Tuesday, March 7, 2017

BLOG COMMENTS: From Russia to the War of Spies

Dear Friends:

The events of the last few days showed us that a lot of things were happened behind the “stage” during the presidential campaign.

It is near sure that Russians and the Trump team had secret contacts. And also, it is probable the Obama administration had spied the movements in the Trump Tower. In short, nobody seems completely innocent or guilty in the Russian affair and the war of spies.

This does not imply that the phone lines of the Trump headquarters were wiretapped. Today there are a lot of methods to spy the rivals.

Next, you can read some of my last comments in the blog of the WSJ – Journal Community during the last days.

Domingo Trassens
Rethinking the world with you



The exclusion of Iraq in the new U.S. travel ban fixes a series of mistakes of the White House related to a key ally in the terror war,
03/07/2017 12:30:46 AM
2 Recommendations

The new executive order shows how President Donald Trump persists in his goals without care about the criticism of the others.

The immigration order is a warning to naïve people who open their arms to others without to know who really are. (Good example: negative experience of the Europeans.)
03/06/2017 11:40:38 PM
3 Recommendations

Martin Schulz (Social Democrat) doesn't look better option than Angela Merkel (CDU) to rule Germany in the next years.

We can see the recent decline of socialism in France and the Labor Party in U.K., while the right-wing parties (Marine Le Pen and others) are climbing.

Also it is truth that Mr. Schulz “is relatively unknown domestically.”
03/05/2017 11:05:40 PM
3 Recommendations

Tourism around the moon is till now only a fantasy for rich people with money to make a "grave" in other lands if they die away from our planet.
03/05/2017 10:46:26 PM
2 Recommendations

Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) has challenged to Intel in different moments. However, it never surpassed the semiconductor leader of PC chips.
03/05/2017 10:34:00 PM
2 Recommendations

The Senate Intelligence Committee has to probe the Trump’s wiretap claims immediately.

It is a serious accusation with implication in the both sides of our political spectrum.
03/05/2017 10:23:27 PM
6 Recommendations

The financial crises that hit the interior of the country are something the politicians from Washington DC don't care.
03/05/2017 10:16:33 PM
8 Recommendations

Mosul is is an inferno like Aleppo.
03/05/2017 10:12:18 PM
9 Recommendations

It is probable that the Obama administration spied the movements of Trump and his team, but this doesn't imply they used “wiretapping phone lines”.

In the political and business arenas, everybody spies others wiretapping phones lines or with other methods of "clean hands". Nothing new! 
03/05/2017 06:46:08 PM
2 Recommendations

Definitely, Donald Trump passed a key presidential test during the speech to Congress.
03/04/2017 05:24:11 PM
3 Recommendations

The accusation of President Donald Trump against the Obama administration demands clear evidences. 

In Congress, very respectable Republicans show cautious.

03/04/2017 04:40:58 PM
6 Recommendations

The expelling of the North Korean Ambassador from Kuala Lumpur is a weak punishment for a very serious affair.

The killing of the Kim Jong Nam was an international criminal operation that violated the sovereign of Malaysia.
03/04/2017 04:29:48 PM
4 Recommendations

The initiative of the EU Parliament looks like a non-sense revenge.

Is the EU a defender of the Muslim militants who are coming to the west with terrorist training to destroy our culture and principles?
03/03/2017 05:34:35 PM
5 Recommendations

The illegal immigrants and their supporters that continue making public complaints and demonstrations are really stupid because they are accelerating the deportation wave.
03/02/2017 10:53:09 AM
8 Recommendations

Instead of holding news conferences, the illegal immigrants have to fix their legal problems or go away.
03/02/2017 10:41:02 AM
9 Recommendations

North Korea is like a mouse with poisonous breath that can become a big dangerous dragon in military issues if nobody puts it in the right place soon.
03/02/2017 10:32:27 AM
2 Recommendations

The death penalty of the two women who killed Kim Jong Nam doesn’t punish to the really killer.
03/01/2017 05:12:10 PM
2 Recommendations



1) External Sources: Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Twitter and PBS NewsHour.

2) Own Sources: My own research for previous publishing projects like TTT of Comlab Corp and others.

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