Sunday, March 31, 2013

COMMENTS - 2013/03/31

DATES: 2013/03/24– 2013/03/31
ANALYST: Domingo Trassens

Dear Friends:

Hello! Today I would like to share with you a series of comments posted by myself in the WSJ Journal Community during the last seven days about:
- Mark Zuckerberg’s plans to enter into the political area;
- John Kerry’s trip to Afghanistan;
- The deals of Dell Inc. to go to private;
- First Holy Thursday of Pope Francis;
and other news about politics, economy and business in United States and the rest of the world.

The comments are organized in the following sections: United States, Europe, The World (Asia, Africa, Middle East…), Latin America, Economy, Business and Technology, and Nature.

DAT, April 31, 2013


THEME:  United States

Subject: Mark Zuckerberg, CEO Facebook, plans to enter into the political arena through the debate of immigration.

My Comment: It is not the business of Mr. Zuckerberg to advise Republican and Democrat senators who are working on a new immigration bill.

When more people - especially celebrities - try to put their "spoon" in the middle of crucial problems, solutions never come. (2013/03/27) 6 Recommendations

Subject: A lot of college graduates are working in low-skill jobs according to some social surveys.

My Comment: The subject in discussion is the college graduates working in low-skill jobs or with low-wages.

Since the economic crisis of 2008-2009 the labor situation has changed dramatically. For example during the crisis:

- A lot of companies reduced their payroll replacing employees with automatic technology tools or systems that require less high-qualified workers.

- Other companies merged with rivals, or outsourced some of their operations with contractors who hire technical and professional people working for a low wage or freelancers.

In both cases, the growth of the economy will not increase the level of high-wage employees in a significant way. (2013/03/26)

Subject: The North Korean regime spreads its military threats against South Korea and the United States.

My Comment: The regime of Pyongyang continues with its provocations because the North Korean know China directly or indirectly will protect them.

For this reason, I agree that South Korea always has to be alert.

But I don’t believe North Korea pursues a direct confrontation with the United States. (2013/03/25)

Subject: Secretary of State John Kerry met Afghan President Hamid Karzai in Kabul, where Mr. Karzai denied that he talked against United States. The Afghan President said that all was an invention of the press. 

My Comment: After the series of verbal aggressions of Afghan President Hamid Karzai against the United States, the trip of the Secretary of State John Kerry looks like a “peace mission” from President Obama’s administration

Will Mr. Karzai value the new efforts of the White House to manage the relationships between the two countries in a friendly way?

I have serious doubts that it makes sense to continue the dialogue with the Afghan President. (2013/03/25) 2 Recommendations


THEME:  Europe

Subject: French President François Hollande spoke on French TV trying to show that the economy of his country is going well despite weak economic signals.

My Comment: The optimistic speech of President François Hollande on French TV doesn’t look consistent with reality.

He says that he will not increase taxes, but since he assumed the presidency a series of famous rich citizens left the country or changed their citizenship due to the high taxes imposed by his administration.

From the other side, Peugeot-Citroen and other French companies reported weak financial results in the last quarter.

Now this story comments that the French unemployment rate climbed to 10.6%. (Other sources say that is near 15%).

Weak sales of the big companies, high unemployment rate and taxes that push the rich people out the country are not signals of an economic recovery. (2013/03/30) 1 Recommendation

Subject: Italian President Giorgio Napolitano ponders alternatives to form a new government.

My Comment: In Italy, the political panorama has been gloomy for a long time. After Berlusconi was forced to resign, Mario Monti worked for months to put the finances of the government in order, but the people complained.

Everybody knew that the mission of Mr. Monti will not be nice. However the people didn’t give him the possibility to finish his work.

After that, the election showed the deep division in their way of thinking by the population.

The only clear conclusion is that the people like to shout but they don’t want effective changes for the direction of the country.

And the only Italian worried about the current political limbo is President Giorgio Napolitano because he doesn’t want to have on his shoulder all the mess. (2013/03/29)

Subject: The new Catholic Pope broke from the tradition in the ceremonies of the Holy Thursday.

My Comment: Pope Francis started his leadership of the Catholic Church returning to the most important lessons that Jesus gave to his followers in the beginning of Christianity.

The Holy Thursday ceremony was a good demonstration of the message that the new Pope tries to spread across the Christian and non-Christian communities: Humility first! (2013/03/29)

Subject: The government of Slovenia said that it will fix the banking problems without an international bailout.

My Comment: The news says that Slovenia doesn’t need an international bailout and it will fix the problems of its banking sector alone.

It looks good that somebody don’t ask for financial assistance from the EU authorities.

