Tuesday, February 28, 2017

BLOG COMMENTS: Polarization...

Dear Friends:

After the five first weeks of government, NBS posted a series of polls related to the new White House administration.

1. President Trump’s approval:
1.1. Total:
1.1.1. Approve: 44%
1.1.2. Disapprove: 48%

1.2. 18 to 34-year-olds:
1.2.1. Approve: 34%
1.2.2. Disapprove: 58%

1.3. 50 to 64-year-olds:
1.3.1. Approve: 51%
1.3.2. Disapprove: 41%

2. Approval of the Temporary Travel Ban:
2.1. Total:
2.1.1. Necessary: 44%
2.1.2. Unnecessary: 45%

2.2. 18 to 34-year-olds:
2.2.1. Necessary: 31%
2.2.2. Unnecessary: 59%

2.3. 50 to 64-year-olds:
2.3.1. Necessary: 56%
2.3.2. Unnecessary: 35%

Meanwhile, the journalist Gerald F. Seib from WSJ wrote: “…Mr. Trump stands as an exceptionally polarizing figure. He inspires intense support among his admirers and equally intense animosity among his detractors, with remarkably few Americans standing in the middle without a strong view.  Everybody appears to have an opinion about Donald Trump…” (“As Donald Trump Heads to Congress, a New Polarization Is Hardening” Feb. 27, 2017)

In the bottom of this column, I added my opinion: “Polarization before, polarization now! We– the Americans – are divided from long time ago. Do you not remember the political geography in the Obama’s cycle?”

By the way, hours before that President Trump will make his first speech to a joint session of Congress, everybody talks about the deeply division of the country and also the own difficulties of new DNC chairman Tom Perez to rebuild the Democratic Party.

Next, you can read more about my last comments in the blog of the WSJ – Journal Community during the last days.

Domingo Trassens
Rethinking the world with you



(If you don’t know about Snap (“the unsocial social network”), you will learn soon after this technology company starts to deal its stocks in the Wall Street market.

This week, Snap makes its first public offer of $22 billion, a lot of money for the builder of a "virtual world" that till now is in process.

Here, you have my opinion about the Internet player that is gaining a lot of fans among teenagers and with the ambition to be the new “Facebook”.)

Snap looks like the “model” of the new society of individuals that only think and feel through a mobile screen.
02/27/2017 11:53:18 PM
9 Recommendations

Polarization before, polarization now!

We– the Americans – are divided from long time ago.

Do you not remember the political geography in the Obama’s cycle?
02/27/2017 11:23:40 PM
5 Recommendations

(After the murder of his own brother, Kim Jong Un continued with the series of executions of more military officials.)

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un kills his senior officials with antiaircraft guns for “false reports”. 

With this criterion, how many top officials have to die for “false news” in the western countries?
02/27/2017 06:46:44 PM
2 Recommendations

(This year, the Academy of Hollywood focused the Oscars ceremony against the new White House.)

The ceremony of the 2017 Oscars was a mess with high political tone.

Through this event, Hollywood gave a gloomy image of the film industry.
02/27/2017 02:51:59 PM
5 Recommendations

(An Iranian movie won an Oscar in the category of foreign movies.)

Surely, this award was political with the intention to hit President Trump.
02/27/2017 08:34:41 AM
13 Recommendations

Serious questions after the last week convention of the Democratic Party:

Is the new head of the Democrats a signal of the comeback of the establishment? 

Can Tom Perez unify the Democrat Party?

The left-wing of the party didn’t win, but it made a good election.
02/26/2017 11:54:23 PM
3 Recommendations

Huawei is not a company from today. It is a tech player that grew step by step jumping difficult hurdles due to the American blocking. Really, it is one of the heroes of the Chinese digital miracle.
02/26/2017 10:01:25 PM
2 Recommendations

According to the polls, the Trump's agenda is the best of the new President.
02/26/2017 06:21:52 PM
2 Recommendations

The last murder of the North Korean leader is an alert about his capability to send troops of killers across the world for special purposes.
02/25/2017 04:16:44 PM
2 Recommendations

The drones that the Islamic State is using in the battle for Mosul show the Islamic extremists have resources and capabilities for a new terror era.
02/25/2017 03:35:22 PM
2 Recommendations

