Thursday, November 26, 2015


THEME: Thanksgiving Day

When somebody has suffered hunger and other necessity like the first European settlers who arrived to America centuries ago, the Thanksgiving Day is more than a celebration.

It is the day to express all their thanks to God for the food and the warm home that we have every day.

During the financial crisis of 2008-2009, a lot of people lost their jobs and some of them till now they are looking for better opportunities.

We don’t know what will be the next in difficult moments that we are living now when the war on terror is hitting next door.

Also in these circumstances, we have to be thankful for all that we have, for our health, our family and friends.

Today like every year in the last Thursday of November, we wish to share our best desires of health and happiness with our readers and friends, and their families.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Domingo Trassens
Rethinking the world news every day

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