However, the Slovenia’s problems are a new “sign” that the original plan of the European Union was a fiasco because the majority of the EU members had a weak financial foundation when they entered into the community and nobody put effective filters in that moment. (2013/03/27)

Subject: The efforts to form a government coalition in Italy were unsuccessful.

My Comment: The “ghost” of Silvio Berlusconi is always present when other politicians want to rule Italy excluding him.

The Italians have to move away from politicians who never fix their deep problems in the right way. (2013/03/27)

Subject: The Cyprus’ bailout generated tense relationships among EU authorities and customers of the banks of the island.

My Comment: The deal to preserve Cyprus in the euro zone shows that after chaotic reactions and panic scenes the EU always extends the “lifeboat” to the member who is “drowning”.

From the other side, the community is losing flexibility and its foundation is shaking in a way that nobody will be able to support for a long time if the parade of sick members continues. (2013/03/26)


THEME:  The World: Asia, Middle East, Africa

Subject: Some rumors said that Turkey deported Syrian citizens that generated a riot in a refugee camp.

My Comment: Living in a refugee camp is not enjoyable regardless of the humanitarian efforts of the authorities of the country that receive the refugees.

The Syrian population who had the possibility to flee to Turkey or other countries they have to be grateful with the country that received them.

If the refugees create problems, they will close the door to other people who try to find a place for living distant from the battlefield that Syria is today. (2013/03/29)

Subject: The new prime ministers of Japan and South Korea admire the way Margaret Thatcher ruled the UK international relationships several decades ago.

My Comment: Ms. Park says that she admires Margaret Thatcher, but if she wants to rule South Korea with the “Iron Lady fist”, she will clash with the North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

During the last decade, South Korea grew strong thanks to the advance of a group of its main companies in different industrial and technology sectors across the globe.

It will not be good that due to the war game of North Korea, Ms. Park and her government could be involved in unexpected troubles. (2013/03/28)

Subject: Vietnamese fishermen claim against Chinese attack in the South Asian seas.

My Comment: If all the events continue moving in the same direction, in a short time, China will be the ruler of the seas of South Asia.

During the last few years, China grew fast as a solid military and navy power across the region. (2013/03/26) 5 Recommendations


THEME:  Latin America

Subject: Argentina government faces new international pressure for debts and international compromises that remain unpaid from more than ten years ago.

My Comment: The behavior of the current government of Argentina is a very good sample how the "banana republics" act.

The irresponsibility of the management of public domestic and international compromises is very serious.

The negative attitude of the Rose House administration gives a bad reputation to the country and makes more complicated the agreements with creditors. (2013/03/27) 


THEME:  Economy, Business and Technology

Subject: Dell Inc is in the process to go private but its future doesn’t look well.

My Comment: After more than one month dealing different ways to go private, now Dell Inc. is worse than in the beginning of the rescue process.

The bidders are only trying to catch the best pieces of a company that was a great promise of success 15 years ago.

The US$24.4 billion offer to go private is less than the market value that Dell Inc achieved during the time it was climbing the hill with its original business model of a direct sales company.

All the last facts show that in this moment Dell is in the decline segment of its life cycle.

Independently of the current deals, the future of the company as a technology maker looks grim.

We cannot imagine a new flourishing period after all the mistakes that Michael and his advisers committed when the inflection point of the PC business marked the start of the decline curve of the personal computers.

In that moment, Michael Dell had to use all the resources of the company to move its business to new heights, but he didn’t have the ability to do this job.

Now Michael Dell is only fighting for his personal survival. He is very busy making calculations how he will pay his bills. He has not more time to focus his mind on the re-creation of his business.

With this panorama, we don’t believe Dell Inc. as a computer maker will survive for a long time. All looks like it is ready to walk soon to the cemetery or dismantlement. (2013/03/30)

Subject: Digital tablets are using to take orders in a bakery instead of employees who do the same job.

My Comment: It is not new that technology helps to cut job positions in all sectors of the economy.

And for the new generation of users of digital devices it is not a problem to type directly an order on a digital tablet instead of explaining what they want to an employee at a counter of a retail shop or fast food store.

Additionally, the self-service tablets will reduce the waiting time of customers in bakeries and food stores during rush hours.

Definitively, tablets can do the same job as employees who take orders. (2013/03/28)

Subject: In the last fiscal quarter, Research In Motion returned to profitability.

My Comment: Research In Motion (BlackBerry) gave good news reporting a profit of US$98 million in its fiscal fourth quarter after last January it introduced Z10 in the UK, Canada and other markets.

