Domingo Trassens
13038 Responses9060 LikesOpinion | Crime Is Up and Democrats Are Scrambling
Police is not a problem if the police officers perform their job in a professional way. But criminals always are a problem.
| 4 LikesOpinion | The Woke Left’s Primitive Economics
Interesting analysis
| 0 LikesOpinion | The Woke Left’s Primitive Economics
Progressives don't represent the decent citizens who work every day but they live a humble life.
| 1 LikesMicrosoft Released Windows 11. But Should You Upgrade?
Good point "People should not be beta testing the final working OS on their computers!"
| 2 LikesOpinion | The IRS Wants to Look at Your Bank Account
Of course it is ridiculous to start with the "rich" man who has $600 in his checking account
| 0 LikesElizabeth Holmes’s Office Romance Now on Display in Court
Her boyfriend has a profile of man who sells mailboxes. But she was not an ingenue girl.
| 2 LikesElizabeth Holmes’s Office Romance Now on Display in Court
It looks strange that Rupert Murdoch didn't make a previous deep analysis before to invest.... (?)
| 0 LikesOpinion | The IRS Wants to Look at Your Bank Account
Good question!
| 0 LikesOpinion | The IRS Wants to Look at Your Bank Account
Great statement: "This is a bad idea that deserves to die."
| 4 LikesOpinion | The IRS Wants to Look at Your Bank Account
You are right!
| 2 LikesOpinion | Kyrsten Sinema, the Bad Maverick
The left wing of the Democrats are extremists in the way they act.
| 6 LikesOpinion | Kyrsten Sinema, the Bad Maverick
In this case, Manchin and Sinema are working like every senator has to work, with independence from the pressure of the White House..
| 1 LikesOpinion | One Man Shouldn’t Control the Nuclear Button
Yes, this is right.
| 1 LikesOpinion | One Man Shouldn’t Control the Nuclear Button
The analysis and conclusions of this opinion column look reasonable. There are moments where it is necessary the deliberation of crucial decisions.
| 1 LikesOpinion | President Sanders Uses His Veto
The Editorial opinion of the Wall Street Journal titled "President Sanders Use His Veto" shows how the Senator from Vermont is manipulating Capitol Hill and Biden's White House today. "President Sanders" will end the American spirit and the good entrepreneur initiatives and will open the door to illegals coming to the United States to steal our wealth.
| 4 LikesOpinion | There May Soon Be a Covid Pill
In easy way to spread other poison...
| 0 LikesOpinion | President Sanders Uses His Veto
Mr. Sanders have to go to make politics in Russia or China. There she will learn the reality of the Communists Paradises. Putin or President Xi will put him in jail after the second day of his parliament sessions.
| 0 LikesOpinion | President Sanders Uses His Veto
In the real sense, Sanders is not like the European Socialists of a democratic countries. He thinks like a COMMUNIST of a dictatorship.
| 2 LikesOpinion | President Sanders Uses His Veto
President Sanders: You have to remember that we live in a democratic system where every senator has the right to refuse that he/she considers wrong.
| 8 LikesTen Years of Facebook Employee Data—Who’s Up, Who’s Down
You ask : "What in the world are all those folks doing?" They are DREAMING! With the money FB, they can dream, seating in golden couches.
| 0 LikesTen Years of Facebook Employee Data—Who’s Up, Who’s Down
What do you expect?
| 0 LikesTen Years of Facebook Employee Data—Who’s Up, Who’s Down
You are very generous with Facebook.
| 0 LikesTen Years of Facebook Employee Data—Who’s Up, Who’s Down
Good point!
| 0 LikesTen Years of Facebook Employee Data—Who’s Up, Who’s Down
Excellent opinion. I agree.
| 4 LikesTen Years of Facebook Employee Data—Who’s Up, Who’s Down
I believe her power is shrinking. In the beginning she was a real No.2, but now in similar line, there are other figures.
| 1 LikesFumio Kishida to Become Japan’s Next Prime Minister
We think the same...
| 0 LikesFumio Kishida to Become Japan’s Next Prime Minister
It looks like Japan is trying to prepare itself for a possible Chinese aggression....
| 0 LikesFumio Kishida to Become Japan’s Next Prime Minister
Japan needs an alliance anti-China to go ahead.
| 0 LikesOpinion | The Generals Contradict Biden on Afghanistan
Military officers are entering in the political arena to defend their actions and decisions.
| 7 Likes131 Federal Judges Broke the Law by Hearing Cases Where They Had a Financial Interest
Personal interests destroy professional careers. In the end, the wrong actions become public.
