Tuesday, June 14, 2022



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We cannot be happy because the Russians don't have better strategists and tacticians. Everybody knows that President Putin doesn't care how many Russian soldiers die and how many Russian tanks will be destroyed. He has more resources than the Ukrainians and in a long-term war, he knows that in the end he will destroy the enemy. The last results are that really have value: the Ukraine's extermination.
The start of the war was okay for the Ukrainians, but now the situation is different. In the East Ukraine. And the problem is not Biden and/or the American weapons. The problem is the Ukraine doesn't have a military strategist to defeat the Russians in this battlefield.
I think you are right. If the Ukrainians want to win, they need to follow military plans coordinated by military experts.
Ukrainians are making the same mistake they made in Mariupol.
I read the article, but from my point of view, the way the Russians transport their tanks to the battlefield is not the key issue now. The point is that early or late more Russian supplies are coming. and will continue coming if the Ukrainians don't find a way to completely destroy the rail infrastructure from Russia to Ukraine.
I agree that the country needs "an objective accounting of the Capitol riot". It is bad that the Democrats want to use this event for their side.
It is great that the Ukrainians continue fighting "for their nation's existence." However, it is terribly painful that nobody from outside wants to put their face in front of Mr. Putin in a hard way to stop the war. Everybody is afraid of the Russian dictator's reactions, including the same Russian politicians who don't agree with the extermination tactic of the new Russian "Emperor".
Kamala will have to resign too. She has clue of nothing.
Progressive politicians are the enemies of traditional American culture.
In summary, Angela Merkel is a traitor to her own country.
You are right. President Putin is a new version of the great Russian leaders of the past: "- cruel, ruthless, emotionless, crafty, lying and murderess"
It is easy to say that the inflation will continue high instead of taking initiatives to put down the inflationary process. We don't want parasitic governments.  The Biden administration has tools that it doesn't use to put down the gasoline price.  Also, today the technology can help to reduce administration costs to achieve a more efficient government apparatus.
Yes, it is a bad publicity for Twitter.
It is normal that a potential buyer like Elon Musk requests a lot of information before to make the acquisition.
I agree, but some British politicians are trying to push him away from the government. Frequently, the politicians think different from the normal citizens.
Definitively, West cannot support a long Ukrainian war.
We will not discuss the responsibility of the police in this case. However, nobody talks about the responsibility of the family of the murderer. (This was a young man of 18 years. )
It is bad that till now a lot of politicians don't understand: "The American political system has accreted so many solutions and sub-solutions to so many problems that what we have created is a system mired in sludge."
For writing about all the recent killings across the country, a story is not enough. It is necessary to write a book.
I agree that "Mr. Putin hopes to erode the West’s support for Ukraine by increasing the war’s economic costs."
Times changed and now Germany has to rethink its own defense in a serious way.
After his death, Fidel Castro continues his job of the "Cubanization" of Latin America:  Peru, Chile, Colombia...
Maybe the article is quite good, but it shows a dark horizon for the Ukrainians.
Putin continues with his plans, and he doesn't care how many soldiers (Russians or Ukrainians) die.
You wrote" And most of the mass murder shooting of small children are done by young white men...." For you, are only important "small children"? Nobody including elders has to be target of mass murders.
The police officers are not the "Superman" prototypes of the movies.
Everybody makes "wrong decisions"... And today is very difficult to be the PERFECT POLICE OFFICER!
Peggy: You write poetry in a chronicle of criminality with political connotations ( "Let Not Our Hearts Grow Numb:)
The Venezuela sanctions relief is a new demonstration of the weakness of President Biden. Very negative for the defenders of democracy and freedom!
Russia's History is a "gallery" of scenes of cruelty and barbarism.
The problem doesn't start in the guns and/or the police. The problem starts in the homes where the parents don't educate their children in the right way. And in the negligence of teachers and educators in the school.
The criminality starts in each home where the parents don't educate their children in the right way. Also, the bad education of the schools contributes to this scenario. Police only can enforce the laws but with a lot of limitations due to the 
The richer people can lose trillions of dollars, but they continue to be rich.
In the previous election, Stacy Abrams showed that she is not an honest loser.
I think your observation about the mistake of Mr. Biden is right.
Always the stock market has downs and ups. This is not a tragedy.
The previous election was not between Biden and Trump. It was between Trump and Non-Trump.
Current Georgia Governor and Mr. Trump are in different sides of the street....
Hillary has a very low morale principle.
Now, Europe is in a very bad shape, and this impacts the Euro's value.
Peggy wrote "Mr. Trump has real influence but it is not determinative." We need more results to say this is statement is true or false.
Mr. Erdogan was partner of Mr. Putin in the Syrian civil war.
Both candidates have to wait for the total count of the votes. This is the right way an election works.
Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán always is against the decisions of other European countries.
Senator Warren doesn't offer a realistic solution to the problem.
The West supports Ukraine because the NATO and the United States want the humiliation of Mr. Putin.
Hong Kong is following the orders of Beijing in strict way...
The question is for how much time, President Putin can continue this war? Instead to celebrate the Victory Day, last Monday, he should have announced the Defeat Day.
NATO only must accept very selective members, no everyone who wants to be part of the club. The membership conditions have to be strict.
The question is for how much time, President Putin can continue this war? Instead to celebrate the Victory Day, last Monday, he should have announced the Defeat Day.
NATO only must accept very selective members, no everyone who wants to be part of the club. The membership conditions have to be strict.
Russia provoked others. Now, it will see the consequences. The European countries don't want Russian boots in their territories. The narrative of Mr. Putin doesn't plug with independent democratic nations.
iPod helped Apple to enter in the niche of digital devices for the consumer market including iPhone, iPad and others.
iPod is going to the technology museums like a device that opened the way to other innovations.
. Russians returned to the Stalin times committing war crimes and sending civilians to work camps. The old practices of the communist regime are used to intimidate the Ukrainians.
From his friend Putin, President Xi has to learn that the invasion of another country can end badly.
Russia provoked us, why the western world cannot provoke Russia?

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