It looks like the efforts made during 2012 to reorganize the company and redefine its smart-phone platform are giving BlackBerry new chances.

At least, thanks to the good features of the Z10 smart-phone and its new operating system, BlackBerry is again fighting with competitors like Galaxy S4, iPhone 5 and Nokia’s Lumia 920.

Now we have to observe if during the current quarter, Z10 helps BlackBerry to increase the sales of new devices in the United States at reasonable levels.

Despite the massive fall of subscribers during the last year, BlackBerry maintains important numbers of customers in some markets across the world. (2013/03/27) 5 Recommendations

Subject: Oracle is updating its hardware products based on Sun Microsystems platform.

My Comment: Since Oracle bought Sun Microsystems, we really didn’t hear any important news about hardware from the buyer. I don’t believe that Larry Ellison will be able to revitalize the Sun platform. (2013/03/27)

Subject: Yahoo is buying a software company founded by a teenager who is 17 year old.

My Comment: In the technology arena, the current state of art is opening doors to brilliant brains independently of their age, race and social status.

The problem is sometimes the inventions and creations are stolen by opportunists or dealers without ethical principles and those who really are the inventors or creators don’t receive a fair payment for their achievements and contributions.

In this case, according to the information available, Nick D’Aloisio was lucky finding a buyer like Yahoo. (2013/03/26) 4 Recommendations

Sunday, March 24, 2013

COMMENTS - 2013/03/24

DATES: 2013/03/17– 2013/03/24
ANALYST: Domingo Trassens

Dear Friends:

Hello! Today I would like to share with you a series of comments posted by myself in the WSJ Journal Community during the last seven days about President Obama’s trip to Middle East, Greek barriers against Syrian refugees, Israeli apology to Turkey, Montoneros against Pope Francis I, Cyprus’ crisis and other news related to politics, economy and business in United States and the rest of the world.

The comments are organized in the following sections: United States, Europe, The World (Asia, Africa, Middle East…), Latin America and Economy, Business and Technology.

DAT, April 24, 2013

THEME:  United States

Subject: President Obama traveled to Middle East, meeting leaders of Israel, Palestine and Jordan. It was his first trip as US president to Israel and Palestine.

My Comment: We think the President Obama’s visit to the West Bank City of Ramallah was only a symbolic demonstration of “friendship” to the Palestinians.

In reality, the possibilities of a shift in the relationships between Israel and Palestine are remote. The differences between Palestinians and Israelis continue and the “wounds” are opened on both sides.

However, the initiative of President Obama to talk directly to the youngsters in Israel is new.

If he believes the younger generations will make “change”, why didn't he begin before? In the rest of his presidency, he does not have time to lead a process of pacification through the change of the mentality of the population of both countries.

A constructive dialogue with the young people from Israel and Palestine will demand more time because today the skepticism of the youngsters is worse than four years ago.

Personally, I am skeptic too because in the Middle East nobody believes in the other. (2013/03/22) 1 Recommendation

Subject: During the first day in Middle East, President Obama talked personally with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu.

My Comment: In the President Obama's first day in Israel, the dialogue between him and Prime Minister Netanyahu was friendlier than the previous meetings in Washington, but it looks like some important differences between both leaders continue. (2013/03/21) 

Subject: President Obama nominated Thomas Perez for the Labor Secretary.

My Comment: The news confirms that President Obama named Thomas Perez as his nominee for U.S. Labor Secretary.

According to the public biography of Mr. Perez, we can see the White House’s nominee has a complicated personality, always in the middle of legal cases.

Is this the kind of secretary the Labor Department needs?

We are afraid that the “talents” of Thomas Perez will not fix the labor problems of the country. (2013/03/19) 1 Recommendation


THEME:  Europe

Subject: Greek immigration authorities are refusing to give asylum to Syrian refugees.

My Comment: To emigrate for political, economic or social reasons from your homeland is very painful.

In the current case of the Syrians, there are other factors that make it all more dramatic:

- The neighbors of Syria are not in condition to offer a safe and healthy home for hundreds of thousands of refugees.

- Today Europe is full of refugees from Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Turkey and the African countries. In addition, the majority of the European countries have their own social and economic problems.

If the situation continues like now, all the Middle East and some sectors of Europe will suffer a big social collapse. (2013/03/19)

Subject: Cyprus is working in new banking rules due to its financial crisis and the pressure from EU authorities.

My Comment: Small country, but big mess! This shows the ingenuity or “corruption” of the authorities of the European Union who opened the doors to Cyprus.

But now, we think that everybody has to respect the previous conditions of the current agreements between the banks and their customers. It is not ethical to charge the deposits with a special tax.

