Tuesday, June 30, 2020

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on June 30, 2020 - Dark predictions of Dr. Fauci!!

#WR: Do you know the Fauci’s prediction about COVID-19? @WSJ posted that Dr. Anthony Fauci said that it could go up to 100, 000 cases a day if people continue to “flout advice on social distancing and face masks”. Today there are 40,000 new cases a day. #COVID19 #SocialDistancing
My opinion is @WSJ blog page:
#The people don't care about the risks of the coronavirus when don't see the death in the previous corner.  At that moment, all the actions are late."
SOURCES: The Wall Street Journal and my opinions in Twitter and WSJ.

Monday, June 29, 2020

MY WSJ BLOG COMMENTS - June 29, 2020

11,832 COMMENTS 6,164 LIKES

    Domingo Trassens
    • Domingo Trassens


#WR: Here, we are in the end of June. Today is Monday 29, mostly cloudy, temp. over 90 F. From the #sunrise, the #sunshine was hidden #clouds. Mr. Sun said: "Good morning! Today will be hot and cloudy day." #Florida #summer #StormHour

Sunday, June 28, 2020


#WR: In South Florida, Sunday, June 28 started mostly at 6 AM, in the first hour of the #sunrise. After that, Mr. Sun came with smile and said: "Hi, guys! Today you will enjoy a partly sunny day. Good luck!" #Florida #summer #StormHour

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on June 28, 2020 - COVID-19 returns to the top of the headlines!

#WR: If you don’t want to be the 10,000,001 case, take action before! @WSJ posted that “Coronavirus Cases Pass 10 Million Globally” On Saturday, again the #COVID19 cases climbed in #Florida. Also #Texas, #Arizona in headlines. ADVICES: Use mask! Care yourself! No go to PROTESTS!
SOURCES: The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Deutsche Welle, BBC news

Saturday, June 27, 2020

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on June 27, 2020 - Can US reverse the Huawei's victories?

#WR: Can US reverse Huawei's victories in 5G? Again @WSJ talks about the worries of the White House for the victories of the Chinese tech giant. This is theme of "White House Considers Broad Federal Intervention to Secure 5G Future” by Drew FitzGerald & Sarah Krouse. #Huawei #5G

Since the moment that China started to grow as a world economic player, the United States and the western countries underestimated the possibilities of the Asian nation to become one of the leaders of the planet.

Today, we see the Chinese companies that began working in a very low level of the technology arena, are the giants of the industry.

The WSJ's story analyzes some plans the White House are thinking to confront Huawei as 5G leader. The United States government is trying to build a coalition of American and European companies to fight against the Chinese giant. Is this a good plan? The answer is pending.

SOURCES: WSJ story and my own tech think tank.


#WR: This is Saturday, June 27. In South Florida, the day started mostly cloudy, but a nice sunshine. Forecast: partly sunny, temp. climbing over 88 F. Mr. Sun greeted: "Hi, folks! Have a nice weekend!" #Florida #summer #sunrise #StormHour

Friday, June 26, 2020

WORLRDRETHINK: Twitter tour on June 26, 2020 - COVID-19 is beating hard to Florida

#WR: Why COVID-19 is beating hard to Florida? @WSJ wrote “#Florida reported 8,933 new cases of #coronavirus Friday, up from around 5,000 cases Thursday. " The state’s total number of cases climbing to 122,960. It looks like Floridians didn't take seriously the #COVID19 pandemic.
  #WR: Florida in the bad news related to COVID-19. @WSJ wrote: "Florida, along with Texas, California and Arizona, accounted for nearly half of record-breaking 39,972 confirmed Covid-19 cases reported on Thursday, according to data from Johns Hopkins University."
#WR:Till now, the Floridians didn't take the COVID-19 pandemic seriously. A lot of people don't use masks and they don't respect social distancing. These are the consequences. wsj.com/articles/coron
via @WSJ
SOURCES: The Wall Street Journal

MY WSJ BLOG COMMENTS - June 26, 2020

11,829 COMMENTS 6,159 LIKES

    Domingo Trassens
    • Domingo Trassens
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