Friday, August 21, 2015


Dear Friends:

I would like to share with you some of the comments posted by myself in the WSJ Journal Community about important headlines of the Wall Street Journal from August 14 to August 21.

The comments are about politics, economy, business, social issues, technology and other subjects in the United States, Europe and the world.

As you can see for the RECOMMENDATIONS, the majority of these comments generated a good reaction of other members of the Journal Community.

Domingo Trassens
World Rethink
August 21, 2015


BLOG COMMENTS: 2015/08/14 - 2015/08/21

MY COMMENT: Question: It this the end of Alexis Tsipras in the Greek politics?

Mr. Tsypras likes to play complicated “chess” movements.

Personally, we believe Alexis Tsipras will continue in the government with a stronger position than now. 1 Recommendation 08/20/2015 02:54:40 PM

MY COMMENT: Turkey versus PKK! This is a new confrontation among Turks and Kurds, but it will be not the last. 1 Recommendation 08/20/2015 02:39:02 PM

MY COMMENT: Islamic State is targeting Egypt, but Egypt is not Syria, Iraq or Lebanon.

Egypt is ruled by President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi, a general with resolution and fighting experience. General Al Sisi can become a serious obstacle for the ambitions of ISIS militants. 3 Recommendations 08/20/2015 01:05:29 PM

MY COMMENT: Irony! In China, there is a methodology to determine the richest person of the country. 

According to a new methodology, Wang Jianlin, real-estate businessman, surpassed Jack Ma, founder and chairman of Alibaba.

What about the poorest person? We think it is difficult to determine the poorest of the poor Chinese among millions. 08/20/2015 08:25:47 AM

MY COMMENT: North and South Korea always have border problems for different reasons.

The last incident was days before, when some land mines maimed two South Korea soldiers.

Till now, the exchange of fire looks like a routine incident between both Koreas.

However, the high alert of the North Korean troops is risky. Mr. Kim, the current leader of this country, is unpredictable and his people follow his capricious orders like “androids”.

International observers fear a bigger confrontation. We have to observe if the North Korean provocations continue and the reactions of South Korea. 1 Recommendation 08/20/2015 07:50:18 AM

MY COMMENT: A new beheading, in this case of a Syrian scholar.

Islamic State militants are cruel barbarians, “human-butchers” and bitter enemies of the cultural roots of the Middle-East. 6 Recommendations 08/19/2015 02:25:43 PM

MY COMMENT: This is not an exclusive problem of the airlines of the United States.

For example, in Europe, the employees of Lufthansa have frequent conflicts with the company and the passengers suffer the consequences. 1 Recommendation 08/19/2015 02:18:50 PM

MY COMMENT: As we know, the fall of the sales of PCs declined revenues and reduced profits in recent financial results of the semiconductor maker of Santa Clara, California.

At Intel Developer Forum 2015 (IDF) in San Francisco, this week, Intel is making a huge effort to show that is not only PC chips maker.

Intel CEO Brian Krzanich and his team are showing the unknown face of Intel with presentations of Reality TV Show, Internet of Things, Big Data, Robotics and more…

We have to see, in what way, the effort of the Intel CEO opens new business doors for the technology company in short and long term. 1 Recommendation 08/19/2015 10:41:55 AM

MY COMMENT: The review of the Apple CarPlay looks good, but the testing of this device was made driving a car in the New Jersey Turnpike.

Traveling across small towns and through local hilly roads in the Rocky Mountains, sometimes the digital devices for checking maps don’t give good information during the night in the snowing winters.

I will be interesting to know the results of several tests of the Apple CarPlay in different regions of the country with less communication infrastructure than the New Jersey Turnpike. 1 Recommendation 08/19/2015 09:40:46 AM

MY COMMENT: The people who invest in countries ruled by totalitarian regimes know they are taking serious risks.

In this kind of countries, when the authorities take decisions don't care who can be damaged. They don’t have respect for foreign investors or the own citizens.

Before the devaluation, the economic environment of China was pessimist for more than a quarter.

Everybody who invested in yuan knew the regime could take a drastic decision about its currency without any official warning. 3 Recommendations 08/19/2015 05:32:48 AM

MY COMMENT: The confrontation between Republican and Democrats on Planned Parenthood controversy is growing.

