- Domingo Trassens
Posted In Opinion | Putin’s President-for-Life Plan
- Vladimir Putin came to the power with the goal of remain forever.
Posted In Coronavirus School Closures Expose Digital Haves and Have-Nots
- Remote learning requests the right technology, excellent Internet lines and teachers who can lead a remote classroom with effective results....
Posted In Opinion | Let Putin and MBS Both Lose
- In this kind of wars, frequently both lose...
Posted In Global Stock Selloff Moderates
- Market uncertainty continues...
Posted In Putin Backs Proposal Paving Way for New Presidential Term
- President Putin wants to be a Russian czar.
Posted In Italy Bolsters Quarantine Checks After Initial Lockdown Confusion
- I don't understand your point. I said before that in a sanitary crisis we have to act very careful. The showing of guns is a way to intimate normal citizens. The guns are the last resources. It is different from the check points in areas of drug dealers or terrorism..
Posted In Italy Bolsters Quarantine Checks After Initial Lockdown Confusion
- In a sanitary crisis, you have to act very careful. In the story of Wall Street Journal, the picture shows an Italian check point in a Italian street and one of the police officers is showing guns. This is not the right way to act. The guns are the last resource.
Posted In Italy Bolsters Quarantine Checks After Initial Lockdown Confusion
- Our police carries guns, but they don't are showing of the guns when it is not necessary. I work in the security field and I know that it is different to carry guns from showing of the guns in their hands.
Posted In Italy Bolsters Quarantine Checks After Initial Lockdown Confusion
- Inside Italy, who gives the orders to the police officers in the check points?... The Chinese? Donald Trump? Mr. Putin? Angela Merkel?
Posted In Italy Bolsters Quarantine Checks After Initial Lockdown Confusion
- They have to use persuasive methods. The showing of the guns is a symbol of dictatorship, or when a child wants to intimate others with a machine gun.
Posted In Italy Bolsters Quarantine Checks After Initial Lockdown Confusion
- To show guns is a symbol of a dictatorship. They have to use persuasive measures and only use guns like a last resource.
Posted In Italy Bolsters Quarantine Checks After Initial Lockdown Confusion
- Sorry, they have to use the gun as the last resource. To show guns is a symbol of a dictatorship.
Posted In Italy Bolsters Quarantine Checks After Initial Lockdown Confusion
- They have to be more specific in the quarantine measures. They must not stop the economic activities of a big industrial region.
Posted In Italy Bolsters Quarantine Checks After Initial Lockdown Confusion
- They have to manage the crisis with their brains, no with the power of the guns the police officers show in the check points. It is a sanitary crisis. It is not a military occupation of the cities.
Posted In Italy Bolsters Quarantine Checks After Initial Lockdown Confusion
- We have different ideas. They have to protect the people. However, it is not rational to put police officers showing guns in a sanitary crisis. The guns must be the last resource. From the other side, they have to be more specific in the quarantine measures. It is crazy to stop the economic activities of a big industrial sector.
Posted In Italy Bolsters Quarantine Checks After Initial Lockdown Confusion
- Italians are acting like children in a playroom. They don't know how to manage the COVID-19 crisis.
Posted In Asian Stock Markets Sell Off Early Monday
- Everybody has irrational responses when they don't understand what happens around.
Posted In Twitter, Elliott Strike Truce That Leaves CEO Dorsey in Place
- I don't like Elliot tries to push Jack Dorsey away.
Posted In U.S. Chip Industry Fears Long-Term Damage From China Trade Fight
- And Chinese are sending a lot their people to study in our university across all the country.
Posted In U.S. Chip Industry Fears Long-Term Damage From China Trade Fight
- It is good to put our factories in our national territory and in some countries that are real American partners. About Central America, there are few options due to the corruption and social uncertainty of countries like Honduras, Salvador, Guatemala and Nicaragua.
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