Sunday, July 28, 2013

COMMENTS - 2013/07/28

DATES: 2013/07/21 – 2013/07/28
ANALYST: Domingo Trassens

Dear Friends:

The shout of the last weeks: Corruption! Corruption! Corruption!

In the last few days, the Bulgarians marched through the streets of Sofia in a series of anticorruption protests of the former Communist country; while in Brazil, Pope Francis started his first overseas trip with a strong speech against the corruption of government institutions and the suffering of millions of people who live in poverty.

These events came a week after more than 20 children died in an Indian school due to contaminated food with insecticide and some weeks from the riots of the Brazilian cities for the money the government expends in stadiums instead of building schools and hospitals.

In other news of the week, President Obama called for a long-term economic plan to help the middle class recovery. His speech was criticized by the opposition and some political analysts because the message didn’t include initiatives that can guarantee a significant change of the current panorama of the economy.

During July, the parade of Wall Street companies that posted their financial reports of the second quarter of the year was dull, without brilliance.

Among the American companies that publicized results in the last few days, the figures of Apple Inc. and didn’t satisfy the investors. In recent quarters, both companies were two of the “stars” of Wall Street.

Meanwhile, the confrontation between the supporters of the former President Morsi and Egyptian military leaders threatens to spread more blood across the Arab countries in between North Africa and the Middle East. The toll of deaths in different incidents is growing.

Now I would like to share with you a series of comments posted by myself in the WSJ Journal Community and PBS through Twitter during the last seven days about the top news of the week.

The comments are organized in the following sections:
- United States
- Europe
- The World (Asia, Africa, Middle East…)
- Latin America
- Education
- Economy, Business, Technology.

July 28, 2013



Subject: The White House fears the new violence in Egypt. 

My Comment: The Obama administration made a mistake when it supported the Muslim Brotherhood during the beginning of the Morsi presidency. Now, the best is to take a step to the side.

The White House cannot pretend to be involved directly in the internal political problems of each country in the world. (2013/07/28)

Subject: For now, President Obama will not change the Federal Reserve Chairman. Ben Bernanke will continue in his current position according to sources linked with the current administration.

My Comment: It looks like President Obama fears Congress will block his candidate in a key area of the government. (2013/07/26)

Subject: This is an opinion column about a new possible candidate for mayor instead Anthony Wiener.

My Comment: This column written by the journalist Bari Weiss makes an intriguing question: “Huma for mayor?”
If Anthony Wiener doesn’t run for New York mayor, somebody suggests the name of Huma Abedin, his wife.

Who is Huma Abedin?

1) Huma Mahmood Abedin is an American citizen born in Kalamazoo, Michigan on July 28, 1976. When she was two years old, her family moved to Saudi Arabia. Her parents were educators.
2) Her father is Syed Zainul Abedin from India.
3) Her mother is Saleha Mahmood Abedin from Pakistan.
4) Her religion is Islam.
5) She is the wife of Anthony Wiener and she has a child with him.
6) She is member of the transition team of the former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
7) She has also a brother that some sources say that is linked with the Muslim Brotherhood. Nobody involves her with the activities of her brother.

All this information is public and you can find more details searching through the Internet.

The constituents from New York have to decide if they prefer Huma Abedin instead of Anthony Wiener or they look for somebody else… (2013/07/26) 7 Recommendations

Subject: The U.S. Attorney General informed his Russian counterpart that Edward Snowden will not face death penalty.

My Comment: The letter of the US Attorney General Eric Holder to his Russian counterpart Alexander Vladimirovich Konovalov is a new attempt to force the return of Edward Snowden to the United States.
If Russia stops the Snowden’s asylum process, it is because they don't need more information from him. (2013/07/26) 2 Recommendations

Subject: Anthony Weiner, who is running for New York’s mayor, didn’t stop his practice of sending e-mails with “private pictures” after he was forced to resign as member of the U.S. House.