And according to this story, Hillary Clinton is acting like a standard-bearer of the Planned Parenthood. 2 Recommendations 08/18/2015 02:20:18 PM

MY COMMENT: The decision of Wal-Mart to cuts its outlook for the current quarter could be an indication that the retail sales of the season of the return of the school are weak.

Frequently, in this period of the year, the families with children in the school go to the shops and department stores to buy clothes and stuff for the school. 1 Recommendation 08/18/2015 02:06:43 PM

MY COMMENT: During the last few years we learned about a series of Senate hearings with members of Federal Reserve without effective conclusions.

This story says; “U.S. lacks ammo for next economic crisis”. But nobody asks if Janet Yellen – Federal Reserve Chairwoman - is the right “captain” to lead the ship in stormy times.

Ms. Yellen has an extraordinary academic background, but she has not relevant experience in the financial industry. 1 Recommendation 08/18/2015 01:45:47 PM

MY COMMENT: Tianjin explosions demand a serious investigation of experts in the storage of dangerous materials and security procedures.

Probably, the Tianjin explosions are consequences of a new case of corruption. 1 Recommendation 08/18/2015 01:22:41 PM

MY COMMENT: The massive invasion of immigrants of regions affected for civil wars and high levels of poverty continue creating serious problems to the European countries.

In the middle of this drama, the human traffickers who organize the trips of the immigrants make more complex the panorama.

The story asks about the factors that help or block to the immigrants: money, race, religion…

With smugglers and human traffickers is not possible to make a deal. If you have more money probably you will have more possibilities than others. But this is not guaranteed. 1 Recommendations 08/17/2015 03:27:07 PM

MY COMMENT: Every day we learn about more negligent acts of the institutions of the government that hit to the normal people.

Now IRS says the data breach is affecting more than 300,000 accounts. The point is who will repair this damage. Surely, the answer is: Nobody!

Meanwhile, the political circus continues with pork chops, helicopters and the fun like that we saw during the weekend in Iowa. 13 Recommendations 08/17/2015 03:03:33 PM

MY COMMENT: The chemicals found in the port of Tianjin are very dangerous material. Hundreds of tons of toxic sodium cyanide are enough poison to kill thousands of people. 1 Recommendation 08/16/2015 03:19:57 PM

MY COMMENT:  According to the news, the missing Indonesian passenger airplane was making a short flight across the country.

In a 42-minute flight, you can find the death. Terrible end of life!  1 Recommendation 08/16/2015 03:13:51 PM

MY COMMENT: The Brazilian protests are the tears of stupid people who always vote wrong.

Last year, Dilma Rousseff won a second term. And now after her 2nd victory, the people return to the street in big anti government protests.

We have to remember that months before the last year election, also the Brazilians were to the street protesting against Dilma, but in the moment of the elections, she won her second term. 6 Recommendations 08/16/2015 03:11:04 PM

MY COMMENT: The promise of deportation sounds similar to the Guantanamo closure. In times of elections, the candidates promise everything. 1 Recommendation 08/16/2015 02:48:41 PM

MY COMMENT: Islamic State is not regular state. Now, the questions are: Who will stop ISIS in the use of mustard agent? And how ISIS will be stopped?

We cannot deal with terrorists, but we have to fight against them in an effective way. 1 Recommendation 08/15/2015 09:07:48 PM

MY COMMENT: Till now Iowa doesn’t look well for Jeb Bush. 1 Recommendation 08/15/2015 03:40:55 PM

MY COMMENT: We make statistics for all. This story starts with the question: “What’s the cost of bringing up Baby?” and after that it says “The Short Answer: The average household spends $12,940 on an infant.”

Personally, we think $12,940 is only a number. Somebody else can say: $12,800 or $13,000 or more or less… All depends of the social level of the parents and where they live.

The conclusion is that today is very costly to have babies and after that to send the children to the school. For this reason, a lot of couples try to avoid having children. 08/15/2015 03:18:00 PM

MY COMMENT: During the last few years the Mediterranean Sea became a big grave of a lot of immigrants looking for new horizons.

According to the news, today at least 40 migrants died trying to cross the sea from the north of Libya to Italy.

The European leaders talk about the series of boat accidents, but nobody stops the smugglers who organize these trips.

The open question is how many more immigrants will die tomorrow, next week, next months. 2 Recommendations 08/15/2015 02:53:27 PM



1) External Sources: Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Tweeter and PBS NewsHour.

