Sunday, May 26, 2013

COMMENTS - 2013/05/26

DATES: 2013/03/19– 2013/03/26
ANALYST: Domingo Trassens

Dear Friends:

Last week, a strong tornado knocked Moore, Oklahoma. The power of Nature showed again that only minutes are enough to demolish houses, pull down trees, crash vehicles and kill people and animals.

According to the news, all was panic, desolation and debris. The shelters in public buildings were not enough prepared for a contingency of the magnitude of this tornado. Somebody said, we cannot predict when the tornadoes come, but we can predict that there going to be disasters every time a tornado hits us if we don't have emergency plans.

In the political arena, President Obama spoke about the end of the war against terrorism. The President said: “This war, like all wars, must end.” His speech astonished the observers who are seeing how the Islamic extremists continue killing and bombing everywhere.

During the Congress hearings, the debate about the discriminatory attitude of the Internal Revenue Service against conservative groups changed its direction. Now the officials of the IRS blame lower-level employers for the “mistakes” committed. Nobody wants to take responsibilities. Till now, it is not clear what will be the end of this case.

Apple CEO Tim Cook testified on Capitol Hill after that a Senate panel accused the company of avoiding billions of dollars in U.S. taxes by shifting profits through “ghost” companies abroad.

Yahoo bought Tumblr for approximately $1.1 billion. Tumblr is a 6 year old company that works in microblogging and social networks.

Members of Congress interrogated Google about the "Google Glass". The lawmakers feel worry about the possible privacy violation through the use of this new wearable computer.

Now I would like to share with you a series of comments posted by myself in the WSJ Journal Community and PBS through Twitter during the last seven days about the top news of the week.

The comments are organized in the following sections: United States, Europe, The World (Asia, Africa, Middle East…), Latin America, Education and Economy, Business, Technology.

May 26, 2013



Subject: In a Navy graduation, President Obama accused the sex abusers of damaging the honor of military institutions.

My Comment: The sexual assault in the military is a serious problem, but it is nothing new.

From the other side, the trust in our troops comes for their courage and professional attitude in combat. (2013/05/24) 4 Recommendations

Story: Obama Resets War on Terror– Part 1

Subject: In a special speech about the war on terror, President Obama redefined the fight against the terrorism, anticipating this war will have an end.

My Comment: Talking about terrorism, President Obama said: “This war, like all wars, must end.” His view is very optimistic, but not realistic.

The terrorism war will not end soon because there are a lot of people with extremist ideas on the ground across the world and newcomers like the Boston’s bombers who learn about terrorism in magazines and as friends of other bad folks.

We have to continue to be alert and prepared for the worst due to terrorists can grow everywhere and under different flags. Today the majority of the terrorists are Islamic. In the 70s and 80s, they were the "Che" Guevara's disciples. Probably,
tomorrow, they will be the followers of another leader who propagates the seed of destruction in other ways. (2013/05/24) 5 Recommendations

Story: Obama Resets War on Terror– Part 2

My Comment answering to another member who made an observation about the fanaticism of Islam: Mr. XX, Thank you for your observation. I agree with you that “the fanaticism of Islam has been around for centuries and won’t diminish any time soon.”

However, in the past, the Islamist groups didn't use terrorist techniques like now. They had been located in
Africa and Asia and from there they invaded the south of Europe through a series of bloody and massive military campaigns.

Today the fanatics of Islam are a serious threat everywhere. They will continue attacking civil and government targets with terrorist techniques across the globe probably for a limitless time.

The terrorism actions are not possible to measure with the criteria of conventional wars. By the way, the mistake of
Benghazi was that the White House thought that after the death of Osama bin Laden, the enemy didn’t have more operational capacity to make mortal attacks.

The alert must to be universal because from behind any rock of our route a fanatic can jump over us with sophisticated weapons or home-made bombs built in a dormitory of any university. (2013/05/24) 2 Recommendations

Subject: During an interrogation, a Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s friend attacked an FBI agent with a knife in a suicide action.

My Comment: If Mr. Todashev lunged at an FBI agent with a knife during questioning, he really sought suicide. It is obvious that he was involved in criminal activities. (2013/05/23) 4 Recommendations

Story: Associate of Boston Bombing Suspects Is Killed (This is Part 2 of previous comment.)

My Comment: The death of Ibragim Todashev doesn’t help to learn more about the “crime chain” where Tamerlan Tsarnaev was involved.

When the “fish” is big, they have to catch it alive. (2013/05/23) 2 Recommendations

Subject: IRS officials pointed lower-level workers about the responsibility for the discrimination against conservative groups.