My Comment: The politicians have to learn that the public function demands a serious behavior and the respect for their constituents.
After the latest revelations nobody can say that Anthony Weiner acts in a respectable way in front the constituents. (2013/07/25) 3 Recommendations

My Comment answering to another member who asserted the behavior of Anthony Weiner would be punished if he is a teacher: Your observation is right: “If he was a teacher, he would be fired. If he was an officer of a large corporation, he would be fired…”
The people who plan to vote for him are people who don’t have respect for themselves and for their children. Decent parents cannot accept the mayor of the city who makes sexual insinuations to their daughter or son by the Internet. (2013/07/25) 4 Recommendations

PBS - REPORT- AIR DATE: July 24, 2013 - News Wrap: Waiting on Asylum, Snowden Obtains Document to Enter Russia

Subject: Edward Snowden – the former NSA contractor - will receive documents to leave the Moscow airport and enter Russia.

My Comment: From the beginning, my suspicion was that Russia would give asylum or immigration papers to Edward Snowden in payment for the information that the former NSA contractor shares with the Russian intelligence services.

In this case, asylum is not a humanitarian initiative. It is a deal linked with the spying system of Russia. (By TWITTER) (2013/07/25) 1 Recommendation

PBS - AIR DATE: July 24, 2013 - Obama Calls for Long-Term Economic Plan to Help Middle Class Rebound

Subject: President Obama launches a campaign for a long-term economic plan.

My Comment: Mr. President, since the financial collapse of 2008/2009, we are waiting for a strong economic recovery for the country.

During the last few years we saw only cosmetic changes. But the people who continue without job or working for minimum wages feel tired of the continuous debate of who is guilty. We don’t need more speeches, we need real solutions. (By TWITTER) (2013/07/25)

PBS- July 24, 2013 at 8:52 AM EDT - Anthony Weiner Comes Clean, Presses On in Mayoral Bid - By: Christina Bellantoni

Subject: Anthony Weiner tries to make pressure in his campaign for New York.

My Comment: The story says that “Anthony Weiner comes clean”. Is it possible that one politician who distributed porno through Internet can say he is “clean”?

When a politician commits this kind of mistake, he has to get out of the politics forever. We as a nation have to block the political career of those who do not have basic ethical behaviors.

The position of New York mayor is not a part of the theater world of Hollywood. (By TWITTER) (2013/07/25)

Subject: A Russian lawyer is helping Edward Snowden in the asylum process.

My Comment: This story says that the lawyer of the National Security Agency leaker went to the Moscow airport with fresh shirts and pants for Edward Snowden.
I really don’t care to know how many times Mr. Snowden has changed his underwear since his arrival in Moscow, but yes I care to know how many NSA secret files he has shared with the KGB agents from the moment he arrived at the airport. (2013/07/24) 8 Recommendations



Subject: After the fatal train accident in the north of Spain, the driver didn’t answer the questions of the investigators and the police put him in prison.

My Comment: They don’t know the reason of the accident but they put the motorman in jail. Now, probably they are torturing him to force a declaration of “guilty”. (2013/07/27)

My Comment: From the first moment, the information about the train accident in Galicia, Spain was very confused. Possible reasons:

- Sabotage?
- Terrorism?
- A motorman with more stress than normal?
- Bad maintenance?
- System faults?
- Other faults?
- …

Subject: The business activities are expanding again in the euro-zone.

My Comment: It is good that the euro-zone business activity is expanding again, but this story only talks about the economic growth of Germany.
The euro-zone bloc is very heterogeneous. We cannot consider Germany as a sample for all the group of countries. (2013/07/24)  

Subject: Anti-corruption protests against the Bulgarian government turn violent.

My Comment: The anti-corruption protests in Bulgaria reflect the fatigue of the normal citizens against bad practices of politicians and authorities in a country that for decades was part of the Eastern Block associated with Russia.

If we look with a magnifying glass the government procedures and practices of different nations of the East Europe, surely we will detect thousands of cases of corruption because the political systems have been changed, but the officials are the same that during the times when all these nations were ruled by communist regimes. (2013/07/23) 1 Recommendation

My Comment answering to another member who minimizes the anti-corruption protests of Bulgaria: Thank you for your comment. I agree that we find cases of corruption everywhere. But in the countries ruled by totalitarian regimes for decades, the level of corruption is higher than the others.

Why? In the totalitarian regimes from the right-wing or left-wing, there is not a public forum where you can discuss what is right or wrong. It is not possible that the citizens act against their “leaders”. Everybody has to accept the good or bad behaviors of their bosses and leaders. In this environment, the only way to live better is through "dirty" deals. (And this is one of the rules of the corruption.)

