Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Dear Friends:

I would like to share with you some of the comments posted by myself in the WSJ Journal Community about important headlines of the Wall Street Journal from January 17 to January 26.

The comments are about politics, economy, business, social issues, technology and other subjects in the United States, Europe and the world.

As you can see for the RECOMMENDATIONS, the majority of these comments generated a good reaction of other members of the Journal Community.

For example, you can see that the story titled: Some Migrants in Germany Want to Go Home generated 27 recommendations in less than 2 days. This story published by Wall Street Journal says that a lot of refugees from Syria and Middle East don’t like the way of living of Germany. In their countries they heard that all is great is Germany for everybody.

Domingo Trassens
World Rethink
January 26, 2016


BLOG COMMENTS: 2016/01/18 - 2016/01/26

MY COMMENT: It is good that Italy scrambles to resuscitate its troubled banking sector.

We have to hope they will clean the corrupt practices of the past. 01/26/2016 01:55:35 PM 1 Recommendation

MY COMMENT: The visit of Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani to the Vatican has different readings: 

1) It is a good marketing image of current openness of Iran.

2) It a bridge between the top spiritual authority of the West and representative of a controversial Islamic country.

Questions about Iran:
-  Is all that we are seeing real or fiction? 
- Will it stop its support to terror organizations?
- Will it become a good friend of the West?
01/26/2016 01:40:01 PM 3 Recommendations

MY COMMENT: The Iranian government is very active to promote a new face of the country. Really, has Iran a “new face”? 01/25/2016 07:51:57 PM

MY COMMENT: Today Egypt looks quiet, but we don’t know what is behind the “scene”. Presidents like Abdel Fattah Al Sisi use the power to close mouths. 01/25/2016 07:40:32


MY COMMENT: Donald Trump is very hard when he attacks an opponent. But Ted Cruz is strong too in his attacks. 

Now, Ted has to show to the political observers that he has not fears against Mr. Trump. This is his first serious test as candidate to the White House’s seat. 01/25/2016 04:43:43 PM

MY COMMENT: The automotive competition in Japan and markets dominated by Asian makers is not easy. However, the Ford’s news doesn’t look good.  

When a car maker leaves a market, the customers who believed in the brand and spent money buying its vehicles are the losers. 01/25/2016 04:37:02 PM

MY COMMENT: Michael Bloomberg is in the same line of all the rich people who have ambitions to be the president of the United States.

The question is: What he can offer better than the Republicans and Democrats? 

The country needs leaders who make good contributions to the national interests and their citizens. 01/25/2016 02:19:05 PM  1 Recommendation

MY COMMENT answering to another Journal Community Member who doesn’t understand why Mrs Fiorina lost steam soon:

Carly Fiorina can have good ideas. However, in this opportunity the Republicans are focused in candidates like Trump, Cruz, Rubio...

After a good start, Carly has lost positions very fast because the voters look for other kinds of candidates. These are the facts. 01/25/2016 12:59:19 AM

MY COMMENT: Turkey has to be flexible and realist. The big enemy of everybody is the Islamic State. Kurdish groups can help in the war against ISIS militants. 01/25/2016 12:38:47 AM

MY COMMENT: Germany is not the heaven for people who come from countries without rules and a chaotic way of living. 01/25/2016 12:33:19 AM 27 Recommendations

MY COMMENT: From the Carter's era, we didn't learn to deal with the Iranians according to our national interests. 01/24/2016 01:21:21 PM

MY COMMENT: Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg can be the “president” of New York City or maybe the “president” of New York State.

However, as independent, I don’t believe Mr. Bloomberg can conquer the heart and vote of the Americans who live in the Rocky Mountains, Texas or Alaska. The apparatus of a big party is necessary to arrive to everybody across the country.

This is the reason why Donald Trump is trying to win the Republican nomination instead to run as independent. 01/24/2016 12:13:50 PM

MY COMMENT: The European leaders have to learn to work as a community to solve the migrant influx together with common and effective actions. 

Probably now it is late to fix all the mistakes of the past. However, the initiatives have to stop the massive entrance of immigrants.

Also they have to define immigration policies to conduct a selective entrance of immigrants with similar criteria. 01/24/2016 12:00:06 PM 1 Recommendation

MY COMMENT: Ted Cruz is not a classic politician. He has a strong personality and his way of thinking is different from the establishment of both parties. 01/24/2016 03:05:52 AM 5 Recommendations

MY COMMENT: It is very difficult to eradicate the roots of the terror organizations. It is like to want to kill all the devils. 01/24/2016 03:00:47 AM

MY COMMENT: “More than 9,000 flights canceled” implies a serious problem for a lot of passengers.

This problem is worse for everyone who has connections or for the people who are traveling internationally. 01/24/2016 02:21:35 AM

MY COMMENT: Today the education sector is a business more than an academic environment to educate and form new professionals.

