Wednesday, March 25, 2020

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on March 25, 2020 - U.S. $2 trillion stimulus package

#WR: Will a $2 trillion stimulus package defeat #COVID19? Money's enthusiasm puts sickness in a side. According to @WSJ, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said: “The men and women of the greatest country on Earth are going to defeat this coronavirus and reclaim our future.”
#WR: From @WSJ to reread: "Congress readied to pass an estimated $2 trillion stimulus package aimed at combating the economic consequences of the coronavirus pandemic, hours after legislative leaders and the Trump administration struck a deal." #COVID19 #USstimulusbill #pandemic
#WR: From @WSJ to reread: "The legislation will provide direct financial checks to many Americans,drastically expand unemployment insurance,offer hundreds of billions in loans to both small and large businesses,refill drained state coffers and extend additional resources to health-care providers."
The enthusiasm for the money in this time of crisis is changing the focus of a lot of people and also from the politicians about what is first. The country, the people and the authorities have to focus first the fight against the sickness with austerity and discipline. The money is important to combat the economic consequences of the pandemic. However, the money will not heal the soul of the people who are suffering cases of coronavirus in between the members of their families. And the money will not help to the elder people who are be marginalizing for the fear of contagion. 

SOURCES: My own think tank, @WSJ, @dwnews, @nytimes

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