Wednesday, April 29, 2020

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on April 29, 2020 - How to punish who don't respect the quarantine

#WR: How to punish who don't respect the quarantine? According to #dwnews, a series of countries use apps in smartphones to track the spreading of #COVID19. South Korea plans to use strapping electronic #wristbands to follow people in quarantine and punish who don’t respect it.
Deutsche Well explains that South Korea is developing a system to track the people who don't respect the coronavirus quarantine. 
This is the explanation of DW: "South Korea's Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) runs COVID-19 Smart Management System (SMS), a contact tDeutsche Well explains that South Korea is developing a system to track the people who don't respect the coronavirus quarantine. racing system that runs through smartphone apps and helps the authorities analyze the movement of affected patients and those in quarantine."  
The country will also begin strapping electronic wristbands on those who ignore home-quarantine orders. A refusal to use the band would result in the person being moved to a shelter, which they will have to pay for themselves."
In summary, in times of pandemic, the freedom of the people has limits determined for the risks this freedom implies.
SOURCES: @dwnews


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