Thursday, March 12, 2020

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on March 12, 2020 - Can a robot determine if you are sick?

#WR: Can a robot determine if you are sick of COVID-19? According to different sources, Chinese #robots walk the streets to detect who has fever. And @WSJ wrote “Drones spray disinfectant over South Korea. Police wear thermal imaging goggles to detect fevers in China.” #COVID19
We always appreciate the role of the technology in scientific research, businesses and in the improvement of the human life. However, we have a lot of questions about these new implementations of robotic and drones systems to fight against COVID-19.
First, robots testing fever in the streets of cities with a lot of population can arrive to wrong conclusions due to a series of environment and human factors. 
Second the spray of disinfectant over big metros can help to kill viruses, but also they can generate allergic reactions from people who are not tolerant to the kind of disinfectant used.
In summary, we conclude that the use of robots and drones in the COVID-19 pandemic has pros and cons and each government or authority must evaluate before they put in action.  

SOURCES: @WSJ,  @dwnews,  @TechRepublic,  @nytimes,   and my own think tank

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