Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Dear Friends:

I would like to share with you some of the comments posted by myself in the WSJ Journal Community about important headlines of the Wall Street Journal from November 18 to December 7.

The comments are about politics, economy, business, social issues, technology and other subjects in the United States, Europe and the world.

As you can see for the RECOMMENDATIONS, the majority of these comments generated a good reaction of other members of the Journal Community.

Domingo Trassens
World Rethink
December 7, 2015


BLOG COMMENTS: 2015/11/18 - 2015/12/7

“Travis Mills lost both legs and arms to a roadside bomb during his third tour of duty with the U.S. Army in Afghanistan. After months of rehabilitation, the 28-year-old is nearly as active as many men his age.”

MY COMMENT: Army veteran Travis Mills (quadruple amputee) is great sample of strong will power, discipline, faith and love for his family. 

A lot of people who cry for small pains or diseases have to follow his example.
Travis, Congratulations! 12/07/2015 07:43:50 PM 3 Recommendations

“Scientists find ways to block mosquitoes from transmitting the killer disease”

MY COMMENT: Every time that technology finds the way to fight against a disease, we gain a battle for a better health of the human beings.

Sometimes the results are not 100% positive. However 1 or 10% is more than nothing. 12/07/2015 05:59:03 PM 1 Recommendation

“President asks Congress to vote on war resolution against Islamic State, ban people on no-fly list from buying guns.”

MY COMMENT: The address of President about the terrorist threat doesn’t give enough elements to know the plan of White House in the war on terror after San Bernardino shooting.

President Obama is asking Congress “to ban people on no-fly list from buying guns”.

But really, this initiative will not stop the terrorist attacks in our soil. The terrorists will use other worse “paths” to obtain the weapons they need for the attacks.

Maybe, the White House has to learn about the ways used by friends of Che Guevara to obtain guns in South American countries where the guns were prohibited.

The terrorists assaulted police stations killing the policemen with horror methods and stealing their guns. After that, with these guns, they assaulted small military garrisons stealing heavy weapons, explosives and ammunitions and killing innocent soldiers in the checkpoints. And these terrorists were men and women, couples of university students and young professionals with extreme ideals.
12/07/2015 01:59:09 PM 2 Recommendations

MY COMMENT: The counter-terrorism efforts have to go in different direction from till now. Drones and air-strikes are not enough to destroy the enemy.

Also military actions are not sufficient. The war on terror is more complicated than a conventional war.12/06/2015 07:19:38 PM

MY COMMENT: Islamic State spreads its devilish campaign across different geographies of the planet. Where are the brave warriors who can end with ISIS?

It is difficult to understand how these terrorists are treating the most powerful nations of the world as stupid observers incapable to combat them. 12/06/2015 01:16:12 PM 3 Recommendations

MY COMMENT: It looks like Aung San Suu Kyi is moving in the right direction to start a new political cycle in Myanmar.

We have to hope that Myanmar will become a real democracy.

Probably, in the beginning, Suu Kyi will have to deal with the military commanders in a diplomatic way.  
12/06/2015 10:40:14 AM 1 Recommendation

MY COMMENT: This is an important step of the Greek Parliament. Now we have to observe the reaction of the people of the street. 12/06/2015 06:10:07 AM

MY COMMENT: To applaud 2015 as the Biggest M&A (Mergers & Acquisitions) Year Ever is cynical.

The huge concentration of economic power generates a new type of tyranny.

And the economic tyranny makes us – the normal people – smaller, insignificant human beings. 

The economic tyranny is engine of inequality and factory of terrorists.12/06/2015 01:19:01 AM 1 Recommendation

MY COMMENT: The news about the detention of 12 labor activists in China is nothing special. 

The Chinese don’t like protesters, activists and people who can generate social unrest.
12/05/2015 08:20:32 PM 1 Recommendation

MY COMMENT: The corruption is a world sickness that includes government institutions and officials everywhere.

For example, the Europeans always point against Africans, Asians and Latino Americans, but they are corrupt too. 

The difference between the Europeans and the rest of the world is that the Europeans use more sophisticated practices of corruption. 12/05/2015 07:49:41 PM 1 Recommendation

MY COMMENT: Across the world, there are a lot of factories of talents and labs of innovative ideas.

However, nobody in Africa, South America or Asia has the power of the Silicon Valley to push up the innovation in the way to produce technological booms and huge revolutions. 12/04/2015 07:27:23 PM 1 Recommendation

MY COMMENT: The San Bernardino shooting is not a normal assault of mental sick individuals. The hypothesis of the investigators is possible.

ISIS generates the adhesion of violent youngsters who are against the western culture.

The social inequality is used by terrorist groups to capture the mind of youngsters without future or extreme ideas. 12/04/2015 07:13:06 PM 1 Recommendation

MY COMMENT: This is only a first step of Germany in the fight against ISIS

The decision was difficult, but it implies a change in the way of thinking of the German politicians.