My Comment: The story says “Emails Suggest IRS Targeting Developed by Lower-Level Workers”.

Probably, the lower-level workers made the “dirty work”, but who was behind them? Always in these cases, there are “brains” and “executors”.

When you are a lower-level worker and your boss suggest you do a task, if you want to make progress in your job, you don’t discuss if the initiative is good or bad; you execute it. (2013/05/22) 4 Recommendations

Subject: Due to the current mess in Washington linked with IRS, AP and other cases, political observers remark the big government loses control.

My Comment: Frequently, big governments are vulnerable and inefficient, and nobody is responsible of anything.

In these cases, the CEO or president or top leader is first responsible for all the chaos that sprouts under his/her feet. (2013/05/21) 4 Recommendations

Subject: The tornado that hit Moore in Oklahoma produced a lot of destruction and victims.

My Comment: In these cases of devastation, we don’t have a lot to say, only pray for the dead people and help the survivors to surpass the terrible experience. (2013/05/21) 6 Recommendations

Subject: President Obama ordered an audit of IRS in connection with the case of the tea-party groups.

My Comment: Despite the current audit of the Internal Revenue Service, the shadows about the case will remain.

It is not only about who inappropriately targeted the tea-party groups, it is also why and when… (2013/05/20) 5 Recommendations



Subject: In London, a British soldier was killed by suspected Islamic extremists with a large knife and a meat cleaver.

My Comment: The news says that Lee Rigby, a British soldier who once served in Afghanistan, was killed in London by two young men with a large knife and a meat cleaver. Apparently the killers are two British citizens of Nigerian descent converted to Islam.

We don’t know the motivations of this slaughter, but it is a new alert about the behavior of the Islamic extremists who use any “tool” they find to spread blood and murder: knifes, meat cleavers, home-made bombs…

With this dark panorama, it is difficult to understand the optimistic expression of President Obama about the terrorism war: “This war, like all wars, must end.” (2013/05/25)

Story: More Detained in British Soldier's Killing – (This is Part 2 of previous comment)

My Comment: This is the “price” that U.K. is paying due to its incapacity to “filter” the bad guys at the door of “Immigration”.

It looks a very complicated case like the extremist Chechens who put bombs in Boston. (2013/05/26) 4 Recommendations

Subject: The Spanish government offers residency to rich foreign people.

My Comment: This is the new business of the countries that want to capture the money of the rich people.

What will be the percentage of this business for the politicians who are behind the deal? (2013/05/24) 1 Recommendation

Subject: In a poor neighborhood of Stockholm, Sweden, immigrants of minority groups rioted against the authorities producing different kind of damages.

My Comment: The story doesn’t give specific references of who began the riots in Sweden now. It only says that they are immigrants of minority groups from Turkey, Syria, Somalia and Lebanon.

Normally, the minorities are a mix of nationalities, religions, cultures and races.
A lot of people come to Europe because they are persecuted or intimidated in their native countries.

For example, there are Christian Syrians who were persecuted by the Islamist extremists that have infiltrated among the rebels fighting against al-Assad. Years ago, Lebanon had a similar problem. And the European invasion of Catholic Iraqis is massive since the extremist groups burned churches in Iraq.

Of course, there are a lot of Muslims from different countries that come to Europe looking for new horizons (good and bad people, professionals and people without basic studies).

These complex waves of immigration have the support of some governments that work hard to integrate the immigrants with the local communities. In other cases, they only give visas and residences. (According to the story, the Swedish authorities don’t make enough effort to integrate the immigrants and this is a serious problem independently of the origin of the immigrants.)

Something very important: Not always the unrests are produced by the immigrants. For example, across Europe there are neo nazi groups like the NSU of Germany who attack the immigrants and burn their properties. This is another important factor to consider when we learn about riots and social problems in Europe today.

The question is: Why in this chaotic environment, do the European governments give massive visas and residences to immigrants who come from conflictive countries of Asia and Africa? The answer: The majority of the European countries don’t have enough “births” to balance their retirement systems and they need young people from other places who pay taxes and continue feeding the retirement funds. (2013/05/23) 1 Recommendation

My Comment: The current riots in the Stockholm’s suburbs are an important alert for all the western countries that are giving residence to ethnic minorities from Syria, Somalia, Turkey, Lebanon, Iraq and other Asian and African countries with different culture, religion and social conditions.

A lot of the immigrants and refugees are good people but when they move to countries like Sweden, they have a lot of difficulties to integrate. They have to study a new language, find a job according to their professions or learn a new job plus find a place where they can live.

