Monday, May 25, 2015


Dear Friends:

I would like to share with you some of the comments posted by myself in the WSJ Journal Community about important headlines of the Wall Street Journal from May 18 to May 25.

The comments are about politics, economy, business, social issues, education and technology in the United States, Europe and the world.

As you can see for the RECOMMENDATIONS, the majority of these comments generated a good reaction of other members of the Journal Community.

Domingo Trassens
World Rethink

May 25, 2015


BLOG COMMENTS: 2015/05/18 - 2015/05/25

MY COMMENT: In the gloomy moments, the financial and economic problems generate division.

Now some politicians of the Greece’s governing party want to cut in a bad way with the European community, but the euro-zone exit could move the country to a period of a lot of uncertainty. 1 Recommendation 05/25/2015 03:03:04 PM

MY COMMENT: During approximately 10 years, the Europeans were dreaming in the magic of the euro.

Meanwhile, the social problems grew because the economy walked in a slower step than previous expectations.

In parallel, the riots and social commotions of Greece and the massive immigration of refugees from Middle East, South Asia and Africa shook the European Community.

Now, across the region, there are a lot of people who are trying to survive with low-wage jobs or social assistance. Of course, these individuals cannot move the economy because they don’t have enough money to cover their basic expenditures. 1 Recommendation 05/25/2015 02:23:16 PM

MY COMMENT: When the politicians in charge of the government make serious mistakes, acting with arrogance and using corrupt practices, it is good that the citizens punish them in the voting. This is democracy.

In Spain, the Popular Party has been accused of corruption since they took the central government.

In the regional elections the Spaniards punished it voting for other parties. It looks like the democracy works in Spain.1 Recommendation 05/25/2015 05:08:47 AM

MY COMMENT: Till now, despite the fall of Ramadi in the hands of the ISIS militants, the White House didn't change its attitude about the Iraq war.

We have to see, what kind of strategy the U.S. Defense Secretary will define.

Without a strong plan, arming Sunnis to fight against ISIS is a double edged sword. 2 Recommendations 05/24/2015 04:06:08 PM

MY COMMENT: John Forbes Nash, Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences, is dead, but the work of his “beautiful mind” will illuminate the path of the science forever.

My deepest sympathy!  DAT 3 Recommendations 05/24/2015 03:16:07 PM

MY COMMENT: The new initiative of President Vladimir Putin is nothing new in his style of ruling Russia.

We cannot expect that Mr. Putin accepts the criticism of they think different from him. 05/23/2015 05:52:47 PM

MY COMMENT: In the Republican side, Sen. Rand Paul is playing as a rebel. With this attitude, he will win the vote of independents, but he will lose Republican constituents. 2 Recommendations 05/23/2015 04:16:53 PM

MY COMMENT: In other times, Ireland was a very conservative and traditional country.

The vote in favor of legalizing same-sex marriage looks like now the Irish people are changing 360 degree in their way of thinking and acting. 1 Recommendation 05/23/2015 04:04:34 PM

MY COMMENT: The news says that Scott McNealy, Sun Microsystems ex-chairman, is back as CEO of Wayin.

Scott has a rich experience in the technology business. He has the knowledge and skill to make new contributions in his new role of CEO of a startup related with the social-network environment. Good luck! 1 Recommendation 05/22/2015 03:10:35 PM

MY COMMENT: After all its successes, the fall of BlackBerry is sad, but in the technology arena, it is normal.

When a tech hero is in the top of the hill, it does not expect that somebody else will push down.

But in the curve of life a product – in this case, the BlackBerry smart-phone- after the inflection point, if the father of this product doesn’t find in a fast way the answer to the new requirements of the market, it falls.

Apple iPhone did not cripple Blackberry smart-phone. Its fall was the result of the mistakes of BlackBerry (company).

When somebody walks wrong in the technology path, other/s jump over its corpse.
05/22/2015 02:46:42 PM

MY COMMENT: This new bombing attack in this case in a Shiite mosque of a Sunni country is “horrible picture” of the deep division among different Muslim groups.  2 Recommendations 05/22/2015 01:55:02 PM

MY COMMENT: This story about “Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi Emails” does not give enough elements to make a serious judgment about the way that Mrs. Clinton acted before, during and after the attack. It says all that we knew before with a little more of cosmetic.1 Recommendation 05/22/2015 01:27:46 PM

MY COMMENT: Now, the Brazilians are pointing against Dilma Rousseff, when last year they gave her their vote to win a second term despite everybody knew about the corruption of her government in the first term of presidency.