We have to see if Germany takes an active role in the fight against the terrorism.
12/04/2015 06:26:46 PM

MY COMMENT: America at Obama’s End” is a frustrated country with a big disappointment for the promises that only were promises.

We lost near eight years waiting and the balance is poor. 12/03/2015 07:56:09 PM 2 Recommendations

MY COMMENT: Probably, the Islamic State fighters want to use the civilians who live in Ramadi as human shields when the Iraqi forces try to retake the city. This is classic tactics of terrorist groups. 12/02/2015 05:38:21 PM 1 Recommendation

MY COMMENT: We see NATO is trying to extend its territory into countries that during decades were under the direct or indirect influence of Russia.12/02/2015 04:56:51 PM 1 Recommendation

MY COMMENT: This will be the dismemberment of Yahoo. How is possible that Yahoo doesn't have at least an employee with better ideas?

Normally, SoftBank buys companies that it never fixes in the right way. 12/02/2015 01:47:25 PM 1 Recommendation.

MY COMMENT: The resignation of the Chicago Police Chief will not stop the racial problems if the Mayor Rahm Emanuel doesn’t assume the case with a series of realistic initiatives.

In Chicago like in the other cities with racial problems, it is necessary a complete review of the police ethical code and a deep purge of all the members of the institution who don’t deserve to be policemen. 12/01/2015 07:57:21 PM 3 Recommendations

MY COMMENT: Samsung can change the “heads” of the electronic business; however the Korean technology giant will not stop the strong advance and pressure of the Chinese players.

The only way to increase revenues and profit is through the integration of the mobile phones to packages of solutions like Apple is starting to do right now. 12/01/2015 07:41:18 PM 1 Recommendation

(The story talks about the Appalachian mines that White House ordered to close.)

MY COMMENT: This tragedy is the consequence of questionable policies of political leaders who don’t walk every day through the real world and they dream more than it is possible. 12/01/2015 06:55:11 PM 4 Recommendations

MY COMMENT: The initiative of Bill Gates about an energy-innovation fund is good, but the results will not immediate. 11/30/2015 07:31:27 PM

MY COMMENT: The Evangelicals will not change America alone. GOP cannot win the 2016 election only with their votes. They represent an important percentage of the Republican votes, but nothing more. 11/30/2015 06:55:34 PM 2 Recommendations

MY COMMENT: IBM is trying to extend its links into the community of artificial intelligence programmers after others (Facebook, Google) gave similar step.

The competition forces to open new doors in key niches of the technology. 1 Recommendation 11/29/2015 12:54:34 PM

MY COMMENT: A good candidate has to work with insiders and outsiders in a balanced way to win the presidential election. 4 Recommendations 11/29/2015 11:49:52 AM

MY COMMENT: The drones can perform different functions related to agriculture and collect key information to improve the farm work or to prevent problems.

Of course, the use of drones implies an important change in the farm culture.

Probably, the classic farmers will refuse to use drones because never before robots, androids or advanced automatic systems helped to grow cows and lambs in the prairie, in lands of private small owners.

It is necessary that the technology companies assist to agriculture organizations in the process to educate the farm owners. 1 Recommendation 11/29/2015 05:34:10 AM

MY COMMENT: Again the Turks are showing to the world that they cannot live in peace with others. This was not an accident. 1 Recommendation 11/28/2015 11:20:14

MY COMMENT: The family businesses are the results of the efforts of the parents educating their children about the values of their work. They request a strong common work of everybody. 1 Recommendation 11/28/2015 11:08:09 PM

MY COMMENT: Always there are crazy people who want to show their power shooting guns. The problem is the slaughter they make.

These criminals don't deserve to walk free across our cities and in between the normal people of the country. 2 Recommendations 11/28/2015 10:52:29 PM

MY COMMENT: It is good that Pope Francis is addressing the problem of Islamic extremism in Africa.

However, all the leaders of the world have to address the problem of the Islamic extremism across the planet and work together to reverse this sickness of the society.

If the young people become extremists because they don’t have future in the current society, nobody will end with the terrorism. 2 Recommendations 11/26/2015 02:24:21 PM

MY COMMENT: The meeting between French President Hollande and Russian President Putin looks like it will be a non-sense dialogue.

If François Hollande wants a partnership with Vladimir Putin, he has to accept the Russian friendship with Bashar- al-Assad.

Mr. Putin will not cut the friendly relationships with President Assad to please new friends. The links between Putin and Assad come from long time ago. 1 Recommendation
11/26/2015 02:14:22 PM

MY COMMENT: The case of the slaves of ISIS is terrible, but we will not help these people who suffer rape and humiliation with drones and air-strikes.

