Tuesday, June 30, 2015


Dear Friends:

I would like to share with you some of the comments posted by myself in the WSJ Journal Community about important headlines of the Wall Street Journal from June 23 to June 30.

The comments are about politics, economy, business, social issues, technology and other subjects in the United States, Europe and the world.

As you can see for the RECOMMENDATIONS, the majority of these comments generated a good reaction of other members of the Journal Community.

Domingo Trassens
World Rethink
June 30, 2015


BLOG COMMENTS: 2015/06/23 - 2015/06/30

MY COMMENT: After a turbulent period since former CEO Carly Fiorina led the Compaq acquisition, now the current CEO Meg Whitman is leading the split of H-P in two companies: HP Inc. (PCs and printers) and Hewlett Enterprise (enterprise tools and solutions).

The technology giant did not work properly selling a big variety of consumer and enterprise products together.

But till now, it is early, to know if the new formula will give the possibility that the two new companies grow well, or this step will be the path to the grave of the enterprise that long time ago the friends Hewlett and Packard started in a small garage of Palo Alto, California. 1 Recommendation 06/30/2015 01:24:25 PM

MY COMMENT: The news comments about the demonstrations in the capital of Armenia against the increase of the cost of the electricity and the relationships of the utility provider with Russia.

We have to hope that the Armenians solve their problems among them, without the intervention of others.

A new civil war like the Ukrainian conflict could complicate the political future of a region with a very bloody past. 1 Recommendation
06/30/2015 12:42:12 PM

MY COMMENT: This story titled “How Global Threats Have Crowded Obama’s Diplomacy Agenda” is a review of the foreign relations agenda of the Obama Administration and the main international events since 2009.

It shows that during the period of the current Administration nearly nothing was settled in the right way because the Obama agenda crashed against a series of events out of control of the American government.

Also the possible nuclear agreement with Iran and the new foreign relations with Cuba are two events that nobody knows what implications will have in the future from a political perspective.

In summary old and new problems remain without solution and the horizon looks gloomy.
2 Recommendations
06/30/2015 06:33:46 AM

MY COMMENT: We see in the photos of the last news that Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and its financial partner till now smile like all runs well. From the other side, we can observe the terrible faces of the elders and poor retirees, who are the first victims of this financial earthquake.

Again when the politicians make promises without foundation, they generate more social problems that solutions. 2 Recommendations 06/29/2015 02:16:40 PM

MY COMMENT: It is not surprise that Puerto Rico is living a serious financial problem. The island, the U.S. commonwealth, saw the decline of its economy long time ago.

But till now always the central government helped it. We have to see how will happen now…2 Recommendations 06/29/2015 01:37:23 PM

MY COMMENT: The bombing attack against the convoy of the Egypt’s top prosecutor Hisham Barakat shows that the terrorists go to any place when the target is to kill a top official and the security measures don’t help.

The "modus operandi" of the terrorists makes difficult to avoid the murder of who receives a death threat of a terror organization. 1 Recommendation 06/29/2015 01:11:15 PM

MY COMMENT: It is evident that the Greek crisis will complicate the situation to everybody.

However, the European Union cannot put down the rules for Greece. After that, it will have to act in the same way to help Spain, Portugal and others.

If all continue like now, the financial chaos would hit the rest of Europe, United States and everyone linked with these countries in businesses.

For this reason, it would be better if the Greeks accept the austerity plan instead of burn European Union flags and make unrest. 1 Recommendation 06/29/2015 10:26:02 AM

MY COMMENT: Elon Musk has a lot of success in his businesses of the Earth, but in his spatial plans, the situation looks complicated.

The explosion of the SpaceX’s Falcon 9 Rocket is the second failure of an entrepreneur with ambitions that climb to sky. 1 Recommendation 06/28/2015 03:35:41 PM

MY COMMENT: Again Iran in the news! The negotiations of the nuclear-deal have a new delay.