But the problem is that when the citizens were educated by a regime with high levels of corruption, they don’t change their behaviors despite the political regimes change. (2013/07/24)

Subject: The international media follows the birth of the new heir of the British crown – George Alexander Louis - with important headlines and long stories.

My Comment: This is the beginning of a new fairy tale of the United Kingdom.

Is there nothing more important than the "Royal Baby Boy" during the last days?

Really when we see the long stories about the birth of the new heir of the British crown, we realize how cynical that the world is today. (2013/07/23) 3 Recommendations

My Comment answering to another member of the Journal Community who compares the birth of the Royal Baby Boy with the birth of Jesus Christ: According to History, Jesus Christ was not born in a palace... But the press enjoys talking about "babies" who come to the world with nobility titles and all the luxury of parents who don't need to count their coins to buy a cradle. (2013/07/23) 1 Recommendation

Subject: The EU authority acts against the “military wing” of Hezbollah.

My Comment: The decision to place Hezbollah’s “military wing” on the list of terrorist organizations can generate negative reactions of the radical militants against European targets.
Today, Muslims groups are spreading across Europe and sometimes it is very difficult to know who is who. The current environment makes it easy the infiltration of terrorist groups in a territory without borders among the countries. (2013/07/23) 1 Recommendation


THE WORLD (Asia, Africa, Middle East…)

My Comment: This is the start of a civil war. (2013/07/26) 3 Recommendations

My Comment answering to another member who feel sorry for the tourist industry related to Egypt: This news is not only bad for the tourist industry. It is a very bad news for all the Egyptians.
Egypt is a country with rich cultural roots and a great History. Like everywhere, we can find good and bad people. No everybody is a Muslim extremist.

Both groups – Morsi’s supporters and military sympathizers - have responsibility in the killing of people because they don’t want to stop the confrontation.
The current situation is only a good business for the terrorism industry and the makers of chaos. (2013/07/28) 3 Recommendations

Subject: During the last weeks, India was news for a series of incidents that show corruption and other problems. Now, the information says that in an accident between a bus and truck, all the passengers of the truck – 18 people - died.

My Comment: This news shows again the weakness of a country that wants to become one of the powers of the world: corruption, negligence, bad transportation controls… (2013/07/23)



My Comment: The speech of Pope Francis in Brazil was a good start for the new leader of the Catholic Church.

The Pope put emphasis on social issues with a realistic attitude against corruption, poverty causes and the gap between rich and poor.

Now we have to observe if the Catholic institutions and priests follow his request of helping the millions of Brazilians who live in poverty. (2013/07/28)

My Comment: The visit of Pope Francis to Rio de Janeiro – according to the information available – generated a strong demonstration of faith in the middle of a chaotic environment.
Brazil is a country with organizational and infrastructure problems, but its people are very warm and friendly. (2013/07/27) 4 Recommendations

My Comment: Pope Francis has already started his campaign against the Vatican’s corruption. One of the bosses of the Vatican Bank is in jail for corruption. This was an important step in the right direction, but of course, we have to hope he continues cleaning the Vatican institutions. (2013/07/25) 5 Recommendations

My Comment: The call of Pope Francis to build a “more just” society implies less corruption. Could the Brazilian government institutions understand this message? (2013/07/24) 4 Recommendations

My Comment: The Venezuelan foreign ministry can make objections against the U.S. ambassador to Venezuela, but he has not right to criticize the nominee for U.S. ambassador to United Nations.

The “United Nations” is not Venezuela. For this reason, it was not appropriate that the Venezuelan foreign ministry made this kind of objection

It is evident that the new Venezuelan government looks for troubles with United States. (2013/07/21) 1 Recommendations



Subject: In Korea – according to the story – children and teenagers go to the school with smart-phones and generate problems in the classroom.

My Comment: The story written in Seoul about the addiction of South Korean children and teenagers to using smart-phones is only one of the thousands or perhaps millions of pictures that reflect the impact of the technology in the life of the society and the changes in the normal activities of the people: education, work, family living, vacation, and also the sleeping habits.