| 1 LikesOpinion | Joe Biden’s Lose-Lose Week
It looks Democrats are divided in a way that agreements are nearly impossible.
| 5 LikesMilitary Leaders to Face Questions Over Afghan Withdrawal, Evacuation
Critical statement of the Gen,. Milley
| 0 LikesOpinion | Aukus Is the Indo-Pacific Pact of the Future
China showed its "true face of enemy"
| 9 LikesOpinion | Aukus Is the Indo-Pacific Pact of the Future
The alliance of Aukus have important partners, but probably is very new to confront the Chinese advanced plans.
| 0 LikesOpinion | Aukus Is the Indo-Pacific Pact of the Future
Good questions1
| 0 LikesBlood-Testing Firm Theranos to Dissolve
A beautiful woman that is walking to the jail... This case is nearly impossible to reverse.
| 0 LikesOpinion | Joe Biden’s Economic Fantasy World
Nothing is free today...
| 4 LikesOpinion | Post-Merkel Germany’s Race for the Center
The title of this column creates some confusion. Sorry, but the main candidates don't look that run for the center, they run for the left.
| 1 LikesOpinion | Post-Merkel Germany’s Race for the Center
The future of Germany is uncertain because Merkel moved the country from the west to the east in a dangerous way in the last period of her cycle.
| 0 LikesOpinion | Abolish the FBI
The problem is not the FBI as a institution. The problem are the corrupt people that manipulate the institution.
| 9 LikesOpinion | Rochelle Walensky’s Finest Hour
Trust the science??? Today the term "science" is used with different intentions.
| 5 LikesOpinion | Rochelle Walensky’s Finest Hour
CDC wants to reign in the middle of confusion waves.
| 1 LikesMerkel Says Auf Wiedersehen to a Diminished Europe
Angela "Merkel Says Auf Wiedersehen to a Diminished Europe" and bye, bye to the United States in a very frosty way.
| 2 LikesOpinion | Biden’s Reconciliation Mess
Very expressive title: "Biden’s Reconciliation Mess"
| 4 LikesAngela Merkel’s International Legacy: Cooler Trans-Atlantic Relations
The candidates for the Merkel's seat are not good figures to reverse the current frosty relationships between the United States and Germany.
| 1 LikesAngela Merkel’s International Legacy: Cooler Trans-Atlantic Relations
The two big stains in the Angela Merkel's relationships: Russia and China.
| 3 LikesAngela Merkel’s International Legacy: Cooler Trans-Atlantic Relations
The end of the Merkel cycle is cloudy.
| 1 LikesJustice Department Reaches Deal With Huawei Executive
Is this the end of the Huawei-US disputes? I don't believe..
| 1 LikesOpinion | What Milley Got Right—and Wrong
I don't believe Peggy Noonan has background about national security and defense issues. For this reason, she has to avoid to discuss the Gen. Miller actions in her opinion column.
| 1 LikesU.S. Special Envoy for Haiti Resigns in Midst of Migrant Crisis
Haitians do make nothing to go out of the swamp they live from decades.
| 1 LikesU.S. Special Envoy for Haiti Resigns in Midst of Migrant Crisis
For my work in the security industry, I learned that really the Haitians don't love America.
| 2 LikesOpinion | Who Wants to Buy Hunter Biden’s Art?
I never will buy something from Hunter!
| 1 LikesOpinion | Joe Biden (D., Socialist)
Biden is Biden. (He plays according to the moment...)
| 5 LikesIn Kabul, a Former American Citizen Keeps Running the City Under Taliban Watch
We have to see if the Mayor will continue in the job for long time. Probably, the Taliban officers are learning to run Kabul city.
| 2 LikesOpinion | The Destructive Legacy of the Great Society
To underline: " the Great Society programs and other government programs create the feeling people simply deserve something without earning it."
| 0 LikesOpinion | The Destructive Legacy of the Great Society
The Great Society like it was two or three decades ago is in total fall for the politicians who open hands according to the votes they receive...
| 0 LikesOpinion | The Destructive Legacy of the Great Society
Good observation!
| 0 LikesOpinion | Peru’s Dim Future From Shining Path
The Peruvians are working wrong in the selection of governments since long time. Please read the news!
| 0 LikesOpinion | Peru’s Dim Future From Shining Path
You feel bad for Peru, but the Peruvians don't care for your feelings.
