Saturday, August 31, 2019

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on Saturday, August 31, 2019 - Europe in between US and Iran

#WR: Europe in between US and Iran. @WSJ wrote: “European diplomats are getting behind a French initiative to provide Iran economic relief from US sanctions in return for its full compliance with a multinational nuclear accord...” #Macron also tries to change the #Trump's mind!!!

Friday, August 30, 2019

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on Friday, August 30, 2019 - Is Hong Kong's repression a new Tianammen Square?

#WR: Is the Hong Kong repression. the new Tiananmen Square? @NYT posted “Beijing’s Hong Kong Strategy: More Arrests, No Concessions”, while the EU leaders said “Hong Kong developments are ‘extremely worrying’ (#DW) Beijing fears a democracy epidemic through the country. #HongKong

#WR: We cannot expect that China leaders dialogue with Hong Kong protesters. They prefer a city in ruins than any experience of democracy in the Chinese soil.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on Thursday, August 29, 2019 - New hopes in US-China trade

#WR: Wall Street investors renew hopes for progress in the trade talks between US-China.@WSJ wrote “Analysts and investors said the gains were driven in part by upbeat sentiment on the prospects for face-to-face talks between the world’s two biggest economies...” (???) #USChina

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on Wednesday, August 28, 2019 - Jim Mattis in the scene again!

#WR: Do you remember General Jim Mattis? He is in the scene again, through his memories of Secretary of Defense. On Saturday, @WSJ posts “Jim Mattis: Duty, Democracy and the Threat of Tribalism”. It is good that, Mad Dog is sharing his experiences as Pentagon leader. #JimMattis
#WR: My opinion answering the question about the current division J.Mattis remarks: US leaders have to start a new dialogue where both sides listen the opinions of  the "enemies", trying to find common points and from there, build bridges of the benefit of the country.


Tuesday, August 27, 2019

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on Tuesday, August 27, 2019 - Eyes of Hong Kong's light poles

#WR: Do you believe light poles of Hong Kong have eyes? David Brooks -@NYT columnist - from Hong Kong wrote “The One United Struggle for Freedom” where he says protesters try to avoid personal visualization because the regime spies them everywhere. #cameras #spy #Hongkongprotest

#WR: Hong Kong protests are a new pathetic image of the fight for the freedom and the human rights, now in the technology area. 
 (my blog comment posted at "Opinion | The One United Struggle for Freedom Hong Kong’s fight, and our own."


Monday, August 26, 2019

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on Monday, August 26, 2019 - Results of G7

#WR: What was the balance of G7? @WSJ says “President Trump struck a conciliatory tone on the final day of the Group of Seven summit, where he faced pressure from French President Emmanuel Macron to de-escalate the trade war with China and ease tensions with Iran.” Positive! #G7
#WR: With frame of G7, President Trump rethinks the war with China. In Biarritz, after tensions with other members of the summit, US President started to rethink the tariffs war with Beijing. @NYT says “Trump admitted ‘second thoughts’ on China.” Threats don't stop other threats!

Sunday, August 25, 2019

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on Sunday, August 25, 2019 - From G7, US-China war...

#WR: With frame of G7, President Trump rethinks the war with China. In Biarritz, after tensions with other members of the summit, US President started to rethink the tariffs war with Beijing. @NYT says “Trump admitted ‘second thoughts’ on China.” Threats don't stop other threats!

Saturday, August 24, 2019

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on Saturday, August 24, 2019 - French G7 Summit

#WR: What we can say about the French G7 Summit? Like always, President Macron is a good host… But in this time, the agenda items: "climate change" and "immigration" generate a lot of controversies in the dialogue with President Trump who disagrees about climate subject. #G7 #US
#WR: The current summit of the Group of Seven nations includes U.S., Japan, Germany, Italy, France, the U.K. and Canada, but really is US inside or outside the Biarritz environment?


Friday, August 23, 2019

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on Friday, August 23, 2019 - New step US-China war

#WR: New step in US-China war! After #Beijing announced new tariffs on US goods, President #Trump ordered to the US companies to start looking for an alternative to #China. Both initiatives have serious implications. Are the Americans prepared to live without “Made China” goods?
#WR: US has put its factories outside China immediately and block all the new possible transfers of technology to the Chinese.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on Thursday, August 22, 2019 - Amazon fires are not new!

#WR: Men enjoy destroying Nature: A case: Fires that destroy the Amazon rainforest! @WSJ says that vast fires are ravaging the Amazon. A lot of the fires are provoked by loggers. International community criticizes President Bolsonaro, but #Brazil fires are is not new. #AmazonFire, 

SOURCES: WSJ, BBC, NPR, my own database

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on Wednesday, August 21, 2019 - Greenland is not for sale

#WR: Do you know that President Trump wanted to buy Greenland? The idea was not bad. It is strategic territory in the doors of the Arctic and with minerals resources. But Prime Minister of Denmark said: “It is not on sale”. Meanwhile,China is building its own islands. #Greenland

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on Tuesday, August 20, 2019 - US military withdrawal from Germany

#WR: US military withdrawal from Germany. @dwnews wrote about the decision to move #US_troops out #Germany without a definitive schedule. Till now, US has 38,000 soldiers, 5 garrisons, a depot of nuclear weapons, the control center for drones strikes in Yemen, & more... Good/bad?
SOURCES: DW (Deutsche Welle)

Explanation: "Good/bad?" = Is a good or bad decision from US? Is good or bad for Germany? Is good or bad for Europe? Is good or bad for the western world? Is good or bad for Russia?

MY WSJ BLOG COMMENTS - August 20, 2019

10,766 COMMENTS 3,921 LIKES

Monday, August 19, 2019

WORLDRETHINK: Special Twitter tour on Monday, August 19, 2019 - The Lost Paradise of South America

#WR: Argentina has not a truly solution. It continues tied to the “corpse” of Juan Peron and with politicians who only have brilliant brains to steal. It is the lost paradise of South America.

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on Monday, August 19, 2019 - US cybersecurity at risk!

#WR: My opinion: US cybersecurity is at risk, while Huawei has any kind of open doors. Despite the Chinese giant is in an export blacklist, @WSJ  confirmed the White House extended in another 90 days temporary authorization allowing US companies to deal with Huawei. #CyberSecurity

SOURCES: WSJ, TechRepublic, my own database

MY NYT BLOG COMMENT - August 19, 2019

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Trassens | Florida
Beijing was patient during more than 10 weeks. It is possible, the Hong Kong's assault will start soon.

Posted in the blog comment sector of: “With Troop Buildup, China Sends a Stark Warning to Hong Kong" By Steven Lee Myers and Javier C. Hernández Aug. 19, 2019