- Domingo Trassens
Posted In Opinion | Coronavirus Forces Teachers to Learn a Different Tune
- Teachers have to learn to use "digital tools" that never before they really used.
Posted In Stocks Keep Rallying, Despite Lack of Visibility on Economy
- Frequently, the stocks run for different "paths" from the economy.
Posted In Kim Jong Un Is Said to Have Attended Factory Opening
- Kim Yo Jong is behind the North Korean dictator as his support. However, we don't know if she could lead the country for herself when he dies.
Posted In America Wants to Reopen From Coronavirus But Disagrees About How
- I share your concerns! I agree with you that we are in the middle of a big "mess". Everybody is talking for they own personal, business and/or political interests,
Posted In Opinion | Democratic Governors Reopen
- There are people from different colors that act wrong everywhere.
Posted In America Wants to Reopen From Coronavirus But Disagrees About How
- Without a really tested "vaccine", the risks are serious. You are right.
Posted In America Wants to Reopen From Coronavirus But Disagrees About How
- I respect your opinion. However, the adults who don't have the capacity to think for themselves are not adult. It looks that we are living a "big kindergarten".
Posted In America Wants to Reopen From Coronavirus But Disagrees About How
- You are right, but today a lot of adults are acting like the children who only see they want and they don't care for the consequences.
Posted In America Wants to Reopen From Coronavirus But Disagrees About How
- Now, a new chaos: the reopening!
Posted In Opinion | Democratic Governors Reopen
- The United States is a big country with different “pictures” from the north to the south and the east to the west. We cannot criticize each governor – Democrat or Republican – from outside the state if we don’t know each case in detail.
Posted In States Struggle With Coronavirus Unemployment Claims Surge
- A vaccine will come but the testing requests time and new risk.
Posted In States Struggle With Coronavirus Unemployment Claims Surge
- "Trump Era" didn't finish till now...
Posted In States Struggle With Coronavirus Unemployment Claims Surge
- South Dakota is the state with less level of unemployment according to these graphics.
Posted In Study Shows Shorter Course of Gilead Drug as Effective Against Covid-19
- The vaccine has to be developed by serious medical researchers, without the pressure of politicians who talk a lot without knowledge of what they are talking.
Posted In ‘A Bargain With the Devil’—Bill Comes Due for Overextended Airbnb Hosts
- I know Airbnb property owners who are suffering this pandemic very bad, because they put all the "eggs" in the basket of Airbnb.
Posted In Coronavirus Lockdowns Ease Despite WHO Warning
- You are lucky because you didn't die in 4 weeks.
Posted In Coronavirus Lockdowns Ease Despite WHO Warning
- China didn't say the truth from the first moment.
Posted In Coronavirus Lockdowns Ease Despite WHO Warning
- What? Hillary lost the previous election. The best is she remains at home.
Posted In Mark Zuckerberg Asserts Control of Facebook, Pushing Aside Dissenters
- Okay, till now, Mr. Zuckerberg is the boss. But nobody can manage a "mess" forever.
Posted In Opinion | The Century of Bioweapons
- In general, I agree with you. However, I don't think the virus came to the public for a mistake of non-trained researchers. I believe it was intentionally.
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