- Domingo Trassens
Posted In Frustration, Miscalculation: Inside the U.S.-China Trade Impasse
- Chinese are not transparent players... The Chinese smile is not sincere.
Posted In Opinion | The Cost of China Tariffs
- Till now, it is not easy to determine all the costs of the China tariffs.
Posted In Opinion | Go Ahead, Impeach Trump
- If the Democrats impeach President Trump now, they are giving him a "gift" for the 2020 elections. He will have a good argument to consider himself as "victim" of the opposition.
Posted In Global Stocks Stumble on Renewed Trade Anxiety
- Always when Wall Street stocks fall, after that they climb again. I doesn't make sense to change a "portfolio" for the current trade tensions.
Posted In Democratic President Would Face a Senate Reality Check
- Surely, a Democrat president will be control for a Republic Senate in all his/her actions that could go against the Constitution.
Posted In The MAX Could Fly Again Soon. Will Passengers Get on Board?
- Can passengers trust in Boeing again? Public fear is difficult to change after two mortal accidents due to the negligence of the maker to fix software failures in the right moment.
Posted In The Best Truly Wireless Headphones—Besides AirPods
- When low price is bad sound quality, maybe you damage you ears.
Posted In Opinion | The China Trade Impasse
- It looks like Chinese are meditating the next steps…
Posted In Opinion | A ‘Constitutional Crisis’
- You are right!
Posted In Opinion | A ‘Constitutional Crisis’
- Democrats are losing the capacity to think in a practical way.
Posted In Opinion | The Brave Young Men of Highlands Ranch and Charlotte
- Yes, I agree with you.
Posted In Opinion | The Brave Young Men of Highlands Ranch and Charlotte
- A young hero! Thank you for give your life to save others! Thank you!
Posted In Why China Decided to Play Hardball in Trade Talks
- Sudan, North Korea and Cuba are small markets, but Chinese entered in India, Europe, all Latin America including Brazil... During the last few years, they made a huge advance in markets that before were our markets. Why Huawei is the first communication equipment provider of the world today? Because with all the technology what Chinese stole us they are making huge businesses in strategies segments of the economy. And Huawei also provides technology to Iran, to Pakistan too! Practically, the Chinese technology companies who learned from us, they took important markets. Other case, is Lenovo!
Posted In Why China Decided to Play Hardball in Trade Talks
- Chinese were preparing for the economic war since long time ago, stealing our technology patents and licenses and selling products to all the countries that we put sanctions like Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Venezuela, Cuba and invading with products all Africa and America Latina .
Posted In Why China Decided to Play Hardball in Trade Talks
- If China doesn't sell to US, they sell to Iran, India, the Latin American countries, the African countries. During the last few years, the Chinese are developing a big international market .
Posted In Opinion | So It’s Trump vs. Biden in 2020?
- I didn't discuss who Biden is. I said that he entered into the campaign pointing against Donald Trump and ignoring the other 19 or 20 Democratic candidates..
Posted In Opinion | So It’s Trump vs. Biden in 2020?
- Joe Biden entered to the 2020 campaign with only target: Donald Trump. He will not meditate with the Socialist Democrats about the socialism theories.
Posted In Why China Decided to Play Hardball in Trade Talks
- China in the battlefield is not an easy fighter. Chinese will punish our consumers and businesses in a painful way for us.
Posted In The Coast-to-Coast Airline Battle Royale
- The point is not only "the best job". We have to analyze prices and services. Today, companies like American Airlines are very expensive.
Posted In Fifth Avenue Losing Luster as Vacancies Climb, Rents Fall
- Fifth Avenue is very expensive for the people who live of the bargain.
Posted In Global Markets Cautious After Trade Tensions Buffet Stocks
- We agree, "nothing is forever"!
Posted In Opinion | ‘Avengers’ and Bernie Sanders
- A lot of people like to live immerse in the "show" instead of solving their daily problems with ethics and responsibility.
Posted In Global Markets Cautious After Trade Tensions Buffet Stocks
- Maybe, the stocks will decline more, but after that they will climb again. The fear for the effects of the China's tariffs will not be forever.
Posted In Opinion | Venezuela’s Rebellion That Wasn’t
- The Venezuela’s rebellion wasn’t work because Juan Guaidó is not a natural leader with the charisma to push ahead the rebellion to the success. He is not a "Hugo Chavez".
Posted In ‘A Horrible Culture of Machismo’: Woman Struggle With Violence in Mexico
- The Mexican “machismo” and the violent gangs of Mexico and Central America are two serious sicknesses that create a lot of problems, but nobody solves.
Posted In Opinion | Pelosi’s Pre-Emptive Smear
- In this case like others, Nancy Pelosi has to put "barriers" to avoid volcanic eruptions in the House that do help nobody in the end of the day.
Posted In Math Wizard Elwyn Berlekamp Helped Bring Sharp Images From Outer Space
- People who enjoy playing math have special links with God!
Posted In Math Wizard Elwyn Berlekamp Helped Bring Sharp Images From Outer Space
- Elwyn Berlekamp, thank you for your contributions to the math and technology. We appreciate it a lot today!
Posted In Ancient Humans Dwelled at Great Heights, Scientists Find
- We agree. The discovery of this jawbone fossil opens new questions about a missing link. For us, 160,000 years looks huge. For others, maybe, it is near nothing.
Posted In Ancient Humans Dwelled at Great Heights, Scientists Find
- The human being always wants to know more about our ancestors... A human jawbone of the a 160,000-year-old Denisovan at almost 11,000 feet from the sea level in a place with low percentage of oxygen maybe is a link with inhabitants of other worlds...
Posted In Opinion | A Real Attorney General
- Bill Barr doesn't care what others think about him...
Posted In Opinion | Impeachment Now Would Be Irresponsible
- Democrats have to evaluate all the aspects of the current political frame in short time before the 2020 presidential campaign starts to run fast. A serious mistake would be mortal.
Posted In Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein Submits Resignation Letter
- Is this the “political retirement” of Rod Rosenstein? What are his future plans?
Posted In Impeachment Could Be a Trap—for Democrats
- If the Democrats impeach President Trump, they are losing focus for the 2020 elections
Posted In Deutsche Bank Deal Talks With Commerzbank Break Down
- DB had a bad management since long time.
Posted In Deutsche Bank Deal Talks With Commerzbank Break Down
- You made a good observation.
Posted In Deutsche Bank Deal Talks With Commerzbank Break Down
- Deutsche Bank has to make a big cleaning of its organization.
Posted In Facebook Sets Aside $3 Billion to Cover Expected FTC Fine
- Will the $3 billion in fine change Facebook for the well?
Posted In Opinion | Despite the Mueller Report, Some Lawmakers Don’t Stop Believing
- Lawmakers are sinking in a swamp with the Mueller Report in their hands, instead of go ahead with a realistic agenda to solve crucial issues related to immigration, national security and healthcare.
Posted In Opinion | Are All Democrats Socialist? Don’t Believe the Hype
- About your point, for me Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Omar are radicals and they will destroy the Democratic party.
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