Frequently the natives of the country don’t like the behaviors of the immigrants and they discriminate them from good jobs and other opportunities.

To survive, the immigrants have to do the worst tasks of the society with very bad payment or live with the “social money” that the government institutions give to immigrants without incomes.

In these circumstances, the social conflicts begin and after that some “bad guys” use the dissatisfaction from both sides to generate riots or hard expressions of racism. (2013/05/23) 1 Recommendation


THE WORLD: Asia, Africa, Middle East

Subject: Bashar al-Assad has a strong support of loyal Syrian businessmen and external partners.

My Comment: This story shows a very interesting picture about the current civil war in Syria. Definitively, if Bashar al-Assad remains in power till now, it is because he has strong internal and external allies, and from the other side, everybody knows that the “rebels” are a dangerous option for the future of the country.

In front of these facts,
U.S. continues showing a very ambiguous attitude.

We have to learn that all the civil wars are brutal, sanguinary, terrible and sectarian but you cannot act only for “emotions” and stay in the middle of “nothing”. You have three options:
1) Ignore the war
2) Play together with the group A.
3) Play together with its “enemy”.

If you decide to play on the side of the “enemy”, you have to know whether the “enemy” is your friend or it is only using you as a recyclable partner. (2013/05/25) 2 Recommendations

Subject: Iran is accused of cyber-attacks against American energy companies.

My Comment: The serious problem with Iran is that for decades, the young generations have been educated with hate against the United States and they have intelligent people with the knowledge to produce intentional damages in the cyber-world.

From the other side, despite the western embargoes, they have access to new technology through Chinese companies that also know American software and hardware.

And for the Iranian regime, it is a great honor to back operations that hit American power. (2013/05/24)

Subject: New report from Iraq shows the wave of car bombing continues hitting the country due to the rivalry among different ethnic groups.

My Comment: The violence never will end in Iraq because Shiites and Sunnis hate each other.

Before, this country always lived under the boots of troops from dictators and strongmen. (2013/05/21)



Subject: Now a group of politicians of Puerto Rico are looking to become the 51 state of the United States.

My Comment: Due to all the differences there are among Puerto Rico and the current states of US, it is reasonable that before any plebiscite in the island, Puerto Rico levels out its economy and educational system according to the rest. (2013/05/25)

Subject: The Venezuelan opposition continues accusing the government of corruption.

My Comment: This story says: “Venezuelan Opposition Alleges Corruption.” This statement doesn’t say anything new.

Corruption is embedded in the Venezuelan public institutions and private organizations from the top level to the bottom and vice versa.

When you travel across the country, you smell all the "flavors" of corruption everywhere: in airports, public offices, police stations and on each corner of the street. (2013/05/21)



WSJ- Journal Community Question: Do you think schools are interested in teaching good manners and common courtesies in schools today?

My Answer: I don’t have enough elements to determine the percentage of schools interested in teaching good manners and common courtesies.

However I suspect today a lot of teachers only rush for the tests and statistics without caring for essential aspects of education like good manners and common courtesies. (2013/05/22)



Subject: The news says that Google is working in the development of wireless networks in emerging markets, normally poor countries.

My Comment: During the last months, the executives of Google were very active. Its chairman - Eric Schmidt - visited North Korea and established links with Myanmar. And some days ago - during the last conference of developers of the company - Chief Executive Larry Page talked about new plans and projects in a very loquacious mode.

Now the news says that Google is working to build wireless networks in the emerging markets of Africa and Southeast Asia.

If Google achieves the goal to “wire” the emerging world with its Internet platforms and wireless networks, the poor people of sub-Saharan, Africa or Asia will pray every morning in front of their Android smart-phones: “Thanks Google!” instead to say “Thanks Allah” or Thanks God” (2013/05/25) 2 Recommendations

Subject: Yahoo announced the acquisition of young company for a billionaire amount.

My Comment: Yahoo has acquired Tumblr for approximately $1.1 billion. When you read this kind of news, the question is: Why Yahoo is paying $1.1 billion for Tumblr?

Tumblr is owner of a microblogging platform and social networking website with more than 100 million blogs, but low revenues. The company was founded by David Karp – a web developer - in 2007 and it is based in the Silicon Alley of New York City.

After we read a little more about Tumblr, we realize that despite the 100 million of blogs, till now this company is a “bubble”.

The acquisition looks very expensive, but probably Marissa Mayer, Yahoo CEO, knows more about the potential of Tumblr and the benefits that her company will receive from this strange marriage.