Before smart-phones, the digital music players were another important addiction for the youngsters. Do you remember the revolution that iPod produced approximately ten years ago?

We understand the addition of a phone or another digital device can become a sickness, but technology always has pros and cons.

In the current state of art, the smart-phone could become a great “tool” for youngsters and adults.

Educators have to guide their students in the use of the digital devices in the right moment and in the right way. They also have to implement strict rules related to classrooms to avoid the distraction of the students and the dispersion of the learning process.

But of course, the problem is when the students are the “teachers” of their teachers in the use of technology.

And this happens because a lot of educators walk slower than the society in the adoption of the technology tools. For this reason, the educative institutions and government have the obligation to facilitate the training of teachers and the implementation of new educational plans that include smart-phones and other devices in the educative environment.

Definitively, education cannot walk at a slower step than society in technology adoption. In other case, conflicts emerge... (2013/07/28)



Subject: Again Michael Dell affirmed that he wants to continue as a head of the company after the buyout.

My Comment: From the beginning of the buyout negotiation, Michael Dell expressed his decision to continue leading the company he founded. And this is one of the factors that make difficult any deal. (2013/07/28)

Subject: Apple posted financial results with mixed figures.

My Comment: When a company comes from glorious times, it is not easy to evaluate its difficulties to continue growing.
Apple posted the financial results for its fiscal 2013 third quarter ended June 29, 2013 with revenues of $35.3 billion and a net profit of $6.9 billion. A year ago, it posted revenues of 35 billion and a net profit of $8.8 billion. Its revenues grew 1% and its net income declined 21%.

In the last quarter, Apple sold 31.2 million iPhones and 14.6 million iPads. A year ago, it sold 26 million iPhones and 17 million iPads. The iPhone sales were a new record, but it sold 2.4 million less iPads.

In summary, the last quarter was not a brilliant moment for Apple. (2013/07/28)

Subject: EU authorities want to end the farm subsidization.

My Comment: The news says that the Breton chicken farmers fear their extinction due to the European Union will eliminate export subsidies for frozen chickens.
The subsidization of some segments of the economy has to be used as a tool for the development of new business. It never has to support a business that has not the potential to grow because this implies higher taxes for others.

Instead of crying, the French chicken farmers have to find the way to continue growing without government help. (2013/07/26) 1 Recommendation



1) External Sources: Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and PBS NewsHour, Apple News Releases about its financial results.

2) Own Sources: My own research for previous publishing projects: TTT of Comlab Corp, Spanish English Club online.


Sunday, July 21, 2013

COMMENTS - 2013/07/21

DATES: 2013/07/14 – 2013/07/21
ANALYST: Domingo Trassens

Dear Friends:

During the last week, a series of conflictive situations crashed and produced a lot of noise.

The verdict of the trial against George Zimmerman that ended with a "Not Guilty" generated a confrontation between those who think the death of Trayvon Martin was a racial crime and the others who believe Mr. Zimmerman acted in the correct way. Protests across Los Angeles, New York, Washington DC and other cities put “race” over Justice.

Next, the Taliban pointed against Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani schoolgirl who a week ago in the UN asserted: “the extremists are afraid of book and pens”. A top leader of the Taliban said that the Malala’s campaign for the education of the girls is satanic.

After that, the bankruptcy of the City of Detroit showed that when economic mistakes are not fixed in the right time, they can demolish cities and communities that in other times looked invulnerable.

In the end, President Obama broke his silence about the case Zimmerman-Trayvon Martin with these words: “Could have been me.”

Through all these events, we perceive serious conflicts related to the color of the skin and sex of human beings, plus the social collapse when companies and communities don’t understand basic laws of the diversification of the economic production and the market competition. 

The case of Detroit and the automotive industry was also a warning for companies from other sectors like big players of technology that according to the investors today are “missing the boat.”

During the week, Microsoft, IBM, Google, Intel, Nokia, Yahoo and others posted their financial results of the second quarter of the year with gloomy figures.

On Friday, a deep fall of the Microsoft’s shares was a complaint of the Wall Street people against a company that was a brilliant star of the technology investors several years ago.

And in connection with the Zimmerman-Trayvon Martin case, during the last few days, more than one whispered in the ear of President Obama: “Please, Mr. President, you have to remain cool…”

In summary, we saw how social and economic weaknesses can generate a mess with quasi incontrollable reactions.