(The columnist Peggy Noonan wrote: “If Democrats have a brain in their head, they’ll let Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch sail through the Senate. He’s too attractive. He has been frank and respectful in his meetings with them. He’s been candid about the man who nominated him, Donald Trump, to the reported irritation of the president. He is a thinker of clear conservative leanings who cannot be painted as radical because he’s radical as warm milk. His decisions tend to be plain, direct yet highly literate; in one he diagramed a sentence. He’s a friendly persuader with a serious intellectual background (Marshall Scholar at Oxford) and personal dignity. “)

My comment:

We can expect more quakes during 2017, because Democrats have not a brain in their head till now.
02/24/2017 05:12:06 PM
5 Recommendations

(The columnist Ted Van Dyk wrote: “Donald Trump has been in office barely a month, and already Capitol Hill Democrats and liberal commentators are plotting his removal from office. A typical headline asked: “How Can We Get Rid of Trump?”

“You can’t. Mr. Trump was fairly elected to a four-year term, which he will serve unless legitimate grounds emerge for impeachment. It’s time to move from 24-hour rage to serious consideration of the president’s policy proposals and, where appropriate, offering alternatives”. )

My comment:

"Fellow Democrats", your effort to destroy the President is a possible massive suicide of you.
02/24/2017 05:05:29 PM
5 Recommendations

For decades, Belarus was very close to Moscow. A movement away of Putin's orbit could be the start of a new military conflict.
02/24/2017 04:50:43 PM
1 Recommendation

The arrest of a critic of the president is demonstration that Philippines is ruled by a dictator regime.
02/24/2017 09:39:53 AM
4 Recommendations

(The story talks about cases of illegal immigrants who came to the country 20 years ago and they remain with illegal status.)

Illegal immigrants who came to the country 20 years ago had a lot of time to normalize their life according to the immigration laws.
02/24/2017 09:23:19 AM
7 Recommendations

President Trump has to talk to the persuadable citizens in a persuadable tone.
02/23/2017 06:27:23 PM
2 Recommendations

The Sweden of today is not the Sweden of a decade ago. The paradise collapsed.
02/23/2017 05:13:47 PM
7 Recommendations

(According to the story, some Texas Republicans don’t want to build a “wall” across private properties of the border with Mexico.)

My comment:

Advanced technology systems with digital cameras, control panels and drones for the monitoring of the border are better than classic walls.
02/23/2017 04:24:23 PM
2 Recommendations

The news says "German police arrest man with bomb-making material". As we see, Europe is infected of terror-makers.
02/23/2017 04:13:41 PM
3 Recommendations

During the last eight years, due to wrong decisions of the previous White House, we lost our presence in the Middle East and other parts of the world.
02/22/2017 06:11:49 PM
5 Recommendations

The EU's problem is European problem. We are only observers including Donald Trump.
02/22/2017 06:03:00 PM
5 Recommendations

The fact is the undocumented immigrants broke the law and probably they committed other crimes like the counterfeit of personal identifications.

A lot of the illegals come from countries with corrupt practices where near nobody respect the own laws and regulations.
02/21/2017 04:37:07 PM
8 Recommendations

A lot of Europeans question if Marine Le Pen will be a new Donald Trump.
02/21/2017 08:42:24 AM
2 Recommendations



1) External Sources: Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Twitter and PBS NewsHour.

2) Own Sources: My own research for previous publishing projects like TTT of Comlab Corp and others.

Website: http://world-rethink.blogspot.de/

Monday, February 20, 2017

BLOG COMMENTS: On President Day: Protests!

Dear Friends:

After the first four weeks of the new White House, on President Day, protesters across the country are shouting with banners that say: 'Not My President'. (By the way, who is Your President?)

Meanwhile, from Washington D.C., we can observe a series of progresses in the right direction.

Vice President Pence is in Europe talking with European leaders and NATO members in conciliatory tone. Through this emissary, the Trump administration tries to recreate links with important American allies explaining them the position of the new government.

And in Washington, President Trump has named Herbert Raymond McMaster as the new National Security Adviser. General McMaster is a hero of the Gulf War, critic of the Vietnam War and "the architect of the future U.S. Army". 

