DATES: 2013/06/30
– 2013/07/07
ANALYST: Domingo
Dear Friends:
July started with a
series of the buzzes: "independence", "freedom", “liberty”,
On July 4th, across
the United
States, the entire nation celebrated Independence Day with parades, visits to
museums, the reopening of the Statue of Liberty in New York and more.
The unrest of the
Egyptian streets, the military coup and the fall of President Morsi generated
controversial opinions about what “democracy” means. Some people said: “They
have to respect the authorities elected through a democratic process”.
And others answered: “But the democratic authorities didn’t act in a democratic
way. They were destroying the democratic institutions.”
The Bolivian
presidential airplane was stopped in Vienna, Austria because other European
countries didn't give it the authorization to fly through their air spaces due
to they thought Edward Snowden - the NSA's leaker – was traveling on this
airplane from Russia to South America. The incident produced a bitter reaction
in Bolivia, Venezuela and other Latin American countries. Both,
the Bolivian President Evo Morales and Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro made
hard critics against the United States in a war of words that put in evidence that
the frictions between North and South of America continue.
Additionally, the
European Union pointed against the United States because Mr. Snowden said that the NSA' was
spying on Europe. In connection with this complaint, French
President Hollande suggested the suspension of trade talks between EU-US.
Also in Europe, Portugal was news due to the austerity plan proposed
by the EU authorities that generated disagreement between members of the
Portuguese government and the population.
In other important
news of the week, the death of 19 young men of an elite crew of firefighters in
Arizona, while battling a wildfire, showed how
always there are heroes who put at risk their lives to protect Nature and the
On Friday, in the United States, the June report of the Labor Department
informed that 195,000 new jobs were added during the previous month. Members of
the government and some economists applauded the news, but this information
didn’t satisfy the people who continue looking for normal jobs and only receive
offers of low-wage or part-time positions.
On Saturday, the
fatal accident of a Korean airplane that was landing in the San Francisco
Airport, California opened a series of questions about a possible pilot error.
(Till now, it is early to know about the evaluation of the experts.)
Meanwhile, in the
pages of newspapers and Internet blogs, “climate change” and “the new
immigration bill” continued generating debate and diverse comment.
Now I would like to
share with you a series of comments posted by myself in the WSJ Journal
Community and PBS through Twitter during the last seven days about the top news
of the week.
The comments are
organized in the following sections:
- United States
- Europe
- The World (Asia, Africa, Middle East…)
- Latin America
- Education
- Economy, Business,
July 7, 2013
Subject: South Korean airplane crashed during the
landing in San
My Comment: All the comments that we can make now about
the crash of the Asiana Airlines Boeing 777 landing at San Francisco International Airport are speculations.
The technical experts have to evaluate carefully the case and determine the reasons.
From the human side, we must hope that the people who are critically injured can recover completely from the accident.
For all the survivors, probably this experience could be the worst experience of their lives. (2013/07/07) 4 Recommendations
The technical experts have to evaluate carefully the case and determine the reasons.
From the human side, we must hope that the people who are critically injured can recover completely from the accident.
For all the survivors, probably this experience could be the worst experience of their lives. (2013/07/07) 4 Recommendations
Subject: During June the U.S. employers added 195,000 jobs and the jobless
rate remained at 7.6%.
My Comment: In June, according to the U.S.
Labor Department, employers added 195,000 jobs and the unemployment rate
remained at 7.6%. These figures look like a “painting”.
when you look for a vacancy in the main job search pages of Internet,
frequently you find the same advertisement for months, but when you send an
application, you don’t receive an answer. In summary, today a lot of the data
about jobs is fictitious. (2013/07/05) 2 Recommendations
REPORT AIR DATE: July 4, 2013 - News Wrap: Lady Liberty Reopens
for Independence Day After Sandy Devastation
On July 4 during
the celebrations of Independence Day the Statue of Liberty in New York was reopened.