Now I would like to share with you a series of comments posted by myself in the WSJ Journal Community and PBS through Twitter during the last seven days about the top news of the week.

The comments are organized in the following sections:
- United States
- Europe
- The World (Asia, Africa, Middle East…)
- Latin America
- Education
- Economy, Business, Technology.

July 21, 2013



Subject: Debate about the possible suspension of the planned trip to Moscow of President Obama to meet President Putin in September.

My Comment: In the current circumstances, if President Obama travels to Moscow in September, he will waste time because the recent meeting with President Putin was fruitless and bored.
Mr. Obama will not change the current plans of the Russian President and from the other side, now Mr. Putin is busy playing with his new toy (Edward Snowden). (2013/07/20) 1 Recommendation

Subject: After a long silence, President Obama talked again about Trayvon Martin but he said that we have to respect the verdict of Justice.

My Comment: Mr. President, you have a lot of problems on your desk… The case of George Zimmerman – Trayvon Martin is a Justice issue. (2013/07/19) 6 Recommendations

PBS - REPORT    AIR DATE: July 17, 2013 - News Wrap: House Republicans Attempt to Delay Health Reform Mandates

Subject: Republicans who are the majority in the House attempted to delay the mandates of the health reform known as Obamacare.

My Comment: In the federal sphere, the Republicans have an important “weapon” to fight against the White House. This “weapon” is the US House. (By TWITTER) (2013/07/18)

Subject: In the Senate, after a hard dialogue, Republicans and Democrats avoided the filibuster in the pending nominations of the new members of the executive branch.

My Comment: After a “personal war” between Majority Leader Harry Reid and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Senate bipartisan agreement put a good end to the differences between Republicans and Democrats about the package of nominations from the White House.

To avoid similar confrontations, both sides have to be more flexible using common sense.

It is not a question to approve a complete "package" with the eyes closed. In the other words, they have to approve the good nominees and withdraw the others. (2013/07/17)

PBS - THE MORNING LINE - July 16, 2013 at 9:01 AM EDT - Senators Look to Defuse 'Nuclear Option' Ahead of Tuesday Votes. By: Terence Burlij and  Katelyn Polantz 

Subject: Previous discussions about the resources of the minority to block initiatives of the White House or the majority.

My Comment: The abuse of the “filibuster” is bad; however the majority and minority leaders have to discuss their differences in a constructive way.

And the nomination process has to be open to refuse the candidates that don’t satisfy basic conditions. (By TWITTER) (2013/07/16)

Subject: After the “Not Guilty” verdict of the trial against Zimmerman, members of the federal government weighed to charge Zimmerman in killing.

My Comment: We have to hope the political organizations that converted this trial in a “political issue” stop the “game” soon if they don’t want riots across the country like in Turkey, Brazil or Egypt.

This is a new distraction to turn the face of the “naive” people away from other serious problems of the country…  (2013/07/15) 5 Recommendations

My Second Comment: If the media doesn’t stop the “propaganda” and the politicians don’t put down their own “feelings”, the Zimmerman case will become a new “racial war”.  (2013/07/15) 6 Recommendations



Subject: After more than one year of the Costa Concordia's shipwreck, the legal process continues and the ship was not removed from the place of the accident.

In the last days, the judge charged five members of the company, but the sentence against the captain is open till now.

We have to remember that the captain left the ship where a lot of people died.

My Comment: All the legal process related to the sinking of the Costa Concordia ship does not look serious. It is another picture of Italian "dolce vita". (2013/07/21)

My Comment: Around Silvio Berlusconi it all smells rotten, but he always has an angel who protects him. (2013/07/20)  

PBS- REPORT    AIR DATE: July 19, 2013 - News Wrap: Opposition Leader Alexei Navalny Released From Prison in Russia

Subject: Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny was released from prison after he was charged as guilty.

My Comment: We don’t believe the court decided for itself the freedom of Alexei Navalny.

We think President Putin made the decision behind the scene to avoid more domestic and international protests.(By TWITTER) (2013/07/20)

Subject: Another story about the freedom of Alexei Navalny who wants to run for Moscow mayor.

