Sunday, October 27, 2013

COMMENTS - 2013/10/27

DATES: 2013/10/20 – 2013/10/27
ANALYST: Domingo Trassens

Dear Friends:

Across different news from newspapers and their electronic versions in the United States and Europe, one of the main subjects of the last few days was the tapping of the mobile phone of German Chancellor Angela Merkel and other top leaders of the world by the NSA.

In general, the blog writers criticized NSA and they pointed against President Barack Obama for his responsibility in the spying program of National Security Agency.

For the other side, in the United States, the blogs of media were full of comments about ObamaCare and the technical problems of the website related to this healthcare system.

A lot of comments and also important columnists from Wall Street Journal and other media showed a strong disappointment for the technical flaws of the ObamaCare website.

In Europe, another important subject is the massive wave of illegal immigrants that come from Africa and Asia. The authorities of the EU discussed this subject but they didn’t achieve any common initiatives.

Now I would like to share with you a series of comments posted by myself in the WSJ Journal Community and PBS through Twitter during the last seven days about the top news of the week.

The comments are organized in the following sections:
- United States
- Europe
- The Rest of the World
- Religion
- Education
- Economy, Business, Technology.

October 27, 2013



Strassel: Democrats Run for ObamaCare Cover
After weeks of vowing they wouldn't cave on the president's signature legislation, some Democrats are doing just that. By Kimberley A. Strassel

My Comment: Now the Democrats who are looking for reelection, they realize that ObamaCare can sink them, but in 2010 they thought different. (2013/10/26) 1 Recommendation

White House, Congress Clash on Iran
The Obama Administration Is Arguing that Diplomatic Efforts Need More Time
By Jay Solomon

My Comment: The time of Iran is different from our time. Meanwhile, we can assume nothing. (2013/10/26) 1 Recommendation

Story: ObamaCare 2016: Happy Yet?
The website problems were finally solved. But the doctor shortage is a nightmare.

My Comment: We cannot talk about ObamaCare 2016 when we don’t know what will happen tomorrow, in the next months; in the next year…

ObamaCare is like a big and unbalanced ship navigating in a stormy sea. (2013/10/24) 1 Recommendation

Story: Henninger: Obama's Credibility Is Melting - Here and abroad, Obama's partners are concluding they cannot trust him. By Daniel Henninger

My Comment: The credibility of Mr. Obama is melting inside and outside the country. And he is losing important partners and friends. (2013/10/24) 6 Recommendations

Story: Berlin Says U.S. May Be Spying on Merkel's Phone
By Anton Troianovski in Berlin and Siobhan Gorman in Washington

My Comment: This is part of the diplomacy program of the White House. (2013/10/23) 9 Recommendations

Story: Obama Nods to Rocky Start on Health Law
President Pledges Website's Issues Would Be Resolved

My Comment: Today, technology is not a “barrier”. If the website doesn’t work properly, it is a “human mistake” of who designed, developed and/or implemented the information system linked with the Internet site. Some mistakes are easy to fix, others require a complete redefinition of the system plus an extensive testing. Meanwhile, nobody knows why they opened the website without fixing its weak points and errors. (2013/10/21) 1 Recommendation



Story: EU Leaders Diverge on Migration Policy
Draft Statement Indicates Little Progress to Be Made at Summit

My Comment: The problem of the hundreds of migrants and refugees that come to Europe from Africa and Middle East is very serious; however the EU countries cannot open their doors to everybody for security, social and economic reasons.

First, the authorities have to filter dangerous individuals – criminals, terrorists - from the immigrant contingents.

Second, they have to create special social programs to integrate immigrants from other cultures and behaviors to their own population. Frequently, Muslims don’t integrate with the natives of the country because they want to continue living according to their traditions and rituals (religion belief, clothes, food, different sanitary behaviors…).

Third, during the integration period – one, two, three or more years – the refugees need places for living, food and medical assistance. The integration is expensive and in non-professional hands can generate complicated demographic problems. (2013/10/25) 0 Recommendations

European Leaders Accuse U.S. of Violating Trust
American Ambassador to Meet German Foreign Minister Thursday Afternoon
By Anton Troianovski in Brussels, Siobhan Gorman in Washington and Harriet Torry in Berlin

My Comment: When you don’t trust your friends, you cannot have friends. This is the same among persons or countries.

And if you spy on your friends, you are breaking a normal friendship law.

Mr. Obama can repeat thousands of times that the American secret services didn’t spy on the mobile phone of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, but Ms. Merkel knows that he is not saying the truth. This friendship like the others is damaged. (2013/10/24) 6 Recommendations



Story: Bombings Kill Dozens in Iraq

My Comment: The story says "Bombing Kill Dozens in Iraq". This is nothing new. Iraq continues living divided with sectarian hates.

