Monday, August 28, 2017

RETHINKING: Statues Fall, True History Remains

Dear Friends:

After the white supremacy march in Charlottesville, Virginia, as reaction against this act, we saw that a lot of statues of the generals and soldiers of the Confederate army fell.

A series of politicians of both aisles of our politics have expressed bad feelings against “heroes” or “anti-heroes” of our History.

Different groups and universities continue making protests across the country with different mottos. Some of these people are defenders of the white supremacy. Others are in the opposite aisle. In the middle, we find people who see the current events as a reaction against the spread of the illegal immigration in recent years.

Ironically, a lot of statues and symbols of the Confederates that left-wing leaders want to remove, they remained per decades in the squares and public places of cities also during the periods that the politicians of the Democratic Party were in the White House.

We know the Civil War was a gloomy moment of our History, but the parallel that some people make between the Confederate leaders and Hitler looks an exaggeration.

In addition, several days ago, the New York City Mayor said that he wants to remove the statues of Cristobel Columbus of the city. This shows us, how the politicians act in a silly way.

Also some people are remembering that George Washington and other heroes of the country had slaves two or three centuries ago.

Today is not possible to make judgments about the mistakes or attitudes of people who lived two or three centuries ago.

And we cannot rebuild the circumstances that motivated the erection of a series of statues across the country. For this reason, it does not make sense that the federal government orders a massive “cleaning” of statues.

Like Vice President Mike Pence suggested, the decision of the removing of the monuments of the Confederate leaders must be a decision of each city or community.

From the other side, we have to remark that the History will no delete the names of the heroes and anti-heroes of our past.

History always includes all the events and the protagonists despite their spots and mistakes.

The Union won a war against Confederate troops after cruel fighting from both sides.

Maybe, in the writing of new books we can change the “tone” we describe the events, but we have to recognize that both sides had different arguments that pushed the war. (It was not a war only about the freedom or non-freedom of the slaves. It was a war for economic issues with the perspective of two powerful groups of 1860.)

Frequently, the history books used in the schools were written by the winners of the wars and for this reason, always the losers are evil. This is a partial view of reality

Some history books that we read in the schools are like the movies for children: All the losers are devils and bad guys and the winners are "angels" and great people.

There are of course, wars and massacres where the leaders of one side are butchers like the current terrorist organizations.

But also, in the terrorist groups, we don’t know if all the terrorists are criminals who came with evil from the cradle.

Sometimes, good people become bad people for factors that are very difficult to evaluate from the big scenery of the media. (For example, an innocent guy who was tortured by mistake frequently becomes a terrible enemy of his torturers. How many mistakes commit the intelligence services when they take prisoners? )

The true History is the description of all the events like they happened, with a serious analysis of the actions of the protagonists and the circumstances.

In each historic event, we have to consider different elements: the events in themselves, the protagonists and the circumstances.

In the cases of wars, as minimum, we find two enemy groups. Normally, the enemies are motivated by hates for political, economic, social and/or religious reasons.

The analysis of the “civil wars” is more complex that the wars between two different countries because the enemies live together in the same land, sharing domestic issues and common resources. Frequently, they have families in the two sides. (All the “civil wars” are terrible cruel. We see today the cases of Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen..)

Delete historic events for bias is negative and doesn’t help to build a better future. The ignorance about History pushes leaders and common people to repeat the same mistakes from generations to generations.

Returning to the vandalism against statues of some protagonists of the American Civil War, it looks irrational.

If somebody doesn’t like a statue and the people around him/her agree, it is possible to remove it in the right way, but a massive destruction of monuments will change nothing because History will remains with the ghosts dancing during the night around the monuments without “head” or with the bad spirits in the bronze of the statues.

Some of the statues removed from the monuments can go to museums. Normally, the visitors of these places are people who like to study or with a healthy curiosity about the past.

Maybe, in the silence of a museum, we can learn to understand history without lethal passion. With hate we will never build a great nation.  

