Tuesday, October 8, 2019

WORLDRETHINK: Special Twitter tour on October 8, 2019 - General Mattis' Warnings!

#WR: Jim Mattis’ Warnings! The former US Secretary of Defense in his book “Call Sign Chaos” talking about the “strategic leadership” says "the consequences of imprudence are severe, even catastrophic”. Can we apply this warning to the Syrian withdrawal? #Mattis #SyriaWithdrawal

#WR: Strategic mistake! Everybody knows, that the withdrawal of the US troops from Syria right now, it is strategic mistake. General Jim Mattis marked this issue, before he left the White House administration. Why the President doesn’t rethink the case? #Mattis #SyriaWithdrawal
SOURCES: "Call Sign Chaos" by Jim Mattis and Bing West; "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu. 

NOTE: Each "#WR" is a tweet posted in the web page 

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