Definitively, Ukraine cannot follow the Moscow church.
The richer people can lose trillions of dollars, but they continue to be rich.
In the previous election, Stacy Abrams showed that she is not an honest loser.
I think your observation about the mistake of Mr. Biden is right.
Always the stock market has downs and ups. This is not a tragedy.
The previous election was not between Biden and Trump. It was between Trump and Non-Trump.
Current Georgia Governor and Mr. Trump are in different sides of the street....
Now, Europe is in a very bad shape, and this impacts the Euro's value.
Peggy wrote "Mr. Trump has real influence but it is not determinative." We need more results to say this is statement is true or false.
Mr. Erdogan was partner of Mr. Putin in the Syrian civil war.
Both candidates have to wait for the total count of the votes. This is the right way an election works.
He will have to rethink his "bad behavior" more than twice.
Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán always is against the decisions of other European countries.
Senator Warren doesn't offer a realistic solution to the problem.
The West supports Ukraine because the NATO and the United States want the humiliation of Mr. Putin.
Great rethinking of the current crisis!
Till now we don't know if "it is only a matter of time..."
Hong Kong is following the orders of Beijing in strict way...
The question is for how much time, President Putin can continue this war? Instead to celebrate the Victory Day, last Monday, he should have announced the Defeat Day.
NATO only must accept very selective members, no everyone who wants to be part of the club. The membership conditions have to be strict.
iPod helped Apple to enter in the niche of digital devices for the consumer market including iPhone, iPad and others.
. Russians returned to the Stalin times committing war crimes and sending civilians to work camps. The old practices of the communist regime are used to intimidate the Ukrainians.
From his friend Putin, President Xi has to learn that the invasion of another country can end badly.
Russia provoked us, why the western world cannot provoke Russia?
The new German Chancellor is acting in a pragmatic way, trying to avoid close association with friends of Vladimir Putin, like China's President Xi. Olaf Scholz looks to walk for a safer "path" for Germany and its commercial
Read more...Before I had different ideas about the Utah's life....
I think that in this "journalistic" era, the quality of the media work declined like you say.
Till now, Elon Musk always was in the right time to make the right action. We have to see if now, the CEO Tesla can rebuild Twitter in the right way. To refresh a social media platform is not only a money question or a technology innovation issue.
Read more...Abortion is a subject; economy is another subject. The opinion column where I wrote my opinion is about ABORTION, no about ECONOMY. Please, write your comment in the blog section of an economy column.
Definitively, Pope Francis has no authority to criticize NATO and the United States. Less, he cannot justify the Russian invasion of Ukraine with any excuse.
She is corrupt, but a lot of members of our political elite are submerged in same swamp of total corruption.
Belarusians want the same freedom for what the Ukrainians are fighting.
I agree that we need a "party of rational Americans" that rewards hard work and innovation,,,,
Right now, the world is more dangerous than before the Russian invasion started. Mr. Putin has in mind to test its nukes in Ukraine if his tanks are defeated in the ground.
Yes, the future is dark, and we have to prepare for worse moments than the current situation. The U.S. and NATO have to prepare for a possible direct confrontation with Putin's Russia.
Who will remove him? You?
You are right that it is necessary to stop the Russian expansionism and the violence against other countries that want to live in freedom.
Mr. Putin has the money to finance this war despite all the Russian soldiers that can die on the battlefield. He doesn't have human feelings. He only wants the victory,
At this moment, Germany has the right for a re-arming in the side of the West, because if it remains weak, it could be invaded again for the Russians.
The French are French! Putin out!
Russians are using the same techniques they used in the times of Lenin and Stalin. They enjoy devilish practices against the civil population.
Mr. Putin wants to destroy all the corners of Ukraine and kill everybody. His instinct is devilish.
The "foggy war" is making very costly the war for the Russians.
All the free world has to stop the business links with Russia right now.
It is necessary that the U.S. authorities realize that illegal immigration is putting America in the low level of countries like Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Haiti... because all these people only come to here to eat our richest.
NATO has to give Ukraine all the heavy weapons, intelligence and strategies to defeat Russia in a way Mr. Putin will push way from Moscow.
"The End of Russia’s Empire?" by Walter Russell Mead is a great analysis.. I also think that Ukraine is more than Ukraine itself for Putin and his cronies. It is a crucial battle between the Russian Empire and the West.
Germany has to redefine its position in the current world political geography.
The Islamic State was not destroyed completely...
He will infe.ct Mars with his autocratic mentality
I don't believe the Twitter's Board is more virtuous than Elon Musk
I agree with you.
Ukrainians are defending their land, while the Russian soldiers don't know what they are doing in a neighbor country.
We are living in a chaotic moment of the world.
If Le Pen become French President, she would be a "new" Angela Merkel.
In general, the young intelligent people don't accept dictatorships.
Putin is playing with the time. He knows that Zelensky has very limited resources. And he doesn't care how many Russian soldiers could die to achieve his goals.
Sometimes, the United Nations makes something with sense....
In this world, with a lot of money you buy anything...
Berlin has to cut completely the imports from Russia.
Till now, President Putin didn't suffer the pain of this crisis in his own body and if the Russians don't have a leader that pushes Putin away from the Kremlin all will continue the same. (Putin doesn't care if the poor Russian people
Read more...You are right, however who is stopping these monsters?
Germany has to stop the purchases of Russian oil and gas totally.
Really, terrible!
The last target of President Putin is not Ukraine. It is the division of the NATO and the return East Europe and the Baltics to the Moscow's control.
Russians are committing crimes that don't have pardon, while Putin doesn't stop his obsession as conquer of other lands.
For 20 years, the West was sleeping over old glories: the Fall of the Berlin Wall, the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the independence of the Baltics and East European countries. Everybody was happy with the new Russian friends. Nobody was
Read more...I agree too. Russian troops without supplies cannot advance in Ukraine territory.
After the Fall of the Berlin War, the Western countries were dreaming that the Russians were their friends. Wrong thinking!
I don't trust Russian negotiators. From my view, Mr. Putin is trying to gain time to prepare a mortal attack against Ukraine.
You are right "keep the president in the basement".
Angela Merkel was sleeping on a Russian pillow
Wrong leftist politics are destroying the grandeur of America.
President Biden opens the door to more refugees because he doesn't pay from his pocket the cost of receiving more refugees.
The statement of President Biden about President Putin is not appropriate for an American President visiting other country. ("Vladimir Putin ‘Cannot Remain in Power’")
Your observation is right.
Ukrainians were very naive when they returned the nuclear weapons. Nobody can believe in the respect of a peace treatment in the time.
Democrats are in very bad shape for the November elections.