The Iranians want to gain the game for the tiredness of the other negotiators. 1 Recommendation 06/28/2015 03:22:55 PM

MY COMMENT: The Greek financial crisis is entering a new more painful cycle. When they don’t have more euros, they will have to deal with “stones” like in the Ancient Times. 4 Recommendations 06/28/2015 02:56:57 PM

MY COMMENT: The Islamic State is the United Nations of Terror. 1 Recommendation 06/28/2015 02:46:48 PM

MY COMMENT: Nothing new! The deadly blasts are part of the life in Baghdad and Kabul. 06/27/2015 04:52:22 PM

MY COMMENT: French President François Hollande has a lot of big problems in his hands now. The U.S. eavesdropping is an annoyance, but nothing more. 06/27/2015 04:36:44 PM

MY COMMENT: This second terrorist attack in short time is killing the tourism industry of Tunisia. Nobody will want to travel there.

Serious problem for the African country and a new warning for the western tourists who make vacations in resorts of the Islamic countries! 1 Recommendation 06/27/2015 04:19:21 PM

MY COMMENT: The story says that the top military officer for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization thinks Russia will consolidate its position on the eastern part of Ukraine.

His opinion is right. The American heavy weapons and tanks across a series of countries of the Eastern Europe give a new justification to President Putin to conduct military operations inside Ukraine.

And this could be the start of a new “cold war”.1 Recommendation 06/26/2015 03:02:40 PM

MY COMMENT: After the Supreme Court statement about the gay marriage, President Obama is happy for second time in the week.

But the country will remain divided for a long period. The 5-4 decision of the Supreme Court doesn’t change the mind of the people who was against the gay marriage before.
1 Recommendation
06/26/2015 02:46:09 PM

MY COMMENT: The new attacks in France, Tunisia and Kuwait are serious alerts that confirm the Islamist terrorism is spreading through different places. The terrorists want to create a massive panic. Cruel way to manipulate the free world! 1 Recommendation 06/26/2015 02:30:56 PM

MY COMMENT: President Obama said the government will not pay ransoms for American hostages, but it will open to advice their families.

The new decision about the Americans kidnapped by terrorist organizations could complicate more the situation…06/25/2015 03:29:43 PM

MY COMMENT: The statement of the U.S. Intelligence Chief James Clapper suggesting that China is behind the OPM breach doesn’t solve the case of the thousands of Social Security numbers stole.

Meanwhile, nobody is talking about initiatives to block new cyber-attacks. Maybe the Chinese are planning something more. 06/25/2015 03:05:59 PM

MY COMMENT: After the 6-3 votes of the U.S. Supreme Court supporting the Affordable Care Act, President Obama smiles… The lobby for the “Yes” worked well. 3 Recommendations 06/25/2015 02:34:56 PM

MY COMMENT: Bobby Jindal, Welcome to the Republican parade! Everybody has the right to look for the nomination, but only one will be nominated. By the way, this Republican campaign will stressful.

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal is the son of Indian immigrants. His professional and political backgrounds are strong. He is Catholic like Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio and Santorum. 7 Recommendations 06/24/2015 02:12:57 PM



1) External Sources: Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Tweeter and PBS NewsHour.

2) Own Sources: My own research for previous publishing projects like TTT of Comlab Corp, Spanish English Club online and others.

Website: http://world-rethink.blogspot.de/

Tuesday, June 23, 2015


Dear Friends:

I would like to share with you some of the comments posted by myself in the WSJ Journal Community about important headlines of the Wall Street Journal from June 17 to June 23.

The comments are about politics, economy, business, social issues, technology and other subjects in the United States, Europe and the world.

As you can see for the RECOMMENDATIONS, the majority of these comments generated a good reaction of other members of the Journal Community.

Domingo Trassens
World Rethink
June 23, 2015


BLOG COMMENTS: 2015/06/17 - 2015/06/23

MY COMMENT: The European tour of Defense Secretary Ash Carter comes with tanks and military equipment.

Since the beginning of the Crimea crisis, this is the first time that the United States is deploying military equipment across 6 European countries that were part of the Iron Curtain.

At least now, the Russians see a military reaction from the Obama administration. We have to observe if Moscow sends its tanks to the Russian frontier. A new chess match has started.