From the perspective of an external observer, it is like when an adult person marries a teenager who till now didn’t end their high school education. (2013/05/25)

Subject: Apple Inc executives testified about taxes in Congress.

My Comment: In brief, a Senate panel wanted to beat Apple Inc for avoiding billions of dollars in U.S. taxes by shifting profits to foreign affiliates, but the company gave the members of Congress two important lessons:

1) Apple is more than an excellent technology company. It is smart defender of its interests.

2) The “loopholes” of the tax legislation are not its fault. It is the fault of the lawmakers. (2013/05/25) 0 Recommendations

Subject: Hewlett-Packard posted the financial results of its last quarter with a significant decline of its profit.

My Comment: The optimism of Meg Whitman - CEO and President of HP - cannot reverse the poor results that Hewlett-Packard posted for its fiscal 2013 second-quarter.
Together Dell and HP show a dramatic decline of American leadership in the technology market. (2013/05/22)

Subject: Google testified in Congress about the potential privacy violation of the new Google Glass.

My Comment: Google is really not the inventor of the wearable computer. Other companies developed other prototypes before.

The difference is Google has a complete “universe” of software products that together with the engineering of Google Glass open new possibilities.

But if today Congress prohibits Google from testing its new “system”, tomorrow the Chinese will rescue the current prototype and will introduce other wearable computers based on the same ideas.

Definitively, somebody will go ahead with this kind of project because technology curiosity is not possible to stop with a law.

Of course, it is a device with pros and cons, but the new smart-phones with very sensitive cameras also can invade the privacy of the people in a similar way. (2013/05/20)

Sunday, May 19, 2013

COMMENTS - 2013/05/19

DATES: 2013/05/12– 2013/03/19
ANALYST: Domingo Trassens

Dear Friends:

Last week was turbulent in the political arena. Three scandals hit Washington: Benghazi, Internal Revenue Service and AP.

The administration released a package of electronic mails between the intelligence services and State Department officials following the attacks in Benghazi, Libya.

Republicans members of Congress accused the IRS of discriminatory behaviors against tea-party groups.

Associated Press complained the Justice Department has checked a group of 20 phone lines of this press agency without previous information.

In Los Angeles, the schools are reviewing the “suspension” as a punishing system.

A special column of Wall Street Journal about immigration and citizenship asks “how we might change the process of becoming an American to exclude those who hate America”. ("Swearing In the Enemy" By Ayaan Hirsi Ali, WSJ, May 17, 2013)

Also during the week, Cisco, Dell and Google were in the top of the headlines for different reasons. Google Glass: new buzz in the digital world.

Russian warships are visiting the coasts of Syria in a demonstration of support of al-Assad regime.

Now I would like to share with you a series of comments posted by myself in the WSJ Journal Community and PBS through Twitter during the last seven days about the top news of the week.

The comments are organized in the following sections: United States, Europe, The World (Asia, Africa, Middle East…), Latin America, Education and Economy, Business, Technology.

May 19, 2013



Opinion: This Is No Ordinary Scandal  (Columnist: Peggy Noonan)

Subject: Columnist Peggy Noonan analyzes the recent scandals that hit the federal administration and compares them with the Watergate scandal.

My Comment: Peggy you say that the assault on the Associated Press and the IRS’s politicization are not ordinary scandals. We can conclude that both cases together are a perfect plot against the democratic principles of this country. (2013/05/18) 2 Recommendations

Subject: A report from CIA warns about the risks of the American embassies in some Muslim countries.

My Comment: We have to realize that the terrorism war didn’t end despite the death of Osama bin Laden and other enemies of America. For this reason, we have to be alert everywhere across the world, no only in Egypt, Yemen or Libya. (2013/05/18) 2 Recommendations

Story: Swearing In the Enemy – Part 1

Subject: The cases of naturalized citizens who hate America.

My Comment: The question “How we might change the process of becoming an American to exclude those who hate America?” is crucial.

Really, it is incredible to think that one of the suspected
Boston bombers was a naturalized citizen, and the other was on his way.

This kind of “flaw” of the current naturalization process has to fixed soon if we don’t want more terrorists or extremists lighting the American flag and spreading bombs everywhere across the country.

In connection with the subject, I would like to suggest the deployment of a series of advanced initiatives of “integration”:
- First, to compel the applicants to study our History in depth: all the events related to the foundation of the country and the key milestones of the 237 years of life of the U.S., including the way of thinking of the Founding Fathers when they wrote the Constitution.

- Second, to require a determined period of voluntary work in functions of public services.

