Domingo Trassens
13218 Responses9528 LikesBiden, Xi Teams Set Modest Hopes for Monday Talks
I agree too.
| 1 LikesBiden, Xi Teams Set Modest Hopes for Monday Talks
For the Chinese, the word "freedom" is a joke.
| 1 LikesBiden, Xi Teams Set Modest Hopes for Monday Talks
This story says that the two leaders talked about the concerns related of Taiwan. I don't believe Mr. Xi answered in friendly way to Mr. Biden about this subject. The current big obsession of the Chinese is Taiwan under their boots.
| 8 LikesBiden, Xi Teams Set Modest Hopes for Monday Talks
While President Xi smiles, his military assistants continue preparing Taiwan's assault. At this moment, we cannot 'coexist in peace' with the Chinese.
| 2 LikesBiden, Xi Teams Set Modest Hopes for Monday Talks
President Xi knows how to introduce himself in a good way.
| 0 LikesBiden, Xi Teams Set Modest Hopes for Monday Talks
You are a good observer.
| 1 LikesBiden, Xi Teams Set Modest Hopes for Monday Talks
A new dialogue with President Xi is a quasi impossible mission. We know, Chinese are experts at smiling while they are killing their enemies.
| 7 LikesBiden, Xi Teams Set Modest Hopes for Monday Talks
Sometimes, confrontation is the unique option.
| 0 LikesBiden, Xi Teams Set Modest Hopes for Monday Talks
China is an expert in smiling from ahead and killing behind.
| 1 LikesBiden, Xi Teams Set Modest Hopes for Monday Talks
We cannot smile like the Chinese smile before they kill their enemies.
| 4 LikesBeto O’Rourke Says He Is Running for Texas Governor
In previous campaigns, Beto O’Rourke did not arrive far.
| 2 LikesOpinion | Why America Needs National Conservatism
We need conservatism. The United States will not United States without conservatism.
| 3 LikesOpinion | The Chip That Changed the World
If you started with Apple II, you are part of the technology history.
| 1 LikesOpinion | The Chip That Changed the World
You are right!
| 1 LikesOpinion | The Chip That Changed the World
Nice review of the technology evolution!
| 2 LikesOpinion | The Chip That Changed the World
Long history from 4004 on ahead...
| 1 LikesOpinion | Putin’s Belarus Offensive
We cannot expect good things from Alexander Lukashenko.
| 2 LikesOpinion | ‘Xi Jinping Thought’ Makes China a Tougher Adversary
Today, China is more than a tough adversary. It is a dangerous enemy,
| 7 LikesOpinion | Rivian, the Government Unicorn
Interesting observation
| 2 LikesOpinion | The Congressional Hypocrisy Caucus
I don't believe that really Sanders and Warren are sincere friends.
| 2 LikesCOP26 Talks Enter Final Scheduled Day With Deal Still Elusive
COP26 shows again that the countries like to talk about climate change, but they don't like to compromise themselves in effective initiatives. Poor balance after two weeks of deliberations.
| 2 LikesCOP26 Talks Enter Final Scheduled Day With Deal Still Elusive
China doesn't care for the impact of its pollution in the world climate change.
| 2 LikesOpinion | The March of the Latin Left-Wing Dictator
The elections of Nicaragua are a farce of democracy orchestrated by a dictator that learned from Cuba how to dominate a country with terror and fear. Daniel Ortega is not better than Fidel Castro was.
| 3 LikesOpinion | The March of the Latin Left-Wing Dictator
Daniel Ortega is the Nicaragua version of Fidel Castro.
| 3 LikesOpinion | Democrats ‘Explain’ Virginia and New Jersey
Good suggestion.
| 2 LikesOpinion | Democrats ‘Explain’ Virginia and New Jersey
A more progressive agenda will push independent voters to the Republican side.
| 2 LikesOpinion | The GE Empire Breaks Up
The old brokers don't learn about the changes of times.
| 0 LikesOpinion | The GE Empire Breaks Up
General Electric is broken since long time ago....
| 0 LikesOpinion | Should You Vaccinate Your 5-Year-Old?
