Tuesday, September 21, 2021

RETHINKING - September 20, 2021 - Despite French howls

The Wall Street Journal story titled "A Smart Submarine Deal with the Aussies" says "The new partnership serves U.S. interests, despite French howls."

After that , the story continues "President Biden’s deal to deepen the U.S. strategic partnership with Australia and the U.K. as a counterweight to China is being denounced as Trumpian by critics in France. The AUKUS partnership, announced Wednesday, will begin with the joint development of Australian nuclear-powered submarines, as opposed to the diesel-powered subs Paris planned to build for Canberra."

It is evident that the French feel upset, but in war times, the problems with friends happen if they are not aligned with our interests.

From my point of view, in this conflict with the French there are two crucial issues:

1) The United States needs to improve its defenses in the Pacific due to the advance of China and the risky situation of Taiwan. Australia is a natural ally of America and a country also with interests in the Pacific. Good that the U.S and Aussies can work together in strong association.

2) France, like Germany, it is wooing China for its own interests in deals that are dangerous for the new defense strategy of the United States and the western civilization in counterweight with the imperialist ambitions of the Big Asian Dragon. 

SOURCES: The Wall Street Journal, Deutsche Welle, The New York Times

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