- Third, to evaluate the learning of the applicant and his/her attitude during the period of work as a volunteer.

We have to pursue a real “integration” of all the new citizens with the roots, principles and culture of the country.

If the “integration process” works properly, in the end, all who hates
America will not able to hide their hatred to the country or its institutions. (2013/05/18) 5 Recommendations

Story: Swearing In the Enemy – Part 2

My Comment answering to another member who is skeptical about the possibility to improve the current naturalization process: When you learn about the “roots” of the country, its institutions and culture, there are two possible reactions: love or hate.

This learning plus a period of voluntary work in public services, all together wrap a real “integration” process.

This “integration” process has to be something similar to the study of a “career” with theoretical and practical components.

All the applicants to the citizenship who really don’t have the “vocation” to join the new country, they will fall on the road: bad people and speculators.

Never should citizenship be something easy to achieve. It has to be the end a difficult learning process of the real values to be American citizen. (2013/05/18).

Subject: Republican members of Congress criticize IRS about the discrimination against tea-party groups.

My Comment: The news says that Steve Miller – former IRS chief – offered few answers to the lawmakers in Congress.

In his current situation, nobody will be generous in information. His head is in the guillotine. (2013/05/17) 4 Recommendations

Subject: The widow of Steve Jobs works with lawmakers for a “common-sense immigration reform”.

My Comment: It is good that Laurene Powell Jobs, widow of Steve Jobs, is trying to work with Republicans and Democrats in Congress to pass a “common-sense immigration reform”.

Her contribution can bring the experience of her husband who was a very innovative entrepreneur and team leader of young people. (2013/05/17) 

Opinion: Strassel: The IRS Scandal Started at the Top (Columnist: Kimberley A. Strassel)

Subject: Columnist Kimberley A. Strassel asserts the IRS scandal started at the top of the govenment.

My Comment: The argument that the IRS is an “independent” agency is childish. It will not clean the responsibilities of top members of the government involved in this scandal.

It is nearly impossible to demonstrate that the White House is free of any accountability. (2013/05/17) 15 Recommendations

PBS-TWITTER - REPORT AIR DATE: May 15, 2013 - Boston Attacks Inspire Use of Surveillance Cameras in Cities Nationwide

Subject: San Francisco Police values the importance of the surveillance cameras to prevent terrorist attacks and other crimes during parades and public events across the city.

My Comment: The surveillance cameras in big cities and crowded places are necessary to prevent crimes and public tragedies.

However, the officers in charge of the monitoring behind the cameras have to have the sensitivity and discerning to balance security and privacy in a way that the normal life of the people will not be affected. (2013/05/16)

PBS-TWITTER - REPORT AIR DATE: May 15, 2013 - Republicans Demand Action, Jail Time for Those Responsible for IRS Scandal

Subject: House Speaker John Boehner wants jail for those responsible for IRS scandal.

My Comment: The “storm” is growing. House Speaker John Boehner said: “Now, my question isn't about who's going to resign. My question is, who is going to jail over this scandal?”

Both cases - IRS targeting against tea-party groups and the seizure of journalists’ phone records - include more than one responsible. Is there enough room in jail for all who are involved in these scandals? (2013/05/16)

Subject: The administration releases secret information about the Benghazi attack.

My Comment: The real mistake in the case of Benghazi was the ingenuous “presumption” that after the death of Osama bin Laden, al Qaeda was dead too.

Somebody thought: “Now we don’t need more security efforts because the devils are in hell”. And the "ghost" of Mr. bin Laden took revenge showing to all the world that the Americans don’t protect its interests in the right way. Huge mistake!

In the new era of the “terrorism war”, we can never assume that we are 100% safe if we are not “alert” every time and everywhere.

Now it is impossible to hide the
Benghazi's mistake. (2013/05/16) 2 Recommendations

Subject: Immediately when the IRS scandal was public, President Obama forced IRS chief to resign.

My Comment:“It looks like Mr. Miller is only the “visible face” of a “conspiracy” against the tea-party groups.

If the administration doesn’t want more damages, it has to make a big “purge” because this crime is not only against the tea-party groups, it is against the decent citizens who believe in the institutions. (2013/05/16) 6 Recommendations

PBS-TWITTER – 2013/05/14:“Obama Ponders Time Left in Office as Probes Pile Up“

Subject: President Obama ponders his political future in front of the current scandals.

My Comment: President Obama acts angry because he knows his administration didn’t act well in both cases: Benghazi and IRS.

Also, he feels frustrated because he has not the “magic formula” to change the chaotic situation of Syria. 9 Recommendations.