This shows the Brazilian mentality, fun and dance during the night and in the next morning, to cry and go to pray in the church.

It is truth that Dilma Rousseff and her team are corrupt, but this is not because they are leftists or socialists. The Brazilian government apparatus was corrupt before Dilma Rousseff and Luiz InĂ¡cio Lula da Silva...

We cannot expect that the resign of Dilma Rousseff will fix the current problems of the country because the Brazilian corruption is not the “sin” of a leader or political party. The corruption is a sickness that involves all the political system, including the constituents who vote today for the left and tomorrow for the right. 1 Recommendation 05/22/2015 12:41:02 PM

MY COMMENT: Today the ethical values are not important for the politicians with hunger of power and personal ambitions. However, somebody who doesn't give good example to others cannot rule them in a right way. 2 Recommendations 05/21/2015 03:22:44 PM

MY COMMENT: The silence of the western leaders in front the horror of Boko Haram is more than indifference to the suffering of the victims of this terrorist organization.

It shows the women, girls and children of the African countries are not considering human beings with the same sensitivity of the women, girls and children of the western world. 7 Recommendations 05/21/2015 02:46:33 PM

MY COMMENT: The current situation in Iraq reflects the crash of two different attitudes:

1) The Islamic State has the resolution to capture all the territory it can and it pursues its plans in the ground step by step. The air-strikes and killing of some of its commanders don’t stop it.

2) The Iraqi government does not have clue how to defend its territories and stop the advance of the ISIS militants. It sleeps in the belief that the American troops will comeback to the battlefield with all the power to defeat the enemy. Meanwhile, in Washington, there is not a real will power to return to Iraq and drive a war in the ground against the Islamic State.

In summary, the passiveness of the Baghdad government and the hesitant attitude of Washington are playing in benefit of the Islamic State. 1 Recommendation 05/21/2015 02:08:11 PM

MY COMMENT: In recent days, the White House has declassified materials that the American special troops seized during the 2011 raid that killed Osama bin Laden.

It is interesting to know that the “Bin Laden’s Bookshelf” includes “software manuals” among 400 letters, books, news articles and research reports.

Perhaps, in his free times, Bin Laden studied software, (Excel, Word, PowerPoint…) (??)
05/20/2015 02:29:23 PM

MY COMMENT: The news says that six Chinese citizens – including several university professors – are charged with economic espionage against the United States.

The environment of a university is good for economic espionage due to the access that the professors have to key information of the research in specific subjects. 3 Recommendations 05/19/2015 03:24:19 PM

MY COMMENT: According to the news, Apple had dropped its plans of ultra-high-definition television.

From the other side, the investor Carl Icahn said that Apple will enter the TV market next year and in the car market in 2020.

Frequently, Mr. Icahn knows about the “movements” and “plans” of the technology companies because he is in the “noise” of the environment.

However, sometimes, he makes public comments to “force” the companies to act or to “focus" other investors in one or another direction of the investment market. Often, this is his game. 6 Recommendations 05/19/2015 06:19:44 AM

MY COMMENT: The fall of the Iraqi City of Ramadi in the hands of the ISIS militants acts in an opposite way to the killing of a top leader of the Islamic State by U.S. special-operations team.

If the troops of the Iraqi government cannot maintain under their control important cities and provinces of the country, the killing of some leaders of the militants will not debilitate the Islamic State.

The efforts of the United States to support the Iraqi authorities will be useless and the panic of the civil population will spread everywhere also in the same streets of Baghdad.
0 Recommendations
05/18/2015 11:38:05 AM

MY COMMENT: The story starts “David Cameron and Alexis Tsipras are miles apart politically, but they share more in common than either may care to admit”

From my point of view, the arguments used to mark the common points of David Cameron and Alexis Tsipras are weak.

Tsipras won the elections lying to his people about promises that he could not make. Before the voting, he knew that the finance and economy of Greece was in very bad shape and he didn’t have agreements with the international creditors to facilitate the payment conditions.

From the other side, Tsipras and his finance minister are cheating with the top leaders of EU and Germany in a way that looks grotesque.