The good news will be when during one year we don't hear more about bombings, attacks, killing. (2013/10/27)  

Story: Greenland Opens Door to Mining
Moves Come With Many Caveats but Has Potential to Alter Arctic

My Comment: The Greeland’s decision can modify the geography of the planet, but when there are economic interests, the environmental factors are secondary. (2013/10/25)

Story: Abe Says Japan Ready to Counter China's Power – Part 1
Premier Urges China to Refrain from Using Force - By Gerard Baker and George Nishiyama

My Comment: It is good news that Japan is recovering itself after all the problems it has lived during the last years. However, the tone of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe shows a belligerent attitude that is really negative.

If Japan looks for a new war against China, its leaders have to rethink more than twice any military action. (2013/10/25)  (2013/10/25) 3 Recommendations

Story: Abe Says Japan Ready to Counter China's Power – Part 2
Premier Urges China to Refrain from Using Force
By Gerard Baker and George Nishiyama

My Comment answering to another member who remarks that China is expanding its military power: It is truth that China is investing huge amounts of money in its military budget, but Japan will not solve its problems with the Chinese in the military way.

Japan has to use diplomacy to close all “wounds” that continue opened in China, Korea and Russia against the old Japanese Imperial Army.

If Japan pretends to solve its differences with the neighbors through new military conflicts, it will be the big loser. The times have changed dramatically since the moment when the Japanese warships were the owners of the seas of South Asia.

When a belligerent nation cannot solve its problems with the power of weapons, it has to find another way to avoid the ghosts of its victims taking revenge. (2013/10/25) 2 Recommendations



Story: Pope Suspends German Bishop Over House Project
Controversy Centers on $31 Million Price Tag for Bishop Tebartz-van Elst's New Home. Associated Press

My Comment: The decision of Pope Francis of suspending the German Bishop Franz-Peter Tebartz-va Elst marks an important change in the attitude of the Catholic leadership in relation with the abusive behavior of some of the members of Church.

It is not right that the money from the taxpayers has been used by some leaders of the Church for their own luxury. (2013/10/23) 4 Recommendations



PBS – REPORT - Oct. 26, 2013: Secret weapon against hacking: College students

My Comment: The story says that in the best universities in technology, they are teaching the students to fight against bad-guy hackers.

In the cyber-environment, you never know who the bad and good guys are. For this reason, we cannot assume the college students that the universities train are good or bad people. (By TWITTER) (2013/10/27) 1 Recommendation



Story: 90 Million Americans Not Working
Another unfortunate milestone for the labor market

My Comment: When you are 65 or older, a lot of companies and shops don't want to hire you despite your qualifications, background and skills.

Working as freelance implies to assume a series of risks including the possible non-payment for your work. (2013/10/23) 3 Recommendations

Bill Gates Buys Stake in Spanish Construction Company FCC
More Foreign Investors Are Making Deals in Spain. By David Román and Christopher Bjork

My Comment: Bill Gates can take the risk to invest in a Spanish company. If the results are not good, he will say that it was a charity contribution for the recovery of Spain. (2013/10/22) 1 Recommendation

Employers Add 148,000 Jobs; Unemployment Falls to 7.2%
Figures Come In Below Economists' Expectations. By Sarah Portlock and Jonathan House

My Comment: From some years, the sun doesn't shine on the job market. Every month, the U.S. Labor Department publishes cosmetic reports without significant changes.  (2013/10/22) 2 Recommendations

Story: Microsoft Tests Eyewear to Rival Google Glass
Software Giant Taps Asian Suppliers for Prototype Components - By Lorraine Luk and Shira Ovide

My Comment: Copying the ideas of others, Microsoft will not find a new route for success. (2013/10/21) 3 Recommendations

Hope Springs at Nokia
Elop to Show Off New Devices as Microsoft Watches Closely - By John D. Stoll

My Comment: We know Nokia sold its mobile phone unit to Microsoft, but till now the acquisition is pending. Meanwhile, Nokia made a big show in Abu Dhabi to introduce new products worldwide.

We think that it is not the best moment to introduce new products (digital tables, smart-phones), when nobody knows what it will happen when Microsoft takes the Nokia mobile phone unit under its control.

From the other side, if Nokia didn’t have money to pay the expenditures of its own installations in Finland and it had to sell its headquarters a year ago, it is looking like an eccentric initiative to make the presentation of the news devices in Abu Dhabi. (2013/10/21)



1) External Sources: Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and PBS NewsHour

2) Own Sources: My own research for previous publishing projects: TTT of Comlab Corp, Spanish English Club online.
