Wednesday, August 5, 2020

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on August 5, 2020 - Why again Beirut is suffering tragedy, destruction and death?

#WR: What must be the answer to the #Beirut catastrophic explosion? Lebanon is a country that suffered a lot of #wars and invasions. #Lebanon is again in very bad shape. Why this #explosion? Is was really an accident? Not terror behind? It is early to find the truth of the truth.

#WR: From  @WSJ: “Everyday life in Lebanon was already unraveling. The economy was in free fall, a coronavirus outbreak was accelerating and power outages were plunging Beirut into darkness for hours at a time. Then came Tuesday’s catastrophic explosion..."

#WR: Again Beirut, Lebanon suffering more tragedies, more mortal blows! From @NYT: "Blasts Rock Beirut, Killing Dozens and Wounding Thousands"

#WR: New catastrophe in Beirut! "Lebanon and its people have a long history of resilience. But the massive explosion that killed more than a 100 people in Beirut threatens to push it over the edge." @WSJ

SOURCES: The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times

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