2) Own Sources: My own research for previous publishing projects like TTT of Comlab Corp, Spanish English Club online and others.


Friday, August 14, 2015


Dear Friends:

I would like to share with you some of the comments posted by myself in the WSJ Journal Community about important headlines of the Wall Street Journal from August 7 to August 14.

The comments are about politics, economy, business, social issues, technology and other subjects in the United States, Europe and the world.

As you can see for the RECOMMENDATIONS, the majority of these comments generated a good reaction of other members of the Journal Community.

Domingo Trassens
World Rethink
August 14, 2015


BLOG COMMENTS: 2015/08/07 - 2015/08/14

MY COMMENT: After 70 years of silence, it is a good step from Japan that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is starting to say: Pardon! 1 Recommendation 08/14/2015 08:16:50 AM

MY COMMENT: The 0.3% of growth of the GDP shows the Euro-zone didn’t find the end of the tunnel till now. 08/14/2015 08:04:53 AM

MY COMMENT: We can expect the worst from the Islamic State militants. They have a devilish mentality and they are able to use horrible killing methods.

If somebody sells small atomic bombs in the clandestine market, they will buy these bombs to attack enemy targets. 1 Recommendation 08/14/2015 06:37:35 AM

MY COMMENT: Products like iPad need “ecosystems” around to grow in the business environment.

IBM is working with Apple in the developing of different business applications since a year ago.

Last April, Japan Post Group, IBM and Apple introduced a special “digital package” for elderly based on iPad. 1 Recommendation 08/13/2015 02:15:47 PM

MY COMMENT: Are Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton the only important subjects of the last few days?

The media likes to stir always the same issues. 1 Recommendation 08/13/2015 01:28:03 PM

MY COMMENT: During the last few weeks, different sources comment that Vice President Joe Biden is thinking to run for 2016 presidential election. 

This possible movement shows the Democrats are losing trust in Hillary Clinton and they don’t want to put more “eggs” in basket of Sanders. 08/13/2015 12:39:34 PM

MY COMMENT: We have a lot of problems and the frustration of officials who only talk but they do solve nothing. But in the industrial sector, the Chinese have more problems of us.

Chinese have to learn to solve their problems for themselves if they want to become the first power of the world. 2 Recommendations 08/13/2015 11:23:25 AM

MY COMMENT: Innovation doesn’t imply more income and richness.

How many innovative intellectuals and artists died with hunger and without heat? 

But innovative projects and creative people open new horizons to the humanity in short or long term. 1 Recommendation 08/12/2015 03:33:28 PM

MY COMMENT: The media sometimes makes bad or good statements about executives they don't know.

Before to make a judgment about the new Google CEO Sundar Pichai, we have to observe how he runs the company. 08/12/2015 12:17:29 PM

MY COMMENT: In her way, Hillary is trying to clean her path to the White House.

Nonetheless, maybe it is late because in the controversy of the deleted emails, she lost the respect of a lot of independent observers. 1 Recommendation 08/12/2015 11:56:24 AM

MY COMMENT: President Obama and Xi Jinping met together in different opportunities with few important results.

Now, before a new meeting, some business groups want to press Mr. Obama about the Chinese cyber-attacks.

As we saw for the previous contacts, President Obama doesn’t have the power to change the “plans” of China. 08/12/2015 11:31:44 AM

MY COMMENT: This story says “Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton Keep Their Jabs to Each Other”. 

Jeb Bush versus Hillary Clinton is the ‘formula” that Wall Street Journal and other media are trying to push for the primary.

However, after the first Republican debate and the strong campaign of Sanders from the Democratic side, it is early to say who will be the rivals of the 2016 primary.

A lot of constituents are looking for something different. 1 Recommendation 08/12/2015 10:13:43 AM

MY COMMENT: IBM is very sensitive to health issues. It is trying to put its best technology and resources through IBM Watson for the development of original medical solutions. 08/11/2015 01:42:37 PM

MY COMMENT: Like Sergey and Larry Page wrote in the original founders’ letter 11 years ago, “Google is not a conventional company.”

Now, Google decided to separate its profitable business from projects with uncertain results and new developments.

As part of this restructuring, Google is creating a parent company named “Alphabet” to act as the workshop of the craftsmen for new projects and the lab of special challenges.