You are right.
| 1 LikesOpinion | Should You Vaccinate Your 5-Year-Old?
Interesting analysis
| 1 LikesOpinion | Argentina’s Welfare State Warning to America
| 2 LikesOpinion | Argentina’s Welfare State Warning to America
In Argentina, the shadow of Peron never disappears.
| 2 LikesGermany’s Economy, Once Europe’s Engine, Is Holding It Back
Germany needs to redefine its business model according to the new technological trends and the impact in the human resources.
| 1 LikesOpinion | The $3.98 Trillion Trojan Horse
Trojan Horses always are dangerous....
| 2 LikesOpinion | How AI Will Make Your Doctor Smarter
AI is not the panacea. It is only a new tool.
| 8 LikesHelp Really Wanted: No Degree, Work Experience or Background Checks
Plus the Covid vaccine!
| 1 LikesThey Moved to Rural California for Affordable Homes. Then the Caldor Fire Destroyed the Town.
More that a drama, a tragedy!
| 1 LikesOpinion | OSHA’s Vaccine Mandate Overkill
Definitively, the vaccine mandate goes against the freedom of the people to decide for themselves.
| 1 LikesOpinion | Voters Give Democrats a Woke-Up Call
Peggy: You make very good questions: "ill the party recognize its mistake in embracing extremism? Will the GOP prove worthy of its wins?"
| 0 LikesOpinion | Youngkin Clears a Path to Victory for 2022
You are a good observer.
| 0 LikesOpinion | Youngkin Clears a Path to Victory for 2022
Good observation!
| 0 LikesOpinion | God’s Universe Beats Mark Zuckerberg’s Metaverse
The fantasies of Mark could become reality if his following continue follow him....
| 0 LikesOpinion | The Biden Democrats Lose It
Daniel: You love Biden!
| 1 LikesOpinion | Youngkin Clears a Path to Victory for 2022
Democrats need to push Bernie away of the main scene.
| 2 LikesOpinion | Youngkin Clears a Path to Victory for 2022
Youngkin gave the first step to the Republican return in 2022.
| 6 LikesYoungkin’s Virginia Win Offers Midterm Road Map for GOP, Warning for Democrats
The Republican candidate won the governor election in Virginia for a short margin from his rival. However, the defeat is painful for the Democrats in a moment when The President's agenda doesn't work properly.
| 2 LikesYoungkin’s Virginia Win Offers Midterm Road Map for GOP, Warning for Democrats
First Democrat defeat before 2022 midterm elections.
| 4 LikesOpinion | Needed: A Military Strategy for China
I agree with you that we must defend all the Indo-Pacific allies to "cut" the advance of China and its conquer of the world.
| 0 LikesOpinion | Needed: A Military Strategy for China
For China, Taiwan is one more extension of its territory like before was Hong Kong. The Chinese ambition is bigger than the Taiwan's sovereignty. China wants to dominated the Indo Pacific region that is one of the biggest "factories of the world".
| 0 LikesOpinion | Needed: A Military Strategy for China
Wrong question: Must the United States defend Taiwan? The question must be: Must the United States defend its interests in the Indo-Pacific region? The Indo-Pacific region includes Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, and South Korea. In all these countries, the United States have important businesses interests.
| 0 LikesOpinion | Needed: A Military Strategy for China
It looks like the Trump administration did not have a contingency plan for the Taiwan's case.
| 1 LikesOpinion | Needed: A Military Strategy for China
A question with difficult answer.
| 1 LikesTerry McAuliffe, Glenn Youngkin in Dead Heat in Virginia Governor’s Race
In the end, the results will show new politic trends.
| 4 LikesTerry McAuliffe, Glenn Youngkin in Dead Heat in Virginia Governor’s Race
This election has national implications. We have to see the results.
| 4 LikesOpinion | For Privileged Progressives, ‘We’ Means ‘You’
It is not time for progressives. At this moment, we have to be conservatives, if we want to survive this debacle..
| 2 LikesCovid-19 Pushed Many Americans to Retire. The Economy Needs Them Back.
