Monday, April 20, 2020

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on April 20, 2020 - Reopening of the the economy

#WR: Is it possible a COVID-19 second wave? According to  @CDC and serious sources, due to we don’t have a #vaccine right now, a #COVID19's second wave is possible and risky. @dwnews says that German Chancellor #Merkel “warns that easing restrictions too fast would be a ‘mistake’” 

In the moment, that a lot of people across the world push for a fast end of the “lockdown” of the economy, some worldwide leaders are developing special plans to return to the normally in a gradual way. 

In Europe, Germany, that is an industrial country, with a lot of factories, the government is making huge effort to restart the activities and open its plants. 

Several days ago, Deutsch Welle – German international media – posted in the English version an interesting story commented detail plans that explains when they have to start the school activities and "when' and in "what conditions", the government authorizes to open different retail shops including the barber shops. 

Now, before the zero moment of the reopening of the economy, German Chancellor Angel Merkel “has said "it can also be a mistake to proceed too quickly," urging people to temper desires for business as usual." 

In US, the reopening of the economy is more complex because each state has different laws and regulations and the economic apparatus is very diversified. Due to this situation, the coordination of the full return to the normally will be long and possible painful.

SOURCES:  @dwnews, @WSJ,  @nytimes

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