Subject: U.S. Navy plans to extend the use of unmanned aircraft in surveillance and combat roles.

My Comment: The story about the unmanned X-47B used by an aircraft carrier says: “… the Navy plans to have unmanned aircraft on each of its carriers. They will be used at first for surveillance but later will be armed and used in combat roles… The Navy plans to equip its drones with sensors to intercept communications, take video and have infrared capability…”

In short time, the science fiction books about robots will be prehistoric. We are going to “robot wars”.
In this new landscape, the human operators of the centers of commando will take similar roles as the current human fighters. They will be war of “brains” more than battles of courage and muscles. (2013/05/14) 2 Recommendations

My Comment: Independently of the party that is in power, the Internal Revenue Service always has to act carefully and with transparence.

Bad practices of a tax agency go against key principles of any democracy. It is not right that somebody uses taxes as a political tool. (2013/05/14) 5 Recommendations



Subject: France fell into recession like other members of the Euro-zone.

My Comment: The news says France fell into recession. Its economy contracted 0.2% in the first three months of the 2013 after a 0.2% decline in the last quarter of 2012.

Last year, before President François Hollande won the presidential election, the signs of decline of the French economy were visible.

The socialist model of the current administration cannot help to reverse the trends. Since Mr. Hollande became president, the increase of the taxes that affect rich people generated a “revolution” of citizenship. We can remember a list of celebrities and rich entrepreneurs who changed their citizenship to avoid the payment of high taxes in France. This is only a sample of the problems that Mr. Hollande faces to reactive the economic apparatus of the country: the resistance of the people with money to pay more taxes.

From the other side, Peugeot-Citroen – second European car marker – during 2012 gave evidence of the difficulties of the big manufacturers to sell their products across the continent due to the regional crisis that hits the majority of the countries of the EU community.

If we like to find more samples of the gloomy panorama that Mr. Hollande confronts today, we can remember the drama of the French Army during the Mali operations because they didn’t have enough gasoline and their own transport aircrafts to deploy the troops and their equipment in the African country. (2013/05/15) 2 Recommendations

My Comment answering to a member who believes China will help France now: Mr. XX, probably you are right, but the Chinese will put their “flag” everywhere.

The Chinese are more nationalist than the current French generation. (2013/05/15) 6 Recommendations

Subject: Member of the American embassy in Moscow is accused of spying.

My Comment: The new incident with Russia confirms the meeting between U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian President Vladimir Putin was lost time. (2013/05/14) 5 Recommendations


THE WORLD: Asia, Middle East, Africa

Subject: Russian warships visit Syrian ports in the Mediterranean in a demonstration of support of al-Assad regime.

My Comment: While Russia is again in a hard position, it looks like US lost its military initiative after the commando operation that ended with the life of Osama bin Laden.

During the last two years, the passive reaction in the case of Benghazi plus a series of movements without clear targets have showed a negative image of our country as a power of the world. (2013/05/17) 3 Recommendations

Subject: According to market studies, Americans are frequent buyers of cheap clothes from Bangladesh.

My Comment: When the tragedy doesn’t touch us directly, we close our eyes and we say: “Oh, Poor people!”

But this “poor people” could become “angry people”. Always the bloody social revolutions start through the reaction of people who have nothing to lose. The current tragedy of Bangladesh is a serious alert. (2013/05/13)

My Comment answering to a member who is indifferent to the current situation of Bangladesh: Frequently we are insensitive from the tragedies that don't touch us directly.

For how much more time we will continue buying the cheap clothes that come from the slavery-factories of the world? (2013/05/13) 3 Recommendations



Subject: President Evo Morales seeks a third term in charge of the the Bolivia government with the support of Congress.

My Comment: Bolivia is in the same club of the Latin American countries where the laws are easy to amend according to the needs of the president.

Now, President Evo Morales has the road opened to seek the third term after Congress changed the Bolivian Constitution. (2013/05/18) 

Subject: The death of the former Argentine president Jorge Rafael Videla didn't close the wounds of the civil war of the 70s that bled the South American country.

My Comment: The death of the former Argentine president Jorge Rafael Videla gives us the opportunity to make some observations:

1) General Videla committed important mistakes as a head of the Military Committee that ruled Argentina during the bloody civil war of the 70s, but he ended his life in prison.

2) Meanwhile, the people linked with Montoneros, ERP and the terrorists of the 70s are in power today.

Till now, Justice was not Justice in Argentina. (2013/05/17)  2 Recommendations



Story:Schools Rethink Suspension – Part 1

Subject: The authorities of Los Angeles schools rethink the suspension as a punishment system.

