#WR: Before the midterm elections, again the nightmare of the Holocaust (!) The stories posted today by @nytimes & @WSJ about the mourning of the victims of hate in Pittsburgh force us to rethink that till now in 2018, somebody wants a new #Holocaust. #PittsburghSynagogueShooting
#WR: Before the midterm elections, "15,000" troops to US-Mexico border (?) @WSJ
says Defense Secretary Mattis agrees to deploy troops on Mexican
border. But, do we need "15,000" troops to stop one, two caravans of
people without heavy weapons, maybe 1000/2000 adults & children?
Before midterm elections, “birthright citizenship"! We know that
birthright citizenship is controversial issue due to the practices
called “birth tourism”, however it is not right to rush to change our
Constitution through executive orders before the voting. #14thAmendment
The “adieu” of Angela Merkel step by step. Part I. After the poor
results of the, CDU, in Hessen voting last Sunday. Chancellor Merkel
announced she would step down as leader of the CDU in December and would
not seek re-election in 2021. She ruled Germany 13 years. #Merkel
The “adieu” of Angela Merkel step by step. Part II. This notable and
strong German politician is ruling her country as Chancellor since 2005
and she is leader of the center-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU)
since 2000. She is doctor in quantum chemistry.#Germany#Merkel
The “adieu” of Angela Merkel step by step. Part III. Angela Merkel is
the daughter of a Lutheran clergyman born in Hamburg (West Germany), but
she lived her childhood in East Germany (Communist regime) during the
Cold War because her father had to go there as pastor. #Merkel
The “adieu” of Angela Merkel step by step. Part IV. Angela has been the
most powerful political woman in the German politics and the most
powerful leader of the Europe with an extraordinary work for the best of
her country, Europe and world. #Europe#EU#Germany#Merkel
The “adieu” of Angela Merkel step by step. Part V. The “Mutti” (mother)
like a lot people name her didn’t define her next steps in detail, but
the political analysts think that she will resign as "German Chancellor”
before 2021. #Germany#German_Chancellor#Merkel#Mutti
The “adieu” of Merkel step by step. Part VI. Merkel had good dialogue
w/the world leaders including Putin. Thanks her action, she stopped
conflicts like the Russian invasion of Georgia. It is regrettable that
her opening to the migrant invasion to Europe wounded her. #Merkel
What IBM wants to be: a software company, new Linux leader, hybrid
cloud provider? Part I. In a press release, IBM says: “The acquisition
of Red Hat is a game-changer. It changes everything about the cloud
market” Today, Microsoft, Amazon talks about clouds too. #ibmredhat
What IBM wants to be? #1 hybrid cloud provider? Part II. IBM CEO, Ginni
Rometty says. "IBM will become the world's #1 hybrid cloud provider,
offering companies the only open cloud solution that will unlock the
full value of the cloud for their businesses.” Great! #IBM
What IBM wants to be? Part III. IBM looks very happy with the
acquisition of Red Hat for $34 billion. (expensive!) However, in the
introduction of its new business, IBM doesn't say what will be the
"room" of Red Hat in its total Universe that includes Watson and systems