Some observers think this initiative will make more difficult the relationships between Washington and Moscow. 2 Recommendations 06/23/2015 02:33:34 PM

MY COMMENT: The call of South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley to remove the Confederate Flag looks like a right decision to avoid new controversies after the Charleston killing.

Former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney and other politicians asked for the removal of the Confederate Flag. 1 Recommendation 06/23/2015 09:25:53 AM

MY COMMENT: The news says:European leaders keep pushing ahead with their effort to build a vibrant digital marketplace, and, well, it would be better if they didn’t.”

In other words, the EU authorities continue fighting to confront American companies like Amazon, Google, Facebook and Microsoft with better European options, but because they don’t have success, they express their frustration through more and more regulations. 1 Recommendation 06/23/2015 09:17:05 AM

MY COMMENT: Hillary has huge machinery behind her working for the 2016 president election since she was Secretary of State.

Nobody of the other candidates started their campaign earlier than Hillary. Meanwhile, she really created a “holy” environment with the message: “I am the next U.S. President!”

We have to see what will happen when the official debates for the Republican nomination start.

Before 2008, nobody could think Barack Obama will defy Hillary Clinton, wife of Bill Clinton, former First Lady… 2 Recommendations 06/23/2015 09:03:27 AM

MY COMMENT: Greece has to say “Thank you” to Europe for the long patience of Jean-Claude Juncker, Angela Merkel and French President Hollande. 1 Recommendation 06/22/2015 3:18:36 PM

MY COMMENT: The cables inform about the Taliban attack to the Afghan Parliament in Kabul that generated panic in the middle of the Afghan centers of power.

We have to remark that Afghanistan was another unfinished job of U.S. and its allies due to the retreat of the troops before the complete defeat of the Taliban militants. 1 Recommendation 06/22/2015 03:13:12 PM

MY COMMENT: The news comments about a poll after Jeb Bush announced officially that he is looking for the Republican nomination.

The current trends with Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio in the top of the polls shows the Republicans are thinking in candidates who can block the ambitions of Hillary Clinton to win with the votes of the Latinos and the middle class.  1 Recommendation 06/22/2015 02:23:23 PM

MY COMMENT: Working mothers are first of all mothers. Big or small jobs don’t have to kill their role of mothers.

It is good if a working mother can perform a big job, but she never has to forget that at home her children are waiting with smiles and sometimes tears, always anxious to see their mom.

Children who grow with the love and the daily teaching of good parents (dad + mom) become good adults, good new parents and good citizens.

We are living a terrible HOME CRISIS and we see the consequences in cases like the Charleston killing.

By the way, days ago, in Rome, Italy, a lot of normal people were to the street to demonstrate in defense of the “natural family” (dad, mom and children). An European newspaper commented the about this demonstration under the title: “Offensive of the Traditionalism”. 2 Recommendations 06/21/2015 03:17:01 PM

MY COMMENT: Ted Cruz’s father tries to help his son in the campaign for the 2016 president voting. He is a Christian pastor.

But in this opportunity there is more than one candidate who appeals to the Christian voters. The Bible cannot help to everybody to win the election. 1 Recommendation 06/21/2015 02:55:19 PM

MY COMMENT: While the police are searching in any corner of New York State, maybe the escaped killers are in Mexico or Canada with a new identity.

Both criminals look smarter than the woman who helped them to escape from jail. 1 Recommendation 06/21/2015 02:41:01 PM

MY COMMENT: After the Charleston shooting, the reopening of the Church for Sunday services showed the power of the community trying to surpass the tragedy with an attitude of love and strength of mind.

This is the best answer to the intolerance against other human beings with different skin but with a heart like everyone.

We must share the pray for the victims of the massive killing. 4 Recommendations 06/21/2015 02:13:32 PM

MY COMMENT: Brazilian officials arrest corporate magnates for the scandal of the state-run oil company Petrobras, but they didn’t arrest to the corrupt politicians involved in this scandal.

Probably, they don’t touch the politicians because according to the rumors the boss of the dirty business is the own Brazilian President. 1 Recommendation 06/20/2015 04:48:45 PM

MY COMMENT: Again the Kurds look for their independence. Kurdistan as an independent state can be a “barrier” against the expansion of the Islamic State, but the Obama administration didn’t show interest to help the Kurds as Kurds. It only supports them through the Iraq government and the Iraqis don’t want the independence of Kurdistan.