If the authorities of the EU force the Cyprus government to take at least one percent of the deposits of the customers, they are acting like a “banana republic”. (2013/03/18) 1 Recommendation


THEME:  The World: Asia, Middle East, Africa

My Comment: In the gloomy panorama of the Middle East, the last news confirmed the Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati resigned and the government was dissolved due to the political uncertainty of the country.

Since decades ago, Lebanon always is the “fuse” of the problems between Palestinians and Israelis and the instability of Syria and other neighbors.

It is really bad this beautiful Mediterranean country cannot have a politically stable life for a long time. 

We have to remember that in the past, Beirut –its capital – was named as the “Paris of the Middle East”. (2013/03/24) 

Subject: Prime Minister Netanyahu apologizes to Turkey for a deadly ship raid of some years ago.

My Comment: The Netanyahu’s apology to Turkey looks like a good achievement of President Obama's visit to Middle East.

Now we have to see if the normalization of the relationships between Israel and Turkey works properly. Sometimes, this kind of approaches is only words. . (2013/03/24) 1 Recommendation

Subject: The social unrest and violent protests threaten its political stability and business boom.

My Comment: The news says riots and violent protests are hitting Bangladesh now.

During the last five months, several times the South Asian nation was on the bad side of the headlines of newspapers.

Now, according to the reports in the press, the sentence of three Islamist leaders started a wave of violence that killed at least 60 people.

We believe behind the new unrest and violence that are killing more people in Bangladesh there are other factors.

In November and after that in January, two apparel factory fires killed 119 workers who were working under inhuman conditions.

When the poverty and the slavery conditions of the workers are extreme, the bullets of the security forces cannot stop the anger of the people. (2013/03/22)


THEME:  Latin America

Subject: In Argentina, former Montoneros launched a campaign against Pope Francis I.

My Comment: The former Montoneros always point at others, but they don’t comment about the panic they generated in the civilian population of Argentina with their bombing attacks and other criminal actions in the 70s.

It is time to put it clearly that during the 70s, Argentina lived in a civil war where all the groups involved in the war – Montoneros, ERP, AAA and military forces - carried out atrocities.

The atrocities of the Argentina Civil War were terrible but the important point is the terrorists frequently used the civilian population as a “shield”.

As we said at different opportunities, we condemn the torture in the detention centers, but we will never put down the cruelty of the Montoneros and other terrorist groups.

The philosophy of the terrorists was to generate terror, panic and destruction, put down the “moral” of the civilian population and destroy the Christian and western culture of the country. The leaders of the Argentine terrorism were smart professionals with very clear targets.

Today the majority of the literature that the international press distributes through the newspapers ignores the serious damage that the Argentine terrorist experiment produced across Latin America. The public knows the list of generals and admirals who were involved in the detention centers and the kidnapping of babies, but the external observers don’t know about the magnitude of crimes committed by the terrorists and their philosophy.

In addition, we have to remark that during the civil war some priests were involved with the terrorists and the Catholic Church was divided. As a sample we can remember the famous cases of Padre Mujica and Fernando Abal Medina.

Mr. Abal Medina, originally involved with the youngsters of the ACA (Acción Católica Argentina), was one of founders of the hard-line of the Montoneros organization. Now, his brother Juan Manuel Abal Medina is the Chief of the Cabinet of Minister of Argentina since December 2011. (2013/03/19) 3 Recommendations


THEME:  Economy, Business and Technology

Subject: Dell Inc. is through a walk to be a “private company”

My Comment: The beginning of Michael Dell in the PC industry was great, but he didn’t think seriously about the future.

Michael never thought that in the technological industry, products have a short life cycle including the PCs.

Today we are living the cycle of smart-phones and digital tablets. In this business, the position of Dell is weak.

Also, Michael Dell never moved his company deeply into the segment of information solutions and business analysis for corporations and big companies.

This is the reason that today Michael cannot boast about his company. (2013/03/21)

My Comment: In the Dell’s case, the new subject is that Michael Dell will lose the control of his company.

The decline of the PC business is not new. Before the smart-phones and digital tablets entered in the main scenery, the revenues and incomes of the PC makers were deteriorated gradually. This was the reason that IBM sold its PC unit to Lenovo.

Since long time ago, Michael Dell knew that selling primarily hardware, he will have serious problems. However he didn’t have the imagination to redefine the business model of his company before the collapse.

I think it is normal the new owners of the company will force Michael Dell to resign and name another CEO. (2013/03/24) 2 Recommendations

Subject: The financial results of Oracle produced bad reactions in Wall Street.

