#WR: Earthquake in Washington DC? (Part I). For second time in several weeks, @Barron’s
tries to analyze what will happen in the midterm elections. Today,
October 1st, it posted an analysis titled “After the Midterms” by Lauren
R. Rublin. Of course, with extensive perspective.
#WR: Earthquake in Washington DC? (Part II). The interesting part of @Barron's
cover story is that “Like many prognosticators, (Barron’s) round table
members expect Democrats win back control of the House of
Representatives, and Republicans to keep the grip on the Senate.”
#WR: Earthquake in Washington DC? (Part III). @Barron’s
made the question: “Will the midterms cause a tremor or an earthquake
in Washington, or leave the landscape unchanged?” If Democrats win the
control of the House, they expect an earthquake. In my opinion: Maybe,
no (?)
#WR: Earthquake in Washington DC? Following the cover story of @Barron’s,
it is obvious the investors and economists expect an earthquake if
Democrats take the House of Representatives. Myself, I have doubts.
During the last 2 years, Democrats made a lot of noise, but only noise.
#WR: Earthquake in Washington DC? Continuing w/ the analysis of @Barron’s
and my own analysis, the best sample of the Democrats attitude is the
case of Kavanaugh’s nomination. They made a lot of noise. However, who
pushed the FBI probe was Sen. Jeff Flake, Republican of Arizona.
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