Tuesday, July 27, 2021

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on July 26, 2021 - Afghanistan's Destiny

 #WR: Is it possible to avoid the fall of Afghanistan? About this subject @WSJ posted a column titled “How to Avert Disaster in Afghanistan”. I am not a military strategist. However, from my point of view,  the Taliban will defeat the current government soon.

In the column posted by The Wall Street Journal, we can read the following: "The situation in Afghanistan is deteriorating rapidly. As the U.S. and its international partners withdrew military forces over the past few months, the Taliban roughly tripled the territory under its control. If the U.S. and allies don’t take urgent action, the world will bear witness to a disaster."

The column's writers say: "The least the U.S. can do is offer air support, intel and ensure proper logistics and maintenance contracting."

Personally, I think that the only thing we can do is receive refugees in America and the friend countries. The Afghans who worked for the U.S. are at total risk if they remain in Afghanistan.

SOURCES: The Wall Street Journal, my own think tank

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