From the other side, despite the recent political victory in Turkey, the central government of this country will block their independence. This case is very complicated. 1 Recommendation 06/20/2015 03:40:35 PM

MY COMMENT: Like everybody, the Pope can express his point of view about climate change, but he is not an expert in this issue to suggest specific solutions. 2 Recommendations 06/20/2015 03:22:31 PM

MY COMMENT: This story comments that China is designing a new high-speed railway for Russia.

The economic sanctions against Russia are giving important business opportunities to China.

The German newspaper Die Welt says that till now the cost of the Russian crisis for Europe is 100 billion of euros. 3 Recommendations 06/19/2015 01:31:33 PM

MY COMMENT: In times of war and chaos, the countries need an iron man ruling the country with strong hand. Frequently, some observers point against these leaders and they say: “This is a dictatorship.”

We have to differentiate the good and bad iron leaders and stop to categorize as dictator to who is making the best for his country.

From my point of view, this is the case of Egyptian President Fattah Al Sisi. If General Sisi makes the best for Egypt and fights hard against the terrorism: Welcome President Sisi! 1 Recommendation 06/19/2015 01:19:00 PM

MY COMMENT: When we more hear about the Charleston Church killing, we realize that the suspect criminal acted like a wild beast with a high racial hate. It is strange that nobody before had paid attention about his dangerous attitude. 1 Recommendation 06/19/2015 09:59:00 AM

MY COMMENT: The news says that the EU Commission criticizes the “anti-migrant fence” of Hungary.

The drama of the refugees is very serious. However, the massive immigration of people from Asia and Africa forces to take different initiatives because the majority of the European countries cannot afford the wave of human beings who are looking for a new place to live. 1 Recommendation 06/18/2015 03:17:53 PM

MY COMMENT: Without a plan of economic growth, it is not possible to generate resources for a social system. 06/18/2015 02:59:38 PM

MY COMMENT: The departure of the former Nokia CEO Stephen Elop is the “end” of a chapter that produced a lot of frustration across the Microsoft’s corridors.

From now, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella has his hands free to manage the Nokia’s package in the way that he considers better for the future of the technology company.
2 Recommendations
06/17/2015 01:22:40 PM

MY COMMENT: Don’t cry Greece! You found what you were looking for. 4 Recommendations 06/17/2015 01:07:52 PM

MY COMMENT: The statement “Let Dad Be Dad” is great.

The children need a Mom and a Dad to grow healthy in the physical, emotional and intellectual ways. It looks like something obvious, but we the adults frequently complicate the obvious things of the life. 12 Recommendations 06/17/2015 10:52:04 AM



1) External Sources: Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Tweeter and PBS NewsHour.

2) Own Sources: My own research for previous publishing projects like TTT of Comlab Corp, Spanish English Club online and others.

Website: http://world-rethink.blogspot.de/

Tuesday, June 16, 2015


Dear Friends:

I would like to share with you some of the comments posted by myself in the WSJ Journal Community about important headlines of the Wall Street Journal from June 9 to June 16.

The comments are about politics, economy, business, social issues, technology and other subjects in the United States, Europe and the world.

As you can see for the RECOMMENDATIONS, the majority of these comments generated a good reaction of other members of the Journal Community.

Domingo Trassens
World Rethink
June 16, 2015


BLOG COMMENTS: 2015/06/09 - 2015/06/16

MY COMMENT: Some people don’t like Jeb Bush for his family name. Others criticize his ideas. In general, we don’t hear criticism about his tenure of Florida Governor.

The others who try to find “spots” in the Jeb’s curriculum, they don’t find big “spots”, perhaps some details. (By the way, there is not a perfect human being in the planet…)

Previously to the announcement of his candidacy, Jeb made an extensive study of the political environment, also traveling to Europe and speaking with German Chancellor Angela Merkel… Really, his preparation to enter into the “race” was extensive and dedicated.