A lot of institutions don’t have ethical principles and they don't give to the students the real tools and background they need to be successful in the professional market. 01/24/2016 01:30:10 AM  2 Recommendations

MY COMMENT: Yes, the national solutions to the migrant problem create problems to the other members of the EU. 

But if EU has not a reasonable solution for everybody, each state has its own interests and national politics.

The problem is that till now the European Union is like a “bag of cats”. It is distant the day that this community of countries acts as a real community. 01/22/2016 03:16:55 PM

MY COMMENT: The Iranian deal about its nuclear program is opening new business doors to the Iran regime. 

The sale of oil to the EU will produce good revenues for Tehran. It is a great start!
01/22/2016 02:01:24 PM 2 Recommendations

Hillary Clinton wants to disqualify her opponent Sanders with the statement that the US Senator doesn’t understand the Middle East politics and problems.

MY COMMENT: Does Hillary really understand Middle East in the right way? 

Does she understand the Syrian problem? 

Does she understand Libya and Benghazi problems? 

Does she understand Iran?

Does she understand Iraq?

Does she understand the Islamic State? 01/21/2016 09:31:56 PM 1 Recommendation

MY COMMENT: Who informed about the Ted Cruz’s career in private practice? Was the hand of Donald Trump? Were the advisers of Hillary?

By the way, how many foreign links (or businesses) Trump and Clinton have?

It will be good to know the list of foreign businesses and links each presidential candidate has. 01/21/2016 09:25:48 PM 3 Recommendations

This story says that a former marine released by Iran talked about the bad conditions in the Iranian prisons.

MY COMMENT: Never an Iranian prison will be good for an American citizen who enters there as prisoner. 01/21/2016 06:26:26 PM 1 Recommendation

MY COMMENT: Greece has the right and obligation to order the migrants who pass for its territory to declare where they are going. 

Maybe this initiative can help to stop criminals and bad people who are making a terror-tour across Europe.  01/21/2016 06:21:12 PM 1 Recommendation

MY COMMENT: In the Russian regime, normally the top leader is behind the punishment of the people who are against the interests of the state.

This is a domestic problem of the Russians. We cannot put our noses in their affairs.
01/21/2016 01:20:40 PM 4 Recommendations

The story comments that Ann Goldstein, an Italian translator who translates from Italian to English won celebrity for her work in the translation of a very good Italian book.

MY COMMENT: Good story. Frequently, the intellectual workers don’t gain celebrity in the times we are living. (This is a serious drama of the people who produce intellectual assets today.) 01/20/2016 09:45:00 PM 1 Recommendation

MY COMMENT: Hillary Clinton is past and she doesn’t have the flexibility to recreate her vision for a future with new challenges and politicians who are better trained to understand the complexity of the new world. 01/20/2016 06:40:57 PM 1 Recommendation

The story comments that Wal-Mart is thinking to close some of its super centers located across the country.

MY COMMENT: During the last few years, Walmart has spread its net of super centers and big shops more than the customer potential purchases. Now, it feels the impact.
01/20/2016 06:35:56 PM 1 Recommendation

MY COMMENT: Definitively, this is not a good moment to make economic predictions in frame of World Economic Forum.

The gurus will have time to ski and play poker, and the attendants will return home without magic formulas to improve their businesses. 01/20/2016 06:31:09 PM 4 Recommendations

MY COMMENT: The entrance of Syrian refugees is risky for the security of the country.
01/19/2016 09:26:02 PM 2 Recommendations

MY COMMENT: It looks like Ms.Tsai will start a cycle of important changes in the politics of Taiwan

We have to see if her inspiration in Angela Merkel gives her good learning. 01/18/2016 08:52:11 PM

MY COMMENT: Surely, the Asian militants who travel to Syria and Iraq are new students of the ISIS terror techniques and potential promoters of the Islamic State revolution across the world. 01/18/2016 08:42:46 PM 1 Recommendation

MY COMMENT: Before, everybody asked Germany for its support. Now everyone is criticizing Germany.

In other words, Italy is in the same line of the others who are pointing against Germany now. 01/18/2016 08:40:47 PM

The story says that nobody know who is Nosratollah Khosravi-Roodsari, one of the “American prisoners”, who was freed by Iran in the last days.

MY COMMENT: Was Nosratollah Khosravi-Roodsari, really a prisoner?
01/18/2016 12:11:22 AM 6 Recommendations

MY COMMENT: The Iranians are happy dealing with the current American administration, but they will never love us. They hate as we hate the worst rats.
01/17/2016 08:32:53 PM 3 Recommendations

MY COMMENT: The terrorists will never be good guys. If we free terrorists, they will come back to kill us. This is the terror law. 01/17/2016 08:28:16 PM 6 Recommendations



1) External Sources: Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Tweeter and PBS NewsHour.

2) Own Sources: My own research for previous publishing projects like TTT of Comlab Corp, Spanish English Club online and others.