Prime Minister David Cameron is a combative politician but he acts with ethical manners.
3 Recommendations
05/18/2015 07:45:49 AM



1) External Sources: Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Tweeter and PBS NewsHour.

2) Own Sources: My own research for previous publishing projects like TTT of Comlab Corp, Spanish English Club online and others.


Monday, May 18, 2015


Dear Friends:

I would like to share with you some of the comments posted by myself in the WSJ Journal Community about important headlines of the Wall Street Journal from May 11 to May 18.

The comments are about politics, economy, business, social issues, education and technology in the United States, Europe and the world.

As you can see for the RECOMMENDATIONS, the majority of these comments generated a good reaction of other members of the Journal Community.

Domingo Trassens
World Rethink

May 18, 2015


BLOG COMMENTS: 2015/05/11 - 2015/05/18

MY COMMENT: The fall of the Iraqi City of Ramadi in the hands of the ISIS militants reverses the effect of the killing of a top leader of the Islamic State by U.S. special-forces.

If the troops of the Iraqi government cannot maintain under their control important cities and provinces of the country, the death of some leaders of the militants will not debilitate the Islamic State.

The efforts of the United States to support the Iraqi authorities will be useless and the panic of the civil population will spread everywhere also in the same streets of Baghdad.
1 Recommendation
05/18/2015 11:38:05 AM

MY COMMENT: The PC era helped the semiconductor manufacturing equipment makers to grow strong. From those times, Applied Materials became a very important player of the sector.

After the golden era of the personal computing, all the gear makers suffered the impact of the decline of the sales of PCs.

Now, it looks like the boom of cloud computing can open new opportunities for the sector and reinforce the business of leading companies like Applied Materials and Lam Research. But till now, it is early to make forecasts. 1 Recommendation 05/18/2015 09:09:06 AM

MY COMMENT: Google always makes “experiments”, but this does imply that all its projects work properly.

We have to observe for a period and see if this new project impacts in the businesses of Amazon and eBay… Now, it does not make sense to predict results. 05/17/2015 02:17:30 PM

MY COMMENT: From the beginning, the Iraq war was a very controversial issue.

However, it is not fair to put all the weight of the Iraq-war decision in the Republicans because a series of Democrat politicians – included Hillary Clinton – agreed with the invasion before the war started.

Today we have to seek solutions for the problems that we have in our hands now and stop to stir the facts of the past. 1 Recommendation 05/17/2015 01:53:02 PM

MY COMMENT: Behind the Amtrak case there are 2 scenes:

1) A real story that some somebody is hiding (probably the Amtrak engineer)

2) A fictitious story that is full of speculations.

Meanwhile, we have a balance of eight dead people and more than 200 wounded plus all the damages and technical problems for the derailed train. 5 Recommendations 05/17/2015 01:27:54 PM

MY COMMENT: This was a positive movement after a series of unsuccessful operations. We have to wait the good news continue. 05/16/2015 01:48:29 PM

MY COMMENT: The months run, but the case of Alberto Nisman is in the same point of the beginning.

Why? The answer is easy. This case includes: a body, a pistol and two powerful shadows: Cristina Kirchner and the Iranians.

Both - Ms. Kirchner and the Iranians - have sufficient resources and power to block the case with strong barriers.

One detail: Cristina ends its presidential term in December. Maybe after that, we have some news.

However, in Argentina since the old times of Juan Domingo Peron, a lot of crimes never had a clear explanation.

To be against of the boss of the Rose House was always risky in Argentina because the owners of the power are not tolerant with the people who try to research dirty government businesses.

The best recent example is the death of Nisman. For a superior order, somebody closed his mouth forever. 15 Recommendations 05/15/2015 03:10:15 PM

MY COMMENT: The news of the accident of the American helicopter is sad, but we have to be proud that members of our army forces are taking serious risks working in the Nepal’s rescue operation.

The U.S. mariners who died helping the Nepalese victims deserve all our respect. 17 Recommendations 05/15/2015 08:24:34 AM

MY COMMENT: The attendance to the summit does not guarantee that when the visitors return home, they will walk in the direction that President Obama wants.

I have doubts about the success of this dialogue. The Sunnis don’t like the Iranians and they will not change they way of thinking because the President of the United States invited them to Camp David. 7 Recommendations 05/14/2015 03:09:15 PM

MY COMMENT: The news says that the engineer of the Amtrak train doesn't know what happened. The statement looks like an excuse. If the engineer was not sick, drunk or sleeping, he had to realize that train was a risk before the accident happened.

