Domingo Trassens
12601 Responses8000 LikesOpinion | The Making of an Electric-Vehicle Fiasco
Yes, another fiasco!
| 4 LikesOpinion | WHO’s on First—Again?
G7 was a very weak summit.
| 10 LikesOpinion | WHO’s on First—Again?
The current situation of the United States was also predicted ten years ago for serious political analysts. Putin didn't discovered the crisis that America is living right now.
| 1 LikesG-7 Leaders Set to Wrap Summit Laying Out Wide-Ranging Goals
China doesn't care about the talking. It continues ahead!
| 3 LikesG-7 Leaders Set to Wrap Summit Laying Out Wide-Ranging Goals
Today, the Europeans are partners of China...
| 1 LikesG-7 Leaders Set to Wrap Summit Laying Out Wide-Ranging Goals
But now it is late to stop China...
| 0 LikesG-7 Leaders Set to Wrap Summit Laying Out Wide-Ranging Goals
Make socials after social distance!
| 0 LikesG-7 Leaders Set to Wrap Summit Laying Out Wide-Ranging Goals
Only a show with a lot of family photos...
| 9 LikesIsrael Could See New Government if Netanyahu’s Opponents Pass Confidence Vote
Is this the political end of the Netanyahu's era?
| 0 LikesOpinion | Yes, It’s a Global Tax on American Tech
In the end, everybody attacks the American Big Tech companies.
| 0 LikesBiden Pushes G-7 to Criticize China Over Forced-Labor Allegations
You are right....
| 4 LikesBiden Pushes G-7 to Criticize China Over Forced-Labor Allegations
Biden is forced to be hard with China, but now it is late...
| 2 LikesBiden Pushes G-7 to Criticize China Over Forced-Labor Allegations
This rhetoric does not fix the mistakes that the western countries made.
| 3 LikesBiden Pushes G-7 to Criticize China Over Forced-Labor Allegations
Surely, Chinese smile when hear the Biden's talk...
| 6 LikesBiden Pushes G-7 to Criticize China Over Forced-Labor Allegations
Do Chinese care the Biden's criticism in G-7?
| 8 LikesChina’s New Power Play: More Control of Tech Companies’ Troves of Data
The Chinese Communist Party puts the goals of the Party first. People are only an instrument of the party.
| 4 LikesChina’s New Power Play: More Control of Tech Companies’ Troves of Data
China worked hard for this moment, while the western powers including the United States were taking a long nap.
| 7 Likes‘Our Lord Isn’t Woke.’ Southern Baptists Clash Over Their Future
You are right!
| 0 LikesOpinion | Earmarks Are Back, Baby
The Members of Congress love the earmarks!
| 0 Likes‘Our Lord Isn’t Woke.’ Southern Baptists Clash Over Their Future
Good point!
| 1 Likes‘Our Lord Isn’t Woke.’ Southern Baptists Clash Over Their Future
Some of the Christian organizations are only big businesses that play with the faith of the people.
| 9 LikesOpinion | How Biden Can Stand Up to Putin in Geneva
| 2 LikesOpinion | How Biden Can Stand Up to Putin in Geneva
Nord Stream is late to reverse...
| 0 LikesOpinion | How Biden Can Stand Up to Putin in Geneva
Of course, Putin will be on offence!
| 1 LikesSenate Approves $250 Billion Bill to Boost Tech Research
In the advanced studies, it is not sense to look for the color of the skin of the students.
| 0 LikesSenate Approves $250 Billion Bill to Boost Tech Research
Mathematics in the top level , physics, chemistry, biology, computer programming are key studies for the research and development.
| 0 LikesSenate Approves $250 Billion Bill to Boost Tech Research
You are cautious when you say: "Who knows?"
| 0 LikesSenate Approves $250 Billion Bill to Boost Tech Research
We have to stop to share our technology and R&D with others. right now. And we have to push out all the spies that walk our universities.
| 0 LikesSenate Approves $250 Billion Bill to Boost Tech Research
Chinese don't like that we invest in more competitive technology. They want to be the No.1
| 0 LikesWhat Hackers Can Learn About You From Your Social-Media Profile
Definitively, social media is a very vulnerable platform.