Maybe, you forgot that a lot of people died before the vaccine came.
| 6 LikesMacBook Pro 2021 Review: Nearly Perfect Back-to-the-Future Laptops
Good observation!
| 1 LikesMacBook Pro 2021 Review: Nearly Perfect Back-to-the-Future Laptops
My Samsung works fine too.
| 0 LikesMacBook Pro 2021 Review: Nearly Perfect Back-to-the-Future Laptops
Good for you!
| 0 LikesMacBook Pro 2021 Review: Nearly Perfect Back-to-the-Future Laptops
Probably, Joanna has part of her heart in Apple...
| 0 LikesMacBook Pro 2021 Review: Nearly Perfect Back-to-the-Future Laptops
Apple always pursues innovation. But the laptop niche the changes are not dramatic.
| 0 LikesBiden’s Glasgow Challenge Is to Convince World That U.S. Can Lead on Climate
Without China and Russia on the table, and India distant from the others, this Climate Summit has not effective effect in crucial decisions about the world climate politics.
| 3 LikesCovid-19 Pushed Many Americans to Retire. The Economy Needs Them Back.
No all the people retire for the vaccine mandate.
| 0 LikesCovid-19 Pushed Many Americans to Retire. The Economy Needs Them Back.
You are right!
| 3 LikesCovid-19 Pushed Many Americans to Retire. The Economy Needs Them Back.
Covid-19 destroyed the lives of a lot of mid-class and poor people and killed elder and sick people..
| 5 LikesThe New Rulebook for First Dates: Sweatpants, No Makeup
Another good idea!
| 10 LikesOpinion | The Climate Summit to Nowhere
A SUMMIT TO NOWHERE: The summits about climate are a "new business" of the politicians. They meet periodically to discuss the climate of the future. With this excuse, they talk about their own businesses to make more money.
| 5 LikesOpinion | The Climate Summit to Nowhere
The Climate Summits are a new business of the politicians. They meet periodically to discuss
| 2 LikesThe New Rulebook for First Dates: Sweatpants, No Makeup
Good idea!
| 10 LikesConsumer Spending Likely Grew More Slowly in September
We are living a new debacle.
| 2 LikesOpinion | The Incredible Shrinking Biden
President Biden continues dizzy...
| 4 LikesOpinion | More Russian Energy Bullying
Putin has two weapons: tanks and gas pipelines.
| 1 LikesOpinion | Can Slidin’ Biden Regain His Footing?
The 46th president has in front him Mr. Trump
| 2 LikesHospital Prices Are Arbitrary. Just Look at the Kingsburys’ $100,000 Bill.
You are right.
| 0 LikesHospital Prices Are Arbitrary. Just Look at the Kingsburys’ $100,000 Bill.
Sorry, but Medicare for all will destroy the system.
| 7 LikesHospital Prices Are Arbitrary. Just Look at the Kingsburys’ $100,000 Bill.
The prices of hospital and private doctors are irrational. They steal to the sick people.
| 5 LikesOpinion | The Fight for Taiwan Could Come Soon
But till now, it doesn't look Taiwan is preparing to avoid the invasion. in my opinion, it is sleeping on an American pillow.
| 1 LikesOpinion | The Fight for Taiwan Could Come Soon
Good point "But we just can't be throwing away lives and money on people who won't fight for themselves."
| 2 LikesOpinion | The Fight for Taiwan Could Come Soon
I don't believe China will wait long time to invade Taiwan.
| 5 LikesOpinion | The Fight for Taiwan Could Come Soon
Taiwan will worry about the invasion when it will be late.