Normally, when a train goes more than twice the speed limit in a curve, for physical laws it derails. 8 Recommendations 05/14/2015 01:26:36 PM

MY COMMENT:  “Die Welt”, German newspaper of Berlin, said that Russia lost 220 soldiers in the Ukrainian conflict. Probably, President Putin is trying to redefine its plans because the Russians don’t want a “new Afghanistan”. 1 Recommendation 05/14/2015 12:30:23 PM

MY COMMENT: Scientific studies alone will not modify the vicious cycle of poverty. 1 Recommendation 05/13/2015 03:20:41 PM

MY COMMENT: In a terror or criminal organization, when one of the heads is killed, always they have a replacement.

We have to assume that the position of Abu Ala Al Afri was filled for other.

The only way to dismantle a terror organization is through a massive killing of all the heads in an operation that weaken the command structure. 2 Recommendations 05/13/2015 02:15:47 PM

MY COMMENT: Again, the North Korean dictator showed that for him everybody has to be a robot that follows him everywhere, smiling and saying: Yes, Yes, Yes…

The followers don't have any value as human beings. It is only him, the big North Korean God.

According to the news, the North Korean Defense Minister was executed by antiaircraft fire because he was sleeping during a speech of Kim Jong Un.

If the rules of North Korean dictator are implemented in the western countries, a lot of lawmakers, cabinet members and top officers have to be executed when they sleep during boring speeches. 1 Recommendation 05/13/2015 01:50:28 PM

MY COMMENT: The “No” of the Democrats is a new experience of President Obama.
Every time, that Mr. Obama has problems with the Republicans, his reaction is hard and he blames the opposition for the government problems.

Now, we have to see if the President is more diplomatic in his negotiations with the Democrats. 5 Recommendations 05/13/2015 12:20:30 PM

MY COMMENT: It looks like when the Obama Administration started the negotiations with Iran, nobody with influences on President Obama gave him a Middle-East history book to learn about the risks of dealing with the Iranians.

The Sunni Arabs don't believe in the promises of the White House because they know better than any Obama’s adviser who the Iranians are and act.

It is regrettable that the
United States is losing the diplomacy efforts of decades to maintain good relationships with a series of countries and governments that were our allies. Under the ayatollah regime, Iran never will be a reliable friend of the America.
4 Recommendations
05/12/2015 02:42:24 PM

MY COMMENT: Verizon is buying fantasies of the “past”. A leading company has to buy “future”.

With $4.4 billion, Verizon can buy 4 or more technology startups that probably will bring to the telecommunication carrier a long series of innovative technologies and the potential of huge revenues for the next years.

During the last decades, we saw marriages of technology companies similar to Verizon-AOL that did not work. Good luck! 1 Recommendation 05/12/2015 11:24:45 AM

MY COMMENT: Samsung has the fever to be the world’s No. 1 technology brand, but in the technological arena nobody can insure its future.

In the first quarter of 2015, the fall of Samsung in the Chinese mobile phone market was dramatic. According to IDC, compared with the same quarter of 2014, it declined 53%. It was fourth in shipments behind Apple, Xiaomi and Huawei. 1 Recommendation 05/12/2015 10:41:05 AM

MY COMMENT: The Russians like to make spectacles that produce intimidation. And Victory Day 2015 was a great opportunity because the western leaders didn’t want to show their “muscles”.

In the end, we are losing the stature of power of the world. 2 Recommendations 05/11/2015 02:10:10 PM

MY COMMENT: The friends and enemies of Jeb Bush are waiting a decision from the former Florida Governor. Everybody wants to know if he will run for the Republican presidential nomination.

But Jeb is acting like he has fears to say: “Yes” or “No”. If he continues with this attitude, he will arrive to the “contest” late. 1 Recommendation 05/11/2015 12:52:54 PM



1) External Sources: Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Tweeter and PBS NewsHour.

2) Own Sources: My own research for previous publishing projects like TTT of Comlab Corp, Spanish English Club online and others.


Sunday, May 10, 2015


Dear Friends:

I would like to share with you some of the comments posted by myself in the WSJ Journal Community about important headlines of the Wall Street Journal from May 4 to May 10.

