Thursday, April 6, 2017

RETHINKING: 100 Years after America entered into WWI

Dear Friends:

In the week that marks the centenary of America’s entry into World War I, the United States is redefining again what its role will be in the world from now.

This week started with the visit of the Egyptian President to the White House on Monday. On Wednesday, the President has received Jordan’s King Abdullah II. And on Friday, Donald Trump will meet with Chinese President Xi.

In the three visits, the agendas are linked with war issues. Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi talked about the terror war and the military purchases of Egypt.

Jordan’s King Abdullah II and President Trump has also discussed strategies to defeat ISIS and about the atrocities of the Syrian civil war.

According to the agenda that is public, Donald Trump is anxious to ask President Xi his support against the belligerent attitude of the North Korean regime.

It is very regrettable to see that after 100 years of the infamous World War I, again the World is shaking for the horror of wars without end and the atrocities of regimes that torture and kill people like in the times of the barbarians.

In the middle of scenario, President Trump changed two times, the position of the White House in connection with the Syrian civil war due to the news of a new attack of chemical weapons against civil population.


Next, you can read some of my last comments in the blog of the WSJ – Journal Community during the last few days.

Domingo Trassens
Rethinking the world with you
(More than 14.8K tweets posted till now)
(More than 8200 recommendations received from other members since the new Journal Community started in 2014 and 7900 in the previous JC.)



(Homeland Security is rethinking the original plan of building a complete wall along our border with Mexico.)

The idea of Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly on building fences in very vulnerable sectors of the border with Mexico looks reasonable.
04/05/2017 09:49:06 PM
5 Recommendations

Steve Bannon has not the qualifications to be member of the National Security Council. President Trump starts to learn from his mistakes.
04/05/2017 08:33:53 PM
3 Recommendations

(Pew Research Center says the Muslim births will surpass the Christian births within 20 years.)

Muslims have factories of children because the women have to have sex every time their husbands want. Women are the sex slaves of men.
04/05/2017 08:13:44 PM
4 Recommendations

(President Trump is waiting the visit of Chinese President to discuss about the aggressive attitude of the North Korean regime against its neighbors and the United States.)

Chinese President Xi Jinping never has answer to crucial issues that worry to the U.S.
04/05/2017 08:06:47 PM
2 Recommendations

(This column makes an analysis of the continuous degradation of the democratic regimes across the world and the attacks of governments against press and civil population who claim for civil rights.)

The train of democracy is going in reverse!
04/05/2017 05:04:32 AM
2 Recommendations

The time of President Maduro is ending. He has not the charisma of Hugo Chavez to maintain the mobs with him for a long period.
04/04/2017 10:30:40 PM
3 Recommendations

(A series of columns and articles analyze in a critical way the visit of the son-in-law of President Trump to Iraq. He is the first member of the new White House who traveled to Iraq.)

Mr. Kushner can talk with the Iraqis for himself, but he is not the Secretary of State to make this statement.
04/04/2017 10:11:05 PM
4 Recommendations

In front a new chemical attack from the Syrian regime, the accusation against the Obama administration is nonsense.
04/04/2017 07:33:33 PM
2 Recommendations

The Russia subway blast shows again that the terror has not borders. Attacks are possible everywhere including in the lands of President Putin.
04/04/2017 11:39:53 AM
7 Recommendations

(The columnist Epstein talks about the excessive arrogance of our politicians in current days.)

Mr. Epstein: Your story is interesting, but arrogance is a sickness more difficult to heal than blindness.
04/03/2017 09:52:39 PM
6 Recommendations

It looks like President Trump gave a good welcome to Egypt's President Sisi.

About the meeting, Mr Trump said: "We agree on so many things."
04/03/2017 07:50:09 PM
1 Recommendation

The divorces are amicable only when one of the parts put all the money the other wants for closing its mouth.
04/03/2017 02:10:49 PM
1 Recommendation

Ukraine and Syria are two battles that President Obama lost in the ground. In both cases, it is very difficult to reverse the Putin’s victories.
04/02/2017 01:41:07 PM
2 Recommendations

In poor and corrupt countries like Paraguay, the only business that runs well is the apparatus of the government, for this reason the politicians looks for perpetuity.
04/01/2017 07:29:21 PM
2 Recommendations

U.S. cannot rule domestic issues of other countries. From the other side, behind the curtain of “human rights” claims, the extremists make their businesses.
04/01/2017 07:09:45 PM
4 Recommendations

The Obama politics related to Syria was suicidal. It opened the road to the extremism through the Arab Spring and didn't oust Assad.
04/01/2017 06:58:51 PM
6 Recommendations

The ambitions of perpetuity are common to the majority of the Latin American governments. This is a way to extend corrupt practices of their authorities and officers forever.
04/01/2017 10:28:17 AM
5 Recommendations

(This story analyzes the decline of the popularity of the new President.)

We cannot measure the start of a new non-conventional government in ten weeks.
03/31/2017 10:53:59 PM
6 Recommendations

(In this column, the writer Peggy Noonan suggests that maybe from his mistakes, Donald Trump will learn.)

Some people learn after few too many mistakes. When will Trump be ready?
03/31/2017 07:00:44 PM
2 Recommendations

Very bad end!!!
03/30/2017 08:08:23 PM
2 Recommendations

(President Putin threatens protesters who continue complaining across the streets Moscow and other Russian cities.)

Putin doesn't want more noise near his ears!
03/30/2017 06:09:31 PM
2 Recommendations

Who will be the next to go to prison? Lula? Rousseff?
03/30/2017 06:05:50 PM
2 Recommendations

(The General Electric CEO rebukes Trump policy about climate change.)

GE CEO Immelt has more experience about "climate change" than the politicians.
03/30/2017 04:33:19 PM
0 Recommendations

A corrupt Mexican state attorney general mixed in the drug businesses! A big devil!
03/30/2017 01:26:41 AM
2 Recommendations

(This story talks about the ideas of French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen to break with the EU.)

France is not UK. An extreme nationalism can drive France to a risky isolation from the rest of Europe..
03/29/2017 08:15:47 PM
2 Recommendations

Globalization and free trade are in bad moment.

It is necessary a rethinking of globalization in a rational way!
03/29/2017 04:41:27 PM
2 Recommendations



1) External Sources: Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Twitter and PBS NewsHour.

2) Own Sources: My own research for previous publishing projects like TTT of Comlab Corp and others.

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