- Domingo Trassens
Posted In New York City Hospitals Face New Strain: Not Enough Workers
- Politicians are not medical doctors.
Posted In New York City Hospitals Face New Strain: Not Enough Workers
- In these cases, we have to be pragmatic. Good doctors know how to treat patients they best they can.
Posted In Opinion | Expose First Responders to the Coronavirus
- Thank you!
Posted In New York City Hospitals Face New Strain: Not Enough Workers
- Statistics are cooking according the interests of the authorities and/or the media...
Posted In Opinion | Expose First Responders to the Coronavirus
- President Xi planned all before China informed about the virus to the rest of the world. Remember, Chinese pushed away from the country to journalists from WSJ, New York Times, Washington Post and others.
Posted In Opinion | Expose First Responders to the Coronavirus
- Call to the White House and ask if they have volunteers... (?)
Posted In Opinion | Expose First Responders to the Coronavirus
- This is a war ! In all the wars, it is necessary volunteers... Without volunteers we will lose this war.
Posted In Opinion | Expose First Responders to the Coronavirus
- Surely, President Xi is protecting himself very well because he wants to be the Chinese leader forever...
Posted In Opinion | Will Coronavirus Kill Populism?
- Till now, we don't know who will be the running mate of Biden.
Posted In Opinion | Will Coronavirus Kill Populism?
- The new government - populist or non-populist - has to put distance from China.
Posted In WSJ News Exclusive | U.S. Domestic Passenger Flights Could Virtually Shut Down, Voluntarily or by Government Order
- "mission accomplished"? It is early to determine if the coronavirus is declining in real sense.
Posted In WSJ News Exclusive | U.S. Domestic Passenger Flights Could Virtually Shut Down, Voluntarily or by Government Order
- In social emergency cases, security is before total liberty principles.
Posted In WSJ News Exclusive | U.S. Domestic Passenger Flights Could Virtually Shut Down, Voluntarily or by Government Order
- In the current circumstances, if somebody wants to go to Disney Park, he/she is a suicide.
Posted In WSJ News Exclusive | U.S. Domestic Passenger Flights Could Virtually Shut Down, Voluntarily or by Government Order
- This is a total total total isolation!
Posted In Opinion | China’s Coronavirus Diplomacy
- You are mixing subjects.
Posted In Opinion | The Pelosi-Schumer Contagion
- The politics can be a "barrier" also during humanitarian crises
Posted In Jails Release Prisoners, Fearing Coronavirus Outbreak
- This is very complex problem. Everybody - included the inmates - has the right to live in reasonable conditions to feel healthy. But the decent people deserve to live in a safe environment protected from others with criminal behavior.
Posted In Global Coronavirus Infection Cases Double in a Week to Pass 300,000
- The pessimist people enjoy counting corpses and shortage of medical ventilators...
Posted In Global Coronavirus Infection Cases Double in a Week to Pass 300,000
- Will we continue seeing only numbers of sick cases and deaths?
Posted In Opinion | China’s Coronavirus Diplomacy
- Is this solidarity diplomacy or a new kind of business? "Made in China" doesn't look well today...
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