Monday, November 30, 2020

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on November 30, 2020 - Joe Biden and the economy


#WR: Some elections from Biden don't look great. @WSJ wrote in "Biden's blind spot" that "The emerging Biden team is heavy on academics and activists but light on market experience." Please, Mr. Biden if want success, you need people with experience in the ground. #Biden #economy
My point: Normally, academics don't have the experience of the ground to solve real economic problems in real time. They need time to test options in the laboratory.
SOURCES: The Wall Street Journal

Saturday, November 28, 2020

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on November 28, 2020 - What about Iranian Nuclear program?


#WR: In what point is the Iranian Nuclear Program? @WSJ wrote “The apparent assassination of a top Iranian #nuclear #scientist near Tehran on Friday shows that Iran’s nuclear program remains a global security problem.” We have to remember that #Iran is enemy of the western world.
My point: Iran is not only enemy of America. Iranian government supports a terrorism organization that my crimes and attacks across the world.
SOURCES: The Wall Street Journal, my own political think tank.

Thursday, November 26, 2020


 Dear Friends:

Happy Thanksgiving for you and your family!

My best wishes like always!

D, Trassens



Wednesday, November 25, 2020

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on November 25, 2020 - Who will take credit of DOW raise to 30,000


#WR: Who will take credit of the DOW raise to 30,000: Trump, Biden or both? @WSJ wrote: “The Dow Jones Industrial Average topped 3000 for the first time. The Dow’s latest milestone signals more companies are beginning to participate in the new bull market…” #DOW30K #Trump #Biden
MY POINT: This new milestone in Wall Street came after the Trump administration gave the okay to start the Transition process to the Biden team. Are the investors and companies happy for the future possible changes, or they are glad that the political crisis is ending? 

SOURCES: The Wall Street Journal, my personal think thank

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on November 24, 2020 - What will be the next act of Mr. Trump?

#WR: What will be the next act of Mr.Trump?@WSJ wrote “President Trump has publicly vowed to keep up the fight to overturn the election. Privately, advisers say, the president has suggested he knows the battle is effectively over..." Will #Trump try to govern through #Twitter?
In my personal opinion, Donald Trump will make more than a conventional fight. He will try to govern through his Tweets. He will try to be the President in the shadows. What do you think?

SOURCES: The Wall Street Journal, my personal political think tank



Monday, November 23, 2020

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on November 23, 2020 - Transition started, but Trump didn't say "I lost"

#WR: The Transition of the government started, but will Mr. Trump say: “I lost”? @WSJ wrote “President Trump said his administration would cooperate with President-elect Joe Biden’s transition to the White House “Will be “a smooth transfer of power”? #TransitionNow #Trump #Biden
After a strong pressure from Democrats and Republican politicians, the transition of government between Trump and Biden started. Nonetheless, all looks like Mr. Trump will continue saying "I win" instead to say "I lost".

SOURCES: The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times

MY WSJ BLOG COMMENTS - November 23, 2020


12,149 COMMENTS 6,886 LIKES

    Domingo Trassens
    • Domingo Trassens

Saturday, November 21, 2020

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on November 21, 2020 - Trump Impossible Mission

#WR: The last mission of Mr. Trump is in a labyrinth without a good end. @WSJ wrote “The recount in Georgia is finished, after workers examined five million ballots by hand, but President Trump still lags Joe Biden by 12,000 votes." Impossible mission! #Election2020results #Trump
SOURCES: The Wall Street Journal


Thursday, November 19, 2020

WORLDRETHINK: Twitter tour on November 19, 2020 - Only Robots will have jobs, if COVID doesn't stop


#WR: If coronavirus surges, US unemployment claims will rise. We cannot expect that companies open new job positions right now. Recent analyses of @WSJ  show that the 1rst beneficiary of the #pandemic is the #technology sector. If #COVID19 continues, only #Robots will find #jobs.
#WR: If the pandemic doesn't end, only robots, drones and automatic systems will have new job opportunities. And the worst, unemployment claims have limits. "U.S. Unemployment Claims Rise Amid Coronavirus Surge " @WSJ

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

MY WSJ BLOG COMMENTS - November 17, 2020

12,136 COMMENTS 6,846 LIKES

    Domingo Trassens
    • Domingo Trassens