Comment: The
visit of museums or iconic places like the Statue of Liberty is a good way to
celebrate Independence Day.
we celebrate our birthday. Independence Day is like the birthday of the
At least
one day a year, the "Happy Birthday!" stimulates us to rethink our
similar, every 4 of July, the "Happy Independence Day!" stimulates us
to rethink the historic events that made possible the foundation of the
country. (By TWITTER) (2013/07/05)
Subject: In Arizona, 19 elite
firefighters were killed while battling a fierce wildfire.
story comments the conversation by mobile-phone of the leader of the
firefighters and his wife before the tragic blaze. The dialogue ended with a
terrible “silence” in the moment that the firefighter dies.
My Comment: It is a very sad story, but it
shows that till now there are brave men who put at risk their lives fighting
against wildfire and trying to protect others. (2013/07/03) 1 Recommendation
REPORT AIR DATE: July 1, 2013 - News Wrap: On Tanzania Trip, Obama Shares Hope to Shift
U.S. Approach to Africa
Tanzania was the last stop of the
President Obama’s trip to three African countries. There, the President talked
about the improvement of the business relationships between this country and
the United States.
political observers think the United States has to expand its business relationships
with all the African Continent.
Comment: It is
good that President Obama has visited three African countries but this trip is
not enough to improve our commercial links with the entire continent.
We have
to open new business roads across the African continent in a fast way if we
don’t want to see that China, Brazil and other countries conquer this
huge territory.
Since a
long time ago, China is working in the oil industry
and other critical sectors of the African countries, while we normally go to Africa as apostles of God, in peace
missions or for hunting elephants or rhinoceros. (By TWITTER) (2013/07/02)
DATE: June 24, 2013 - News Wrap: Immigration Bill Clears Hurdle
in Senate
Comment answering to another member who has doubts that the “border control” is
important in the implementation of the new immigration reform: I didn’t say that border control
will solve the immigration issue. It is only one component of a very complex
of all, it will be more expensive to integrate the current 11 million of
illegal immigrants with a massive “pardon” (good, non-good and bad
to the “border control”, the southern border is the entrance of Mexicans,
Central Americans and Brazilians and also people from Asia and Africa who don’t have papers to cross
the normal immigration controls and some of the people who come from Asia and Africa are very dangerous.
Additionally, this border is used by gangs that deal drugs, human beings and
cannot be depending that Mexican initiatives will cut the illegal traffic… (By
TWITTER) (2013/07/01)
Subject: The Portuguese government coalition
tries to avoid a collapse.
Comment: A
severe austerity plan could make more difficult its recovery. Portugal is a small country with limited
economic resources and without an industrial mechanism that can generate income
in an easy way.
With this framework, we can expect very hard moments for the Portuguese if the EU authorities take more pressure that is reasonable.
With this framework, we can expect very hard moments for the Portuguese if the EU authorities take more pressure that is reasonable.
austerity plan has to be defined according to the economic resources of the
country. A non-realistic austerity plan will spread social unrest.
The current European crisis is not the fault of normal people. It is the consequence of the corruption and fantasies of the politicians.
If the
series of problems continue hitting the normal population of Europe, the “European Spring” will be
worse than the Arab Spring. (2013/07/04) 1 Recommendation
Subject: Belgian King abdicated the throne because he
is in his 80th year.
My Comment: Albert II - King of the Belgians
- abdicated the throne because he says that he is in his 80th year, “an age
never before reached by his predecessors”.
But 80
years in the life of a king is very different from 80 years in the life of a
poor worker. (2013/07/03) 2 Recommendations
Subject: French President François
Hollande wants to suspend EU-U.S. trade talks upset by the NSA’s case.
My Comment: Again French President François
Hollande acts like a “beginner” on international politics, trying to suspend
the trade talks between EU-U.S.
The best
is that Mr. Hollande makes a trip to Washington D.C and discusses with
President Obama face to face about his complaints.
British Prime Minister Cameron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel have already
talked by phone with the White House about the NSA's issue. (2013/07/03) 3
ANALYSIS AIR DATE: July 1, 2013 - 'Eavesdropping on Friends'?
Euro Allies React to Reports That NSA Bugged Offices
Subject: The European press reported that
the National Security Agency allegedly bugged European Union offices and Asian
partner nations, based on Edward Snowden comments.