My Comment: During the last few days, Oracle posted the results of its last fiscal quarter with an important decline in sales.

The company led by Larry Ellison is a leading provider of technology and services for corporations, medium and small business with operations across the world.

Often, the sales of Oracle mark trends in the segment of technology for companies. Now, the weakness of its current financial results is a bad economic sign. (2013/03/21) 3 Recommendations

Subject: HTC shows new difficulties in the way to recover market.

My Comment: After the fast growth of Samsung in the niche of smart-phones, HTC suffered the impact.

As everybody knows, both HTC and Samsung produce and market intelligent mobile phones based on the Android platform from Google.

The delay in the new HTC One shipments is a negative point for the Taiwanese manufacturer at a moment the competition in the smart-phone market is very hard. (2012/03/20) 

Subject: The some HP shareholders complain against the board of the technology company.

My Comment: The annual shareholder meeting of Hewlett-Packard is a good opportunity to close the old cases and start a new cycle.

After Chief Executive Leo Apotheker left the company, all the criticism pointed against him and the acquisition of Autonomy. But Mr. Apotheker didn’t act alone during the time he was the HP CEO.

Now it is time to clean the board from all the members involved in the ill-fated cycle and renew “faces” with people who show a positive attitude for the best of HP. (2013/03/20)

Subject: The sentence to a hacker who broke the security system of Apple iPad generated different debates in the software environment.

My Comment: I agree the iPad’s hacker broke the law like others and he has to be punished.

But from the other side, in a normal jail, if he has access to a computer of the library, he will continue working in something similar.

For this reason, I don’t believe that a normal jail is the place for a hacker. (2013/03/18)

Sunday, March 17, 2013

COMMENTS - 2013/03/17

DATES: 2013/03/10– 2013/03/17
ANALYST: Domingo Trassens

Dear Friends:

Hello! I would like to share with you a series of comments posted by myself in the WSJ Journal Community during the last seven days about news related to politics, economy and business in United States and the rest of the world.

Special themes of this issue:

- New Smart-phone in the Theater (Original story for the WBC N55)

- Michigan Mission: The Rescue of Detroit (Original story for the WBC N55)

- Revolution in the Catholic Church

- Is the Mayor of the City the “Godfather” of the People?

Next, you will find the other comments organized in the following sections: United States, Europe, The World (Asia, Africa, Middle East…), Latin America and Economy, Business and Technology.


STORY: New Smart-phone in the Theater

On Thursday March 14, Samsung introduced its Galaxy S 4 at Radio City Music Hall in New York City.

Before the event, the manufacturer generated a wave of expectations amid the tech fanatics with similar press that when Apple introduces a new product.

In the New York’s theater, J.K. Shin – president of Samsung telecoms division – presented the hardware and software features of Galaxy S4.

The new smart-phone of the Korean electronic company like the previous one runs over the Android operating system of Google.

In the new Galaxy, Samsung customized the Android operating system to improve the hardware-software interface according to new features of the device and with the intention to differentiate its smart-phone from the rest of phones that today are running also on Android.

Now, the users expect the moment when Galaxy S4 will come to the retailers and mobile phone providers to have the opportunity to test the features of the new device for themselves.

Meanwhile, some analysts of the industry are asking two important questions?

- Will Galaxy S4 put down the “halo” that till now iPhone 5 has on the market? Days before the presentation at Radio City Music Hall, the people from Apple showed some worries about the possible impact of the new Samsung product.

- Will Samsung splits the links Galaxy – Android? During the last months, Google didn’t feel comfortable with the way that Samsung is trying to differentiate its software platform from the rest of phones running over Android.

Despite the good welcome that Galaxy S4 received, we think that the introduction of this smart-phone will not kill the Apple device.

Probably, some users after comparing both products will like more some technical features of the new Galaxy, but the real fanatics of Apple will not jump to the Samsung territory.

About the rumors that the relationships between Samsung and Google don’t run well, we believe the Android platform gives a good foundation to Galaxy and the Korean company has to think more than twice about a change of this operating system.

Samsung has a strong experience in hardware and a very aggressive marketing, but it never was expert in software. From the other side, Google is an innovative software company with also solid experience on the Internet.

- “A Galaxy Far, Far Away From Google” By ROLFE WINKLER, WSJ, 2013/03/15 


STORY: Michigan Mission: The Rescue of Detroit

The news says that the Michigan’s governor named an emergency financial manager who has the responsibility to fix the finances of Detroit.

Through this assignment, the Republican Governor Rick Snyder is trying to fix endemic problems of the city.

