- Domingo Trassens
Posted In Bloomberg Qualifies for Nevada Debate After New Poll
- Mr. Bloomberg: Are you a clean guy without corrupt practices? Please demonstrate this key point!
Posted In China Turns to Health-Rating Apps to Control Movements During Coronavirus Outbreak
- China uses technology to manipulate the health status of the people according with the criteria of the dictator. Terrible!
Posted In Democratic Candidates Sharpen Criticisms of Bloomberg
- It is early to determine the effective reactions of the voters. However, Michael Bloomberg is generating negative reactions in candidates like Sanders due to the previous rules are changing.
Posted In To Store the Wind and Sun, Energy Startups Look to Gravity
- Talk about technical issues without math formulas and technical knowledge is only talk...
Posted In To Store the Wind and Sun, Energy Startups Look to Gravity
- We have to make our own technical analysis to answer to your question. Opinions without technical fundamentals are TRASH.
Posted In Sanders, Bloomberg Offer Differing Theories of Democratic Desires
- All the politicians have tricks and tricks and tricks, but Sanders is a Robin Hood in times that the Robin Hoods are more than risky.
Posted In Sanders, Bloomberg Offer Differing Theories of Democratic Desires
- Mike Bloomberg is a pragmatic businessman, while Bernie Sanders is Robin Hood who takes from the rich entrepreneur to give to the lazy miserable people.
Posted In Opinion | Bloomberg’s Business Nanny
- Rich businessmen have their tricks…
Posted In WSJ News Exclusive | U.S. Weighs New Move to Limit China’s Access to Chip Technology
- U.S. has to act right now!!!
Posted In Solar Power Is Beginning to Eclipse Fossil Fuels
- I live in the Sunrise State, but till now it is early to affirm that solar energy will replace fossil fuels.
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