- Domingo Trassens
Posted In Opinion | Watch Out for Elizabeth Warren
- Sen. Elizabeth Warren is an academic and for this reason she is articulated in her presentations and plans. However, this doesn’t imply that she is able to lead the U.S. government in the years to come.
Posted In WSJ News Exclusive | Friction Between U.S., European Regulators Could Delay 737 MAX Return to Service
- After the death of 346 people in two accidents, it is reasonable that we have fears. We need time to feel comfortable flying again in the same airplanes.
Posted In Opinion | The Supreme Court’s Sex Debate
- No human being can redefine “sex”. The only that lawmakers and justice magistrates can do. it is give a place in the middle of the current social chaos to the people who transgress the natural laws of sex.
Posted In WSJ News Exclusive | Friction Between U.S., European Regulators Could Delay 737 MAX Return to Service
- I will not fly in a Boeing 737 MAX after it has been cleared by both US and European regulators. Why? Because in two accidents died 346 peoples.
Posted In What Could Shake Up the Democratic Presidential Primary? A Win.
- If the Democratic primary were held today, the two candidates with more possibilities are Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren. No one of them are the best possible Democratic new presidents.
Posted In Opinion | Impeaching Trump Voters
- Hillary is past. And a lot of independent voters don't like Hillary,
Posted In Opinion | Impeaching Trump Voters
- But the problem for the Democrats is they don't have the great candidate till now. Joe Biden has a lot of problem. Warren and Sanders are far distant from to the independent voters.
Posted In Opinion | With Friends Like the U.S.
- I said "it is equivalent". I didn't say that is equal.
Posted In Opinion | With Friends Like the U.S.
- The President Trump’s decision about the withdrawal from Syria is equivalent to the President Obama's order for the Iraqi withdrawal of our troops.
Posted In U.S. Begins Pullback From Northern Syria, Clearing Way for Turkish Offensive
- If U.S. troops leave Syria, the Kurds will cannot resist the direct attack of Turkey and will see a new massive massacre.
Posted In How Tim Cook Won Donald Trump’s Ear
- The best way for a CEO to engage with the White House is with a diplomatic work like Tim Cook is making now.
Posted In Opinion | Greta Thunberg Has the Climate Alarmists’ Number
- Greta Thunberg likes the alarmist shows about the collapse of the planet due to the climate crisis. Her campaign is shaking the young people in a way that is risky.
Posted In Ukraine to Review Investigations Into Firm Linked to Biden’s Son
- I think, the Ukraine issue will affect the 2020 election because a lot of US citizens don't have open mind. They follow what others say.
Posted In Opinion | Escalation From Beijing on Its National Day
- Beijing doesn't care if it makes a bad spectacle.
Posted In Tense Relationship Between Barr and Giuliani Complicates Trump Impeachment Defense
- The relationships of Rudy Giuliani with others of the Trump's team is very complicated.
Posted In Hong Kong Protesters Challenge Beijing in ‘Mourning’ Parade
- I think the violence will grow across Hong Kong. Violence generate more violence!
Posted In Hong Kong Protesters Challenge Beijing in ‘Mourning’ Parade
- I think the violence will growth across Hong Kong. Violence generate more violence!
Posted In China’s Entrepreneurs Turn to State-Backed Buyers for Help
- President Xi is like a God. He wants to "protect" all the Chinese businesses.
Posted In WSJ News Exclusive | Before 737 MAX, Boeing’s Flight-Control System Included Key Safeguards
- It is risky to trust in who is responsible of the death of 346 people.
Posted In Opinion | Don’t Help Russia Make It to the Moon
- We continue benefiting Russia instead to the American interests.
Posted In Opinion | Democrats Set a Bear Trap
- Nancy Pelosi ended the campaign of Joe Biden instead to Donald Trump.
Posted In Opinion | Another Pelosi Reality Check
- The “Pelosi thesis of American crisis” is a risky play of the Democrats in elections time.
Posted In WSJ News Exclusive | Neumann Expected to Step Down as We CEO
- Probably, the "bubble" will lose its air... (?)
Posted In Democrats Face Critical Day on Pursuing Impeachment
- I will not discuss your argument. (We know that President Trump is not an angel who came from the Heaven. ) My point is the Pelosi's impeachment inquiry is the last step to divide the country in two parts.
Posted In Democrats Face Critical Day on Pursuing Impeachment
- I think the impeachment inquiry is the last step to divide the country in two parts.
Posted In Opinion | A Climate Change for Lawsuits
- A Climate Change that is 49% real and 51% propaganda.
Posted In WSJ News Exclusive | Trump Repeatedly Pressed Ukraine President to Investigate Biden’s Son
- This question doesn't plug with the title of the current story.
Posted In New York Mayor Bill de Blasio Exits Democratic Presidential Race
- Bill de Blasio made a good decision. Nobody was interested in his 2020 presidential campaign.
Posted In Netanyahu Calls for Unity Government After Election Deadlock
- "Where does Israel go from here?" Good question without an immediately answer. Benny Gantz is really new in the political arena, but with a lot of ambitions.
Posted In Opinion | Iran’s Whip Hand
- The point is not if we knew they had the capacity. The fact is they did.
Posted In Opinion | Iran’s Whip Hand
- The fact is Iranians showed they have the capacity to hit Saudi Arabia in its heart despite the Saudi alliance with U.S.
Posted In Opinion | The Democrats’ Ritualistic Stoning of Brett Kavanaugh
- The left wing of the Democrats only thinks to destroy others, including other Democrats.
Posted In WSJ News Exclusive | AT&T Explores Parting Ways With DirecTV
- AT&T and other technology companies like to marry others and after that to divorce from them. All the tech mergers for temporary reasons are crazy!
Posted In Biden, Warren Gain in Latest Poll of Democratic Primary Voters
- I don't like Sanders, Castro, Booker, Peter, Beto, Harris...
Posted In Opinion | Buttigieg’s Cracked History
- Peter didn't say something new about Afghanistan... But in the moment that war started, everybody - Republicans, Democrats and independent - agreed.
Posted In Felicity Huffman Faces Sentencing in College-Admissions Cheating Scheme
- 14 days in jail for this fraud is nothing. Rich people always find the way to commit crimes and avoid the punishment.
Posted In Opinion | The Impeachment Motions
- In the current moment, the impeachment is a big distraction.
Posted In Opinion | Everyone Knows the Truth About Politics
- Everybody knows everything of nothing!
Posted In The Moments That Mattered in Thursday’s Democratic Debate
- For me, there is not three top candidates All these debates are a mess.
Posted In The Moments That Mattered in Thursday’s Democratic Debate
- A political debate to choose the best candidate to be president is not a class of Spanish language. The candidates who want to show their Spanish experience are out of focus.
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