Friday, May 31, 2019

WORLDRETHINK: Special Twitter tour on Friday, May 31, 2019

: During the last years, we learned how to “code” technology, but our brains leaked a lot of our human blood. We are more “robots” that the real robots.

BLOG COMMENTS - May 31, 2019

10,646 COMMENTS 3,740 LIKES

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on Friday, May 31, 2019

: Will the tariffs to Mexico fix the Border crisis? wrote “President Trump threatened to impose escalating tariffs on Mexico”. The threat immediately pushed down Wall Street stocks. It is true that Mexico doesn't stop the illegals, but is this the solution?
: Tariffs to Mexico are tariffs to us too! We will pay higher all the stuff that come from Mexico including our GM cars assembled in the other side of the frontier.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

BLOG COMMENTS - May 30, 2019

10,643 COMMENTS 3,724 LIKES

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on Thursday, May 30, 2019

: Secretary of State Pompeo points against Huawei! On May 23, wrote the opinion of Mr. Pompeo who said that Huawei’s CEO ‘isn’t telling the American people the truth’ on China government ties. The Secretary affirmed Huawei is an instrument of China's government.
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Wednesday, May 29, 2019

BLOG COMMENTS - May 29, 2019

10,640 COMMENTS 3,718 LIKES