My Comment: It is true that the teacher needs “tools” to manage the discipline of the class, but the “suspension” is an ambiguous tool:

1) Some students don’t care if they lose days of class

2) From the other side, the suspensions
“harm” the learning of the students who are punished and the others. When in a class there are several cases of suspensions, everybody suffers the consequences, including the teacher.

Before any suspension, the teacher has to try other ways to maintain the discipline and integrate all the students into the learning of the class. (2013/05/16)  1 Recommendation

My Comment: In the past, some teachers taught the students like in a jail. We advanced a lot since those times.

However, the case of "suspension" described in the story shows that till now there are teachers who teach without evaluating the psychological effects of a wrong punishment.

You cannot suspend a student because he/she didn't want to change his/her place in the classroom. (2013/05/16)

My Comment: The problem is that a lot of “teachers” are not really “teachers”. They only know about a subject (math, language, history…), but they don’t know how they have to “teach” this subject to the students.

A teacher has to know:
1) About the subject he/she teaches
2) The methodology they have to use teaching this subject to others (the students)
3) The psychology of the others (the students). In other words, they have to know what will be the reactions of the students when they don’t understand the teaching or they don’t like the subject or the way of study.
Teaching is an art that requires a strong knowledge about psychology of the students and the learning process. (2013/05/16)

My Comment: Everywhere we will find disruptive students, but we cannot put everybody in the same basket.

In the schools, we find students with discipline problems for different reasons:

- Social and economic problems of the environment where they live;
- Family problems;
- Health and physical problems;
- Psychological problems;
- Hunger; (When your stomach is empty, you don’t want to learn a poem about flowers and beauty…)
- Boredom, tedium. (In the majority of the cases, the teacher is responsible of the “boredom” of his/her classes. In other opportunities, it is the consequence of a mistake of the advisors who recommend courses that are not appropriate for the knowledge level of the student.)

However, at all times, the teachers have to make the best they can to avoid problems with the students who feel bored in their classes.

For example, why a student will put any interest to learn the equation: “a+2b=c “, if nobody explains to him/her the possible meanings of “a”, “b” and “c”?

A lot of teachers don’t think about the difficulty of the students to learn abstract concepts because they don’t know enough about "student psychology" or they don’t care if the students really learn.

We are living in a world where the statistics rule the majority of the human activities. If 8 students grade between A and B, frequently the 2 students who grade E are not relevant for the teacher. In these cases, we cannot point against the parents of the 2 students if they create discipline problems in the class.

Before punishing a student, the teacher has to learn why the student creates problems in his/her class. Always there is a reason.

The teachers are no more the “dictators” of their classes and who decided for themselves the “torture techniques” without care about the damage they produced in the psyche of the students who felt humiliated in front of the class.

The parents have obligations, the society has obligations, but the schools and teachers have obligations too. (2013/05/17)



Subject: Google is testing a new wearable computing device named Google Glass.

My Comment: The Google Glass is a new digital device that could be used as an extension of the current smart-phones. Now is the test period.

Nobody knows what will be its future as an independent device because it doesn't look like a technology milestone at the same level of the personal computers, digital tables or smart-phones
. (2013/05/19)

Subject: Dell posted the financial results of the last three months, while it continues dealing its future as a private computer manufacturer.

My Comment: The analysis of the figures of Dell related to its first 2014 fiscal quarter shows us a dramatic decline in its net income: 79% year-over-year.

In the end of the first quarter, the computer maker posted a net income of US$ 130 million, when a year ago it informed US$ 635 million.

In revenues, the fall was 2% year over year. Now it has posted US 14,074 million, when and a year ago it informed US$14,422 million.

Before the publication of the financial report, Dell announced the realignment of its global operating segments in the following groups: Enterprise Solutions Group, Dell Services, Dell Software Group, and End User Computing Group.

From the new business perspective of the company, we have the following information:

- Enterprise Solutions’ revenues grew 10%.
- Services’ revenues grew 2%.
- The software unit registered operating losses.
- The revenues of the End User Computing declined 9%.

With these elements, it is not possible to visualize a flourishing period for Dell. (2013/05/17) 1 Recommendation

Subject: After a series of warnings, Cisco Systems posted reasonable figures related to its last financial quarter.

My Comment: Cisco posted its third-quarter financial results with good news.

The 14% growth in profit compared year-over-year exceeded previous expectations.

Its new focus: software and services is the right direction in the current evolution of the technology industry. (2013/05/16) 1 Recommendation

Subject: IDC posted a new analysis report about smart-phone operating system market where Windows was third with 2.5% of market share.

