Monday, April 27, 2020

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on April 27, 2020 - Is COVID-19, good test for biowapons?

#WR: Is COVID-19 pandemic, a good test for biological weapons? I answer: "Yes!”. I think like Walter Russell Mead, (“The Century of Bioweapons”, @WSJ) Despite till now we don’t know if the infamous #virus was developed in a lab, we can infer that #COVID19 is test for #bioweapons.
I  believe that today we are in the hands of  biological researchers. Normally, these researchers know what they are doing. The problem is frequently, they have different morale principles from the man of the street. They know their researches give power to them, to negotiate any kind of businesses, in a lot of cases, immoral businesses. And this is the terrible point of we are talking right now.  

For example, in the case of COVID-19, if the virus that generate the coronavirus disease was produced in a laboratory, the researchers of that virus know have to make the vaccine. And probably, at this moment, they are negotiating to deliver the COVID-19’S vaccine for huge amounts of money. (???)

SOURCES: My own tech think tank and the column of the Wall Street Journal titled "The Century of Bioweapons" by Walter Russel Mead.

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