grow like factories of the economic booms, when the economy declines, they become cemeteries of buildings and trash. (2013/09/17)

My Comment: This story shows only a partial view of the job market after the 2008 crisis.

The job-problem is not only a problem of the young generation. No companies want to give work to older people than 60 independent of their background and a lot of elders need to continue working.

During the 2008 crisis, the companies cut professional contracts and freelance work or directly canceled work orders from one moment to another. These factors hit professionals and technical workers who lost their normal incomes. The big “wave” destroyed the personal finance of a lot of people over 60. (2013/09/15) 14 Recommendations



1) External Sources: Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and PBS NewsHour

2) Own Sources: My own research for previous publishing projects: TTT of Comlab Corp, Spanish English Club online.