Next, you can read some of my comments and the reactions of the WSJ – Journal Community readers.

Domingo Trassens
Rethinking the world with you



It seems U.K. lawmakers are losing the classic style of the British diplomacy.
02/20/2017 09:21:53 PM
2 Recommendations

The sudden death of the Russian Ambassador can be motif for a series of questions:

- Was a natural death?

- Was Vitaly Churkin one of the “links” between Mike Flynn and President Putin?
Sometimes the "cardiac arrests" help to "delete" controversial contacts. 
02/20/2017 08:50:38 PM
9 Recommendations

According to the information that is public, we can affirm that Herbert Raymond "H. R." McMaster is an unbeatable warrior and very brainy military strategist.
02/20/2017 08:41:00 PM
12 Recommendations

Reasonable, the parents are responsible of the children actions.
02/19/2017 07:29:36 PM
8 Recommendations

In any government office, you should not criticize your boss in public. If you disagree with him, you must resign.
02/19/2017 06:31:32 PM
18 Recommendations

Now, Bill Gates is making politics too.
02/19/2017 06:57:29 PM
2 Recommendations

Sometimes, the professional protesters are people who make demonstrations as a sport or fun.
02/18/2017 05:40:57 PM
2 Recommendations

(Vice President Pence talking with NATO members in Munich (Germany) asked them for more cooperation of the European allies.)

It is reasonable that U.S. requests more responsibility from our NATO European partners.

There is an old statement that comes from the Ancient Times that says if you want help from others, start to help yourself.
02/18/2017 03:34:55 PM
5 Recommendations

The evidences are clear. Kim Jong Un killed his half brother and other members of his family. We never will safe next to him.
02/18/2017 03:29:42 PM
2 Recommendations

Mr. Scott Pruitt: Your job is very good to make a lot of enemies! You will have to move very carefully.

Congratulations! And good luck in your difficult mission!
02/17/2017 06:38:49 PM
11 Recommendations

Always History helps us to understand the present.
02/17/2017 06:33:57 PM
2 Recommendations

With “an injection of calm”, the new White House can make America great again.
02/17/2017 04:35:43 PM
2 Recommendations

China always protected North Korean regime. Now, we have to see if the pressure of U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson makes effect.
02/17/2017 04:28:58 PM
4 Recommendations

The Flynn's firing was a Pence's victory.

The fall of National Security Adviser General Flynn was the first clear demonstration of power of Vice President.
02/16/2017 05:49:52 PM
7 Recommendations

(President Trump has nominated to a lawyer with Latin roots as Labor Secretary)

The background of Alexander Acosta looks good. Through the hearing we will see if all is like we see now.
02/16/2017 05:31:03 PM
5 Recommendations

Surely, the Senate hearing on the Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch will be a bloody political battle between Democrats and Republicans.

If the battle doesn’t finish with a good end, the Democrats will pay the price in front external observers.
02/16/2017 04:51:51 PM
2 Recommendations

A question behind the scene:  Was General Flynn own decision to call Russian official, or it was a secret order from the Donald Trump?
02/15/2017 05:59:43 PM
2 Recommendations

Media doesn't like Donald Trump and Donald Trump doesn't like media.
02/15/2017 05:44:36 PM
2 Recommendations

North Korean Dictator is a morbid butcher.

Kim Jong Un also ordered the killing his uncle, other members of his family and his best general.
02/15/2017 05:23:11 PM
15 Recommendations



1) External Sources: Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Twitter and PBS NewsHour.

2) Own Sources: My own research for previous publishing projects like TTT of Comlab Corp and others.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

BLOG COMMENTS: Fourth Week, Time for Reboot

Dear Friends:

The first three weeks of the new White House showed that drive the country is different from run a presidential campaign.

President Trump wanted to implement what he promised during the campaign, but he found hard hurdles in his road that damaged his image.

As the journalist Gerald F. Seib from WSJ wrote: “…the power of the impulses that make up Trumpism, and that drove Mr. Trump to the White House, remains strong. If Washington had been working beautifully, there would have been no rationale for a Trump candidacy. Yet translating a winning campaign message into effective governance is hard, as Mr. Trump has learned over the last three weeks.” (“In Donald Trump’s Fourth Week, a Chance for a Reboot”)

The fourth week looks good time for a reboot because till now the Democrats do not react after the "knock-out" that was the defeat that they suffered last November.