| 0 LikesOpinion | Peru’s Dim Future From Shining Path
After a hard war against the terrorism across Latin America, the former terrorists are gaining their war in the political arena. This is the case of Pedro Castillo in Peru.
| 8 LikesOpinion | America Should Be Frank With France
The end of this opinion column has not a clear conclusion about the subject of the nuclear submarine. .
| 0 LikesCanadian Election Threatens Justin Trudeau’s Grip on Power
Yes, the pandemic created serious problems for Donald Trump.
| 1 LikesCanadian Election Threatens Justin Trudeau’s Grip on Power
Good point
| 1 LikesCanadian Election Threatens Justin Trudeau’s Grip on Power
It looks like Justin Trudeau didn't damage his image in the way the Canadians push him out.. Normally, politicians like him in short time fall.
| 0 LikesOpinion | Cubans Want Freedom, Not Exile
The difference is that the current native Cubans are Communist Cubans for life philosophy and they cannot integrate in other countries where the life is not under the communist model. In the United States, everybody has to work hard. In the Communist Cuba, the situation is different.
| 0 LikesOpinion | Cubans Want Freedom, Not Exile
But for decades the Cubans enjoyed the exile.
| 0 LikesXi Jinping Aims to Rein In Chinese Capitalism, Hew to Mao’s Socialist Vision
New Chinese Powerful Leader!
| 1 LikesOpinion | A Smart Submarine Deal With the Aussies
French don't have to put their noses in our interests..
| 1 LikesNatural-Gas Prices Surge, and Winter Is Still Months Away
We don't need more illegal immigrants that come here to destroy the country.
| 5 LikesNatural-Gas Prices Surge, and Winter Is Still Months Away
A new old problem!
| 0 LikesOpinion | Waiting for General Milley
Good idea!
| 0 LikesOpinion | The Deadly Kabul Mistake
The deadly drone mistake in Kabul is stain for the White House than nobody can hide.
| 5 LikesOpinion | The Deadly Kabul Mistake
This tragic event shows that the drones in the hands of irresponsible hands generate more damages than solutions.
| 4 LikesOpinion | The Deadly Kabul Mistake
Good observation
| 1 LikesOpinion | America Has Lost the Thread
America has till now a lot of good people and great values despite of the recent mistakes and the bad behavior of some politicians and other leaders. Also, here we can disagree in public, something that is not possible in China, Russia, Iran, North Korea...
| 3 LikesOpinion | Bernie’s Broken Markets
I am not Vermont citizen to vote against Bernie Sanders and look for another option for his Senate seat. . According the U.S. Constitution., the other option is an impeachment.
| 0 LikesOpinion | Bernie’s Broken Markets
The retirement of Mr. Sanders would be a good idea.
| 8 LikesOpinion | Bernie’s Broken Markets
Bernie Sanders is a very conflictive man.
| 2 LikesOpinion | Defining Inflation Down
Nobody can refuse that the inflation is going up at this moment.
| 1 LikesOpinion | Blitzing the Senate Parliamentarian
Good observation!
| 5 LikesOpinion | Blitzing the Senate Parliamentarian
Bernie Sanders as the Senate Budget Committee Chairman is dangerous.
| 15 LikesApple Event: New iPhone Lineup to Be Revealed Tuesday
Good luck, Apple!
| 0 LikesOpinion | An Antitrust Victory for Apple
Good point: "restricting bad actors"
| 0 LikesOpinion | Cuba’s Old Republic Outshines Colonialism and Castroism
Latinos across Central America and South America frequently replace a dictator with another dictator with initial face of a good guy. Please, see the case of Nicaragua.
| 3 LikesOpinion | Here Comes the Biden Tax Bill
Yes, the large corporations will not pay, but the middle companies, yes.
| 0 LikesOpinion | Here Comes the Biden Tax Bill
The Government has to learn to govern with the money that it has and not the money it want to capture from your produce national richness.
| 3 LikesOpinion | Here Comes the Biden Tax Bill
Taxes don't solve old real problems, but the create new real problems.
| 3 LikesDemocrats Release Details of Proposed Tax Increase
It is easy for the legislators to create taxes to take the money of others.
| 11 LikesOpinion | Biden’s Vaccine Command
Probably you are right.
| 0 LikesOpinion | Biden’s Vaccine Command
"Freedom of choice"?
| 0 LikesOpinion | Biden’s Vaccine Command
DeSantis is making campaign for 2024....
| 0 LikesOpinion | Biden’s Vaccine Command
Good question!
| 1 LikesOpinion | Biden’s Vaccine Command
We lost the Afghanistan war, will we win the Covid's war?
