Friday, December 25, 2015


THEME: Other face of Christmas

We know that Christmas is the celebration of Jesus’ birth according to the teaching of the Catholic and Christian Churches.

We know also according to the traditions, Christmas is a very important family celebration with exquisite food and exchange of gifts.

But is this only Christmas?

The Church says that Jesus is the personification of God in the world where we are living.

We will not discuss if this statement is true or false. The important point is that Jesus was a new kind of leader, somebody who showed to the world that the every human being has the right to live in dignity and with the respect of others.

And Christmas as the celebration of Jesus’ birth is the welcome to a world with social justice, a world where rich and poor people, the capital and the workers, everybody has to try to live in harmony and mutual cooperation with the others: less misery, more happiness.

All the best today and forever!

Merry Christmas!

Domingo Trassens
Rethinking the World with You

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