My Comment: Nokia Chief Executive Stephen Elop criticizes Android operating system, but the figures from IDC show his company continues eating a very small portion of the smart-phone cake:

- Android: 69%
- Apple iOS: 19%
- Windows: 2.5% (Nokia Lumia phones).

Today, if you say that your software platform is the best, but your market share is only a 2.5% and in decline, something is wrong in your approach. (2013/05/15)

Subject: Sharp posted a billionaire loss for its last fiscal annual period.

My Comment: Some days after Panasonic, Sharp posted an annual net loss of US$5.400 billion. What will be next?

It looks like the Japanese business model in the electronics doesn’t work anymore. During the last two years we read frequent negative reports from Sony, Panasonic, Sharp and others, while Samsung, LG and the Chinese competitors continue growing.

According to different sources, the Japanese organizations are not flexible like the Koreans and Chinese.

In a world of hard competition, complicated procedures generate high operational costs and make the operations slow.

Today is not only to be in the lead with the best technology. You must to have the best prices, the best marketing and the best delivery. (2013/05/14)

My Comment answering to another member of the Journal Community who focuses Samsung as the next victim of the hard market competition: Everybody who climbs the hill of the technology after it has arrived to the top will have problems with the competitors that are coming behind it.

Additionally, when you arrive to the top of the "curve", the normal trend is to go down. This is part of a technical law named as "inflection point".

Depending of the behavior of the company, sometimes after the arrival to the top, a new technology period could give you the possibility to avoid the "fall".

The analysis of this phenomenon is pointed out by Andrew S. Grove, former Intel chairman, in a book titled "Only The Paranoid Survive".

However, Samsung is a company different from the Japanese giants. The Koreans are more "flexible" than the Japanese in the technology business. And Samsung made before its own experience in the niche of memories.
In the case that Samsung falls after its arrival at the top of the "curve", the new cycle will be dominated by Chinese competitors like Huawei.

We don't have the crystal ball to know exactly who will be the new leader after the end of the current Samsung's cycle. It could be a new Samsung's second cycle.

In its profile, Samsung has components that give it more “resilience” to the difficult events and “hurdles” that everybody finds through the technology “jungle”. But I said before, perhaps the new technology period will be dominated by the top Chinese leaders. We don’t know till now… (2013/05/15)

Subject: Google CEO Larry Page revealed details of his disease, but also informed that he will continues in charge of the company.

My Comment: All the diseases are bad but when you know about your health problems, the most important is to learn how to reduce to the minimum the effects of your disease and work in this direction. You never have to think that you are a sick person.

Larry Page, Google CEO, who has been diagnosed with vocal cord paralysis, is acting in this way. He says: "I am feeling very lucky." and continues working on his projects. (2013/05/14) 1 Recommendation

Subject: Strange death of U.S. engineer who was working for a Huawei project in Singapore.

My Comment: The story about the non-clear death of Shane Todd doesn’t give enough elements to make conclusions.

However the case is very important to follow because it could uncover details how some technology companies advance fast across the different stages of an industry through illegal transfer of technology.

Mr. Tood was an
US engineer working for the Institute of Microelectronics in Singapore in a project linked with the Chinese Huawei.

Probably, there are more technical people working in third world countries in the business of illegal transfer of technology to Huawei and other Chinese giants of the technology.

When a company grows from the night to day in a complex technology business, we suspect non-clear movements behind the scene. (2013/05/13)

Subject: Cisco anticipate changes in its business model.

My Comment: The reinvention of companies like Cisco Systems is a difficult task:

1) When Cisco began its climb to the top of the hill, a lot of its networking boxes were exclusive. Today also its “boxes” are commodity in the Chinese technology market.

2) Before “networking” and “computer systems” were two different “departments” of the information systems. Today, both are integrated and the “division” continues disappearing. Due to this circumstance, old partners of Cisco like IBM and HP are becoming its rivals.

3) Cisco grew as a “hardware” company of the networking systems. Step by step, it changed its original “profile” and entered in the software segment, but today “technology” is advanced software, applications and services. The “hardware” is losing value dramatically because the standardization of the “boxes” makes easy the exchange of devices that everybody can buy in the market of bargains.

If Cisco wants to reinvent itself, it has to make a huge effort in software, applications and services, and in the “research” of complete innovative technologies. This is very difficult for a company that grew through the continuous acquisitions of rivals. In brief, Cisco Systems is a giant with weak feet. (2013/05/13) 7 Recommendations