| 0 LikesU.S. to Mark 9/11 20th Anniversary With Memorials
Today - September 11 - the Victims of the Terror deserve our respect and compassion. One minute of Silence for them!
| 6 LikesOpinion | Another Historical Monument Sacrificed to the Forces of Unreason
It is very sad that some people want to reverse our History with the good and bad things. If we want to be an adult country, we have to accept the past like it was.
| 13 LikesBiden to Require All Federal Workers, Government Contractors to Be Vaccinated Against Covid-19
| 0 LikesBiden to Require All Federal Workers, Government Contractors to Be Vaccinated Against Covid-19
The new subject of the Biden's administration: war against Covid through the vaccine mandate. In short time, nobody will able enter to government buildings if he/she doesn't show the vaccine id.
| 1 LikesOpinion | Portlandia vs. Texas
The Supreme Court doesn't help to solve practical problems.
| 2 LikesOpinion | Portlandia vs. Texas
It is nonsense to block businesses for political differences between states.
| 15 LikesVirginia to Take Down Robert E. Lee Statue on Wednesday
Thanks for your comment.
| 1 LikesVirginia to Take Down Robert E. Lee Statue on Wednesday
The people who removed the statue will not change History.
| 4 LikesOpinion | Meet the New Taliban, Same as the Old
This September 11 will be saddest than never before.
| 6 LikesOpinion | So This Is a Normal Presidency?
Worse! He are not using use the resources that all the presidents have to reverse the wrong direction of his actions.
| 1 LikesOpinion | Meet the New Taliban, Same as the Old
Criminals never will become angels.
| 0 LikesOpinion | Meet the New Taliban, Same as the Old
We cannot trust in terrorists independently they change the public face.
| 0 LikesOpinion | Meet the New Taliban, Same as the Old
Now, it is only the start. Probably, in short time, they will show that they are worse than never before.
| 2 LikesOpinion | Meet the New Taliban, Same as the Old
The New Taliban is the same Old Taliban with very small cosmetic changes.
| 1 LikesOpinion | So This Is a Normal Presidency?
Joe Biden made a series of mistakes that put dark clouds in the future.
| 22 LikesTech Industry Seeks Bigger Role in Defense. Not Everyone Is on Board.
Our army forces have to use the most advanced of technology of today if don't want to lose ground against the Chinese.
| 1 LikesOpinion | Biden’s Dream of an IRS Strike Team
The business of the politicians is to spend the money of country for their own benefit.
| 1 LikesInside the Biden Administration’s Push to Exit Afghanistan
Joe Biden always had a low degree in military issues.
| 1 LikesInside the Biden Administration’s Push to Exit Afghanistan
You are right.
| 3 LikesInside the Biden Administration’s Push to Exit Afghanistan
When the politicians want to play as military commanders make huge mistakes.
| 4 LikesOpinion | Why Hurricane Ida Wasn’t Katrina
After Katrina, Louisiana made serious efforts to be prepared for big storms.
| 4 LikesOpinion | The Afghan Fiasco Will Stick to Biden
After a long political career, Joe Biden didn't learn basic method to take good decisions,
| 8 LikesOpinion | The Afghan Fiasco Will Stick to Biden
Also, the Afghan fiasco can affect to the Democrats who look for reelection in 2022.
| 4 LikesOpinion | The Afghan Fiasco Will Stick to Biden
Yes, the Afghan fiasco will have serious implications for the rest of the Joe Biden's presidency.
| 8 LikesIda Remnants Hit Northeast With Rain, Flooding, Tornadoes
Terrible moment for all the people the hurricane hit...
| 6 LikesOpinion | Biden’s Ugly Defense of His Afghan Failure
President Biden tried to defend what he cannot defend: his wrong way to manage the Afghan withdrawal
| 5 LikesOpinion | Imagine a Future Without Sex
Yes, in the end, we will prefer be humans and not God. I agree with you.
| 1 LikesOpinion | Imagine a Future Without Sex
You are right.
| 1 LikesOpinion | An Afghan Family’s Attempt to Get to Safety
A lot of Afghans didn't pay attention to the advance of the Taliban before they entered Kabul. They were thinking that the government could keep the Taliban out. They were wrong. They knew government troops and the president were cowardly and corrupt. Now, it is late to reverse the facts. The rescue finished.
| 1 LikesHurricane Ida Leaves Residents Without Power Amid Punishing Heat
A new domestic catastrophe and more people suffering.
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