Next, you can read some of my comments and the reactions of the WSJ – Journal Community readers.

Domingo Trassens
Rethinking the world with you



General Flynn is on the ropes.

It looks like General Flynn – National Security Adviser - will be the first member of Trump's team who falls under internal and external pressure.
02/13/2017 06:30:11 PM
5 Recommendations

Venezuelan Vice President Tareck El Aissami, who President Maduro named as his successor, was accused of selling visas to dangerous people from the Middle East

We have to remember that some of the terrorists of the infamous September 11, 2001 came to U.S. through Venezuela.
02/13/2017 11:26:30 PM
7 Recommendations

(In the start of the fourth week of government, the journalist Gerald F. Seib from WSJ remarked President Trump hit himself against a series of hurdles during the first three weeks in the White House.)

Drive the White House is very different from run a presidential campaign. However, Donald Trump has a chance for a reboot, due to till now the Democrats don't know what to do after the defeat.
02/13/2017 10:02:01 PM
1 Recommendation

(The Canadian leader Trudeau visited President Trump in the White House. Both disagree in some points, but they agreed to work together.)

It is not necessary that Canadians become Americans and the Americans become Canadians. Both countries can work together with mutual respect despite their own differences. 
02/13/2017 09:29:51 PM
1 Recommendation

The Democrats cannot "govern" the country through the game of "filibuster" during 4 years.

A permanent negative attitude will be a political suicide of the party.
02/13/2017 06:52:04 PM
1 Recommendation

(After Congress confirmed Mrs. Betsy DeVos as the new Education Secretary, a lot of protesters went to the street to block her start in Education.)

The protesters who only protest for protest are stupid.

The fact is Mrs. Betsy DeVos is the new Education Secretary. We don’t have to stop her.

We have to help her to drive the education for the best road with intelligent actions.
02/12/2017 06:13:37 PM
7 Recommendations

The North Korean leader is a crazy dangerous man. Really, a devil who wants to spread death and destruction everywhere.
02/12/2017 05:33:25 PM
2 Recommendations

Germany elected a great politician with strong experience in foreign relationships as its new president.

Former German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier deserves his new role in the German politics.
02/12/2017 05:29:22 PM
1 Recommendation

Can normal citizens end the Romania's corruption without blood in the middle? Difficult question!
02/12/2017 05:23:59 PM
1 Recommendation

Greece never solves its problems for itself.
02/11/2017 05:51:55 PM
2 Recommendations

Mexicans have to read the books of history about the bad relationships of the decades and decades between both countries before to start a new "war". 

The current problems are not really Trump's problems. They are Mexicans problems that came for the past and they never put interest to solve.
02/11/2017 05:38:48 PM
8 Recommendations

Hurdles are normal in the road of any president. In the case of President Trump, some "hurdles" are due to his own personality.
02/11/2017 04:29:47 PM
2 Recommendations

(The Japanese leader Shinzo Abe made his second visit to President Trump after Mr. Trump won the election.)

Shinzo Abe again talking personally with Donald Trump! The Japanese Leader wants to be "premium partner" of the new White House administration.
02/10/2017 05:09:00 PM
4 Recommendations

President Erdogan is pushing Turkey into a tough dictatorship with excuses of security reasons. 

In short time, nobody in this country will have the right to say: "Ah!" without the previous authorization of the Turkish supreme leader. 
02/10/2017 05:01:50 PM
2 Recommendations

The determination of the The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals against President Trump’s immigration executive order is a demonstration that till now in the United States, the separation of powers works.
02/10/2017 01:29:20 PM
2 Recommendations

The confirmation of Ton Price as Health and Human Service Secretary is the first step to dismantle Affordable Care Act. We have to follow the next steps…
02/10/2017 12:20:29 PM
2 Recommendations

(Days after his nomination for the Supreme Court, Judge Neil Gorsuch made a negative comment about the Trump’s criticism against a member of the judicial branch of government.)

According to we see, Supreme Court nominee has his own mind about judicial issues.
02/09/2017 06:01:51 PM
2 Recommendations

(A Putin’s rival with democratic ideas goes to jail in Russia.)