| 3 LikesFriends Break Up With Zoom Meetings to Gather in Person
In general, the people prefer the direct on live meetings.
| 1 LikesOpinion | Return of the IRS Scandal
You are right!
| 13 LikesOpinion | The Science Suggests a Wuhan Lab Leak
Probably the "Wuhan Lab Leak" was a Chinese testing of a possible biological war. There are not doubts that China wants to dominate all the world.
| 5 LikesG-7 Nations Agree on New Rules for Taxing Global Companies
Probably, the EU will punish the American tech companies with bigger taxes. Europe always want more!!!
| 3 LikesOpinion | A Good Worker Is Hard to Find
The "welfare state" generate only big bellies and lazy people...
| 4 LikesOpinion | A Good Worker Is Hard to Find
You are completely right!
| 0 LikesWSJ News Exclusive | FBI Director Compares Ransomware Challenge to 9/11
Good observation...
| 0 LikesWSJ News Exclusive | FBI Director Compares Ransomware Challenge to 9/11
The ransomware against our productive companies like oil, food, supplies will destroy our economy.
| 0 LikesWSJ News Exclusive | FBI Director Compares Ransomware Challenge to 9/11
Yes, we have to make a "good offense"...
| 0 LikesWSJ News Exclusive | FBI Director Compares Ransomware Challenge to 9/11
The ransomware is like a sickness, after the first attack can be more if we maintain weak similar when we have a flu and after that another and another....
| 0 LikesWSJ News Exclusive | FBI Director Compares Ransomware Challenge to 9/11
The ransomware will be the new pandemic of the U.S., if the government doesn’t take serious the current situation.
| 1 LikesTraveling to Europe? Here’s What’s Open to U.S. Tourists.
Travelling to Europe with Covid!
| 0 LikesIsrael’s Netanyahu Ousted as Prime Minister as Rivals Form Coalition Government
We have to see... Maybe, you are right.
| 0 LikesIsrael’s Netanyahu Ousted as Prime Minister as Rivals Form Coalition Government
"fragile coalition"
| 1 LikesIsrael’s Netanyahu Ousted as Prime Minister as Rivals Form Coalition Government
It does not look a strong coalition.
| 0 LikesBiden, Capito Seek Progress in Infrastructure Talks
We help to our enemies!
| 2 LikesBiden, Capito Seek Progress in Infrastructure Talks
Interesting remark!
| 1 LikesThe Southwest Is America’s New Factory Hub. ‘Cranes Everywhere.’
Factory hub with future in important industrial sector.
| 0 LikesBiden to Meet Tulsa Massacre Survivors, Discuss Racial Wealth Gap
Mr. President: The current racial division is not only for racial wealth gap.
| 0 LikesOpinion | Should Biden Have Forgiven Student Debt?
You are right.
| 0 LikesBiden to Meet Tulsa Massacre Survivors, Discuss Racial Wealth Gap
While the racial division remains alive, a new "Tulsa " could be possible.
| 2 LikesOpinion | Should Biden Have Forgiven Student Debt?
Interesting observation.
| 0 LikesOpinion | Iran’s Navy Heads to the Americas
Good point "made in China".
| 1 LikesOpinion | Male Inmates in Women’s Prisons
| 0 LikesNaftali Bennett Poised to Dislodge His Mentor to Become Israel’s Next Prime Minister
Yes, Bennet is a chance to go out the long government Israel crisis.
| 0 LikesNaftali Bennett Poised to Dislodge His Mentor to Become Israel’s Next Prime Minister
You are right, the Palestinians don't want to solve the differences with Israel.
| 3 LikesNaftali Bennett Poised to Dislodge His Mentor to Become Israel’s Next Prime Minister
Good hope from you: "moderation".
| 0 LikesNaftali Bennett Poised to Dislodge His Mentor to Become Israel’s Next Prime Minister
The new prime minister doesn't look the option Israel was looking since long time. However, it is a step to put Mr. Netanyahu out of the government.
| 0 LikesOpinion | Has Biden Lost His Nerve With Putin?
I believe this summit will be another farce.
| 8 LikesChina to Ease Limits on Births, Allowing Couples to Have Three Children
More soldiers to dominate the world!
| 1 LikesOpinion | A Retroactive Tax Increase
Biden has a long Congress career...
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