Comment: It is
evident that the NSA’s program went farther than the normal spying programs go.
the public only knows some “pieces” of the puzzle. With these elements it is
not possible to make an accurate judgment about the bad side of this program.
it would be good that the White House talks directly with our allies in a frank
way to avoid frictions and negative consequences. (By TWITTER) (2013/07/02)
THE WORLD (Asia, Middle East, Africa…)
Subject: United Kingdom deported a radical Muslim cleric to Jordan.
My Comment: When a foreign citizen shows attitudes that
reflect extremist ideologies, deportation could be a better and effective
solution than a place in a jail that is paid by the taxpayers.
In the western countries, we cannot change the way of thinking of a radical Muslim preacher.
Always this kind of individual will create problems and generate dangerous situations. They are like "explosives" ready to explore. (2013/07/07) 5 Recommendations
Subject: After the fall of President Morsi the
violence continues in Egypt.
My Comment: The Egyptians are very angry and
the violence will continue if they don’t see fast changes.
ATTENTION! This scenario is a good ground for the al Qaeda extremists who probably are trying to infiltrate among the population. If this happens, this will be the end of the democratic ideals of the first days of the Arab Spring. (2013/07/06) 2 Recommendations
ATTENTION! This scenario is a good ground for the al Qaeda extremists who probably are trying to infiltrate among the population. If this happens, this will be the end of the democratic ideals of the first days of the Arab Spring. (2013/07/06) 2 Recommendations
My Comment: The information available about
the Egyptian Interim President Adly Mansour is not enough to make a complete
judgment about him.
The only observations that we can make are:
The only observations that we can make are:
1) Mr.
Mansour doesn’t have experience in a political function. This could be a
serious problem in the effort to negotiate a fast and effective transition to a
new democratic period.
2) We don’t know the details of the “package” of conditions he received from the General Abdul Fatah Saeed Hussein Khalil Al-Sisi when he was appointed.
Independently of all, the new job of Mr.Mansour is not an easy mission. (2013/07/04)
REPORT AIR DATE: July 2, 2013 - News Wrap: Edward Snowden Hits
Hurdles in Hunt for Asylum
Comment: In Moscow, Venezuelan President Nicolas
Maduro defended Mr. Snowden with a statement that doesn’t make sense: “He has
prevented wars”.
Mr. Maduro, explain: What "wars" did Edward Snowden prevent?
politicians have to think twice before they talk…
From the
other side, the Venezuelan President didn’t say if he will offer asylum to the
NSA’s leaker. It looks like he fears to give a seat in his airplane to Mr.
Snowden. (By TWITTER) (2013/07/03)
My Comment: Venezuelan President Nicolás
Maduro continues talking and showing compassion for Edward Snowden, but why he
didn't carry him in his airplane when he visited Moscow? Where is the “courage” of the
heir of Hugo Chávez? (2013/07/06) 2 Recommendations
REPORT AIR DATE: July 5, 2013 - News Wrap:
The incident
that changed the route of the Bolivian presidential airplane.
Comment: It is
understandable that Bolivian President Evo Morales is upset because they
stopped his airplane in Vienna, Austria.
his speech as president of a country was completely incoherent and regrettable.
threatened to close the United States Embassy. Why he didn’t close the embassy?
It looks that he has not guts. (By TWITTER) (2013/07/06)
Subject: A group of South American Leaders joined
Bolivian President in the complaints over the blocking of the Bolivian plane.
My Comment: The story says that at Unasur’s
conference, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro said: "South America and Latin America deserve answers and
explanations—more than explanations, apologies—to reestablish a
We can
understand that it was a bad moment for Bolivian President Evo Morales, but
again this new statement from Mr. Maduro doesn’t make sense. Nobody cut
relationships with Bolivia.
From other side, the Venezuelan President only talks by talk. Till now he didn’t show to the world that he is the "brave" leader with the real resolution to help Edward Snowden. (2013/07/05) 1 Recommendation
From other side, the Venezuelan President only talks by talk. Till now he didn’t show to the world that he is the "brave" leader with the real resolution to help Edward Snowden. (2013/07/05) 1 Recommendation
Subject: The incident of the Bolivian airplane was a
practical demonstration that Mr. Snowden is isolated in Russia.