| 1 LikesGM Profit Sinks as Chip Shortage Takes Toll
Tesla goes great, while GM is going bad... All changed in the last few years.
| 4 LikesSenators Turn Child-Safety Spotlight on TikTok, Snapchat and YouTube
If the government bans TikTok, Snapchat and YouTube, the children will find other Internet tools to do the same they do with these apps..
| 1 LikesSenators Turn Child-Safety Spotlight on TikTok, Snapchat and YouTube
You are right.
| 0 LikesOpinion | How to Read Biden’s Plummeting Polls
Afghanistan is failure of four presidents. Nobody read History, before to send more and more troops to die in that country,
| 0 LikesOpinion | How to Read Biden’s Plummeting Polls
President Biden did not unite his party. At this moment, the progressives have more power than the moderates.
| 15 LikesOpinion | How to Read Biden’s Plummeting Polls
President Biden is losing the opportunity the voters gave last November.
| 1 LikesOpinion | How Pakistan Won in Afghanistan
Everybody knew about the game of Pakistan, but Washington accepted the "farce".
| 7 LikesOpinion | In Europe, Confusion Reigns About the U.S.
The confusion reigns all the western world.
| 2 LikesOpinion | In Europe, Confusion Reigns About the U.S.
The Europeans have their own problems.
| 1 LikesOpinion | A Banking Regulator Who Hates Banks
You wrote "A Banking Regulator Who Hates Banks". My opinion: With hatred, she will not arrive far.
| 0 LikesOpinion | GOP Has a Chance at More Than Election Victory
Republicans need a candidate that unite all the Republicans and gains independent voters.
| 9 LikesDoes Taiwan’s Military Stand a Chance Against China? Few Think So.
Taiwan has to follow of the Israel's defense model, but probably now it is late.
| 2 LikesDoes Taiwan’s Military Stand a Chance Against China? Few Think So.
Without the support of other countries, Taiwan cannot avoid the Chinese assault.
| 1 LikesOpinion | It’ll Take More than American Military Might to Shore Up Taiwan
The United States cannot leave Taiwan alone.
| 0 LikesOpinion | It’ll Take More than American Military Might to Shore Up Taiwan
China pursues what it wants with total resolution.
| 1 LikesWhen Teens Question Their Gender, Social Media Can Provide Support—and Pressure
We don't have to question our gender. We have to accept like we are and work to become better individuals in the society.
| 6 LikesWhen Teens Question Their Gender, Social Media Can Provide Support—and Pressure
Very important business !
| 3 LikesOpinion | Pelosi, Sanders and the Media
It could be a good idea.
| 0 LikesOpinion | The Confusing Mr. Biden
Sanders, Warren, AOC are experts nothing.
| 1 LikesOpinion | The Confusing Mr. Biden
Always when the oil price goes up, the members of the government blames the OPEC cartel.
| 1 LikesOpinion | Inflation Is the Mother of Big Political Change
As we see, the politicians don't have hurry to work together for good solutions, because they are enjoying great life with the money from us.
| 14 LikesThe Unlikely Outsiders Who Won the Race for a Covid-19 Vaccine
"Romantic" stories about the Covid's vaccines, but personally I believe only part of them.
| 2 LikesOpinion | The Distracted Defense Department
It looks like the United States lost its proud as a military power.
| 3 LikesOpinion | Colin Powell’s Great American Journey
Good observation!
| 0 LikesOpinion | Colin Powell’s Great American Journey
You are right!
| 0 LikesOpinion | Colin Powell’s Great American Journey
Great statement from Colin Powell: ‘I was not going to let bigotry make me a victim instead of a full human being,’
| 6 LikesOpinion | Democracy Still Lives
This is not democracy.
| 0 LikesDemocratic Voters Want Biden’s Big Spending Deal—and They’re Getting Impatient
President Biden is losing his battle.