Russia is not a democratic country. Nothing new!

Alexei Navalny is not the last political enemy of Vladimir Putin that will go to jail.

Could we expect a red carpet for a “dangerous man” according to the parameters of the Russian politics?
02/09/2017 05:31:46 PM
4 Recommendations

(Some analysts say the progress in labor-market measures is slow despite the promises of Donald Trump.)

Till now, we cannot make forecasts about the labor-market changes in the new political cycle after less the three weeks of government.
02/09/2017 05:13:51 PM
4 Recommendations

(Elizabeth Warren, a Democrat who always makes hard comments against Donald Trump tried to stop the nomination of new attorney general reading in Congress some statements of the wife of Luther King about racism, something that the Republican senators considered offensive against the nominee of President Trump.)

Sen. Elizabeth Warren wants to kill the Jeff Sessions as attorney general nominee, but maybe she is killing herself in the political sense.
02/08/2017 04:51:44 PM
6 Recommendations

In the current moment, the Democratic Party is the Party of the “No”. Dangerous game in the start of a new political cycle!
02/08/2017 04:09:22 PM
10 Recommendations

(Australian authorities reacted against the new White House administration due to the Syrian refugees that former President Obama promised to receive in the current year.)

The deal about refugees was between Australia and the Obama administration. The new White House has different criteria about refugees.

Australian government cannot make a "war" against Trump administration because they made an agreement with somebody who was leaving the White House.
02/07/2017 04:15:46 PM
4 Recommendations

It looks like Democrat Senator Schumer and his colleagues don't have clue how to battle against the White House.

The "resistance" of the Democrats works in favor of President Donald Trump. 

It will not help to the Democratic Party to return to its glory days. This is a tactic of trench. It doesn't give achievements.
02/07/2017 09:20:41 AM
7 Recommendations

During the last few decades, Chile was living a calm era with a lot of success in businesses.

However, Chileans have a violent history with a lot of expressions of extremism.

Now, Chile is returning to its old times of violence. Pending question: Where is the "civilized country" of recent years?
02/06/2017 03:57:14 AM
5 Recommendations



1) External Sources: Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Twitter and PBS NewsHour.

2) Own Sources: My own research for previous publishing projects like TTT of Comlab Corp and others.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

BLOG COMMENTS: Second Week... What's Next?

Dear Friends:

Seven days ago, we talked about the “Trump Explosive Start”. During the second week of the new Washington administration, the stormy winds declined. However, some initiatives of the President showed us that till now the ground looks unstable under our feet.

Peggy Noonan, famous columnist of WSJ wrote several days ago: “We are living through big history and no one here knows where it’s going or how this period ends. Everyone, left, right and center, feels the earth is unsteady under their feet. Too much is happening. Democratic senators boycott confirmation hearings, Iran tests ballistic missiles, President Trump has testy phone calls with prime ministers…” (Posted by WSJ with the title of “In Trump’s Washington, Nothing Feels Stable” Feb 2, 2017)

By the way, the most important news of the week was the nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch for the Justice Scalia’s vacant seat in the U.S. Supreme Court.

In relation with this Trump’s nomination, David Brooks, political columnist of The New York Times affirmed: “Clearly qualified, first-rate legal scholar, first-rate judge, first-rate mind, apparently a first-rate person. He’s what any — the best any Republican president would have done. So, I thought a very good pick for Donald Trump.”

Next, you can read some of my comments posted during the last week in the blog of Wall Street Journal and the reactions of the members of the Journal Community.

IMPORTANT: Frequently, I use my blog comments in WSJ and Twitter to “test” the opinion of my readers in both media. In Wall Street Journal, the “Recommendations” reflect the “Like” points of the readers. In Facebook and Twitter, the readers vote through the “Like” button.  The different between Twitter and WSJ is that WSJ/Journal Community is “closed community” where only a small group of people can vote.

Domingo Trassens
Rethinking the world with you



We are entering into a new chapter of the Iranian-American war, a war without end till now.
02/05/2017 11:55:08 PM
1 Recommendation

(This story talks about a Russian journalist that was poised two times in Russia and now he is dying.)
It is the risk to open a lot your mouth in countries that are not democratic. 