The comments are about politics, economy, business, social issues, education and technology in the United States, Europe and the world.

As you can see for the RECOMMENDATIONS, the majority of these comments generated a good reaction of other members of the Journal Community.

Domingo Trassens
World Rethink

May 10, 2015


BLOG COMMENTS: 2015/05/04– 2015/05/10

MY COMMENT: German Chancellor Angela Merkel is the only western leader who has the resolution to confront Russian President Putin about crucial issues. 11 Recommendations 05/10/2015 03:26:15 PM

MY COMMENT: The case of the Department of Veterans Affair and the others commented in this story are only some of a list of scandals that are sinking us in a swamp with very bad smell.

It is regrettable, but for some politicians, politics is not the art and science of managing the public affairs according the interests of the country. They manipulate the politics according to their own interests. 1 Recommendation 05/10/2015 02:08:49 PM

MY COMMENT: This story titles the victory of British Prime Minister David Cameron like “The Tory Lesson for America.”
The reading of the results in the British voting was different across Europe.

For example, Frankfurter Allgemeine –  newspaper of Frankfurt, financial capital of the EU – titled the victory with this statement: “Das neue Modewort heiĂŸt Brexit” (“The new buzzword is Brexit”.)

Financial Times (UK), The Guardian (UK) and other European newspapers also talk about “Brexit”.

According to Macmillan Dictionary : “Brexit” is a blend of “British” and “exit”.

British Prime Minister David Cameron has raised the possibility of a ‘Brexit', a British exit from the European Union.” 1 Recommendation 05/10/2015 01:26:49 PM

MY COMMENT: When we read the dramatic stories of the women who were captives of Boro Haram , we feel the indifference of the western world for the people who are suffering slavery across our same planet now in 2015. 4 Recommendations 05/09/2015 03:42:26 PM

MY COMMENT: Maybe the Clinton Foundation can distribute some money among the poor people of this neighborhood.

In general, our Foundations make efforts to relieve poverty areas abroad, but they don't see the misery and social problems of our own streets and neighborhoods. 7 Recommendations 05/09/2015 02:56:45 PM

MY COMMENT: Good news from Liberia! The World Health Organization has declared this African country free of Ebola.

Always the epidemics are terrible for the patients and for who care for their health.

Every time that medical doctors and paramedics fight against an infectious disease, they take a risk their own health. Some of the tragic victims of Ebola were professionals linked with the epidemic.  

Now, we have to hope similar news from Guinea and Sierra Leone, where Ebola epidemic didn't end. 1 Recommendation 05/09/2015 01:08:56 PM

MY COMMENT: David Cameron (+28%) made a good election, but the Liberal Democrats (-49%) and Labour (-25%) made a very bad election.

We have to remember that before Cameron, the Labour was government and in the first election when Cameron climbed, he needed the support of the Liberal Democrats.

The current results show that Liberal Democrats and Labour don’t have good answers to the expectations of the British citizens. 2 Recommendations 05/08/2015 01:42:18 PM

MY COMMENT: The bill giving Congress the right to weigh on the negotiations about the Iranian nuclear program is a warning to the White House independently that President Obama can veto it.

Very important! It shows the lawmakers have consensus in a very conflicting issue that can change the geography of the Middle-East. 3 Recommendations 05/07/2015 03:10:44 PM

MY COMMENT: If Alibaba continues in its current direction, in short time, it will shake the Internet business across the globe.

The appointment of Daniel Zhang as a new CEO is a clear indication that Alibaba is looking for an international place in the e-commerce.

By the way, Jack Ma, founder of Alibaba, is a Chinese entrepreneur very active and with a lot of ambition. This year, he was keynote speaker of CeBIT 2015, the German computer show of Hannover. 1 Recommendation 05/07/2015 12:52:27 PM

MY COMMENT: This is a tragic story that will produce tears in Sharon Soofi, mother of Nadir Soofi, till the last days of her life.

As parents, we cannot change the destiny of our children when they are adult, if they want to be criminals or terrorists.

Behind the ideas and behaviors of an adult person there are motivations that come from different sources: education, work, reading, religious and political beliefs and personal frustrations.