Welcome Alphabet! 08/11/2015 01:11:34 PM

MY COMMENT: Bloody anniversary with more casualties! 2 Recommendations 08/10/2015 02:47:43 PM

MY COMMENT: Taliban militants started a new series of bombing attacks to show their power, while the Afghan government was trying to make a peace agreement.

Afghanistan never will go ahead with this gloomy panorama. Only horror and death! 08/10/2015 02:40:01 PM

MY COMMENT: It is sad to think about the deaths of WWII (Japanese and non-Japanese), but it is terrible sad the world didn’t learn the lesson till now. 1 Recommendation 08/09/2015 02:31:22 PM

MY COMMENT: Australia wants to stop the “pacific” invasion of Chinese and other Asians buying houses in this country.

The properties in hands of foreign investors are like “flags” of out countries in the domestic territory. 3 Recommendations 08/09/2015 02:28:01 PM

MY COMMENT: When something is very smart, it is because there are microprocessors and computers behind the “intelligence” (of the houses, cars or tools).

In all the cases, the problems come when the chips fail or the programs have “bugs”.

Personally, I like to watch movies that show smart homes with systems that control everything, but for my home, I prefer to have the control of everything: lighting, temperature, music and security. I don’t want technology acts as my jail guard. 1 Recommendation 08/09/2015 01:53:53 PM

MY COMMENT: 3D Systems and Stratasys posted financial results under previous expectations and immediately the Wall Street investors put bad face.

3D printing is new technology and the investors who want to invest in companies of this sector must have patience. 08/09/2015 01:37:38 PM

MY COMMENT: Washington says that the commander of Iran’s elite overseas military unit Qods Force visited Russian in secret.

After the recent events, it is late to control the movements of the Iranians around the world and their new “businesses” with Russia, China, Europe and Latin America.

As we know, members of European governments are visiting Tehran with commercial goals. 08/09/2015 01:11:38 PM

MY COMMENT: It is good that France deepens its role in MH370 probe. Nonetheless, Malaysia has not to delegate all the efforts of the investigation in the hands of the French. 08/08/2015 03:17:50 PM

MY COMMENT: More bad reports from Afghanistan. Three bombing attacks in Kabul in less than 24 hours…

Taliban militants shake the life of Afghanistan in the way they want. With this frame, any peace talk will be non-sense. 3 Recommendations 08/08/2015 02:43:45 PM

MY COMMENT: After the incident between Donald Trump and the moderator Megyn Kelly in the Cleveland debate, some conservative groups start to react.

This is the first hard stop that suffers Donald Trump since he began his campaign for the Republican nomination.

Now, probably others will point against Mr. Trump. 3 Recommendations 08/08/2015 02:28:21 PM

MY COMMENT: Donald Trump is not conservative and if he continues in the Republican debates, he will unbalance the process of finding the best candidate to represent the party in the 2016 presidential elections. 5 Recommendations 08/07/2015 02:46:29 PM

MY COMMENT: After the first debris from the MH370 was identified, Malaysia says it is willing to expand the search. It is asking for help to Australia and China.

Australia was the first that made a serious effort to find the airplane. China never made an important action.

Like this story remarks, Australia spent 76 million Australian dollars (US$55 million.). Malaysia only spent A$40 million and China didn’t contributed with funds.

It will be good that Malaysia and China expand the search around Réunion Island immediately. The families of the victims – Chinese and non-Chinese – are waiting for answers. 08/07/2015 07:18:56 AM

MY COMMENT: Till now it looks like the others have fear to touch Trump, “The Giant”. But if somebody hits Trump hard, the “David” will be the winner. 4 Recommendations 08/07/2015 05:57:22 AM

MY COMMENT: The position of Sen. Chuck Schumer against the Iran nuclear deal put down all the arguments of President Obama defending the agreement that his administration signed with Iran.

Probably, the opposition of a prominent Democrat like Schumer is the worst slap in his face that received Barack Obama in the last times. 3 Recommendations 08/07/2015 01:48:00 AM



1) External Sources: Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Tweeter and PBS NewsHour.

2) Own Sources: My own research for previous publishing projects like TTT of Comlab Corp, Spanish English Club online and others.

