- Domingo Trassens
Posted In Twitter Accounts of Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk Appear to Have Been Hacked
- You cannot go against the digital world. The companies have to fix their systems.
Posted In Tommy Tuberville Beats Jeff Sessions in Alabama Senate GOP Primary
- Jeff Sessions is a political corpse.
Posted In Tommy Tuberville Beats Jeff Sessions in Alabama Senate GOP Primary
- Jeff Sessions will have to look for another job in Alabama distant from the politics...
Posted In Tommy Tuberville Beats Jeff Sessions in Alabama Senate GOP Primary
- If Sen. Susan Collins loses the reelection, the division between Republicans and Democrats with grow.
Posted In Opinion | The Biden Election Stimulus
- If the stimulus payments continue, nobody will want to return to work.
Posted In China Provocations Hasten Japan’s Military Revival
- Japan has the right to defense itself from Chinese provocations. (Of course, Japanese need strong military forces.)
Posted In U.K. Makes U-Turn on Huawei After U.S. Pressure
- You don't have the last word...
Posted In U.K. Makes U-Turn on Huawei After U.S. Pressure
- We have to hope other European countries to follow UK's decision.
Posted In Joe Biden’s Search for That Elusive Economic Consensus
- As I said before, if Joe Biden cannot show that he is "Joe Biden", he cannot conquer the heart of independent thinkers. And I agree with you that he is not "Joe Biden". He is the "face" of the others.
Posted In Joe Biden’s Search for That Elusive Economic Consensus
- Thanks for your observation.
Posted In Joe Biden’s Search for That Elusive Economic Consensus
- If Joe Biden doesn't define soon his own plan, no independent voters will follow him. The independents don't like the adventure of the left because U.S. never was a left country.
Posted In WSJ News Exclusive | German Biotech Sees Its Coronavirus Vaccine Ready for Approval by December
- There are good and bad press. However, the press has not the authority to give opinion about science and/or technology.
Posted In WSJ News Exclusive | German Biotech Sees Its Coronavirus Vaccine Ready for Approval by December
- I didn't talk about President Xi. He probably has other viruses to spread across the planet.
Posted In WSJ News Exclusive | German Biotech Sees Its Coronavirus Vaccine Ready for Approval by December
- Good point! (But you cannot expect miracles from the immigrants who come here without ending the first school and pregnant women with children without fathers. )
Posted In WSJ News Exclusive | German Biotech Sees Its Coronavirus Vaccine Ready for Approval by December
- In this case, you will use face masks to the rest of your life.
Posted In WSJ News Exclusive | German Biotech Sees Its Coronavirus Vaccine Ready for Approval by December
- The press only knows what the company says in public. The additional comments are only non-professional expectations.
Posted In TikTok Ventures Warily Into Politics—and Finds Complications
- Who can affirm that TikTok is "an oasis of inoffensive fun"? Behind the "inoffensive fun" frequently there are tactics to indoctrinate people in one or another direction. We have to remember that TikTok is Chinese.
Posted In Nokia, Hurt by Costly 5G Chip Mistake, Struggles to Catch Huawei
- In niches of high competition of the technology arena, the wrong decisions are costly.
Posted In Trump Administration Pushes for Schools to Reopen
- The first term ends in January 2021.
Posted In Trump Administration Pushes for Schools to Reopen
- Schools cannot being stay closed forever. They have to instrument safety measures and they have to reopen them.
Posted In Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro Tests Positive for Coronavirus
- Maybe, if Bolsonaro goes to the hospital with COVID-19, he will change his mind in the cemetery...
Posted In WSJ News Exclusive | WhatsApp Stops Processing Hong Kong Requests for User Data Citing Human-Rights Concerns
- Hong Kong is not more the paradise it was in the British times.
Posted In Opinion | A Mob’s Monumental Failure to Understand
- I wrote my first comment using the expression the author used in the story "Protesters transport the statue of Edward Colston to dump it in a river in Bristol, England, June 7." But I agree with you, that they are criminals. !!!
Posted In Opinion | A Mob’s Monumental Failure to Understand
- These protesters are really criminals because they are destroying public patrimony. They deserve a punishment.
Posted In After Week of Coronavirus Highs, U.S. Sees Slight Drop in Cases for July Fourth
- Till now, it is early to see the evolution of the pandemic in next weeks and months.
Posted In U.S. Coronavirus Cases Surge Into Fourth of July Weekend
- We have to make a pause today despite bad news and others: Happy Fourth of July!
Posted In You Can Leave Your Mask On: Nudists Wear Just One Item in Covid Times
- The people of the nudist camps use mask but they don't respect social distancing. Till now, we don't know if the virus is only transmitting though the nose and/or mouth.
Posted In WSJ News Exclusive | Wirecard Executive’s Entry Into Philippines Might Have Been Faked
- Today, there are a lot of tools to find fugitives. In the end, Mr. Marsalek will be capture.
Posted In The Boycott Got Facebook’s Attention—But a Real Fix Is Nowhere In Sight
- But it has a lot of followers everywhere.
Posted In The Boycott Got Facebook’s Attention—But a Real Fix Is Nowhere In Sight
- You are right, Mark has not plans on fixing the problems.
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