Kevyn Orr - the emergency financial manager - worked before in the case of Chrysler’s bankruptcy. This implies he has experience about the Detroit’s drama.

Like everybody knows, Detroit was always associated with the American automotive industry.

Since the massive entrance of Asian and European vehicles into the U.S. market, GM, Ford and Chrysler, the three most important American car makers, suffered the impact and for extension, Detroit was hit hard.

The economic decline of the city never was reversed till now. The revenues of Detroit were down and a lot of qualified workers emigrated. The politicians failed in any way to stop the fall.

Of course, in this scenery, the pessimism of the inhabitants and business people is high. Like in similar cases, who walk every day through the “ruins” of the city don’t believe the emergency financial manager will fix the problems. But what is the right action in these circumstances?

- Do make nothing
- Demolish the city and put all the people who remain there out
- Clean the finances and wait that in 5 o 10 years all will similar or worse than now
- Define a complete plan of cleaning of the finances and rebuild the city in the right way.

The Michigan’s governor talks about the financial emergency. We think this is only part of the problem. We prefer to label the current situation like an “economic emergency”.

After previous frustrated attempts, Detroit cannot believe it will grow again tied only to the automotive industry. Authorities and business people have to open the economy of the city in different directions.

They have to fix the finances of the city and simultaneously redefine its business model: new economic sources and human resources trained to perform different activities and works.

To remove the name “Detroit” from the bad American lists, the second “job” is as important as the financial cleaning of the government institutions. Definitively, they have to revive the city as an economic center.

A lot of people agree that always when a city declines for any reason, the authorities have to drive the events in a way to make possible the rescue for the health and security of its inhabitants and the respect for all the people who contributed to build it. However, in the case of Detroit the opinions are divided. Some comments say that it will be useless. We have to observe if the efforts of the Governor Rick Snyder and Mr. Orr will end successfully. 

- “New Detroit Manager Is Optimistic on Turnaround” By MATTHEW DOLAN and JEFF BENNETT – DETROIT, WSJ, 2013/03/14
- “Michigan Gov. Puts Detroit Under Emergency Fiscal Management”, PBS, 2013/03/14


THEME: Revolution in the Catholic Church

Subject: The election of a non-European pope surprised to everybody in the world.

My Comment: The election of Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio as the new pope of the Catholic Church has different readings:

- First, it is a “revolution” against the traditional Roman Church. However, this change has pros and cons. A Pope who comes from
South America implies an important opening of an institution that during centuries was always ruled by Italian and European popes. Will the Roman establishment accept this new reality?

- Second, it is also a “revolution” of the church by the poor people against the church of richness. Till now, across
Europe from Italy to Spain, France or Germany we see a kind of Catholicism that it is not sensitive to the original “roots” of Christianity. In some European countries, to be considered “Catholic”, you have to pay the religion-tax. This was not the doctrine of Jesus.

- Third, Pope Francis comes from a country where frequently the Catholic Church confronts the political authorities about social justice issues on the ground where politics and religion have serious differences. This perspective in a global context could change dramatically the role of the
Vatican in its relationships with countries where till now slavery is something normal.

We will not see with the new Pope important changes in issues like abortion and homosexuality. The Catholic Church will never say: “Cheers! Abortion up! But the social function of the Catholic Church will be different. It will be more compassionate and closer to the real world than before. (2013/03/14) 1 Recommendation


THEME: Is the Mayor of the City the “Godfather” of the People?

Subject: The initiative of the New York’s mayor to ban the sale of soda in restaurants of the city produced a series of negative reactions and a judge determined that he exceeded his authority.

My Comment: Who is the mayor of a city to act like the “godfather” of all the population?

From my point of view, the ban of the “large sugary drinks” in restaurants and other places is something that is going against the freedom of consumers.

I think the health authorities can make discrete suggestions about food and beverage that could produce health problems, but only in a discrete and professional way.

The abuse of the terms “ban”, “prohibit” and “forbid” are against our foundation as a country.

The authorities have to understand that according to our constitution, the United States is a democratic country where we have to be very careful when somebody wants to “ban” something. (2013/03/12) 5 Recommendations


THEME:  United States

Subject: Former Florida Governor, Jeb Bush, spoke at the Conservative Political Action Conference about the road to revival the Republican Party.

My Comment: After a long silence, Jeb Bush – who was Republican governor of Florida from 1997 to 2007 – returned to the political scene.

His speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference showed a positive view of some ideas and principles that helped to build the country during centuries.

Personally, I would like to retake the statement of Mr. Bush where he said: “The central mission of conservatives is to reignite social mobility in this country—restoring the right to rise.”