It is necessary to take effective actions against these extremists who don't respect the human dignity of the people who don’t have the same beliefs of them. 1 Recommendation
11/24/2015 02:34:42 PM

MY COMMENT: In this opportunity, US Secretary of State, John Kerry is defending the Israelis. 

Frequently, the members of the Obama administration criticize Israel for its hard reactions against the Palestinians. 11/24/2015 12:31:28 PM

MY COMMENT: In short, China is building military facilities in the artificial islands of the South China Sea.

This is a militarization of the islands despite Beijing denies that it is militarizing the islands. 1 Recommendation 11/24/2015 12:07:13 PM

MY COMMENT: The shot of the Turkish military against the Russian jet fighter is a demonstration of power in a wrong moment despite the sovereignty rights of Turkey.

In a moment when a common enemy – the Islamic State – is hitting to everybody with its cruelty and barbarous actions, the fight between Turkey & Russia doesn’t help.

This new incident in the Syrian border with Turkey will generate more animosity between NATO and Russia. 1 Recommendation 11/24/2015 11:34:32 AM

MY COMMENT: Mauricio Macri won the second round of the Argentine presidential election. But till now it is early to say that he is a winner or loser.

He has to balance the claim of creditors, the domestic poverty and the noise that the unions will try to make.

If he doesn’t balance the payment to the creditors with the necessity of the people who live in poverty, the unions will generate popular unrest like in 2001 when De la Rua took the government from the hands of Menem.

Argentina is a complicated country because when the Peronistas are not in the government, they always try to block the decisions of the president.

From the other side, after 12 years of Kirchners (husband + wife), it is probable that all government institutions smell high levels of corruption. 4 Recommendations 11/23/2015 07:22:29 AM

MY COMMENT: We have to hope that Mr. Ryan doesn't change his smile for the face of Boehner during the last days as House Speaker. 4 Recommendations 11/22/2015 03:12:50 PM

MY COMMENT: Everybody (Russia, US, France, UK...) wants to bomb Syria, but nobody has the courage to go to the “caves” of the terrorists and kill them face to face.
2 Recommendations
11/22/2015 01:53:25 PM

MY COMMENT: The terror alert grows in Brussels, Paris and the rest of Europe, while the European leaders sleep in their bed under their pillows.

No effective action to fight against the terrorism in the European soil was implemented till now: only alerts and alerts… 1 Recommendation 11/22/2015 01:03:19 AM

MY COMMENT: The fight for the Evangelical voters is a special chapter of the current GOP campaign.

But nobody will win the presidential elections only with the Evangelical voters. 1 Recommendation 11/20/2015 03:34:43 PM

MY COMMENT: In one week, two times the terror left a series of victims and spread panic in civil population. The balance of the Mali attack was bloody.

As we see the terrorism is everywhere. We want peace, freedom and respect for us and others, but the terrorists pursue oppression, crime and murders. 1 Recommendation 11/20/2015 03:31:29 PM

MY COMMENT: Now Samsung and Oculus put virtual reality (VR) in the hands of who want to discover new realities for just $100. Virtual reality is coming to the common people. 1 Recommendation 11/20/2015 02:31:07 PM

MY COMMENT: German Chancellor Angela Merkel had good intentions when she decided to open the door to the refugees, but she didn’t measure the implications of this decision in the crude reality of a world full of terrorists and bad guys. 5 Recommendations 11/19/2015 02:59:47 PM

MY COMMENT: This report about the Mexicans who are returning home could be good for Donald Trump.

If the presidential candidate reads about the decline of the Mexican immigration, he will have to stop his aggressive statements against the Mexicans immigrants. 2 Recommendations 11/19/2015 02:20:39 PM

MY COMMENT: This is the end of one of the Brazilian fantasies of a giant without solid foundation, mismanagement and huge political corruption.

Brazil is a large country with a lot of natural resources and located in a strategic geography of the planet, but its leadership is not in the level of its big stature. 2 Recommendations 11/19/2015 12:23:11 PM

MY COMMENT: The newspapers industry is in crisis. The readers don’t value the papers like before because they have a lot of news through Internet updated to the last minutes. And the companies pay less advertisement in the papers because they know they have fewer readers. 1 Recommendation 11/18/2015 01:44:51 PM

MY COMMENT: It looks like Fan Jinghui was hit in his face. Probably, they tortured him. 
This is terrible. They are really barbarians. 9 Recommendations 11/18/2015 01:41:57 PM

MY COMMENT: The rigorous screenings of the Syrian refugees are necessary for the security of the country and the population. 

But the procedures have to be conducted in a respectful way, without humiliate the refugees and their families. 11/18/2015 01:15:55 PM



1) External Sources: Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Tweeter and PBS NewsHour.

2) Own Sources: My own research for previous publishing projects like TTT of Comlab Corp, Spanish English Club online and others.

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