Before continuing making guesses about his possible future as U.S. president, we have to look his campaign against other Republicans. And if he wins this contest, we have to observe with clinical eyes his attitude in front of Hillary or the Democrat candidate. 1 Recommendation 06/16/2015 07:25:47 AM

MY COMMENT: The news says that a U.S. air-strike in Yemen killed Nasser al-Wuhayshi, second in command of Al Qaeda.

During the last few years, drones, air-strikes and command operations killed a series of top terrorist leaders including Osama bin Laden. However, Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups continue their devilish work.

Probably, the death of Nasser al-Wuhayshi is a big blow, but we cannot sleep peaceful because every time that one dies, ten or more are in line to cover the vacancy. 1 Recommendation 06/16/2015 06:51:03 AM

MY COMMENT: Pope Francis is not a monarch of the Italian palaces. He is not a cynical Machiavelli or a magical alchemist dealing with devils and wizards. He is a humble shepherd with strong ethical principles.

And he wants to put the Catholic Church in the place that Jesus wanted to see according to his sermons to the first Christians. 1 Recommendation 06/15/2015 11:04:51 AM

MY COMMENT: During his years in charge of the White House, President Obama always showed serious difficulties to negotiate with politicians and leaders of other countries who are against his initiatives and/or plans.

Now again, President Obama is showing his weakness to deal because House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi says: No!

In a democracy, a president who is not a good negotiator cannot rule the country in an effective way. 4 Recommendations 06/15/2015 10:37:09 AM

MY COMMENT: The transfer of detainees from Guantanamo to Arab countries is risky due to the political unstable conditions of these countries.  1 Recommendation 06/14/2015 03:53:38 PM

MY COMMENT: The decision to move heavy weaponry to Poland has to be evaluated by military experts. It has a series of costs and in the modern wars there are other “tools” to persuade the enemy that any attack will answer with strong attitude.

Independently of the recommendations of the military experts, NATO has to implement emergency plans to react immediately if one or more of its members are threatened by Russia or other country or a terrorist organization. 1 Recommendation 06/14/2015 01:54:33 PM

MY COMMENT: The news says that the robotic probe that landed on Philae Comet is sending signals to the Earth after months of silence. This is really good!

These signals confirm that the robotic probe is not dead and also show that sometimes the robots don’t act like the humans expect. In other words, the interruption of signals from the robotic probe didn’t imply the end of the contact with the Earth.

It would be good if the probe sends other data to the researchers of the European Space Agency for the analysis. 06/14/2015 01:06:38 PM

MY COMMENT: The shadow of the cyber hackers is shaking the German Parliament. The situation looks very confused.

We have to remember that during the Cold War, Germany was one of the gates of the spies between the West and the East. 06/13/2015 11:34:30 PM

MY COMMENT: The Greeks were looking for the default… When somebody complains without putting the own effort to go out a crisis, the worst comes. 1 Recommendation 06/13/2015 11:21:54 PM

MY COMMENT: We can contain China only if we act smarter than the Chinese. But in recent years, the Chinese acted smarter than us. 1 Recommendation 06/13/2015 11:20:46 PM

MY COMMENT: A country with serious economic and financial problems has to be very careful in the way it manages its retirement package and the payment of the public employees. The generosity of the government with money from others always breaks the system.

The rest of Europe and the IMF don’t have to pay privileges that the Greeks have like the retirement of the men at age 61.9 and women at 60.3. 1 Recommendation 06/12/2015 03:35:49 PM

MY COMMENT: This story says the Obama’s strategy is “to give a basic training course of between two and four weeks to the Iraqi troops and Sunni tribesmen.”

If this is the “plan”, it will not change the current situation. A basic training to fire with an AK-47 will not lift the low “moral” of the Iraqi troops.

From my point of view, the White House continues losing time and energy. 1 Recommendation 06/12/2015 02:22:46 PM

MY COMMENT: The efforts of German Chancellor Angela Merkel to solve the Greece crisis are huge, but the Greeks don’t help. Really, they are gambling like irresponsible teenagers.

