Wednesday, December 23, 2020

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on Dec. 23 - Buried in the pandemic, billions of dollars!

 #WR: If the @nytimes  analysis is right: "Buried in Pandemic Aid Bill: Billions to Soothe the Richest " My opinion: It looks that with the new Covid bill, rich will be richer and the poor, poorer .  #Covid

The New York Times wrote "The voluminous coronavirus relief and spending bill that blasted through Congress on Monday includes provisions — good, bad and just plain strange — that few lawmakers got to read.

My opinion: The WSJ's Editorial and this column from The New York Times are a warning about the last effect of the second Covid package. Please, don't believe the aid will help to solve the problems of the people without job and in a real swamp. 

SOURCES: The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, my WORLDRETHINK think tank

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on December 23, 2020 - Covid wealth effect

#WR: Covid wealth effect! Today @WSJ  Editorial: "The State Covid Windfall" shows how #Covid generates a "wealth effect" in sectors of the State, despite everybody pleading for poverty. 25 LA County firefighters gained "$100,000 on average in overtime by ferrying test supplies"

In today's Editorial, The Wall Street Journal analyzes the package agreed by the Congress of $2.3 trillion between Republicans and Democrats.

The Editorial starts with a significant paragraph " They plead poverty but their revenue and federal aid show otherwise."

WSJ adds "Joe Biden called it a mere "down payment: and Speaker Nancy Pelosi said it is "a first step"...

The Editorial explains a series of cases that the States that cry for the crisis, but really they are not in bad shape. "States are also doing very well in this latest Covid bill."

My observation is that Covid didn't hit everybody in the same way. And in a lot of cases, the pandemic helped to generate a great windfall. 

SOURCES: The Wall Street Journal, my own WORLDRETHINK think tank

Monday, December 21, 2020

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on December 21, 2020 - The bad exit of President Trump

 #WR: The bad exit of President Trump. @WSJ   wrote "President Trump accomplished a great deal in four years, but as he leaves office he can’t seem to help reminding Americans why they denied him a second term." My opinion: Instead of accepting the facts, he is spreading a bad wave.

The Editorial of The Wall Street Journal of today titled "Trump's Bad Exit" observes that the President Trump is walking for the wrong way in his last days in office, showing an image that put down the positive initiatives of his term, like the peace agreement between Israel and Arab states and the support of the development of the COVID-19 vaccines.

SOURCES: The Wall Street Journal, my own think tank.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on December 19, 2020 - Russian Cyber-attack against the United States

#WR: What will be the answer of US to Russia? wrote “Despite its size, a sprawling computer hack blamed on #Russia could leave President Trump and the incoming Biden administration struggling to find the right response, former U.S. #cybersecurity officials and experts said.”

My Opinion: In recent years, since the Obama times and also during the Trump administration, the United States showed a weak image against the Russian aggressively.

The answer to Russia has to be: the United States is strong also in cybersecurity. We have the capacity to defend ourselves and to defeat any enemy in the arena of the cyber world.

SOURCES: The Wall Street Journal, my own tech think tank.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on December 17, 2020 - A new Leader attacked by the COVID-19


#WR: News: “French President Emmanuel #Macron tested positive for the #coronavirus) My opinion: The leaders of the world are not Gods. They are humans like the normal people and they can suffer the same diseases. But they have more possibilities to receive the best treatments.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on December 16, 2020 - The congratulations of a Republican to a Democrat...

 #WR: The congratulations of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to the Elect-President Joe Biden mean that in the end democracy works in America. This is my opinion that agrees with the column of @WSJ about the gest of the GOP leader in Congress and other prominent Republicans.

This was my comment in the blogger pages of The Wall Street Journal:

Saturday, December 12, 2020

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on December 12, 2020 - COVID lockdown massacre


#WR: Who are the losers of the COVID’s lockdown businesses? This is the subject of The Editorial of today. My opinion: Shutdowns punish small businesses, low-income workers and poor people. Rich people and big companies always find good solutions. #COVIDSecondWave #Lockdown.

The Editorial of the Wall Street Journal focuses on the negative consequences of the lockdown orders due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The title of the editorial is "The Restaurant Lockdown Massacre" In particular, it talks of the negative impact in the sector of restaurants.

SOURCES: The Wall Street Journal

Thursday, December 10, 2020

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on December 10, 2020 - Is possible to cut the Facebook's power?

#WR: Will somebody cut Facebook in parts? In the today Editorial, @WSJ  doesn’t talk about the new #Biden's team. It subject is: “Breaking Up Facebook” Due to the growing 'power' of the Mr Zucherberg's company, the FTC tries to force to cut #Instagram and #WhatsApp from #Facebook.

In the headline of the my Twitter page, I review the Editorial of The Wall Street Journal where the subject is the Federal Trade Commission lawsuit against Facebook.

In other moment, the FTC approved the Instagran and WhatsApp purchase. Now, it wants to pull them apart from Facebook.

When a company becomes very powerful is also a rival of the government. And the power of Facebook is growing.

SOURCES: My Tweet and The Editorial of the Wall Street Journal


Wednesday, December 9, 2020

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on December 9, 2020 - Is the government deciding for your health?


#WR: Is your health in the hands of the States? wrote “As Covid-19 Vaccines Roll Out, States to Determine Who Gets Shots First” “2.9 million doses are set to be sent to every state and the District of Columbia.” In emergency times, also the government decides for us. #COVID
SOURCES: My headline TWEET of today based in a Wall Street Journal column

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on December 8, 2020 - The COVID vaccination starts...

 #WR: Would you like to be in the list of the first vaccinated people? In UK, the first vaccinated person was a woman of 90 years. According to @WSJ  , Pfizer made a complex operation to send the vaccines from a plant in Belgium to UK. Till now, all looks fragile. #COVID19Vaccine

My observation: In this case, to be the first people who receive the vaccine is risky because there are not experience in the side effects and the negative consequences

SOURCES: The WSJ, DW and others