| 13 LikesOpinion | Pelosi, Sanders and the Media
Where Senator Sanders is, we cannot expect something good things.
| 5 LikesTaliban Commander Who Launched Bombings in Kabul Is Now a Police Chief in Charge of Security
It was not sense to fight against the Taliban during twenty years supporting the corrupt government of Kabul.
| 3 LikesSix Exercises to Help Seniors Build Strength, Improve Balance and Prevent Falls
You are right.
| 0 LikesSix Exercises to Help Seniors Build Strength, Improve Balance and Prevent Falls
The going to a gym or health club generates a discipline
| 0 LikesSix Exercises to Help Seniors Build Strength, Improve Balance and Prevent Falls
Good observation!
| 1 LikesSix Exercises to Help Seniors Build Strength, Improve Balance and Prevent Falls
The exercises look easy to do. However, the best way to maintain a strong and healthy body is the swimming.
| 0 LikesOpinion | China’s Hypersonic Wake-Up Call
The world never was static.
| 0 LikesOpinion | China’s Hypersonic Wake-Up Call
"The question is where did the money go?"
| 3 LikesOpinion | China’s Hypersonic Wake-Up Call
Interesting observation
| 2 LikesOpinion | China’s Hypersonic Wake-Up Call
You are right!
| 0 LikesOpinion | China’s Hypersonic Wake-Up Call
There is not secret, that China is working for the war since long time.
| 0 LikesOpinion | China’s Hypersonic Wake-Up Call
You are right, communism is a global movement.
| 0 LikesOpinion | China’s Hypersonic Wake-Up Call
I don't believe that the Chinese made checkmate to us till now. However, they will do, if Washington doesn't focus on winning Taiwan's battle. The assault on Taiwan has to become a horrible defeat for China's President Xi.
| 0 LikesOpinion | Bernie Sanders Is a Bad Salesman
Bernie Sanders has not the capacity of gaining good friends
| 3 LikesFormer Secretary of State Colin Powell Dies at 84
Good thinking!
| 0 LikesOpinion | The Amess Assassination
This killing is a serious warning to the western democratic countries. They Islamic people hate us.
| 16 LikesFormer Secretary of State Colin Powell Dies at 84
I agree with you.
| 1 LikesFormer Secretary of State Colin Powell Dies at 84
I agree.
| 1 LikesFormer Secretary of State Colin Powell Dies at 84
Good point, of Secretary Austin!
| 2 LikesFormer Secretary of State Colin Powell Dies at 84
I share your comment. Thank you!
| 9 LikesFormer Secretary of State Colin Powell Dies at 84
General Colin Powell, R.I.P.
| 8 LikesOpinion | There’s No Good Answer to the 737 MAX Disaster
The mystery never will solve.
| 0 LikesFacebook Says AI Can Enforce Its Rules, but the Company’s Own Engineers Are Doubtful
You are right!
| 0 LikesFacebook Says AI Can Enforce Its Rules, but the Company’s Own Engineers Are Doubtful
You right, Facebook didn't make effort to clean its platform
| 0 LikesFacebook Says AI Can Enforce Its Rules, but the Company’s Own Engineers Are Doubtful
AI is an advanced tool, but it is only a tool. In the case of this story, Facebook's people are the responsible of how this tool is used.
| 0 LikesAs Afghanistan Sinks Into Destitution, Some Sell Children to Survive
Thanks to your "amen"
| 2 LikesOpinion | Biden Suddenly Loves Frackers
It is good that President Biden is learning the lesson before the total collapse. We have to hope that is not too late.
| 5 LikesTeen Girls Are Developing Tics. Doctors Say TikTok Could Be a Factor.
It looks like TikTok is dangerous for teenagers.
| 4 LikesAs Afghanistan Sinks Into Destitution, Some Sell Children to Survive
Afghans are suffering the consequences of its bad decisions during the time they were under the American umbrella... They lost a excellent opportunity!
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