The “social mobility” is the movement of individuals or groups to different social positions. Normally, the “social mobility” is like a “mechanic staircase” to rise. During the last few years, since the 2008/2009 financial crisis, in a lot of environments, this “staircase” didn’t work properly.

We need government apparatus that allows the people to rise in the way they make the correct efforts to go up. A positive attitude from everybody will start a new renaissance in the country. (2013/03/16)

Subject: The Pentagon announced that will strengthen the defense systems of the west coast due to the threat of North Korea.

My Comment: North Korea is only one of the threats against the United States… We have to redefine all our defense systems according to the hostility of more than one “devil” including the cyber-attackers. (2013/03/15)

Subject: President Obama minimized the threat of a possible Iran nuclear bomb before his trip to Middle East.

My Comment: Now before his trip to Israel and Palestine, President Barack Obama said approximately these words: “Don’t worry be happy, Iran needs one year or more to build an atomic weapon.”

Before, during the past months, the White House always was pointing against
Tehran for the continuous advances in its nuclear program.

While our foreign politics goes from side to another, the Iranians have only one goal: to be members of the Atomic Club.

What will be the White House’s message in one or two years? “Iranians welcome to the Club!”  (2013/03/15) 2 Recommendations

Subject: Democrat Senators – members of special panel – passed a bill banning the assault weapons.

My Comment: The statement: "Senate Panel passed assault weapons ban" doesn’t look accurate after a voting that ended 10-8 and where all the Republican voted “no”. The reality is the Democrat Senate Panel passed the assault weapons ban. (2013/03/14) 4 Recommendations

Subject: U.S. fighters escorted American drones due to previous incidents with Iranian fighter jets.

My Comment: The incidents among US drones and Iranian fighter jets are growing. One day in error or intentionally, an American drone will shoot an Iranian jet. (2013/03/14)

Subject: Afghan President persists with anti-U.S. remarks due to secret talks among Taliban leaders and Western nations.

My Comment: In only 3 days, in 2 speeches, Afghan President Hamid Karzai attacked the U.S. in a tone that exceeds a reasonable exchange of words between two “friendly” countries.

Some observers say the provocative words are Karzai’s reaction against “secret” talks between Taliban leaders and Western nations.

Probably, somebody has to put the Afghan President in the “right place” before he damages completely the relationships between both countries. His game is very dangerous. (2013/03/13)

Subject: After the February report of the U.S. Labor Department, some analysts remarked the perils of economy continue.

My Comment: A lot of people celebrate the job numbers of February. The press has a new positive argument to write stories “but”…

But from my perspective they are only a good “draw” of figures generated by statistic formulas that only show a partial view of the reality.

We know that the construction and retail sectors hire workers for very low wages and frequently these jobs are only temporary positions. Meanwhile, the mergers of big companies continue cutting payroll and outsourcing work. In other words, since the 2008/2009 crisis we are losing permanent qualified jobs and earning the temporary low-rate workforce.

With this landscape, it is very difficult to determine the consistency of the figures that our labor authorities are handling today. (2013/03/11) 1 Recommendation

Subject: A new verbal attack of Afghan President again the allied troops.

My Comment: After all that we saw during the last years, we have to conclude that Karzai is our worse enemy in Afghanistan.

He came to power with our support and the help of the American and allied troops. He used all our resources and money for his benefit.

He never cut the rotten roots of the Afghan government institutions.

And for more than two years he is always pointing against us for each problem that he is not able to solve from his side or for the chaos and crime of his country. (2013/03/11) 4 Recommendations


THEME:  Europe

Subject: The International Monetary Fund warned about the weak situation of the EU banks.

My Comment: The report from the International Monetary Fund about the anemic economic growth of the European Union looks gloomy but it is true that the EU is living in a very critical moment.

After approximately 10 years of euphoria, the fantastic world of the Europeans leaks across different points of the geography of the community.

Every week, the TV and newspapers publish news that reflects economic, financial and social problems, plus new cases of corruption.

According to the facts that we see, since the start of the euro-zone in 2002, the leaders of the EU failed in the building of the foundation of the group due to the anxiety to grow fast in population and territory. All this shows that they didn’t pay enough attention to the “quality” of the each addition.

With 27 members in the whole EU and
17 in the euro-zone, the task of repairing the banking systems of the countries with problems is complicated because for a national pride, nobody likes others to make suggestions about their internal issues. In the middle of this scenery, we have doubts that the European Stability Mechanism will work properly. (2013/03/16) 1 Recommendation

Subject: In here weekly column, the journalist Peggy Noonan talks about the humility of the new pope as a main distinction with the classic attitude of the Vatican authorities.