In some of these countries, they poison you. In others, they cut your head or they torture till you fall dead in dirty floor of a cell full of “devils”.
02/05/2017 11:51:02 PM
1 Recommendation

Now, the 170 years of hostility between both countries is slapping Mexicans due to they didn't use the recent U.S. friendship in the right direction.

The Mexicans cry because they never learned to act as adults in the relationships with the neighbor of the North.  
02/05/2017 09:56:22 PM
6 Recommendations

Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell has the right to act with independence from the White House.

But the media likes to show disagreement, differences, quarrel instead of showing the positive side of the government actions.
02/05/2017 06:11:10 PM
3 Recommendations

Who can guarantee that criminals like the Colombian rebels will become good people?
What will be the new business of these rebels?

The Colombian rebels with a new face of "peaceful and good people" have all the resources and legal frame to start a new rich drug industry.

Maybe, President Santos will be the new partner. (?)
02/04/2017 04:59:45 PM
1 Recommendation

The Iranian regime is looking for all the opportunities to show to U.S. that they don't like us.
02/04/2017 04:23:13 PM
1 Recommendation

Iran is trying to humiliate to the United States in all the possible ways.
02/04/2017 04:25:10 PM
5 Recommendations

And who weakened our position in front to the Iranian regime during the last few years?

Everybody knows that the openness of Barack Obama and John Kerry for the Iranians was more than the normal.
02/04/2017 04:31:26 PM
10 Recommendations

Social media plays important role for the two sides of the American politics: Democrats and Republicans.
02/03/2017 05:15:40 PM
1 Recommendation

This is only the start of Rex Tillerson – former Exxon’s CEO - as U.S. State Secretary.

We have to see if he will improve our foreign relationships in the right way according the current world frame.
02/03/2017 05:03:45 PM
1 Recommendation

The news says "U.S. added a robust 227,000 jobs in January". Are you talking about the "robust jobs" of $7/hour or $8/hour?
02/03/2017 04:54:33 PM
3 Recommendations

The Iranians continue with their military plans and terrorist activities because till now nobody stopped them. They want to be one of the powers of the world.
02/03/2017 04:46:41 PM
13 Recommendations

From my perspective, Betsy DeVos is a wrong “experiment” of President Trump. She doesn’t have previous real experience in education.

Independently of all the considerations, you cannot lead teachers if you cannot talk with them the same "language". The same that you cannot solve medical issues if you are not a doctor or you cannot lead troops to a victory if you don't have military background.

The "experiments" in education, military and healthcare with people who don't have knowledge about these 3 critical issues normally don't work.
02/02/2017 04:51:53 PM
5 Recommendations

The problems between Middle East Christians and Muslims exceed the Trump initiatives.

When they are majority, the Muslims always have excuses to act against Christians because they are not tolerant with other religions.
02/02/2017 04:06:05 PM
5 Recommendations

Germany has to fight against terror in the way to clean the country of this sickness.
02/02/2017 03:56:07 PM
2 Recommendations

Violence in the university is a classic attitude of the underdeveloped countries.
02/02/2017 03:39:11 PM
11 Recommendations

We have to hope Judge Gorsuch will be great Justice Gorsuch.
02/01/2017 05:14:57 PM
6 Recommendations

This is war between Saudis and Iranians.
01/31/2017 06:12:22 AM
3 Recommendations

While Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg continues talking a lot about subjects that are not his business, he will have problems everywhere.
01/31/2017 06:01:06 AM
2 Recommendations

Acting Attorney General Sally Yates committed suicide in the political sense.
01/31/2017 04:11:46 AM
4 Recommendations

Republican Senator McCain normally is an independent mind in Congress. 

In a democracy, it is healthy when the lawmakers are not "acolytes" of the president.
01/31/2017 12:22:01 AM
5 Recommendations

The Trump's immigration order came as reaction of a previous weak attitude in relation with illegal immigrants and refugees.  (But it is a controversial issue.)
01/29/2017 11:08:39 PM
8 Recommendations



1) External Sources: Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Twitter and PBS NewsHour.

2) Own Sources: My own research for previous publishing projects like TTT of Comlab Corp and others.