Wednesday, July 31, 2019

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on Wednesday, July 31, 2019 - Chinese rivals hurt Apple

#WR: China's rivals hurt Apple! #WSJ says that the sales of iPhones in China declined due to the competition of rivals like Huawei and Xiaomi. Despite of the #Chinese, #Apple reported strong revenue growth - $53,81 billion for the last quarter - thanks its supporting businesses.

#WR: The sales of devices have limits despite the periodical introduction of innovative phones, tablets or computers. The way to increase revenues and profits is through more and more better services. 


MY WSJ BLOG COMMENTS - July 31, 2019

10,736 COMMENTS 3,874 LIKES

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on Tuesday, July 30, 2019 - Hurdle in US-China deal

#WR: Hurdle in the path for US-China deal: Huawei! @WSJ wrote “US-China trade talks resume with no breakthroughs in sight”, while @NYT says “Trump goads China and plays down chances of a trade deal before 2020.” I think, if Huawei continues in the table, no agreement is possible.
#WR: A permanent agreement with China is near impossible because U.S. cannot accept the Chinese conditions about Huawei. If Huawei enters into our institutions, we will lose the control of them.
#WR: If China continues putting Huawei in the middle of any negotiation, US cannot achieve a decent agreement with the Chinese.

Monday, July 29, 2019

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on Monday, July 29, 2019 - New tech companies marriage

#WR: New technology marriage has green light: Sprint – T-Mobile. The news says that the Justice Department approved the merger of these two telecommunications providers. What will be the real benefits for customers? Opinion: the New No. 3 never will be an AT&T or Verizon. #Sprint

Sunday, July 28, 2019

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on Sunday, July 28, 2019 - Where Hong Koing is going?

#WR: Where Hong Kong is going with the chaos? The news talks about new protests. Can this people defeat Beijing? Surely, Chinese President Xi is thinking in a plan to end with the rebellion. I don’t believe the Big Dragon will continues sleeping more. S: #dwnews #HongKongProtests
#WR: How the Hong Kong chaos will end???… Hong Kong: Chaos ensues as fresh protests kick off