My Comment: The incident that stopped Evo
Morales in Austria because they believed that Mr.
Snowden was on his airplane shows that the possibilities of the hacker to
escape from Russia are near zero. (2013/07/03) 3
Apple Awarded $30
Million iPad Deal From LA Unified School District
Subject: Several weeks ago Apple Inc. from Cupertino, California informed that the Los Angeles School Board of Education signed a
purchase order for $30 million that include iPad tablets plus software.
Apple will provide
its digital tablets with the Pearson Common Core System of Courses as part of
the integrated solution.
My Comment: The digital tablets are a great tool for the
education of children and teenagers.
We hope the teachers
receive the right training to use these tools in the classroom, in particular
in the teaching of mathematics and sciences and in the searching of historic
and geographic information.
As we saw in
previous experiences, sometimes the digital data overflows in the environment
of the classroom and the teachers have not the skill to drive their students in
the way to select the valuable information and put down the rest.
Sources: http://www.apple.com/pr/ - Apple Press Info, 06/19/2013
Subject: Michael Dell - founder of Dell Inc - doesn’t
want to pay more than $13.65 cash for the shares of his company.
My Comment: Since February, the Dell’s
buyout continues in the clouds because its shareholders disagree with the price
Michael Dell wants to pay.
It is
true that Dell Inc. cannot survive with their current business model, but the
argument of Mr. Dell that the transformation of the company “needs to happen
outside of the public eye” is an excuse to push out everybody and become the
absolute owner of the PC maker.
If the disagreement among shareholders, group of investors and the Dell’s founder continues for more time, probably Michael will pay less than $13.65 cash. (2013/07/05)
Subject: Samsung Electronics warns the financial
results of the last quarter will miss previous forecasts.
My Comment: The news says that Samsung Electronics
expects an operating profit between US$ 8.2 billion and US$8.5 billion for the
three months ended June 30 related of its smart-phones shipments. These figures
imply a growth of 44% to 50% from a year ago. But the Korean company wanted
Is it
possible to plan a smart-phone business with an unlimited growth? Definitively
no! When more devices sell today, you have less potential customers for
Samsung and the others have to learn that the introduction of new innovative models of smart-phones don’t guarantee continuous upgrades from the side of the customers. Only eccentric individuals want to have every day the latest model of a smart-phone in their hands and a collection of devices without use in a show case. (2013/07/05)
Samsung and the others have to learn that the introduction of new innovative models of smart-phones don’t guarantee continuous upgrades from the side of the customers. Only eccentric individuals want to have every day the latest model of a smart-phone in their hands and a collection of devices without use in a show case. (2013/07/05)
Subject: The growing of the U.S. in oil output gives new options to the
policy makers.
My Comment: The growing of the United States in oil output is the results of
a series of politics to change the geopolitical position of this country when
it was completely dependent on the “tricks” of the Arab and African producers
and Venezuela.
If the American oil boom continues, we don't have to feel worried for the political turmoil of countries that always have revolutions and political unrest.
If the American oil boom continues, we don't have to feel worried for the political turmoil of countries that always have revolutions and political unrest.
In addition, the oil independence gives us the possibility to deal with our external customers in a more aggressive way. (2013/07/03) 1 Recommendation
Subject: The sales of cars in the United States grew in June.
My Comment: This story suggests that the U.S. auto sales rose at a strong rate
in June because according to the GM’s chief economist, the America’s families are better than
Probably, it is true that the American families are better than before, but we have to remember than a lot of people buy cars and utility vehicles as a tool for their work.
Probably, it is true that the American families are better than before, but we have to remember than a lot of people buy cars and utility vehicles as a tool for their work.

general, the public transportation is not efficient when the people need to
travel long distances every day. These individuals need to renew its private
vehicles periodically. (2013/07/02)
Subject: Zynga changes its CEO because its sales
decline after a strong start.
My Comment: More than a new CEO, Zynga needs
new ideas. (2013/07/02) 3 Recommendations
1) External
Sources: Wall Street
Journal, The New York Times and PBS NewsHour
2) Own Sources: My own research for previous publishing
projects: TTT of Comlab Corp, Spanish English Club online.
Website: http://world-rethink.blogspot.de/
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