History is the best teacher the countries have, to go ahead, after the mistakes, suffering and gloomy moments of our past or present.

Domingo A. Trassens
Rethinking the world with you
Twitter page:
(More than 19.2 tweets posted)
Wall Street Journal – Journal Community page:
(More than 10,000 recommendations received from other members since the new Journal Community started in 2014 and 7900 in the previous JC.)



From Charlottesville, the disconcert reigns in any place where somebody has erected a Confederate statue in other time.
08/28/2017 04:28:17 PM
2 Recommendations

Maybe, in the silence of a museum, we can learn to understand history without lethal passion. With hate we will never build a great nation.

08/26/2017 08:09:08 PM
2 Recommendations

Through the times, the history books were written by the winners of the wars and for this reason, always the losers are evil. This is a partial view of reality.
08/25/2017 10:24:26 PM
2 Recommendations

Important point about we, (the Americans): "“We’re not a monolith; there are at least 50 shades of gray,”
08/25/2017 10:12:52 PM
2 Recommendations

Statues fall, History will not change! (More ghosts will walk through the streets without home.)
08/21/2017 10:21:01 AM
2 Recommendations

We want to "delete" the spots of our past. Do you have better present now?

08/21/2017 10:09:22 AM
4 Recommendations

In a democracy, we have to accept pacific protests, but never violence and unrest.
08/20/2017 04:31:47 AM
5 Recommendations

Maybe, we can title this story as: Re-opening the wounds of the Civil War.
08/19/2017 01:22:09 PM
4 Recommendations

How many protagonists of the history are "100% clean people"?
08/18/2017 02:49:23 PM
1 Recommendation

In the end, all these people were part of our History.
08/18/2017 02:27:50 PM
2 Recommendations

We have to start to accept the protagonists of our History like they were and use their mistakes as a “lesson” of what we must not do more.
08/17/2017 10:47:15 PM
1 Recommendation

We can change the “tone” how we describe events and the way we frame the protagonists. But we cannot delete History. Washington also had slaves.
08/17/2017 10:39:49 PM
1 Recommendation

Dangerous moment! If our leaders don't manage this craziness, we will walk to a new civil war.
08/16/2017 05:06:35 PM
6 Recommendations

In part, the white nationalists groups are reaction of the “laissez-faire” politics of the Obama administration in relation with illegal immigrants and some American-African groups who went to the street to generate violent unrest.
08/15/2017 12:50:57 AM

Sad images that reflect the violent moments we are living now. Everybody believes have rights to complain...
08/13/2017 10:15:38 AM
1 Recommendation

We live in a world of complete violence and our leaders don’t make the right efforts to go away the problems.
08/13/2017 09:54:22 AM
1 Recommendation



1) My papers of my studies about history in the university decades ago..

2) My analysis of the recent news in Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Washington Post and a series of national and international publications from U.K., Canada, Germany and France.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

RETHINKING: Ants do not buy iPhone7

Dear Friends:

When a lot of Apple fans are waiting the luxury version of iPhone 7, some analysts make the following question: “How much would you pay for the new iPhone?”

During September, Apple plans to introduce a series of smart-phones including a luxury version that according to several sources will cost $1,400.

Really, do you need a $1,400-smartphone? Is it a requirement for your job? “Why you want a smart-phone at this high price?”

A lot of people don’t have enough money to end the month, but they are saving all the “bucks” they can, to come first when Apple will launch its new creatures.  How many animals of the zoo think the same?

Several days ago, in a break of my work, when my colleagues were plugged in their iPhones, I was rethinking the crazy world of current days.

One of my co-workers was watching a romantic series in the screen of her iPhone with intrigue and bitter discussions. The other was talking with a friend in Spain, shouting in the middle of the night from both sides of the line.

I have my own smart-phone, but I only use it to make some short phone communications by day and read my electronic mail when I am not near a computer.

