Monday, February 20, 2017

BLOG COMMENTS: On President Day: Protests!

Dear Friends:

After the first four weeks of the new White House, on President Day, protesters across the country are shouting with banners that say: 'Not My President'. (By the way, who is Your President?)

Meanwhile, from Washington D.C., we can observe a series of progresses in the right direction.

Vice President Pence is in Europe talking with European leaders and NATO members in conciliatory tone. Through this emissary, the Trump administration tries to recreate links with important American allies explaining them the position of the new government.

And in Washington, President Trump has named Herbert Raymond McMaster as the new National Security Adviser. General McMaster is a hero of the Gulf War, critic of the Vietnam War and "the architect of the future U.S. Army". 

Next, you can read some of my comments and the reactions of the WSJ – Journal Community readers.

Domingo Trassens
Rethinking the world with you



It seems U.K. lawmakers are losing the classic style of the British diplomacy.
02/20/2017 09:21:53 PM
2 Recommendations

The sudden death of the Russian Ambassador can be motif for a series of questions:

- Was a natural death?

- Was Vitaly Churkin one of the “links” between Mike Flynn and President Putin?
Sometimes the "cardiac arrests" help to "delete" controversial contacts. 
02/20/2017 08:50:38 PM
9 Recommendations

According to the information that is public, we can affirm that Herbert Raymond "H. R." McMaster is an unbeatable warrior and very brainy military strategist.
02/20/2017 08:41:00 PM
12 Recommendations

Reasonable, the parents are responsible of the children actions.
02/19/2017 07:29:36 PM
8 Recommendations

In any government office, you should not criticize your boss in public. If you disagree with him, you must resign.
02/19/2017 06:31:32 PM
18 Recommendations

Now, Bill Gates is making politics too.
02/19/2017 06:57:29 PM
2 Recommendations

Sometimes, the professional protesters are people who make demonstrations as a sport or fun.
02/18/2017 05:40:57 PM
2 Recommendations

(Vice President Pence talking with NATO members in Munich (Germany) asked them for more cooperation of the European allies.)

It is reasonable that U.S. requests more responsibility from our NATO European partners.

There is an old statement that comes from the Ancient Times that says if you want help from others, start to help yourself.
02/18/2017 03:34:55 PM
5 Recommendations

The evidences are clear. Kim Jong Un killed his half brother and other members of his family. We never will safe next to him.
02/18/2017 03:29:42 PM
2 Recommendations

Mr. Scott Pruitt: Your job is very good to make a lot of enemies! You will have to move very carefully.

Congratulations! And good luck in your difficult mission!
02/17/2017 06:38:49 PM
11 Recommendations

Always History helps us to understand the present.
02/17/2017 06:33:57 PM
2 Recommendations

With “an injection of calm”, the new White House can make America great again.
02/17/2017 04:35:43 PM
2 Recommendations

China always protected North Korean regime. Now, we have to see if the pressure of U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson makes effect.
02/17/2017 04:28:58 PM
4 Recommendations

The Flynn's firing was a Pence's victory.

The fall of National Security Adviser General Flynn was the first clear demonstration of power of Vice President.
02/16/2017 05:49:52 PM
7 Recommendations

(President Trump has nominated to a lawyer with Latin roots as Labor Secretary)

The background of Alexander Acosta looks good. Through the hearing we will see if all is like we see now.
02/16/2017 05:31:03 PM
5 Recommendations

Surely, the Senate hearing on the Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch will be a bloody political battle between Democrats and Republicans.

If the battle doesn’t finish with a good end, the Democrats will pay the price in front external observers.
02/16/2017 04:51:51 PM
2 Recommendations

A question behind the scene:  Was General Flynn own decision to call Russian official, or it was a secret order from the Donald Trump?
02/15/2017 05:59:43 PM
2 Recommendations

Media doesn't like Donald Trump and Donald Trump doesn't like media.
02/15/2017 05:44:36 PM
2 Recommendations

North Korean Dictator is a morbid butcher.

Kim Jong Un also ordered the killing his uncle, other members of his family and his best general.
02/15/2017 05:23:11 PM
15 Recommendations



1) External Sources: Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Twitter and PBS NewsHour.

2) Own Sources: My own research for previous publishing projects like TTT of Comlab Corp and others.

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