Thursday, August 6, 2015


Dear Friends:

I would like to share with you some of the comments posted by myself in the WSJ Journal Community about important headlines of the Wall Street Journal from July 30 to August 6.

The comments are about politics, economy, business, social issues, technology and other subjects in the United States, Europe and the world.

As you can see for the RECOMMENDATIONS, the majority of these comments generated a good reaction of other members of the Journal Community.

Domingo Trassens
World Rethink
August 6, 2015


BLOG COMMENTS: 2015/07/30 - 2015/08/06

MY COMMENT: Before the first Republican debate, “Die Welt” from Berlin, Germany, posted an article titled “Zeit der Clowns” (Time of Clowns) about Donald Trump, his previous comments and the expectations of international observers about the beginning of the debates.

It also says, if the debates are not serious, the Democrats will gain points in the polls.
1 Recommendation
08/06/2015 11:28:57 AM

MY COMMENT: The confirmation that the part of the wing is from Flight 370 starts a new cycle of the research.

It is normal the families of the victims want more results soon.

Malaysian authorities will have to cooperate with the French in an intensive research of the sea next to Reunion Island. 1 Recommendation 08/05/2015 03:14:01 PM

MY COMMENT: IBM and Apple have a long history of partnership. During a period, the semiconductor unit of IBM produced the microprocessors for the Macintosh computers of Apple. Really, they never were direct rivals.

Last April, Apple, IBM and Japan Post Group introduced a special package for elderly with healthcare and other services over Apple iPad.

In the new program announced today under the name of “Mac At Work” IBM is offering new cloud-based IT services based on the IBM MobileFirst Managed Mobility Services to help the companies to integrate Apple Macs with their enterprise systems and applications of IT infrastructures.

In the current program of integration of the Macs, it is also involved JAMF Software and its Casper Suite solution.
1 Recommendation
08/05/2015 02:53:21 PM

MY COMMENT: The story of Niloofar Rahmani, the first female pilot of Afghanistan remembers us the case of Malala Yousafzai in Pakistan.

Afghanistan lived a long war where a lot of soldiers of U.S. and allies died, but all continue like before.

The militants spread terror in the population and stop the cultural evolution of the country, while the Afghan government looks the events with total impotence.

Taliban is killing the dreams of the Afghans who want to build a modern country with the models of the free world. 2 Recommendations 08/05/2015 12:50:01 PM

MY COMMENT: The story says that migrants from Sudan, Syria, Eritrea and other countries are trying to reach U.K. looking for a new home and life. From the French refugee camp of Calais the migrants want to cross the English Channel.

“Calais Migrant Crisis” is only another sample of the huge humanitarian crisis that is hitting population and business of Europe and the free world.

Days ago, the European press talked about the border that Hungary is building to stop the crossing of migrants from Serbia. Also in Austria, now there are riots in the refugee camps.

Meanwhile, like in the case of Calais, the business of exporters and transportation, and other commercial activities are suffering the financial impact across all Europe. And the leaders don't find an effective solution. 1 Recommendation 08/05/2015 12:03:09 PM

MY COMMENT: The news says that an outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease has killed seven people and sickened more than 80 others in Bronx, New York.

We have panic for the diseases that come from Africa, but the local Legionella pneumophila bacteria also kills people. 1 Recommendation 08/05/2015 10:52:24 AM

MY COMMENT: The news says that BMW reported its quarterly financial results with a decline of 1.1% in net profit and a 20% rise in revenue.

In the current circumstances, these results are reasonable. In China, the competition is high and the economy is in a cycle of uncertainty. And Europe is in bad shape since more than one year. 1 Recommendation 08/04/2015 03:13:43 PM

MY COMMENT: The technology that monitors the activity of the user and tries to send information before it is requested looks great for people who live depending of the machines.

With its proactive action, this kind of software is generating a dependence of the user that is not good for people who like to act according to own brains.

The proactive features work with psychological techniques that manage the mind and the behavior of the people.

From my point of view, the technology has to be our tool. In the opposite side, the “robotization” of our decisions makes us an instrument of technology. 1 Recommendation 08/04/2015 01:35:29 PM

MY COMMENT: The statement that “Epson kills the printer ink cartridge” impacts well as part of a “marketing campaign” to sell a new kind of printers that are more expensive than the standard machines.

And the argument that the new Epson printer can run for two years (or longer) without needing a refill is good in theory.