My Comment: Really, this is an intriguing movement. Probably, now Mr. Putin is happy after all the “metadata” and surveillance systems that surely his agents have copied from the mobile computers of Edward Snowden.
In the future, maybe when in your mobile phone, you hear that somebody is listening to your call, you don't have to say more: "Hello NSA!”. You have to say: "Hello KGB!"  (2013/07/19)

Subject:  A German member of the Angela Merkel’s cabinet traveled to Greece due to this country continues with serious financial problems.

My Comment: The news says “Greece Needs Money Again”. One time was okay. The second time was too much. Now, it is really crazy.
If the German taxpayers continue pouring more money into Greece, this country will become a new former DDR (German Democratic Republic or East Germany).

In this case, the Germans will have the right to "move" the complete Parthenon plus all the other monuments of the “Glorious Greece” to Berlin and the tourist agencies that organize tours to Athens will have to re-schedule their trips to Germany. (2013/07/18)

Subject: (This story was posted when Alexei Navalny was found guilty).

My Comment: If Alexei Navalny survives the jail, perhaps he will become the Russian leader after President Putin.
History shows that a lot of charismatic leaders grow from their prison days. Of course, they have to be courageous and hard fighters.

According to the information available, Mr. Navalny, a 37-year old anticorruption activist looks with a profile of a strong fighter also with experience using the new resources of the Internet like blog pages. (2013/07/18) 3 Recommendations

Subject: President Putin says that he hopes Mr. Snowden leaves Russia but till now the former NSA contractor remains in the Moscow airport.

My Comment: If Edward Snowden doesn’t find the way to leave Russia soon, he will become a “toy” in the hands of the former KGB agent. (2013/07/15) 1 Recommendation

My Answer to another member who made an affirmative statement about my previous comment: XX: Yes, Snowden is a child compared with the KGB's guys and if he continues living in the Moscow Airport it is because till now Mr. Putin enjoys the game... (2013/07/16) 5 Recommendations


THE WORLD (Asia, Africa, Middle East…)

Subject: Israel and Palestinians agreed to start a new peace process with the participation of the United States.

My Comment: Always when the Palestinians agree to sit around a “peace” table with the Israelis is because they are looking for something from behind.

Maybe, they want that President Obama send them "food stamps" for their families with children. (2013/07/19) 3 Recommendations

Subject: Japan announced an important plan to revival its military power.

My Comment: The military revival of Japan is not good news for different reasons:
1) The Japanese were very cruel warriors in all the wars they participated and they enjoyed fighting hard against their enemies, making suicide attacks, beheading prisoners, using slavery practices and more.

2) During the last few years, the old “wounds” of the war with China were reopened and they had a series of incidents between both countries. The Japan-China War was a terrible humiliation for the Chinese that they will never forget.

3) Japan has also pending war cases with other countries like Russia and Korea. And we will never forget the Pearl Harbor attack despite the United States and Japan are allies now. (2013/07/18) 4 Recommendations

PBS- REPORT - AIR DATE: July 15, 2013 - News Wrap: U.S. Urges Egypt to Be Inclusive in Political Transition

Subject: An important member of the President Obama administration visited Egypt to urge the new authorities to accelerate the political transition.

My COMMENT: The problem is the United States supported President Morsi despite from the beginning we knew it was a risky decision.

Now, the American support to the Egyptian military and interim government leaders will crash us against the Morsi’s supporters who will become our bitter enemies.

This confrontation doesn’t help for a new understanding. (By TWITTER) (2013/07/16)



Subject: In Colombia, poor rural workers are organizing a series of protests against the current government politics.

My Comment: The strikes and marches of poor rural workers against the Colombian government is a serious warning.
During the last few years, President Juan Manuel Santos and his predecessor improved the economy of the country and put down the guerrilla operations.

Now, from the view of international observers, Colombia looks like a country with a strong economy and more politically stable than before.

But if the poorer rural workers complain it is because Mr. Santos is not doing a good job or at least he is doing an incomplete job.

When a country grows economically, everybody has to be the beneficiary of this growth. The economic and social inequality is unfair and it generates popular unrest, riots and strikes and promotes “guerrilla” tactics plus the activities of illegal businesses like the drug traffic.