Nadir Soofi was the owner of his horrible destiny. 6 Recommendations 05/07/2015 11:56:05 AM

MY COMMENT: After all that we saw in the political arena during the last months, now we have to redefine the meaning of words like: “honesty”, “integrity”, “honor”…

From my point of view, on the voting day, the most important is not to vote a liberal or conservative candidate. It is choose for an honest candidate. 4 Recommendations 05/07/2015 09:44:38 AM

MY COMMENT: The idea of creating a digital single market is good in theory, but the European Union has to solve a lot of problems before advancing in the development of a solid digital market.

As we saw during the last few years, there are serious discrepancies among the members of the community about basic subjects to run together like a homogeneous political and economic block. (Sometimes, when they discuss important topics in the European Parliament, they look like the animals of a zoo shouting ones against others.)

But if the only reason of the “digital single market” is to block the operations of Google, Amazon and others in Europe, in the end, they will put down the interest of the American leaders for the European market. 1 Recommendation 05/06/2015 02:57:00 PM

MY COMMENT: The news says: “Candidate Clinton signs on to the campaign to rewrite the First Amendment to limit political speech.”

In these circumstances, Hillary is not acting as “Candidate Clinton”. She is acting as “President Hillary Clinton”.

She launches the campaign in this moment because she is confident that she will be the next president. From the other side, the rewriting of the First Amendment could give her a good tool to block the criticism of her opponents when she will be in the White House and work for a second term. 1 Recommendation 05/06/2015 02:29:39 PM

MY COMMENT: Today in the economic world, frequently the rivals are also business partners.

The news says that BMW AG, Audi AG and Daimler AG’s Mercedes Benz are preparing a formal bid for the Nokia’s Here Map Service together with China’s Baidu.

As we know, the mapping systems are important to run self-driving cars and in-car digital services.

It looks like the three German car makers want to have in their own hands the control an important tool for their future businesses.

If the bid works and they take the control of the Nokia’s map service, they will avoid a forced partnership with Google that is trying to be the “king” of the digital map systems.
1 Recommendation
05/06/2015 01:40:48 PM

MY COMMENT: Definitively, cloud computing is a new “hope” for technology providers with flat revenues in the conventional niches of their businesses. 1 Recommendation 05/05/2015 02:59:55 PM

MY COMMENT: The entrance of Ben Carson (brain surgeon) and Carly Fiorina (former HP CEO) in the Republican presidential campaign can open the agenda of subjects in debate to issues that the classic politicians don't discuss. 2 Recommendations 05/05/2015 02:35:37 PM

MY COMMENT: This is the first warning that the enemy is among us also in the United States.

As we saw before in the attack of the Islamic extremists in Paris, the devils are spreading their links to each corner of the free world.

We will lose our freedom and civil rights that as western citizens we have enjoyed for long time. 1 Recommendation 05/05/2015 02:24:26 PM

MY COMMENT: Mike Huckabee enters in the presidential campaign as Republican and the news says “Former Arkansas governor’s campaign will intensify competition for evangelical Christian vote.”

If Mr. Huckabee wants to become the new American president, he must have answer to the expectations of voters of very different profiles. 3 Recommendations 05/05/2015 01:53:40 PM

MY COMMENT: Carly Fiorina has experience in big businesses transactions like the Compaq acquisition when she was HP CEO. But she never worked in the public administration or ruled a city or town.

From the other side, she left Hewlett-Packard in a bad moment of the company.

Maybe she is a good political leader, but we don’t… 1 Recommendation 05/04/2015 03:06:02 PM

MY COMMENT: A city involved in continuous protests and riots is a bad place to make business.

In the end, everybody will lose in Baltimore, but the agitators and protesters don’t care if they destroy the economy and jobs of the city. 6 Recommendations 05/04/2015 02:49:59 PM

MY COMMENT: Governor Christie and former Secretary of State Clinton have some spots in their respective political careers, but the “deleted emails” are protecting the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton. 5 Recommendations 05/04/2015 02:36:04 PM

MY COMMENT: John Chambers – the man who put Cisco Systems in the top of the hill – is leaving the networking company on July 26.

In the helm of Cisco, Chambers drove his company always forward including during times of storms for the technology industry.

His successor – one of his disciples – is Chuck Robbins. Good luck! 1 Recommendation
05/04/2015 02:14:25 PM



1) External Sources: Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Tweeter and PBS NewsHour.

2) Own Sources: My own research for previous publishing projects like TTT of Comlab Corp, Spanish English Club online and others.