However, two years is a long period in the technology world. We have to test the printer during two years working permanently before to affirm this is true or false.  1 Recommendation 08/04/2015 12:01:16 PM

MY COMMENT: The news says Australia works in the construction of a fleet of warships as part of a more closely integration with the United States.

This decision shows that the Australians think with the head and they are smart enough to foresee the instability in Asian seas will grow if China continues with its navy expansion.

The important point is Australia is assuming in a practical sense – with new warships – its compromise of defend the interests of the free world in cooperation with the United States.

A strong military position of Australia will be important “barrier” for the Chinese ambitions. 3 Recommendations 08/04/2015 06:24:24 AM

MY COMMENT: The news says that Toyota Motor posted a record quarterly net profit of US$ 5.21 billion and Chinese sales helped in its growth.

These data are not enough to determine a trend. During the last few weeks, China showed signals that its economy is walking slower than previous expectations. The risk of negative fluctuations remains. 08/04/2015 06:05:47 AM

MY COMMENT: The MH370 debris was found in Réunion Island that is a French maritime district.

It is good that France takes the initiative of continuing the case, trying to find the last clues about the mysterious airplane. 4 Recommendations 08/03/2015 03:11:19 PM

MY COMMENT: Australia made a great job in the searching of the debris of MH370 despite they didn't find the debris of the airplane.

Will somebody say: “Thank you, Australia!”?   3 Recommendations 08/03/2015 02:47:09 PM

MY COMMENT: The decision of HSBC of selling its Brazilian business to Banco Bradesco is a new warning about Brazil. The South American country is a huge market but it is also a risky market. 08/03/2015 02:37:37 PM

MY COMMENT: Nobody likes that members of other countries come home asking for changes in the domestic politics.

This is not the first time that John Kerry urges Egypt to move forward with political reform. If he continues making pressure, the Egyptians will close the doors to the U.S. Secretary and they will look for other friends Russia, China…?) 8 Recommendations 08/02/2015 02:55:48 PM

MY COMMENT: If the U.S. government agrees with the extradition request of Zimbabwe, the hunter who killed Cecil the lion will end his life worse than the lion. 08/02/2015 02:43:13 PM

MY COMMENT: The massive invasion of refugees from Africa, Asia and East Europe is ending with the beauty of the European cities and creating huge social problems.

In the beginning of the invasion, a lot of countries tried to help the refugees in different ways.

But now, the resources of the countries are not enough to continue receiving more people.

Nobody finds the way to stop the social tensions among the normal inhabitants of the cities and the invaders. Some analysts fear about the possibility of a new European war.
1 Recommendation
08/02/2015 02:15:45 PM

MY COMMENT: Since Ted Cruz started the series of announcements, a lot of changes happened. Now, there are 17 official candidates in the Republican side.

After the two first debates, we can see if the current poll reflects the real trends. 08/02/2015 01:12:33 PM

MY COMMENT: This story argues that the Iran agreement includes “secret nuclear side deals.”

A lot of agreements related to complex issues among non-friendly parts include secret clauses.

But in the current case, if Congress analyzes all the documentation behind the main agreement, it will find these secret clauses. 08/01/2015 09:13:22 PM

MY COMMENT: In the current times, politics and business have a lot of connections.

Normally, we don’t find a lot of politicians who are patriots. The majority of the politicians in addition to their professions – lawyers, medical doctors, engineers…- are businessmen and businesswomen.

The argument of this story of Joe Queenan titled “Clearly, the Donald Works for Hillary” is possible. Donald is a businessman and Hillary is a businesswoman.

Today for the business people, the ideological principles are in a second level.

In 2008, Donald and Hillary had “transactions” connections that several days ago, Donald Trump recognized in public. Also Mr. Trump said that Hillary is a very smart woman. 2 Recommendations 08/01/2015 08:44:39 PM

MY COMMENT: The case of Chey Tae is an unusual case. He is a rich man with a lot of contacts, friends and lawyers.

Nonetheless, he went to jail and now the SK Group Chairman manages his businesses and his thousands of meetings in prison. His office is a Korean cell jail. 07/31/2015 03:37:01 PM



1) External Sources: Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Tweeter and PBS NewsHour.

2) Own Sources: My own research for previous publishing projects like TTT of Comlab Corp, Spanish English Club online and others.