Saturday, November 30, 2019

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on November 30, 2019 - Bloomberg's Billions!

#WR: Are the billions of Michael Bloomberg enough? @WSJ writes about his money. My opinion: To win #2020Election, he has to put more than $$$. He has to rethink his "brains" to conquer together all Democratic flavors + Independent flavors. Near impossible mission! #Bloomberg2020
#WR: For a billionaire, to run for office is also a business. In the end, also losing, Bloomberg will not lose his fortune.

SOURCES: WSJ, my own database

MY WSJ BLOG COMMENTS - November 30, 2019

10,940 COMMENTS 4,309 LIKES

    Domingo Trassens
    • Domingo Trassens

Friday, November 29, 2019

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on November 29, 2019 - Hong Kong's Future?

#WR: Hong Kong's future? Can we image #HongKong after the end of the university siege?
@dwnews  posted “In a statement, police said that over two days they had seized 3,989 gasoline bombs, 1,339 explosive items, 601 bottles of corrosive liquids and 573 weapons..." Fierce battle!!!

#WR: This is not the end of the Hong Kong crisis!!!

Hong Kong police end university siege

MY WSJ BLOG COMMENTS - November 29, 2019

10,934 COMMENTS 4,283 LIKES

    Domingo Trassens
    • Domingo Trassens

Thursday, November 28, 2019

WORLDRETHINK: Special Twitter tour on November 28, 2019 - Thanksgiving

#WR: Every American has an own Thanksgiving! Like the Pilgrims and Native Americans who suffered hunger and miseries before a great harvest changed their life, everybody has a lot to do before celebrate. THANK YOU to you who gave me bread, water when I needed them. #Thanksgiving
SOURCES: My own heart and feelings for others

MY WSJ BLOG COMMENTS - November 28, 2019

10,934 COMMENTS 4,283 LIKES

    Domingo Trassens
    • Domingo Trassens

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on November 27, 2019 - Nobody trusts in Boeing!

#WR: Now, nobody trusts in Boeing. Big Crisis! @WSJ wrote that European and Middle Eastern regulators will conduct independent certification reviews of the next new Boeing's airplanes. Meanwhile, the #737MAX jets remain in the ground. What will be total cost of #Boeing's failure?
#WR Everybody who buys Boeing airplanes have the right to conduct their own safety probes after the previous failure of the manufacturer and the FAA.
via @WSJ
SOURCES: WSJ, Boeing, my own tech database

MY WSJ BLOG COMMENTS - November 27, 2019

10,929 COMMENTS 4,271 LIKES

    Domingo Trassens
    • Domingo Trassens

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on November 26, 2019 - Facebook in the presidential campaigns.

#WR: Facebook employee pro/against Trump in 2020? @WSJ says James Barnes who focused digital-ad strategies pro Trump-2016 is planning to lead a new ad-strategy “to try to get Trump out of office” in 2020. Is really possible #Facebook manipulates millions of #voters? #2020Election
#WR: In my opinion, Facebook manipulates the minds of people who don't have own criteria to evaluate political issues, shaking their brains. Now, James Barnes, former Facebook employee embedded in Trump2016 campaign, works for the other side.

SOURCES: WSJ, NYT, my own tech database