Ms. Merkel knows the complete fall of Greece will generate serious damages to the EU. 1 Recommendation 06/12/2015 01:58:57 PM

MY COMMENT: It would be good that President Obama comes to Congress with more frequency to talk with the lawmakers.

He only goes to the Capitol to make pressure in one or another direction. 06/12/2015 01:18:50 PM

MY COMMENT: This is the reaction of the Spaniards tired of the corruption of the Popular Party that today is ruling the country.

When the citizens don’t see solution to the normal problems of the population and feel the bad government practices of the ruler, they react voting for something different. This happens everywhere. 1 Recommendation 06/12/2015 12:49:29 PM

MY COMMENT: The statement of Ukrainian President Poroshenko: “We’re Making Steady Progress in Ukraine, Despite Putin” is something positive. But it is not enough to guarantee that Ukraine will solve its sovereignty problems.

In the current circumstances, the Ukrainians have to assume that they lost Crimea because today an invasion of this peninsula without NATO support is near impossible.

The political and military targets have to be the defense of Eastern Ukraine. 2 Recommendations 06/11/2015 03:23:00 PM

MY COMMENT: The shake that the Turkish President Erdogan received in the last elections was strong. However his party –AKP- remains as the largest party in Parliament.

The Turkish people are changing their political attitude in a gradual democratic process. This is an advance in a good direction. 1 Recommendation 06/11/2015 03:01:36 PM

MY COMMENT: The news says the Chinese former security chief Zhou Yongkang was sentenced to life prison, “convicted of bribery, abuse of power and leaking state secrets”.

In China, when a top official falls for a crime, the punishment is hard. Maybe, other countries of the world have to use similar criteria to punish corrupt officials. This initiative could be a start step for cleaning the high corruption that we find everywhere. 1 Recommendation 06/11/2015 02:44:28 PM

MY COMMENT: Ana Botín, the chairwoman of Banco Santander, has a strong international experience in the banking business. However, if she wants to rethink her father’s legacy, she has to move carefully.

We saw cases where the children killed the businesses of their families due to the excessive changes they made. 1 Recommendation 06/11/2015 02:29:49 PM

MY COMMENT: The initiative of Pope Francis to order the establishment of a special court to try bishops related with cases of sex abuse is an important step of an authority of the Catholic Church. Never before, a Pope tried to punish high members of the institution.

The mission is very difficult. Probably, his order will be resisted for some sectors of the Church. 1 Recommendation 06/10/2015 02:56:57 PM

MY COMMENT: The news says “Obama Administration Readies Big Push on Climate Change”.

It looks like the rush of the White House to implement the control of the greenhouse-gas emissions in the next months is because President Obama wants to travel to Paris next December with the “climate change homework” finished.

Probably, Barack Obama expects to receive an award for his effort on the United Nations summit on climate change. 2 Recommendations 06/10/2015 02:29:45 PM


You see the trip of Jeb Bush to Germany with American eyes, but you have to see this trip with German eyes.

Jeb Bush talked to the Germans in Berlin. And it is truth that in Germany, George H. W. Bush has better reputation than the brother of Jeb. Why?

1) George H. W. Bush helped to the Germany unification and he had very good connection with conservative politicians like Helmut Kohn who was the German Chancellor in his time.

2) George W. Bush had differences with Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder due to the Iraq war. Schroeder is SPD (social democratic).

Jeb Bush in his speech to the Germans was smart because he knows that Germany population is 50% conservative and 50% left-wing. Nobody is against George H. W. Bush, but there are Germans who didn’t like the pressure of George W. Bush for the Iraq war and the differences with Mr. Schroeder. 06/10/2015 01:50:50 PM

MY COMMENT: This initiative could mark the beginning of the end of the foreign deposits in the Swiss banks. 1 Recommendation 06/09/2015 03:09:15 PM

MY COMMENT: The improvement of the profitability is a common argument of the big companies and banks when they want to cut job positions and reduce the payroll. 1 Recommendation 06/09/2015 02:30:59 PM



1) External Sources: Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Tweeter and PBS NewsHour.

2) Own Sources: My own research for previous publishing projects like TTT of Comlab Corp, Spanish English Club online and others.