My Comment: It is good that the New Pope thinks about the people first. The Catholic Church doesn’t need a pharaoh. It needs a “shepherd” who returns to the “roots” of Christianity.

During centuries the popes lived like pharaohs surrounded by legions of courtiers. With Pope Francis, the "courtiers" will have to help the poor people. Surely they will resist their new job. (2013/03/15) 6 Recommendations


THEME:  The World: Asia, Africa, Middle East…

Subject: Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, was appointed as a new Chinese president.

My Comment answering another member who said the new government of Mr. Xi will help to the United States: The Chinese work for the Chinese. They will not work for us. If we want to solve our problems, we have to solve them by ourselves. (2013/03/14) 1 Recommendation


THEME: Latin America

Subject: In Argentina, some groups and press debate about the political past of the new pope.

My Comment: In Argentina there are political groups that always criticize the past with a partial view of the reality, but they don’t see their own mistakes.

How many bombing attacks the Montoneros, ERP and other terrorist groups made during the 1970s killing innocent people and destroying private assets? This is a picture from the Argentine Civil War of the 70s that some people try to hide.

Pope Francis never put bombs, but the same people who today criticize him were directly or indirectly connected with the bombing attacks of the 1970s. And some of these people are linked with the current government and making “propaganda” against everybody who is not in their side. (2013/03/17) 2 Recommendations


THEME:  Economy, Business and Technology

Subject: Google Chairman - Eric Schmidt - who visited North Korea a month ago, now plans new business links with Myanmar.

My Comment: The initiative of Google, Intel, HP, Microsoft, Cisco and others to visit Myanmar for business is good, but I believe the American companies will find a lot of Chinese competitors that came before them.

During the times that
Myanmar was banned by the U.S. companies, the Chinese were the main technology provider of this South Asian country. (2013/03/15)

Subject: Phil Schiller from Apple reacted on defense when the market began to talk about the new smart-phone of Samsung.

My Comment: The attitude of Phil Schiller - responsible of marketing of Apple - doesn’t look appropriate to face the Samsung’s attack.

From the beginning of the smart-phone war, the people of Apple knew that one the day the competition will be hard.

Samsung is not Nokia, it is not BlackBerry. When the Korean dragon attacks, it hits its rivals if they are in a defensive position. (2013/03/14)

Subject: Researchers and developers say the keyboard of the next generation of smart-phones will be more intelligent than the current devices.

My Comment: The new keyboard technology of the smart-phones is a good help for writing better and faster, but sometimes it cuts the ‘freedom’ of the user who wants to decide for himself what he wants to express in a determined moment.

Personally, I like the assistance that the new software offers us, but don’t like the technology dictatorship. (2013/03/14) 4 Recommendations

Subject: Google is making an important internal reorganization. The Android Chief received a new mission that till now is secret.

My Comment: Google is a lab of surprises. If Andy Rubin – co-creator of Android – is leaving the Android to take another project inside the company, it is because something very important is in the “incubator” of the search engine company. (2013/03/13) 7 Recommendations

Subject: The game makers have to look for more innovative consoles due to the new smart-phones compete with the basic game consoles.

My Comment: We are in the beginning of a new technological cycle. The new smart-phone era will change a lot of the concepts related to the videogame world.

The PC era was very important for the evolution of the videogame machines because the technology of the personal computers helped in the development of the videogame systems with their own consoles.

But the smart-phones and digital tablets have the possibility to integrate a lot of functions in only one device and they have the technical resources needed to run videogame applications better than in the first generations of videogame consoles.

Like in the case of the digital camera manufacturers, the videogame makers have to think about very innovative features to retain their users. For the casual users of videogames or digital cameras, the smart-phones give them the basic functions they need all in one device.

A similar evolution happened before in the copy machines industry. Today in the all-in-one printers, the users have together the functions of print, copy, scan and fax also working wireless and without a PC connection.

The smart-phones can give more through cloud computing and all the power they can down load from the Internet. (2013/03/11)

Subject: Amazon tries to take control over Internet addresses with generic domains.

My Comment: The news says Amazon is taking control over Internet addresses like ".book," ".author" and ".read".

Personally, I agree with the institutions and competitors who complain against this case. Generic domains in private hands will create an unfair competition.

Probably, today some observers don’t realize the advantage that implies to have easy addresses in the Internet jungle.

However, in a short or long future the “virtual world” of Internet will be the “main street” of all the consumer and enterprise businesses.

In that moment, the “owners” of the “easy addresses” (generic domains) of the new main street will be the real “regulators” of the economy. (2013/03/11) 4 Recommendations