By the way, Colombia is a rich nation in resources, with an educated middle-class population and it is located in a strategic geopolitical region of the north of South America with coasts on the Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea and an excellent climate.

Subject: The head of the “Zetas” drug cartel was captured in Mexico.

My Comment: Always when they captured a drug leader, there are more than one ready to continue the illegal business. It is very difficult to dismantle a strong gang like 'Zetas'. (2013/07/16) 2 Recommendations

REPORT    AIR DATE: July 16, 2013 - Leader of Brutal Zetas Drug Cartel Captured Near Texas Border

Subject: Another story about the leader of the brutal “Zetas” drug cartel.

My Comment: We cannot celebrate the capture of Miguel Angel Treviño Morales as a big victory of the Mexican government. Before we saw that other drug leaders were captured or killed but nothing changed.

The killing of one bad guy periodically is not the end of the war against crime. We have to observe when they kill the next. (By TWITTER) (2013/07/17)



Subject: A Taliban leader reacted after the speech of Malala Yousafzai in the United Nations against extremists and education.

My Comment: As we saw some few days ago through the Malala Yousafzai's speech in the UN, the teenage campaigner for girls’ education is stronger than the corrupt Pakistani and Afghan politicians.
For this reason, now again the Taliban leaders attack her saying that her preaching is “satanic”.

Taliban fears that this schoolgirl will knock down their power, something that is really possible because education opens minds and makes more solid changes in the society than weapons and bullets. (2013/07/18) 19 Recommendations

Subject: The death of a group of school children due to insecticide-contaminated food puts in evidence serious corruption problems of the public educational system in India.

Before this incident, some external observers said that the food-program of the Indian schools was considered a successful program.

My Comment: The human tragedies continue hitting the countries of South Asia. India is in the center of this geography with frequent bad news.
A week ago, another story commented that the health authorities of United Kingdom made a serious warning about medicaments and medical drugs produced by Indian laboratories.

This current tragedy of at least 22 children killed by contaminated meals in public schools is very painful. However, it will not be the last bad news from a country with a lot of social and economic problems and limited sanitary infrastructures to cover the needs of the poor people. (2013/07/17) 4 Recommendations



Subject: After the publication of the Microsoft's financial report related to its four fiscal quarter, its shares dropped in Wall Street.

My Comment: According to the news, investors say that the “big technology companies are missing the boat”, but Wall Street only sees the part of the chart that shows how much revenue and net income the company declared at the end of the quarter.

Nobody looks at the beginning of the graph where you can see how many Windows licenses or PCs the companies have to sell every day of the quarter to improve their figures of previous similar periods.

In 1995, when Microsoft began its Windows 95 campaign, the market were virgin and a lot of potential users waited anxiously to run a computer with an graphic interface based on the Intel microprocessors.

Today, Microsoft wants to push up its sales of Windows 8 but till now across the world there are a lot of packages of Windows 7 on the shelves of its resellers and retailers waiting for a customer.

Despite the hard work of selling thousands of licenses per day, in the last quarter, Microsoft achieved revenues of $19.9 billions and a net income of $4.97 billion. Nevertheless, on July 19, the MSFT shares fell 11.40%.0% (2013/07/21)

Subject: IBM posted its second quarter financial report announcing new efforts to lift revenue.

My Comment: The financial results of IBM of its second 2013 quarter show the struggle of the technology companies to sell expensive tools in crisis times:

- Its net income was $ 3.2 billion, down 17% compared with a year ago.

- Its revenues were $ 24.9 billion, down 3% compared also with the same quarter of 2012.

But in the analysis of the operations of its business units, we can find some interesting data:

- The revenues of its Software Unit were US$ 6.4 billion, up 4% compared with a year ago.

- Also, its unit that produces and sells the System z mainframe grew 10% in revenues compared year over year.

-And its Microelectronics OEM unit increased a 6% in the same period.

Through these numbers, we see some important achievements:

- The effort made during years in the building the new software platform for corporations and big users is giving fruit. IBM didn’t buy bargains. It bought companies with tools that plug perfectly into its business model.