For this reason, while my both colleagues were spending their free times with their iPhones, my mind was navigating to other things.

Like I frequently do, I was observing the trees and plants around a big “patio” of white tiles next to the office.

Suddenly, a bee fell dead in the white floor. Perhaps was a natural death or the hit of a shoe of somebody who was walking for there.

At that moment, I said to myself: “Maybe, this death can reduce the portion of honey for the breakfast of my friends.” But I did expect nothing more.

During my life, I saw a lot of small insects dying in the street and also inside the soup dish of my children, but I did never pay attention about that happens when a bee dies.

The surprise was that in only seconds, groups of ants started to march to the white tile where the bee was dying. From different locations of a big garden around the white patio, the small animals were walking to the “scene” of this mortal incident.

It was evident that the dying bee in the middle of a white tile sent a "SOS message" to other animals located from different distances where it fell.

I did not perceive loud sounds or visual signals or the smell to a dead body. However, the bee made its last communication call to somebody…

And one or more of the ants that received “call” from the bee, they called others, and others.

In front of this massive reaction of the ants, I tried to determine if some electric sensors where in the patio, but nothing.

In short minutes, the ants started to walk to the place when the bee was dead from different sectors of the green.

The majority of the ants were walking following others in an organized movement.

Everybody knew where they had to go. Everybody received directly or indirectly the SOS call (“I am dying in the middle of the white patio!)

After that, from other sides of the “patio” more ants came and I saw some of them talking with others. Interesting to see that ants from a side of the patio met others from other side and they were talking. I am sure, they talked each other. Everybody wanted to see the dead bee. It was like a “funeral” where the ants trying to touch the corpse of the bee.

When I was a child, my parents bought me an interesting book about ants and bees. From that moment, I know the ants are close relative animals from the bees and wasps, like distant family members.

I learned the ants have their “homes” underground. They live in big tunnels. But the book didn’t say, if they have “electricity” and "phone lines”.

Never before, I paid attention about the way these small animals they communicate each other.

I knew from my reading as child, the ants and bees have antennas to communicate each others and they send special sounds that we – the humans – don’t hear.

Also, I know they generate chemical substances that help in the communication among them.

However, I never expected to see what I saw days ago. With my own senses I could realize that ants and bees have advanced communication systems that probably are more efficient than the technology of iPhones and other phone devices.

While I was observing the events among the ants and the bee, my colleagues had to plug their devices several times to recharge their batteries.

In the meantime, the ants without smart-phones continued their march to the bee funeral.

Comparing the communications among the members of this ant colony and the calls of the Apple and Android smart-phones, I am thinking that our human communication systems are primitive.

Till now, it looks impossible to me all that I saw in some minutes of my break time, while my colleagues were plugged to their iPhones.

I feel sorry that I don’t know the communication line of these animals to ask them the same questions that I made to my colleagues: Do you need a $1,400 iPhone to be in touch with the world? What is the version of the operating system are using to communicate with bees and long distant family members?

When we read the specifications of the iPhone 7, we feel fascinated with the new Apple devices: All the best of the best!

Nonetheless, what I saw in the white patio of my office puts in doubts if all the new features of the Apple phone surpass together the efficiency of the communication systems of these insects.

I suspect despite that the humans believe they are the more advanced beings of the universe; their technology is behind the ant technology.  (Question marks will remain in air.). But with certainty, the ants will not pay $1,400 for the new luxury version of iPhone.

Domingo A. Trassens
Rethinking the world with you
Twitter page:
(More than 18.3 tweets posted)
Wall Street Journal – Journal Community page:
(More than 9900 recommendations received from other members since the new Journal Community started in 2014 and 7900 in the previous JC.)



1) Apple news releases about iPhone and announcement new luxury version.

2) Ants - Communication - Called, Signals, Chemoreception, and Mates - JRank Articles

3) Personal analysis of my own experience about smart-phones and communication systems.

4) My observation of the ants and bee behaviors in the backyard of my office.