- From the other side, when in the 90s, a lot of people was mocking IBM for its dinosaurs (old mainframes), this company began a serious auto-analysis of the good and bad features of big computing systems. Now the System z mainframe is giving to IBM an exclusive opportunity to implement information solutions that others cannot. (2013/07/21)

Subject: Nokia posted the financial results of the last quarter with negative figures.

My Comment: The news says: “The erosion of Nokia Corp.'s mobile device unit continued in the most recent financial period…”

Since the company is in the hands of the Chief Executive Stephen Elop, with every quarter, the results are gloomy.

The former employee of Microsoft didn’t want till now to rebuild the Nokia’s business in the correct way. He persists with the idea that Nokia has to work as a Microsoft OEM using the Mobile Windows operating system as its main smart-phone line.

Nokia has to develop mobile phones for the satisfaction of its customers, not for the happiness of Steve Ballmer, the Microsoft’s CEO. (2013/07/19)

PBS -REPORT    AIR DATE: July 18, 2013 - News Wrap: City of Detroit Files for Bankruptcy – Part 1

Subject: Kevin Orr, the Michigan state-appointed emergency manager filed for bankruptcy on behalf of the city of Detroit. This is the largest bankruptcy of an American city.

My Comment: After the pioneers of the automotive industry died, nobody in Detroit opened an “economy book” to learn what happens when the competition grows and you lose income because your product is no more the bestseller in the market. 

Detroit was a company and union town. But it also was a town of "blind" people. They never saw what was happening when Japanese and German car makers invaded the world. They never opened the economy of the city with a wide criterion to avoid the collapse. (By TWITTER) (2013/07/19)  2 Recommendations

PBS - REPORT    AIR DATE: July 18, 2013 - News Wrap: City of Detroit Files for Bankruptcy – Part 2

My Comment answering to another member: It is true that after the crisis of 2008-2009, the American car makers are recovering part of the ground they lost, but the competition is stronger than during the glorious times of Detroit and is growing too.

Today the leaders of the world automotive industry are:
- GM: U.S.
- Volkswagen: Germany
- Toyota: Japan
- Hyundai: Korea
- Ford: U.S.
- Nissan: Japan
- PSA: France
- Honda: Japan
- Renault: France
- Suzuki: Japan
- Fiat: Italy
- Chrysler: U.S.
- BMW: Germany
- Mercedes Benz: Germany

In Summary, the Metro Detroit area cannot continue dreaming that if GM, Ford and Chrysler improve their car sales they will recover the leadership of 50 years ago, before German and Japanese manufacturers invaded the world market. Additionally, now Hyundai from Korean is part of the top leaders of the industry. (By TWITTER)  (2013/07/20)

Story: Another story remarking the record bankruptcy for Detroit.

My Comment: The bankruptcy of the city of Detroit is the consequence of a serious mistake made by politician leaders and unions. Everybody continued sleeping under the “umbrella” of the automotive industry despite they saw that the “holes” in the umbrella were growing.
Never should a city, state or country focus its economy on only one productive resource. Always, the leaders have to promote the diversification of the productive sources. (2013/07/19) 2 Recommendations

Subject: The discussion about the last price of the Dell buyout continues.

My Comment: This is a "personal game" of Michael Dell that will not heal the sickness of his company.
DeII Inc. is losing time because its founder is playing with his ego, while Lenovo, Huawei and others are pushing hard to be at the top of the hill.

Really, Dell as a technology company has only three options:

1) Redefine its business model like IBM as a provider of information technology solutions, consulting and services for corporations.

2) Put more pressure than Lenovo to become the No.1 of the PC market during the rest of the second decade of 2000s.

3) Refocus its business in the niche of digital tables, smart-phones and other digital devices. (In this niche, it has to compete hand to hand with tough players like Samsung and Huawei. It is a very difficult plan.)

If Michael continues playing like now, in 5 or more years somebody will buy its "debris" for less than the current value of the company. (2013/07/18) 2 Recommendations



1) External Sources:

1.1) Wall Street Journal: different articles and issues.

1.2) The New York Times: different articles and issues.

1.3) PBS NewsHour: different programs and pages.

1.4) Microsoft Press: News release of its last financial results.

1.5) IBM Press: News release of its last financial results.

2) Own Sources: My own research for previous publishing projects: TTT of Comlab Corp, Spanish English Club online.
